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Oh that answers my question then. I asked why she was even there by herself, why would he allow that?

Yes, I think he feels guilty that because their relationship was falling apart that's why she was there alone and potentially responsible for this. If they were in a better place relationship wise then he would have been there with her no doubt.
Their relationship fell apart a decade prior. He wrote about it in his book for sale on Amazon.

He stated they were in a state of mutual loathing.

This is so typical of narcissist abusive relationships. It's called "I hate you don't leave me".

The reason she stayed a decade ago was his near death & health issues. Stereotypical narc playbook hoover.

Victims are emotionally blackmailed/guilted.

She wasn't a weakling. The manipulations "discombobulate" victims so they become puppets. Even lawyers and psychiatrists have been victims of these relationships. (Real life stories Podcast - Narc Apocalypse)

She was hiking alone because she had to get away or be broken.

She was also hiking alone because he didn't care about her.

Worse still, he drove her to push herself beyond her comfort zone while hiking. She posted about that.

Her food issues are due to his belittling.

She was actually always alone.

Btw Saatchi fits the profile too thus hands around Nigella's neck.
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Explaining the cancellation of their wedding DC wrote in his memoir published in June 2020:

“what was supposed to be a chance to rediscover our love of one another did, at times, seem to have transformed into a festering pit of mutual loathing”.

Also, describing the aftermath of getting into debt: “It was around this time that any last traces of romance slipped away from us. We clung on to the belief that we still loved each other, but beneath all the animosity, it was hard.”

Excerpts published in the Times

How any man, while continuing in a relationship, can write that kind of stuff about a woman and expect things to improve is beyond me.

Either this is severe codependency or masochism.

In The Times article LBT really should have read DC's book before announcing this:

"Matthew Searle of LBT, said: “As I understand it there were no problems in the relationship at all.”

That makes LBT look stupid.
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Giggling Squid

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If she was found in an inaccessible cave/crevice that was not near the path she was intending to take, does this not strongly point to suicide? Perhaps she chose a quiet beautiful place to end her life. In those sub zero temperatures one could go to sleep and be pretty sure hypothermia would take them.
I think it’s much more likely to point to a tragic accident

Perhaps she wasn’t making as much progress as she thought so tried to find a short cut, and got stuck

Perhaps she fell, and tried to find shelter. Even a small stumble, especially when carrying a heavy bag can make you fall, and the momentum is hard to stop.

Whatever happened, I lean much more towards tragic accident that led to her succumbing to hypothermia than her committing suicide
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Chatty Member
What about when they were initially looking for her and her partner wouldnt walk with the search teams, preferring to go alone. What about if he took opportunity to destroy evidence. Should they of arrested him on suspicion
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Whenever I watch interviews like this I always think it’s strange. I would have to be sedated if anyone in my family went missing, appealing would be the last thing I would ever do.
I guess if you felt it would help find your missing loved one then you would find the inner strength to do it in the hope it might help find them. Hopefully none of us will find ourselves in that situation to find out. I can relate to a degree though....when my mum died, my son was only 2 and everyone said how strong I was being but I was only doing it for my son because he needed me, when he went to bed, I fell to pieces so I guess it’s that similar inner strength to control your emotions to do what needs to be done?
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Esther's story is reminding me a lot of Joanna Yeates. I think it's the time of year and also that they look a little similar.

These cases constantly amaze me, that the smallest detail can become evidence of the truth- like Jo Yeates and the pizza. So I just hope that more is being done behind the scenes, and that maybe there are some small but significant 'pizza details' being kept from the public for now.

The silence is unnerving though.
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Even if it was a tragic accident, it seems Esther was trying to gently extricate herself from the relationship over time - probably extending her hiking trips to gather her courage, build her confidence (self esteem at rock bottom no doubt) to finally do it and hoping at the same time it would get him used to her not being around. Working out the steps to unpick their intertwined finances, livelihoods etc in the face of resistance from the other person without triggering their temper. And however it happened - that plan of action has one way or another led to her death. That bright, beautiful woman. And now that guy gets to speak for her memory and tell everyone who she was. Honestly my heart breaks for her.

In these situations you just have to pack a bag and fucking run. Don’t worry if he threatens to hurt himself, or says he’ll track you down and you’ll regret it. Just run. There but for the grace of god go so many of us.
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What’s happened to super sleuth Johara? He/she seemed to have all the answers
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New member
From what I can see Esther looked like a girl full of life and was close with her family so I really doubt she would go off alone imo , the family have put out a statement saying that it is now a criminal investigation, so these highly trained professional believe somebody else caused this young woman’s disappearance
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Agent Krycek

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The one thing I struggle with re the boyfriend is he mentioned they spoke every single day. However their last contact was the 22nd November according to newspapers and he didn't report her missing at all until the 24th November. Everything I've read suggests if she made it to the refuge she was trying to reach, the signal would have been fine to send a message.

As a partner, if my boyfriend was up hiking alone and I didn't hear from him one day when we had been communicating regularly, I wouldn't even give it a night. I would be reporting that straight away.

I also notice he talks about her in the past tense a lot. Could be a coincidence but...

