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I hope DC is innocent and he may well be. But the police have never declared that. They have always used carefully worded phrases regarding him such a movements are accounted for. They have to carefully squeeze out the truth by letting him feel relatively safe. They just allow snippets out to unsettle him and hope he will reveal truth by actions taken in panic. That is how it comes across to me. Everything they’ve revealed has been carefully calculated in terms timing. Always snippets that may disturb the perpetrator

I agree, but the Police apparently have all the information on his cell/laptop/cc and are STILL not treating him as a suspect, allowing him to roam all over the mountains ! They clearly think he's innocent.
Well I think he was allowed to roam in order that he would lead them to the body. It was their only chance. He had to feel safe enough to roam. They can’t treat him openly as a suspect until they have decent evidence and they cant get that till the body is revealed. They knew he’d come up with the body.

Well that’s what I’d do if I were them. I’d let him feel ok but release certain things via media to unsettle him. Certain bits of info which would make him react and worry. The constant drip of pressure will force him to make an error eventually or crumble. If he is guilty then he’ll be under enormous pressure carrying it on his own.
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Agent Krycek

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I don't think he murdered her, but I think he knows that the state of their relationship and the way things were between them were directly responsible for her being out there on her own in winter with inadequate footwear and perhaps not taking as much care as she would have normally done if she was in a better state of mind. That's why he is so over the top having to proclaim their perfect 'soul-mate' love. There would be no need to do that if it were true - he does protest too much I think! And now that he knows that Esther is unable to refute his claims, of course he can say whatever he likes now. I think the final phone call was not a happy one which is why its contents weren't made public in The Dossier when all of her other private messages were. But of course he can now say it was all about how much she loved him etc.

Another reason why I don't think he did it, is his statement in the dossier seems like parts of it were written as a message directly to her - he thought it was possible that she had left him and wanted her to come back. So he talks about how she always does the right thing, references the ups and downs of their relationship etc.

In short I don't think he murdered her, but I also think they weren't together anymore, and he did not deal with that well. But now he doesn't have to deal with it, as no-one can prove that what he says is not the reality of the situation.
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Yes I agree that a lot of people on this thread have come over from websleuthes because it is so heavily moderated and you're unable to discuss DC's potential involvement over there.

People over on WS are really invested and it's a different style of writing/posting, it's as if they are really invested in trying to solve the case by digging out facts etc. I think that's maybe where the difference and confusion has come from

I'm interested in everyone's opinion
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Chatty Member
Not much new in there, it looks to me like he's saying "it's got nothing to do with me, someone else has done it". Just as an aside, if someone had managed to "take her away" they've still got to do something with her so that she is not found, I'm no expert ;) but I doubt it's that easy plus how many "types" like this go hiking looking for victims and in the evening. We never seem to hear directly from her family.
I really struggle with the idea of a stranger murder/abduction in Esther's case. I can't imagine the top of a mountain is a particularly common place, like you say, to go looking for someone to bump off :unsure:
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He doesnt look shocked or even traumatised.
People deal with these things differently. He has managed to get it together emotionally in order to do the best he can to find her.

Part of that is raising public awareness, another part is physically searching by himself.

He has done everything he can to find her. I suspect if he just stayed silent and at home, leaving the search to the 'professionals', then he would be criticised for that too.
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This is on fb
He's raising money for a charity - Sightsavers who she seems to have raised money for before

Bit weird it's through go fund me and I'd have concerns that the money is going to him rather than the charity but that's just me being cautious tbh
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I find it especially suspicious that he’s ‘found’ her shortly after that bone turned up. I’d guess at this stage he wasn’t expecting that to happen so now he’s had to either tamper with her more, or he thinks ‘finding’ her will stop people being suspicious of him.
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I guess it is still possible for this to be an accident even though he may not have been a good partner.

What really concerns me is all the thanks she gives him in her facebook posts, giving the impression that without him she would not be able to do the hike. This happens on so many posts. Yet he never does the same in return.

The video when they are together talking about mountain rescue and he is talking over her, not to mention that she has to move to get back in the shot as it appears he only cares about having himself in the shot.

Then you have the books which are solely written by him, even if it was him that put the words onto paper, well laptop, she still should have been given equal credit.

I don't think her looks are relevant, she is a definite 10, and he was punching well above his weight, but I don't think her looks are the reason he thought he may lose her.

That he so vehemently denied any problems in their relationship is telling. When someone goes missing it is imperative you give all information, warts and all. I can remember reading a case about a child who was abducted in the USA, one of the first things the father told the police was that he was having an affair. This enabled the police to get on with the job in hand instead of wasting precious time by finding out he's having an affair and coming to the conclusion he is untrustworthy.
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Isn't it a coincidence that Dan found the body and equipment, when the SAR teams could not? Sounds fishy to me. Those 3 missing days and Esthers' phone will hold all the clues to whether this was a tragic accident or a pre-planned murder of a woman trying to get away from a control freak. I still shiver at the "mutual loathing" comment Dan used. Did Esther end the relationship and was trying to find a way out, but Dan found her before she could get away? Awaiting the forensic investigations......
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Some great questions from a mountaineering expert on WS. Thanks O.

