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VIP Member
Just reported the bathroom ones. I think Instagram have taken them down because I can’t see them anymore.

I always report pictures of children if even there is a small amount of nudity, Instagram are actually really good at taking them down.
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Someone had dared to comment on him being alone after his procedure and the kids jumping on the new sofa.

Wow, those fan girls swoop in fast to defend their idols and bat away any hint of criticism without the oD’s even having to answer themselves.
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Yes, ‘decorating’ is not ‘renovating’.They May have painted and had some new floors put in but that’s still not renovating. When someone says they’re doing renovations, I imagine walls being knocked down and taking entire rooms down to the plaster. As far as I’m aware, they’ve done none of that. All the hard work was done before the OD’s moved in.
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It also included criticism in the comments of how Kim K Pays a “poor surrogate” to carry her babies now so that she doesn’t gain weight. Which, Kim K fan or not, is slanderous and provably untrue. The reasons for surrogacy have been so publicly shared, it was really cruel to women with fertility issues for Clemmie to say that
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Remember when he mocked the spelling of a sign in that bathroom at Costa, I was blocked for commenting- For a lot of people working in the service industry English is their second language so it’s not particularly nice to mock someone just trying to do their job
He’s a complete prat with no real experience of anything other than a pampered toffy lifestyle
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Ah a new ad for John Lewis. At least it is transparent and doesn't involve her children. But did you guys notice she mentions having a big bust A LOT?
Yes. 😴

She wears a large bra size but her boobs aren’t that large, it’s her back that’s large.
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Chatty Member
“Who wants to know where we went” poll was probably to approach little voyager and say “30,000 people want to know” and then probably the swipe has been set up as an affiliate so they can track the click thru. There will be free holidays off the back of this. Or commission for every hun who books up.

Share the time out photo was the same barrel scraping cunt move as sharing the whatsapp messages. Just shows he’s an arsehole or an idiot or both
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Chatty Member
Presumably their management team have advised they do a more 'real' holiday this time? Am fully confident that their next holiday will be full on, boutique glamour though, in order to appease Clemmie.
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Could you imagine the Mumsnet outrage?! However I do think her comment was tongue in cheek and not to be taken seriously. Simon is hardly going to read her post, then kick himself in the (now defunct) balls, thinking that he’s been tricked against his will.
I agree with this. I think it was a poorly judged joke. And if she’s given birth to four kids, a vasectomy is the least he can manage.
However, I do not wish to see the OD’s ‘raising awareness’ or ‘opening up a conversation’ around it. Is nothing they do private?
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VIP Member
NO WAY, GUYS!!!! It’s happened...
View attachment 23130
She won’t need to ask sheep for advice on washing machines, flooring and decorating!!! Bless her, knew she’d get there in the end.
Love it😁. It’ll be a whole new world , not having to ask for recommendations on holidays in exotic locations <snigger>
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Let's hope she hasn't googled the Guardian today. From an article touching on social media....... "I’ve often thought, while rustling through celebrity magazines in the hairdressers, that there should be a law against parading your kids as part of the “family firm”. Turning children into saleable commodities before they can toddle is surely a breach of their basic human rights, while profiting from such initiatives should be a crime. "

...... am guessing that's because she isn't getting paid for it any more. #thisisabusinessyouknow
Also regarding bubblesitting baby app that she is so keen to point out she did an ad on, was back when she was shadily hiding all her ads and collaborations, so no one knew it was an ad. She’s also ignoring the fact that her account is based on duping and influencing and Candice is literally ‘I am here to make money off you, if you don’t like it f*** off’. So the reach is completely different.
On a side note, I’m astounded with the amount Simon’s home alone, she’s on holiday and Gigi is there that they need 2 regular babysitters. Are they ever with there kids other than the photos?
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Active member
Everything is for sale. Vasectomies, Father’s Day cards, their dog (btw not seen pablo in a while?!?!). I’m sure their daughter’s periods, sex talks, first kisses, etc will all be covered on the gram too
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I could sort of understand a recap, and deciding to share your overall experience, but to story it all is just so crass and reality star.
They are both needy and attention seeking , it wouldn’t have occurred to them to keep it private.

They think they’re trailblazers for things the rest of the population have been getting on with ( without fuss or a need for validation) for years.
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IKEA kitchen not posh enough? I can’t imagine ripping out such a new kitchen, even if it wasn’t to my taste. It’s such a waste of money and materials. The couple who had done the redesign did such a good job, especially the little integrated dog bed!

However I think it was a mistake to sell off some of the garden, as the garden they are left with now isn’t very big compared to the size of the house. Just a bit out of proportion.

I wrote at the same time as you, Franny! I bet we’re right about IKEA!
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How funny, 15 mins after I post her smug story, she posts a photo of him and how he makes them laugh. No reference to how he’s given up everything to move where she wants, supports her every whim and is basically the main carer for those kids, and it’s not like a normal set up where she’s hard at work and he’s doing his bit. She’s literally just having a laugh.
She works one day a week. The rest she’s on freebie events, breaks, holidays that she deems to be work, and then at weekends she’s at events and away with the friends. My kids would hate it if one parent was so disinterested in them and the time they are at home.
There’ll be a love bomb day soon.
If it was FOD, the fans would be in uproar at his selfish behaviour.
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