This was where he first publicly talks about her in the past tense. It was just a few days after she went missing and although he corrects himself and carries on talking, he seems to be trying hard not to smirk, and is very calm and matter of fact about the fact she is missing. Although I suppose the calmness could be numbness, and the smirking could be trying not to cry? If the police have really ruled him definitively out then we are completely barking up the wrong tree with our armchair analysis of his behaviour and it was either a tragic accident or suicide.
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This case has me hooked. I did some reading of the posts uploaded on Facebook by Esther Nov 19th 10:19. - It talks about her experience of how she was doubting herself but makes it then it goes to talk about the mystery man she met she had the option of staying in this great cabin or going down and hitching a ride .. I just found this part of the sentence weird. " he'd take me with er up the valley. " .

I noticed it is the only typo in the message, reading it I first read **with her** and not with me*

I don't know why but this feeling is telling me she never wrote this, I think Dan is involved somehow.
(clutching at straws I know but my mind gets carried away lol)
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Men often move on quickly, I’ve seen it happen a lot on Instagram after women have shared their cancer journey and sadly died.
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I can smell a book deal. I can smell Ian Huntley. I really hope I can smell an arrest for murder. He threw himself into it. There are some that do that.
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Came for the comments

Chatty Member
Great thread I’m enjoying reading, I know she was spotted by someone but I’ve convinced myself he killed her somewhere else and posted those pictures himself on her phone I hope I’m wrong and she’s ok but like most ppl I really don’t trust / like or take to him at all
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The French cops have always stated that E & D's relationship was not good.

They know more than we do.

I'd say Dan's first big error was to attack the cops for stating that.

A. R. R. O. G. A. N. C. E.
In Dan's world view he owns the narrative not the inferior cops.

That's why he rejected joining the official search party in 2020.

And why he had to "outsmart" them by 'finding the body'.

He is 'above' them. He was 'above Esther'. He's a full on narc.

Healthy people do not behave with such arrogance.
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Agent Krycek

Active member
Just been perminately banned from websleuths because I keep saying the boyfriend did it. What is the point of the website if we can’t get to the truth?
I remember the Joanna Yeates threads where they were absolutely brutal to her boyfriend on WS - who of course turned out to be completely innocent. So I can kind of see why they have that policy now. What is it that has you convinced that the boyfriend did it in Esther's case? There is certainly something very off with his behaviour and heavy handed attempts to control the narrative. You make a very good point about him leaving it 6 days before raising the alarm. If my partner was walking in the mountains by themselves (even in the height of summer), if I hadn't heard from them in 6 hours, let alone 6 days I would getting very concerned, and after 24 hours I would 100% raise the alarm without hesitation!
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Sounds right in this case. The first time I thought something odd when I watched the Wadham College video. He was so quick to say they had been a 'couple' ever since meeting at Wadham. So quick, so anxious to get that in - to stake his claim almost.
If he started to feel anxious about being abandoned then it would be necessary to remove any possibility of being abandoned - even to the extreme of removing the person who might do the abandoning.

Again we must go back to his book. Writing about loathing her. Animosity. All traces of romance died etc.

I think the police figured it out from his book. Inhouse profilers had an easy job.

I've had an encounter with a personality disordered man. It was terrifying and that's why I'm so interested in this topic.

They emotionally blackmail you into feeling sorry for them all while they spew venom.

This is why ED stayed. It's called Stockholm Syndrome.

They only choose strong women. We can see ED was strong. But women have a huge Achilles heel. The moment women see inside the man there is a motherless little boy who needs love, women's hearts soften way too much.

It's the maternal instinct.

Unfortunately once the woman's maternal instinct is hooked she becomes "the mother" no longer the girlfriend.

In my opinion in 2013 the wedding was cancelled because he no longer had a need to ensure she stayed with him. He'd almost died and she was devoted to him then like a mother.

The pattern with PD is they try rush you up the aisle or get you pregnant to ensure you stay.

ED was hooked by his near death in 2013.

And now he wanted them to stop travelling and stay home. Lockdown must have been hell for her.

Thus her FB posts about needing to clear her head.

My hypothesis - opinion only - is that he left his phone in Arreau, used cash to catch a bus or other transport, got to the Luchon area in about 60 minutes, and met her at the top.

He hiked up from the French side. She from the Spanish side.

The reason she hiked up Pic de Sauvegarde so late in the day - which is not what experienced hikers like herself usually do - was because he'd asked her to meet him.

The reason she hiked up the identical peak was because he asked her to.

He then disposed of her somewhere in the mountain, took her pack and returned home at night.

It only takes an hour to get from Luchon to Arreau.

The French opened a criminal investigation because Luchon is a location of interest.
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Chatty Member
I wonder if they suspect hes done something and are making him sweat. He'll make a mistake soon as he wont be able to carry on. Psychopathic behaviour. I feel so compelled to follow this story but equally devastated for poor Esther and her family.
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Someone was spotted in her campervan days after she disappeared, apparently sleeping, but Spanish police say "yea that was one of our forensic officers". Having a nap?

OK then
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