"Why mention that she doesn't know whether there is a Winter room?.. If she intended to go there in late November.. she would know whether there is a Winter room.

Why mention that there is no wifi for the next three days when that was not true.

Why was it stated (by Dan) that she was well-equipped with excellent footwear when she was wearing worn out old shoes?

Why hike a rugged slope in worn out shoes when she had crampons in her pack?

Why insist (Dan) that she hiked directly into France when she said she was hiking to Port de la Glere and might dip into France?"

Bracketed bits added by me.
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I remember the Jo Yeates case so well. One of those cases that really gets to you.. just like this one. I do think the silence is meaningful in that it means they are developing some line of enquiry. I’d guess the silence has been imposed on the Esther and Dan social media too. I find it interesting to read comments on their Facebook page.
I’m still thinking this wasn’t a mountain accident. I still think it’s a major coincidence that they had bbc publicity just before she went missing. I still think that the timeline maybe incorrect if someone had got hold of her phone. The only thing that stops me thinking she disappeared earlier is that sighting by Vigo, the Spanish skier.
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I know I am likely reading too much into this. However, found it interesting the wording on Esthers location in this snippet in The Times isn’t something like ‘her last known whereabouts’, ‘her last point of contact’ or something neutral that doesn’t mention the boyfriend. The press often know more than they are letting on.

let’s hope they can confirm the identity soon as it will be of some small comfort to her family (as surely never knowing is the worst).

also, virtually impossible to secure any sort of conviction without a body so this means a far greater chance of finding & convicting whoever did this. Rest In Peace Esther.


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All my comments are based on investigation of her and his books, poems, blog stories, in one blog she writes of the arguments in the motorhome where they have to apologise to the neighbouring motorhome owners for the shouting the previous day. All my speculations are based on what I have read from her and him. She had a link to Aspergers website that was named something like ‘unexpectedly autistic’. I think that was subsequently removed when DC cleaned up his and Her facebooks and his Instagram. To just show specific pictures but no access to posts or likes etc, ....he changed the social shopfronts of her life, post-disappearance,.. looks like a control thing, but that’s just my conclusion !, ha . Sorry this is a bit quick, but getting late here,... you can all read it yourself,.. the blog stories are long and there a loads of Utubes to watch also, which provide a lot of interesting inside,.....then you will see her behaviour and the autistics traits yourself,.. just look and investigated yourself, isn’t that what we are supposed to be doing anyway, not just believe what others say, use your own initiative and drawnyour own conclusions. Enough for today 😁 happy investigations.
Still doesn’t prove she’s in a women’s refuge??
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I wonder what was Dan's reaction to Esther saying, "taking a break" from their relationship. They had built up a website, published books, etc, I'm beginning to wonder if Dan panicked about the media ever finding out about their "relationship woes". Also, it worries me is Dan's own words from his book, “what was supposed to be a chance to rediscover our love of one another did, at times, seem to have transformed into a festering pit of mutual loathing”. Something tells me that phone evidence or text messages from Esther have not been revealed or disclosed to the public. My own view is that "SOMETHING IS OFF" and I can't quite put my finger on it. I truly am hoping Esther is alive and went incognito to avoid Dan and to quietly slip away into a French town or somewhere to start to build a new life away from Dan.
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It says in that report she was found in a natural cave. Why didnt the police look there, also why would you have the boyfriend look for her in the first place. He shouldnt be there.
Yes I don’t understand the fact the boyfriend was able to search for her. From what I read it said he knew the routes she took so why didn’t he pass on this information? I thought in any crime scene you couldn’t go back to it in case you contaminated any evidence etc? It’s all very strange.
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is there a possibility he knew he needed to 'find her' so that if forensics placed his DNA at the scene, he could reasonably explain why it was there?

Also because malignant narcs do 2 trademark things:

1. Stage the body
2. Control the crime scene
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just seen this...
Where to start?
On their facebook page Dan said " Now that this is a formal police investigation I've been asked to let any future updates and comments come out via formal channels, which makes complete sense to me. "
So what has changed that he has now given some sort of interview to the DM and no mention of it on LBT Global.

I'm going to ignore that a lot of it is about him, how he feels, etc and leave that to others (with more expertise in the matter) to explore.

Where, then, is the 23 page dossier that " he hopes will help uncover what happened", it's not going to do much if it is secret!

