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Well then...

Well-known member
Does she ever pay for stuff herself🥱, you’d think if she’s still with Jake and he’s just passed his exams she’d take him, says alot she hasn’t 😬

Seems that way to me too. Tbh I've never known a couple like this. You'd think after Dubai they would be eager to see each other. Don't know, maybe Im just old fashioned.
Exactly! You’d think because they are used to living together every day for a year that she’d want to spend as much time with him as she can, yet she’s away again, they have a very strange relationship, it’s pretty obvious they spend no time whatsoever together and he’s probably lasted as long because well he got to move out his parents and probably no have to pay for rent, someone he just sleeps with at night and then go about there own life’s the next day, if they haven’t split up. It’s only a matter of time before they will now 😬


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Chatty Member
I was showing a friend the insta story videos as it’s a hotel we looked at and she said Raffles have gifted loads of influencers stays there recently as it’s just opened. Wonder if this is an undeclared spon or just a coincidence?
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Here we go again soother selfie in the morning. Thank god its, the last day and why the hell is there 90k watching her tik Tok applying something to her face

Ive never known someone to love themselves more than she does. She seriously needs to realise there's more to life than her looks
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she looks
Am I the only one who doesn’t see a difference in her tiktok about weight loss
It Litterally looks like angles lighting fit of clothes and maybe the tiniest bit of lighting
I wanted to post the same thing but wasn’t sure if it would be triggering to anyone lol but no I don’t really see much difference
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VIP Member
Honestly, I do kind of notice that she is starting to rapidly look a bit heavier (not sure if it’s the stuff she’s been eating or if it’s muscle) but looking at that form I can guess. Not saying that’s a bad thing though, she got dangerously low again and her body is packing it on every chance it gets. That’s just how it goes.
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she’s deleted the comments already but has left this one about the seatbelts. They all were NOT wearing seatbelts at the beginning of the video however Misha puts hers on half way through but her sister and mum don’t. So yeah pretty idiotic behaviour. Also after skimming through the video quickly, it is painfully obvious how much her sister dislikes Misha having to constantly have a phone glued to her hand recording everything and she barely interacts with her when she’s doing so.

View attachment 1154287
As much as I very strongly dislike Misha, you can see her sisters belt is moving so it must be under her arm, and when she shows her mum the strap is there. It’s only Misha who isn’t wearing one for a while after setting off
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Well then...

Well-known member
Looks like misha is on here reading and asking the questions, if anything this says a lot, ‘this is what my room looks like’ Is a reason to why “ the love of your life” won’t live with you at home😬 and you won’t live at his because of space😂🤦🏼‍♀️, loads of people spend years together living out one room😂, especially if it’s only for a couple of weeks like you say… surely space wise for a few weeks is better than separately living from the love of your life?🥴, after living together for the past year. ok we get you misha… Jake doesn’t want to stay at yours because we’ll he’d rather go back home alone. As for the Instagram post about “ the love of your life” who you trying to convince of that. Yourself 😬


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Honestly thought the photos of Misha's jaw earlier on the thread would have just been editing, but in her new YouTube video, it definitely looks like she has had jaw filler. I think it's really noticeable when she turns into the side as just one "lump" in her jaw is super defined. It looks like she could have got it done for her E&E launch as that's when you can see a difference in her face shape on her insta
I completely agree! Her face shape has gone from extremely round to now extremely square and boxy... that’s what happens when you take a round face and put jaw filler in it! It goes square, boxy and manly 😬
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Let's pray 2022 sees the downfall of influencer culture and dossers like Misha need to get jobs and she has zero qualifications so I'm sure a minimum wage job would be a real system shock for Princess Grimes
Part of me kind of agree's, but it is a little is harsh. The funny thing is, I could see her quite happily working at Primark and selling awful clothes that have been manufacturered in South East Asian sweatshops by little kids. Flogging them to young teenage girls who don't really know any different. I actually think she would enjoy that and it would be good for her. Social media, from what I can see, is quite emotionally destructive for certain people. A good old-fashioned job in a shop is nothing to be ashamed-off. Sadly, everyone seems to want be the next great Hollywood actress or 'celeb'.

Does any of that make sense? LOL. Hope you know what I mean. I feel sorry for Misha because I am such a soft tw@t. But she doesn't help herself.
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Selling the lake house was probably because they haven’t had much business because of the pandemic, it was maybe her dads dream and her mum isn’t interested in carrying that on? (maybe she needs the money from the sale?-I can’t see her mum doing a 9-5 job) or maybe it’s because they had terrible reviews and no-one actually wants to stay there lol.
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My husband passed at 38 years old in March. I mention it occasionally but not as much as her. Maybe it is her coping mechanism? I agree she manages to fit it in every chance she gets but o think her personality is to overshare?
Very odd that she feels the need to share this every day pretty much to complete strangers. I of course feel bad for her to lose a parent but to keep mentioning it on social media is just gonna make people unfollow her.. nobody wants to hear the constant negativity and pity party
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VIP Member
Surely this can’t just be weight loss? I feel like she’s had some filler or something? I remember her face being EXTREMELY round even when she was younger and super slim? This just doesn’t add up

it took her “hours” to draw something I can get from :/

The ending of the video was a bit much for me tbh 😬
Deffo some chin filler or something I reckon
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VIP Member
When has she ever worn that horrible lip combo 😂 and who would ask for it 🤢

there’s so much story’s put on per day and she is still one of the most BORING people on Instagram 😂
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“I’ve had no work done” does she think we are dim? 😂
Also, I swear she had a story about how she was excited to go skiing? Interesting that she is now not going then? 😳
Lol that second picture is just… atrocious. The choices that were made in this photo are just so hideous it’s making me laugh. Those eyebrows, her mouth breathing pose again, it being out of focus, the super intense stare when there's nothing going on, her hair which looks grey… she looks like Ivanka Trump in the 80's or something. (I'm not commenting on her face or anything that's out of her control)
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Active member
I can’t remember exactly and I’m not bothered to watch her blog but wasn’t Jake like that to her when she was showing their London apartment? Always cutting her off and telling her that no one cares about this or that? And now she’s doing it to her mum.

Also, her nipples in that costume wtf 😳

Maybe it’s just me, but who goes out in those kinda outfits 🤣, doesn’t even look sexy just looks trashy in my opinion🤷🏼‍♀️, who even are these girls she’s now calling her “best friends”

also just watched the vlog of her mum moving, how rude was misha the full vlog, you could tell her mum was happy and wanting to show off her new home and new start and misha’s telling her no one cares about seeing certain things, I felt sorry for her mum the way she was constantly speaking to her in it, like some spoiled little brat, her channel and social media “influencer” job is slowly dying😬.

i give it a few months ( if that) and her and Jake will split up, he gets mentioned less and less🤣 each time now
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You guys, I can’t deal with this. When listing cons about the building on the left she put ‘4th floor’ and a pro for the listing on the right she put ‘not sure what floor but higher’
other cons include: lack of coffee shops

sorry but these priorities are so out of touch with the real world. All to put on a front
Nah honestly as someone who works in properties and has previously worked in these hi rise fancy flats, alot of people prioritise higher floors as its a better view rather than just seeing a neighbouring building wall. I agree up until the point wher some people will pay like an extra £150 a month for like an extra two floors, with a very similar view just for the 'status'.. Then it's silly.
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