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Eek those poems sound like they were written from her perspective as if he knew exactly what he was doing to her :(
Yep. This is the parasite part of the disorder. It blows the mind that some people "feed" off others' pain.

We just have to accept this is how they operate. But... it's vomit-inducing.

It's as though malignant narcs are venomous spiders. Eeking out poison bit by bit so as not to kill the victim (fly) outright (psychologically or other).
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You are getting at a major undercurrent in the "remains have been found" event, by explicitly asking whether Dan got to the remains, handled them somehow, and then "found" them later. Dan is a very narcissistic kind of guy. If he did this, the most likely reason, In my opinion, is that he didn't want the world to see poor Esther had committed suicide: foremost because it would give the lie to the lalaland fantasy he has been trying to manipulate people into believing that the relationship was great and Esther was happy. To those many who pay attention to the gulf between what he says, what he does, and how he comes across, it is easy to conclude that Esther killed herself because of him, because he kept haranguing her, because he's a pathological narcissist and impossible to be around, because he destroyed her at the core. Many possibilities. But suicide for Esther would not fit with Dan's branding at all. So, he finds she has killed herself and destroys the evidence. Perhaps there were pills, perhaps other evidence. He might even have given the remains an extra shove, which resulted in their being in a more inaccessible location.
This is what I believe happened, from everything I see before my eyes, as well as paying attention to how police poke holes in his narrative. I believe Esther killed herself, Dan found the remains earlier, and did some rearranging to conceal a suicide. All an artificial construct. All for his branding.

I assume the police asked him earlier not to traipse around—they were royally ticked that he did so, plus he contaminated the entire search area—but the police made clear that he had decided he was going to do it anyway.
As the police pointed out, it was very strange that the skull fragment turned up suddenly in plain sight right next to the trail. They make very clear it wasn't there shortly before.

Yes. Absolutely that case. The Cody woman has no empathy, very much like the Esther guy who expresses no empathy for Esther, just how "sad" he is that she is no longer. Imagine being merely "sad" after more than half a life with a partner. And he feels oh, so sorry, for himself. I believe the Cody woman got 30 years.
I don't believe in the suicide notion. Not to say I'm right but I firmly don't think it happened.

1. If you off yourself do you throw your belongings around and disappear a tent and other items they still haven't found?

2. Narcissistic collapse - this is a jargon term for the "near death" experience of a narcissist psychologically when their partner threatens to leave or leaves. Esther had left. She was supposed to return after a 3 day hike but kept postponing.

The wound this creates in the narcissist is so severe that they could commit suicide. Their false identity collapses when rejected. They need a new partner asap or they transition to major depression and often substance abuse.

The inner crisis is so brutal that it motivates some narcissists to kill. They say never tell a narc you are leaving because you might die.

3. She told Laura she was probably going to leave him. Her actions matched those words without finalising the deed. She was busy trying to get self sufficient.
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The guy that gave her a lift has come forward though, and wasn’t he a man in his late 60’s who had his grandson with him when the lift took place? That doesn’t mean he didn’t have sinister intentions towards her, but his identity is known. Do you mean there was someone else she encountered around that time that the police haven’t investigated?

If DC wasn’t in fact involved what are the reasons behind his bizarre behaviour since Esther went missing? Is he actually an innocent man with an odd persona grieving his ‘soul-mate’ and whose reputation is unfairly being tarnished?
That was a different guy, not the mystery hiker who gave her a lift back down
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He thought there would be a lot less signal than there was in a specific area because Esther had said she was in an area with bad signal. She was. The Spanish side has no signal except for the Peak. The French side has no signal until a point about half an hour's walk below the refuge where she was expected to spend the night. There is absolutely no evidence that Esther had claimed a poor signal on other occasions in order to fob him off, or that that was happening on this occasion. So when you said "We know from Mr. Colegate that the claims of a bad signal were often not true ..." you were saying something that wasn't true. You made it up.

That's important because Esther can't tell her own story. If you think you can tell her story for her, you should tell the truth about what you know.
No, I didn't ever specify that Esther said it, that is my speculation, I think she was fobbing him off and still do, I have explained my position in multiple posts which I am not going to repeat because it's all there, if you don't like that then tough.
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Yes, plus it lies about how happy they are. I think it was produced by Colegate PR lol.

In the later BBC podcast the interviewer asks Dan: "Tell us why YOU asked for this interview."

Seems we can all ask the BBC for interviews.
Yes, that's very interesting indeed, considering when the interview took place I simply don't believe that he was happy that she left right at that time - clearly he was trying to build his profile by working to get this interview.
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I'm not sure where but I'm pretty sure I read he had come forward and been eliminated from enquiries.

To be honest there is not much to take you through really, it's so far fetched a theory.
Not sure how they can eliminate this guy knowing what we know now. Unless he has an alibi for the 22nd and possibly 23rd nov
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Time to revisit "I think I can see you".

She posted it publicly once and texted him the same phrase shortly before vanishing.

Her cell signal stopped at Pic de Sauvegarde.
Tracking dogs found no scent of her beyond Pic de Sauvegarde.

