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I think MOD is trying to normalise talking about periods. I get that. Periods shouldn’t provoke a “ewwww” response. However in my circle “ewww” stopped being a normal response when we were about 17. Maybe FOD is so immature she’s trying to normalise periods for him, you know because he has four daughters... in case the world didn’t know.
They have four daughters? Never knew that. They’ve never mentioned that 😂😉 I know someone with 6 daughters and they’ve never made a big song and dance about it 😂
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had to quickly check I hadn’t made a typo and accused you of being cynical 😊
I assumed all her midwifery stuff was on her other account, which I hadn’t bothered to look at, I didn’t know she had cut down her MW hours - not that it makes her any less of a MW for the women she cares for.
I’m aware you were reigning in your cynicism, I’m just stating that my viewpoint isn’t cynical. Of course her reduction in hours makes her less of a midwife. She’s not hands on, on the job, there’s no continuity of care, she’s not in the community. She literally does the bare minimum to keep her registration and so she can trot out the I’m an nhs midwife usp. She stated a number of times she’s ‘working’ on holiday, reviewing holidays etc.
The engagement on her post will be fantastic. The most scary (financially attractive) thing about these influencers is their reach and power because followers feel they know them and stick up for them etc. To you she’s brave and selfless, to the business she’s calculated and clever.
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I wonder what her colleagues must think? They must know ‘who’ she is. I can’t imagine she has many work friends, she certainly doesn’t talk about them, and isn’t seen socialising with them. They probably don’t pull in enough punters for her.

Some of them will be working long shift patterns (to pick up what she doesn’t) balancing childcare and homes and partners, and she swans in 1 day (a week?!) and clocks off to film a big bucks Reno ([emoji1785]) whilst popping to sainbos and offloading her kids, and not forgetting the use of the NHS to advertise her tacky jewellery. Wonder how many colleagues she empowered with a freebie...

Can’t go down terribly well.
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Good on her, I say. I respect her for doing this. She must have know the response she would receive and fair play to her for posting it anyway. She didn’t have to post, it would’ve been much easier to take a neutral stance or say nothing at all.
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He’s dyslexic don’t forget. And MOD. And in fact nearly all instagrammers....
remember the adhd gaff. He’s completely out of touch.
And the time he referred to one of the twins as being “special”, speech marks and all…

Saw this on IG today - a surgeon using his position and workplace to run an IG ad…

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Chatty Member
She has a distressing tendency to dress like Ali G's girlfriend. The brassy bling, the duvet jackets and clumpy, white trainers. Just, why???
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They live in Ramsgate about 10 mins from me. Their house was my old doctors surgery and is very identifiable no mistaking those floor tiles.
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If MOD reads here, please do something potentially useful, go check out Mrs Hinch, she's posting a lot of stuff she's got for her baby with swipe up ebay links, some of it looks mass produced in China, eg the swaddle blanket, so may not conform to any safety standards for sleeping newborns. She's got a lot of followers lapping up her every word, leaving their common sense at the door.

ps, the hairdressing thing FOD posted was just weird, very weird.
Well we know she is reading, that's for sure. And this is, in effect, what Influencers do; they require you to leave your common sense at the door. So Mrs Hinch is flogging crap to her followers while Clemmie is promoting guilt in people who can't afford her extravagant lifestyle. As bad as each other.
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It’s literally just trying to be relatable to her USP midwife, nhs worker, normal gal. Hey I’m so great I talk about bodies etc. Wearing white trousers on a 12 hour drive in France seems random regardless of irregular cycles.
She’s a very odd woman.

She’s mid 30s and is still carrying on like a teenager.

Who the fuck wears white jeans to travel in?! 🙄🙈
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I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they had agents managing their accounts, writing their scripts and planning their next moves. They lack any authenticity, any spontaneity, any warmth..... they really could be bots.
When I look at today's really powerful, strong women, women like Jacinda Ardern, I wonder what she would say about women supporting women by monetising their children...... in fact, I am going to tweet her and ask #heyparentsleavethemkidsalone
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When Period Poverty is such a big issue lately, it's a bit insulting to women who cant even afford sanitary wear that she thinks its do eye rolling "oh look at me, how silly I am" stories about it.

*Yellow Daisies* post of the day 👍.
This is so true....I worked in a school where a girl in yr 5 used to come to school stinking of fags but mom couldn't "afford" sanitary towels for her...we had a cubbord in the staff room where she could help herself it was tragic to say the least 🤨
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I’m not sure those who are annoyed about her clumsy use of ‘as a midwife’ actually read the rest of the sentence? perhaps because they were already rolling their eyes in assumption. But in this instance, she wasn’t using it to qualify her opinion, it was to make a point about her job being care without judgement, regardless of circumstance.
Her IG is intrinsically linked to her job; frankly, I would find it more offensive if she hadn’t spoken up on this topic. And despite all the other incredibly tedious and annoying everyday antics, she’s been brave to stand up and be counted.
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Thing is, when she was flogging her book, I never saw photos of her in hospital on hospital time surrounded by books or whatever.

This new photo is a photo she says was taken “halfway through a busy shift” and she’s in her work uniform and clearly at her place of work (whilst on the nhs pay clock) and she has utilised all that for the purpose of trying to flog her jewellery line. That’s very different to how she has promoted her book in the past. I think this warrants a complaint and a request for clarification about what this Trusts policy is on using nhs property (clothes and building) to promote a jewellery line.
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They’ve threatened legal action? Wtf do they think they are? 🤣 They’ve pimped out their kids and sold every second of their lives to the highest bidder but threaten legal action if anyone dares to comment on it? Absolutely laughable.
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My husband had to have a repair op for a hernia a few years ago and it was on the day I had tickets for a gig. I didn’t go. I’d have felt bad about leaving him at home while I went out and enjoyed myself.
That's because you're normal!! My husband never moans about anything but he was really bruised after his vasectomy (liked he been kicked in the nuts...his words!) and I wouldn't have dreamed of leaving him to look after the kids the next day....I would feel awful if he'd have done something that may have made the healing worse. We decided he'd have it done as a couple and so I'd be there for him. They appear to be such an odd couple
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My god. Do you think his operation was an AD? Or gifted? Hence him going into detail about it....
It’s done by the NHS I assume so I wouldn’t have thought it was gifted etc. I guess he thought that there might be some men out there that are nervous about getting it done and if he talked about it being a simple and quick procedure it might help someone. For once I think he handled it okay without acting like a prize prat and acting all stupid.
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