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How dare she tell people not to wait to do stuff, saying donā€™t worry about money, book the holiday. Majority of people at the moment are struggling to live with the increasing expense of food, utilities etc and donā€™t want to rack up further debt on credit cards in case they need them for essentials. Greedy appears to have never done an honest days work in her life and just scams people. Whether it was ripping of the poor OAPā€™S with her ex or selling gifted items on FB. I canā€™t wait for it all to come tumbling down for her šŸ˜”
I haven't commented before but omg, this got me. We have one child & can't take him out of school really because we need our AL to look after him in tbe holiday's! I actually cannot bare her. She is disgusting.
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Soo sad to see that video of her daughter eating, sorry but she is a pimp she does not care for that childā€™s protection at all . There should be a law against it
Why with no clothes on as well? Why isnā€™t she wearing one of the many coveralls she grifted? Total disregard for that babyā€™s safety online. And as others have said, get her out of there and back on the bottle until sheā€™s ready? Geezo šŸ™„
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That house is next to the Llanharry murders farmhouse. Double murder, still unsolved, from the 90s IIRC.
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Pink waffles

Chatty Member
Newest post with baby with her mouth open is a prime example of pimping your child out for online predators . She is disgusting and knows what sheā€™s doing
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That travel tray to Spain itā€™s like 2 hour max flight surely they donā€™t need that much food šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

BLW is brilliant when done properly I donā€™t see an issue with any of the food sizes the babies gag reflex is very far forward at this age and the gums are more than hard enough to mush the foods.
she is however introducing to much at once if the baby had an allergy she wouldnā€™t know what food was causing it.
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Tootle Pip Wiz

VIP Member
I'm so shocked Harold actually finished the triathlon. She's unfit, overweight, drinks like a fish, constantly has a beetroot face and supposedly has a bad back that once left her paralysed. If she is indeed still claiming disability and has a blue badge, it all needs to be revoked pronto.
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DeeSeni Noooo

VIP Member
Working 9 - 5? Fuck off Greedy, you don't know the meaning of it. Never worked a full day in your life. Patronising twat.

View attachment 3020725
She said she was going to be there from 10am-2pm but she was 2 hours late...
šŸŽ¶ Working 12pm-2pm, What a way to make a grifting šŸŽ¶
Also when she got back home she had 2 parcels of free stuff that she had to open. Phew she will need another holiday after all that. šŸ™„
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Chatty Member
Imagine selling your followers a chair that goes through the stages just for an aff link and then back tracking basically saying it's a waste of money šŸ™„
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VIP Member
Iā€™m sorry but how infuriating. I can 100% understand why she gets so much hate, try having some modesty GREEDY.

What is the actual purpose of these stories if not just to be boastful and rub in everybodyā€™s faces the fact neither of you lazy fuckers have to work for your money yet can still jet off every 2 minutes? ā€œStressed to the maxā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Letā€™s not pretend that you even know the meaning of the word! Jesus, I wish I was ā€œstressedā€ at having to pack a suitcase for yet another holiday after just returning from the last! Ah well, guess Iā€™ll treat myself to another 12 hour shift instead.

Those kids are going to be as uneducated as her with the amount theyā€™re taken out of school and donā€™t even get me started on the poor animals that are constantly palmed off. At this point itā€™s just embarrassing how unrelatable and unlikable she is.
How cringing. Theyā€™re just show-offs. I donā€™t know how they afford it or is it all of Hā€™s disability benefits? Theyā€™ll do the same as Ash and end up having to take kids out of school to home-ed due to constantly not being there! Shame on them
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VIP Member
Taking the kids out of school again. How the fuck do these influencers get away with so much!
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Chatty Member
For someone who has a blue badge and claims disability allowance for her ā€˜badā€™ back, how on earth can she participate in a triathlon and STILL be classified as ā€˜ disabledā€™!? My father who suffers badly from rheumatoid AND osteoarthritis arthritis, cannot walk far and cannot put his shoes/socks on without some helping - is not classified as ā€˜disabled enoughā€™ and cannot claim any disability allowance OR a blue badge. Then you hav this tank competeing in a triathlon?! If she can run, swim and cycle for 3 hours, she sure as hell can park in a normal space and not needing a front row parking space to shops/places. Takes the effing pxss, this needs to get sent to their local authorities. Them posting it all online, is pretty ballsy - knowing that would get away with it. Imagineeee the headlines -
ā€˜Welsh woman who claims disability allowance and blue badge, claims she cannot walk far due to a bad back, participates in her local communities triathlon.ā€™ Ridiculous.
Iā€™ve mentioned this on here before, I struggle to get my 86 year old mum to the shops ONCE a week as her only time out of the house due to her arthritis and mobility issues, and have been refused a blue badge. She doesnā€™t want any benefits or money, just a bit of an easier transfer from the car to the shop without having to walk too far. I get teary eyed at them refusing her saying she does not qualifyā€¦when this fucking hard faced barrel appears to get one (as well as countless benefits no doubt) probably because sheā€™s said she had paralysis once which has miraculously disappeared??? Fucking twats, Iā€™m so angry at them and will report to their local authority following todayā€™s IG bragging šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”
Tank šŸ˜œ šŸ’€ āš° šŸ˜œ

We tried to get a blue badge for my mother but the amount of information she kept getting asked for she gave up as it overwhelmed her. Plus, as she doesnā€™t drive, she didnā€™t think she needs one, oblivious to the fact it would be very helpful to me as she struggles to walk more than a few steps without stopping. So to see these scammers likely claiming benefits as well as a blue badge makes me mad. Do any locals on here know if they still use blue badge parking bays?
Iā€™ve literally just posted the same as you at the same time! Itā€™s just not right and yet another example of these twats getting away with yet more scams šŸ˜”
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