Her bones were found near Pic de Glere.

Cell signal is actually good between Pic de Sauvegarde & Pic de la Glere.

Why no pings over 72hrs?

Why no dog scenting of her towards Pic de la Glere?
I'm pretty sure she is referring to the very good visibility as she says right after "Maybe I can see you!! Such a clear day!!".... BUT how close exactly was he? The media reports 100miles away, but not sure that is all that accurate. Has anyone found the address of the farm house DC was staying at and looked at the actual distance? Before saying "maybe I can see you" she mentions Pic Aneto and Bagneres Luchon suggesting these are the furthest points she can see
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Really good points there. The video doesnt make sense, especially as it was only for 90secs (1.5mins) seems like a check in like you say. Though I think I read somewhere that she had a phone charger with her with battery life (?)

Re the crampons comment, even if she was not overly cautious, the fact she had her crampons with her but was not using them in the area she fell even though experts say this part of the mountain is treachurous. Surely if you had them with you, you would wear them on a dangerous part, and it may be assumed this was sometime after 4pm. Pic de la Glere is approx 2km(?) from sauvegaurde... so how long would that take to walk? Potentially approx 1hr meaning she would have got there around 5pm. Would it be dark then at the end of November?

Just googled. Sun sets at 17.04 in Paris on 21st November, so I assume she would not have planned to head back to the caban south of Sauveguard as she would have known she wouldn't make it on time with light fading (she had a map with her). she must have planned to sleep somewhere else, I.e. she was walking with/in the presence of someone else
Or walking to them?

Left field idea provoked by your posts... perhaps he video called her to verify her location & show her HE was at Porte de la Glere?

He could have been anywhere but knowing the dynamics most likely it was "here's the romantic reconciliation carrot. Come get it". A la Spider to the Fly.

And that motivated her to head there that same evening?

"I tried but I had to turn back. I wasnt able to go over the col with the equipment I had, even with the microspikes I had. The snow was just too deep" instagram post 17th Nov. This tells me she was cautious, she could assess risk and avoid it rather than try it. Bearing this in mind, makes no sense why she was up at pic de la Glere. If she was up pic Sauvegard at 4pm, what time would it have taken her to get from there to Pic Glere? Would be interesting to know what sort of time it would have been?
Here's the thing.

We know Dan kept pushing her past her hiking boundaries. She told us this in her Facebook posts.

She was a responsible person, confirmed by mother & friends.

But he'd given her the false idea she should do reckless things.

WE get confused because we look at things on the surface. He harrassed her several times 48hrs prior... and she'd commented on needing to push herself when she reappeared after 24hr social media silence.

She didn't know if she was Arthur or Marthur in these final days. It's extremely sad.
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I believe this was before her body was found.
There are still many items missing.

The Sun's list is faulty as they did subsequently find her phone. But it's not just the tent that's missing.

I wish they'd put out an updated list.

All of her clothes, her pack, her tent, her walking poles, her phone ... in fact everything she had with her was missing because her body had not yet been found when that article was written!

No they don't. At the time that article was written, the procureur leading the inquiry said "we are not closing the door to any hypothesis". He has since said "It was very, very certainly a fall" and "The place of discovery and the configuration of the site suggest very clearly that this was an accident".


All of her clothes, her pack, her tent, her walking poles, her phone ... in fact everything she had with her was missing because her body had not yet been found when that article was written!

No they don't. At the time that article was written, the procureur leading the inquiry said "we are not closing the door to any hypothesis". He has since said "It was very, very certainly a fall" and "The place of discovery and the configuration of the site suggest very clearly that this was an accident".

AFTER finding the body:

"Missing equipment includes Esther’s bright yellow Lanshun ½ Ultralight tent, which has always been considered crucial to solving the mystery, because of forensic clues it is likely to yield.
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New member
You can't see the difference ???
You're right. I wrote in haste.

What I meant to say was:

It's clear these women know things that the papers aren't reporting. I'm sure they know where the stolen dogs are, and they probably know where the other bodies are buried. Perhaps they helped Dan move the bones. Do they have alibis for the 22nd?
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Hi @SummerSky. Here are three poems written by DC and posted on his IG account at different dates (see reference). These were posted here on Tattle early on by Johara, if I recall correctly. They all scream NPD to me. And I think the poem you are referencing in your post is the 2nd one.

View attachment 730216
The last line of his 3rd poem:

"We say we want love but are addicted to hate".

Pity the BBC never asked him about that!

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It's possible that I am wrong about ALL the dogs being removed by Mr. Colegate - but I knew I read it somewhere and I found some sources, these guys said this:


"She was very upset about having to give away the dogs.

She posted about that.

It appears they'd given away 4/5 to friends and the last 2 to her mother in the UK.

All the dogs were gone by the time of this hike I think. Otherwise I'm positive she'd have taken at least one with.

She loved hiking with the dogs. If only she'd had at least one with her still..."

and this:


"If only indeed. I think I read on here she gave them away because of Dan right? probably was jealous because she gave them more attention than him. And a narcissist can't have that."

In my experience these guys usually get their facts right - but I'm sure we are all willing to listen to any new information.

