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I'm pleased you said it. People are claiming they're 'curious' as they don't know how it works - then in the next sentence using the word donor. So you do know how it works. You just want to rub it in that they've had to use a male sperm donor one way or another. I refuse to believe in 2023 people are that thick when it comes to same sex relationships and IVF. I don't really care for Greedy but the Q every other day of 'how does she have kids if she's gay' is getting reaaaal stale.
Obviously everyone knows how a baby is made a sperm and a egg i learn that in sex education in school i never learned about same sex couples or IVF or surrogacy , what I didn’t understand is how do same sex couples go about getting a sperm/egg ,do they buy it , do they have sex with a male , do they inseminate themselves or do they they go to a clinic and someone does it for them , the same with IVF I have never had it and don’t know anyone who as so even with a heterosexual couple I would ask how IVF is performed , do heterosexual couple use sperm/egg doners , do heterosexual couples have sex with another male who is willing to donate his sperm , as i dont know and i am generally that ‘Thick’ ! And yes it may be ‘Stale’ to you to hear because you seem to know all about it but I generally don’t so that’s why I asked
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I mostly lurk here but just popping on to say
Yeah of course todays good morning from the car wasn’t filmed at the same time as your q&a responses. You address wearing the same clothes but all of your make up is exactly the same; the toilet roll and coat in the back of the car hasn’t moved at all and the lighting is exactly the same. Ok. Weird woman.
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Chatty Member
End of the day, if you don't like the questions, don't put a Q&A box up to start with or better yet, don't share your life on Instagram you cretin.
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Tootle Pip Wiz

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Fuck off with your injection reel Charlotte. I've had fertility treatments (sadly all failed. 😢😢) which involved having to inject myself nightly. Each one terrified me and I cried loads. It's not something I would have even thought of filming, let alone slobbering all over my other half after it was done. Yeh the trigger shot at the end is important. But that doesn’t warrant making a cringe worthy video to show thousands of strangers on the Web. Some things should be kept private. No word of any of this previously yet now wants to show the world? Fuck off.
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The amount of times Iv been asked if my 4 kids have the same father .... you don't see me crying. Btw they don't 3 with first husband and last child with 2nd husband via ivf , he wanked in a cup and enjoyed every second of it .me not so much with my legs in stirrups with a full bladder and up to my eye balls with injections. You won't find me pretending it was something it wasn't, it wasn't was walk in the park and we definitely didn't have long snogs after injections or rock back and forth in the window while we recorded ourselves .
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She must be fucking mad. This is going too far isn’t it? An actual person is being created, just for social media. A real person. It’s disgusting. Interest in the house Reno has dried up, no one cares about the dogs, so the have a baby. Just so they can get free stuff and exposure. That poor child.
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Yeah and why she barely mentions the healthy eating anymore.
I wonder if they where giving it one more try due to the baby they've hinted they've lost, before H tried to carry, so went the healthy route in preparation - but baby stuck so she's fucked the healthy eating off
Do we reckon it's H's egg

Absolutely no chance it's H egg. Everything has to be "hers" she's a complete Narcissist. Hopefully this one doesn't bring a lighter to school like the youngest one did recently!
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There’s a couple on Instagram called bowbdridgebungalow which is a home account run by one half of a male same sex couple. They are currently expecting a baby via surrogate. The guy who runs the account has been so transparent about the process and you can tell they have really longed for this baby and deserve all the happiness. Not like these two chancers who have purely went down this path for content.
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The whole thing doesn’t sit right with me, saying she was sober when actually just pregnant - it’s so triggering to people who actually have a problem with trying to get sober or trying for a baby. I have a feeling the 2 boys will be shipped off to other mums more and more before the eldest will move with her permanently. It’s supposed to be a happy time but it all seems to have a sadness surrounding it - greedy doesn’t look happy in any of the post and when she does smile in pictures or videos lately it all seems so forced and fake. She’s been saying lately she’s been in the best place mentally she has in years.. after suffering a miscarriage you’d have thought she’s be down? None of it makes sense
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Wow. It sounds like her parents tried their best with just an unruly arrogant teenager! Shes proper threw her dad under the bus there hasn't she!
And you can still maintain a friendship with people even if you don't go to the same school, me and my best friend have had a friendship for nearly 30 years now and we never went to the same school. She was obviously just very hard to be friends with and I'm not suprised, she's a fucking nightmare and a nasty piece of work!
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Her response to the father question is just bitchy.
Not everyone is educated or knowledgeable so instead of making a bitchy remark, why doesn't she just be mature about it and say "we used a donor" and then go on to say she will explain the process for those who don't know how it works! Educate people otherwise how does she expect people not to ask these types of questions in 2023.
Absolute fucking nasty bitch she is.
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A tour 😂😂😂 wtf!
There's no room to swing a cat in there 😂
Looks like the cupboard doors won't be able to open up fully.
What an absolute crank....a tour 😂
Thanks for the laugh egghead
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Chatty Member
Oh fuck off. Just fuck off and fuck off some more when you get there.

can’t look after the kids she’s got, it’s a baby bought by selling the kids she’s got, no mention of H as per so it’ll be all ‘MY egg’ ‘MY womb’

She’s a downright horrible cunt
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Wonder if they've used the same sperm donor as the boys
I doubt it as was the ex’s brother 🥴 probably 1 of the many builders she’s had in!! Think that’s why positive builder done a runner.. she was asking him for his sperm 🤣🤣
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Tootle Pip Wiz

VIP Member
Always one ain't there, "now you can finally share it". Aka I ALREADY KNEW. Dick head. He's another fucking Insta pleb aswell.

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