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I could totally fabricate my answer here, which although is tempting for the wind up factor (🤣) I'm safely tucked away up in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, the most unlike holiday destination of the week, with my best mate lives and who I have not seen in 14 yrs!
Yeah yeah yeah Newcastle-upon-Tanzania 🐒 🦁 🐘 🦒 😂
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They could keep the bog roll in the pink drawer? Also just noticed that the cistern appears to be built into a plastered wall? With a small access hatch? Fuck THAT the amount of aggro I’ve had with various loos over the years breaking down. Enjoy smashing up the wall to get to the root of the problem when it invariably goes kaput.
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I just simply don’t understand who on earth they thought they were appealing to and inspiring by ad tagging and showing off that bathroom (and kitchen and other bathroom etc etc). Only seriously wealthy people can drop £25k+ on an EN-SUITE bathroom, and seriously wealthy people aren’t following her for inspo tips. How long can your average follower put up with and enjoy continually admiring decor that is outrageously beyond their reach? It doesn’t make sense to me who they were trying to reach? Were they (and I mean mod really) just well and truly showing off or just not caring as long as they got the money?
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Forcing your two kids to stand in front of a camera and do as they’re told is so fucking weird, I can’t comprehend it, thinking about the most successfully monetised family / lives in the world & even the Kardashians aren’t doing this shit. He’s like a pageant mom he’s so fucking ghastly.

Happy 1st Feb guys, we’re now 2.x months into sponcon drought (bathroom doesn’t count) 😂
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Just listened to some of that Podcast mentioned above. FOD says he probably has a closer relationship with all four girls than their Mum, probably because he’s a soft-touch, brings them to/from school and because he works from home is around much more than she is - she’s off working/doing her shift.

Thought that was interesting, I’d be hurt if I were Clemmie.
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Probably because we’ve been calling him a thicko who can’t spell let alone write well so he felt the need to show us how much mummy and daddy spent on his education. What a waste.
Yes! Throughout my working life I’ve been surrounded by wealthy privately educated folk. I have to conclude that, more often than not, their parents should be looking for a full refund from that private school because, other than the chip it placed on that kids shoulder, they were, on the whole, thick as pig Shit!
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That tile place is still deleting comments and blocking anyone that has anything negative to say about the SOD’s. How pathetic, and just shows that they are ashamed of their shady conduct 🙄
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I said this on the last thread bit I assume there were tax implications for all involved and they needed to complete the contract (is shoring off the gifted stuff) within the tax year. Hence it being done very randomly before 31 Jan apropos of nothing else related on his feed.

I’m now predicting a valentines return for Clemmie. Tagged on to love as a theme. Love Si for support love people who’ve reached out blah blah.
I'm not convinced she's coming back. Too many have seen through her/them. Who can take her seriously or consider her sincere? Too much negativity and an oh I'm so sorry and have learnt my lesson post would be laughed at because it was clear she was only sorry to have got caught. Instagram isn't the platform for her to return to. She has no Insta clique to back her up. Looking back through FOD's posts he was often declaring his love for her and where was she? Calling him a grade A twat online.
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FOD posted a slow mo clip of the tyre swing banging his head. In the split seconds before it hits his head you can see he’s bracing for it, so no it wasn’t unexpected, it’s clearly a set up. #fakenews
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Thank you. The more that do it the better. No way would this kind of behaviour be allowed on tv and printed ads, why should we let it go for online content?
Funnily looks as if the government are thinking more and more about this, they’re asking marketing / digital professionals to answer some questions on this, I nearly shared the link w the forum but it’s all to do with display & retargeting rather than social or influencer content. But hopefully it’s only a matter of time before they start considering this, too.

To get an ad to clear on TV is SO difficult, even if you’re not being misleading you need bullet proof evidence for each and every claim made. Yet you can play games on Instagram, it’s obscene. These influencer brand relationships likely have greater reach than a lot of TV slots these days, and are likely a similar budget, so should be put under the same scrutiny. It should be made clear how long the influencer has had the product / what rate they received it for / was additional compensation involved. Very clear and to the point.

What winds me up most tbh is reading how a record number of young women (24-35) have entered IVAs this year and it continues to grow rapidly. This is ultimately the legacy of this shit, selling people falsehoods on what lifestyle you should be leading or what you can have too~ pushes women into debt. And their audience are largely going to be younger women with kids, how do they sleep at night? At least they’ve got marble tiles though!
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I've just been blocked for asking him to stop being such a colossal cringe :ROFLMAO:

I honestly don't think he'll stop this onslaught of embarrassment until his followers total zero. He's just trying to throw shit and hope something sticks and it's mortifying to watch :oops:
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So I listened to the podcast...

"I'm heavily outnumbered by vaginas but that's okay" wtf.

"Parenthood is a journey of mistakes..." Going to be the next philosopher?

"I probably have a closer relationship to my girls than Clemmie." Seriously? To all of them? I hardly believe that and even if it was true..he should be more respectful to Clemmie and not boast about it.

Then he was talking about how well M can flirt (unintentionally). It was awkward. I am sure they discussed questions/topics before the podcast was recorded. He could've talked about how successful Marnie is at sports or whatever. But he has to talk about his girls getting boyfriends soon and their flirting skills? Right.... Twat
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It seems that when certain Instagrammers are called out on their behaviour on here they lose all sense of perspective and start referencing Tattle and making sly digs via IG (*cough Mrs Meldrum *cough). Am I the only one who finds this absolutely pathetic?! Who lives their life to respond to criticism by strangers on the internet? It’s a situation that they themselves have created by being a bell end and it always escalates. It’s a telling sign that his arse is squeaking about his career going down the pan and he thinks it’s all Tattle’s fault.
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I bet he's now doing TikTok, hence those nauseating things he's doing #ifyouknowyouknow , cos he's got to be so down with the kids dontchaknow ...Sly, that boat's long sailed!'re coming across as desperate and unhinged
I’m loving the Partridge references on the past thread. He’s so desperate that he’s now equally Richard Madeley and Alan Partridge. AND I AM LOVING IT 🤣
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I unfollowed and haven’t looked for a while but, my god, what’s he up to? He seems deranged, the kids seem miserable, he looks 59 and the house is a bit creepy
I think you’ve just completed the thread tbh 😂 nothing else needs to be said

The kids aren’t that jolly are they. I wonder if it’s because they have to endure multiple iterations of the same “sketches” they can’t keep the energy up? Or cos they’re being bossed about and “directed”? Pretty sure those blue peter tortoises they put in the box for half the year had better workers rights tbh
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New content for FOD - cue twin outing to the NHM😜
agreed with @dragonsden62 & this, tonight we’ll be treated to a story of him reading an encyclopaedia to the girls bemoaning Clem for never spending time with them, much less reading, then tripping over the eldest’s pile of books, and maybe tomorrow we’ll see his #gifted kindle touching the filthy train trays on his 4 hour commute. Those kids have been raised in a v consumerist household I refuse to believe that won’t impact their values growing up, which is very sad as shown by the sponcon drought such habits are not sustainable!

Just read the podcast comments and fucking good on the women in the comments! The bar for men is set so fucking low, Sly is a cringe performative ally for cash who hasn’t bother to educate himself on any women’s issues at all else he’d know what utter misogynistic shit he oozes & in turn perpetuates himself. Projecting flirting onto a fucking child is perverse. We are all growing and unlearning how we were socialised so I am not expecting perfection, nor the perfect socialist dad, but fuck me these huns will truly take anything. They must be in unhappy relationships with truly trash men to see him as anything near progressive.
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