If there were remaining dogs still in the house-sit it changes things, it makes suicide maybe a bit less likely - and it means she was even more desperate to be away from Mr. Colegate as she was deliberately having to stay away from the dogs too to achieve that.
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I'll post this statement again because it was just before her death and I think that it is far more enlightening and clear than the one you have chosen to post :-
One says that she was happy. Another says she wasn't. What makes one more enlightening than the other?
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I don't believe in the suicide notion. Not to say I'm right but I firmly don't think it happened.

1. If you off yourself do you throw your belongings around and disappear a tent and other items they still haven't found?

2. Narcissistic collapse - this is a jargon term for the "near death" experience of a narcissist psychologically when their partner threatens to leave or leaves. Esther had left. She was supposed to return after a 3 day hike but kept postponing.

The wound this creates in the narcissist is so severe that they could commit suicide. Their false identity collapses when rejected. They need a new partner asap or they transition to major depression and often substance abuse.

The inner crisis is so brutal that it motivates some narcissists to kill. They say never tell a narc you are leaving because you might die.

3. She told Laura she was probably going to leave him. Her actions matched those words without finalising the deed. She was busy trying to get self sufficient.
It's very possible Esther ditched the "tent" that wasn't a tent (it was a tarp tent), because it was so useless except for summer in the woods. Near winter above treeline? NO. She may have ditched other things as well. Or the tent could have blown off (it's basically a parachute; it's even made out of parachute fabric).
I haven't seen any data on whether a narcissist would be prone to killing himself if his partner left him, but the grandiosity aspect makes me think this is unlikely, and we sure have grandiosity in this picture. As for Esther, it seems Dan had wrung her out. Narcissist's victims kill themselves because they can't make headway in the world they've found themselves in, a world that is entirely of the narcissist's making. That's my understanding.
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Well, just reading through the latest posts quickly…
I don’t think it is insane to believe or discuss that Esther meant the ‘I think I can see you’ comments literally. I think it is insane to not discuss these with a view to her meaning them literally.
DC dismissed Laura’s statement to the police in which she recounted Esthers comments re a breakup as salacious nonsense. The police chose to allow them to be printed by the media for a reason. The police chose to make public that their relationship was not as it seemed. Why on earth would you not discuss such discrepancy with respect to the case. Now that is insane. Hopefully more time to discuss further tomorrow..
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Chatty Member
If this thread got closed which is what narrative controllers hope for, we'd start another.

Esther's death is extremely fishy and Dan will no doubt be planning to profit from a book about it. Painting himself as a hero. Which he is not. He wrote about loathing her in a book for sale on Amazon.

Which reminds me... how's his "fundraising" going?

This is not WS where the owner can imply family guilt on Youtube while her forum posters get banned for doing so.

Whether it's a 5yr old child or a vuLnerable woman the public have the right to discuss their suspicions. The Madeleine Mccann days are over.
£7564 so above the £5k he initially set.
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I spent time in France, the family I stayed with bought fresh bread from the baker every single day, so perhaps not unusual in France
On a credit card though? It’s convenient he was using one EVERY day, for the 4-5 period, cycling into the village IN LOCKDOWN. In the uk we were all limited to supermarket deliveries once a week, if you could get it. Otherwise once a week in person with a mask,.. or in my case my friend dropped stuff off once a fortnight on the doorstep as I have a dicky ticker.
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Well, I'm definitely not Dan, and it looks to me as if some posters are ignoring what is actually KNOWN in favour of twisting any comment or opinion into a case against Dan. A bad feeling about someone is NOT evidence, and making a psychological diagnosis of someone you've never met is NOT a reason to claim they're guilty of murder.
If there's evidence, law enforcement will find it. Don't rely on what's printed in the Sun!
Not sure why you are quoting me as though my post involved you?
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If he did do it then why would he direct the police to her remains?
To make it appear like an accident?

All these poems were before her death, I.e. his last post was May 2020, so the 'beating' word couldnt be referring to her death surely?

This one also particularly stands out. It is almost as if he could be writing from Esther's perspective...
Awful. From the start, Dan has insisted he's inside Esther's head. For instance, he fixated on a trail that went in a loop through the Refuge de Venasque, even though the police said she'd never been there. He might well have delayed the all-out search to find her in the place she said she'd be, namely the Port de la Glère. He insisted she'd never go off trail. Well, news flash. He said she was communicative regularly. In fact, in the last few days, she chose not to be and she told Dan she would not be. She went so far as to tell him her phone would be in airplane mode. She stayed at the Cabane (possibly even 2 nights) when she could have got to an area with cell service. He insisted she'd never do anything other than match his idea of what she'd be doing. In those last few days, almost everything she did was precisely what he said she'd never do.
And here he is, typical, placing himself in her head, as though he owned her and spoke for her. She said no, and she'd had enough. Her self-death said as much. She didn't belong to him. He had no power, in the end, over her.
I think this was a suicide: she had no other reason to climb something as rugged, inapproachable, and fraught as the Pic de la Glère. Seriously, who goes up something like that with bald shoes, by themselves, and winter approaching?
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