He says " But the more we travelled, the less the physical adventures mattered as much as the fact we were DOING IT TOGETHER and living in the moment. " I don't buy the "doing our own thing" type of argument in the sense of her going out alone. It's not as if she went on a "girls weekend". She had been away 4 weeks, abandoned her duty of housesitting and leaving it to Dan, not very teamwork that. IMO all was not well.

He says his research has 3 possibilites: an accident, that Esther went missing on purpose, or that someone else harmed her; then later he completely discounts that she went missing on purpose.

He is determined that she isn't on the mountain and since he discounted the "on purpose" theory that only leaves 3rd party involvement, is he trying to tell us something?

He said: “I’d be focused on the task of searching, then the reality of why I was in the mountains would hit me and my legs would literally buckle.” So he is up there on his own (remember he didn't want to walk with the rescuers) and then collapses, no exactly ideal whilst another search and resuce is going on.

As he walked the trail he spotted hunters and fears Esther may have come into contact with an armed stranger. So he is saying that whilst the SAR were involved hunters were also up there? during lockdown, covid and a rescue attempt. I am not really pro hunting but I doubt they bump into you and shoot you! ah yes and leave no blood, no trace.

The comment from her mother looks like the old original one, so her mother and father aren't saying anything!

The last texts/messages

looks very contradictory to me. Previously the last "conversation" was from the pic ( "Esther specified her route from the summit we spoke on" from the LBT media release) now it appears that some texts were sent from the pic and then they "spoke" 35 minutes later around 16:00 which is the time we have previously been told she was at the pic. Sounds like the story is evolving to me.

Esther was supposed to be an experience hiker yet she is alleged to have sent " Hoping Refuge Venasque has a winter room. Keep you posted when can. Love you xxx ". She could have checked this on their site before setting off, I don't call that "experienced"

Dan claims the refuge has no sign in book, their site says it has but in any case how does he know the SAR didn't take it away?

He never mentions any phone battery problem!

And just to recap, where is this dossier?

maybe Dan's waiting to see what's said before altering "said dossier"
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I don't think you can have the same watsapp account active on two different numbers. It always asks you to close one, so the old device says 'no longer registered'. At least that's what has always happened for me. I suppose there is a way around it?

Personally I don't think he has anything to do with her disappearance. I'll agree he does come across a bit awkwardly on camera, the long blinking/talking with eyes shut doesn't help but I doubt that's a new thing and I don't think he's particularly sinister.

I'm still not overly concerned about the way he writes in the book. Mainly because when me and my other half went through a rough patch a few years ago, had I written a book, I may have worded things similarly. We loathed each other, there was no love left etc. Yet here we are still married - and happily. Relationships have peaks and troughs.

I don't think them travelling is anything sinister like him deliberately trying to get her away. They made a decision together to try and make themselves happier, after life dealt them a rough deal. She's been very open about being diagnosed with anxiety and depression. GAD can be a stand alone diagnosis without PTSD, however I can see how she may suffer from PTSD given the circumstances that Dan nearly died in.

With regard to the house sitting review, is that the photo of the person underneath the review? If so, it isn't her account surely? Doubt she'd use a fake photo.

I haven't really seen anything that suggests he's anything other than an educated, articulate but slightly anxious man, shoved into a situation he doesn't know how to deal with. I understand why some consider him suspicious but for me, that threshold isn't met.
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Chatty Member
@AriaAria I totally agree. He seems very narcissistic which seems a big warning sign. Also, same re his own search - I’m surprised they let him do that, what if he was hiding or moving the body etc? There’s just something very suspicious about him.
I agree, I can’t believe they’d let him search alone and I can’t believe even more that he’d want to? Like let’s just say she did have an accident, image how traumatized you’d be finding the body alone. I think he’s involved.
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If I were LB Trust, what would concern me the most in today’s coverage is references to Esther as an ‘experienced’ hiker. Especially in headlines, it speaks volumes. So if it were me, I would spend the next few days, starting this morning, discrediting this. Yes she did a lot of hiking but what about decisions x, y, z. Why didn’t she do this, have that equipment etc. And if news articles were not accepting comments or heavily moderating I would look for other platforms to try to course correct the messaging 🤷‍♀️
Experienced is an extremely broad term, I agree. I would say I am an "experienced hiker." However I would never in a million years climb a mountain range alone in November in a foreign country. Had she climbed that particular range before? Did she have the appropriate equipment required for such a journey?

Terms are used so broadly in the media. Like the phrase her body was found close to where her skull had been found 2 weeks earlier. What is close? Is it 2 metres away? 50? 100? Saying it was found "close" undoubtedly has led to speculation that it is not an accident as close would imply they should have checked the area previously. Just like, as you state, saying she is experienced leads to more questions than answers.

I do think it is slightly odd that her boyfriend is the one who found her. Especially if she was "close by." Surely the authorities should have found her if she was that close??
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