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Same, it’s one thing saying it on here but not directly to her. I can’t help thinking she’s tagged the comments and video on Instagram for more views though. Having said that One good thing is that she’s donating ALL the money for her dad videos to mnd so that’s probably why
Yeah she’s defo sharing the hate to get more view on the video

Does Jake live in London or he moved back home when Misha did.
He moved back home too
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I swear she looks like a different person in every picture aha, like her face shape is just never the same, sometimes it looks like super slim and angled and then some times it looks super square and blunt and then most times it’s just straight up ROUND aha what is happening
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Considering they don’t live there anymore, are we allowed to post their flat from rightmove or wherever? If anyone has it, and it’s ok to do so I’d love to see it
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I was wondering...
If the Money-Mae debacle leads to something heavier as in Elle Darby's case, "aka" massive unfollowing and being dumped by brands (I doubt it but the higher you go the harder you fall, they say), will she remove all the "+ Molly-Mae" from the titles of her old videos? :p
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Chatty Member
Difference in race times could be cos sometimes you can run up to a mile before you even cross the start time, if there’s lots of runners it gets quite bottlenecked - so I personally don’t start my watch until I officially start, if ya get me
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I definitely think something has happened with Jake, she’s on her story talking about how she had a viewing and has one tomorrow in London, what happened to we’ve got a viewing👀 or mentioning anything about Jake going 😬
To me it seems like a very relaxed relationship, is she with him now? Who knows. It's just alien to me, I suppose I'm a lot older but surely if you're in a committed relationship you want to be together whenever you can, especially as you've been apart. Don't know, maybe that's just me lol.
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The flat hunting is so odd why’s she going alone and using I not we? I wonder what needs to fall into place before her and Jake can go on their next trip….
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I noticed jake hasn’t liked any of her photos since she’s been away? But that could be my insta glitching. Although I did see that he’s been following lots of girls recently and liking their pictures
I follow him and he has liked all of them except the last post. He hasn't been posting anything since he was away with his family. I find it odd that Georgia still follows him.
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She honestly has the same body as my 12 year old step sister... like I’m sorry? But Kasha darling? Be a fucking mother and wake up to what your daughter is doing
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Well then...

Well-known member
I dont know if this is a UK thing but I live in Canada and havent work a bra for about 5 years, I have had zero comments about it and volunteer in a childrens hospital as well as have graduated from my Masters degree. It is not uncommon here for women to not wear a bra. You dont have to wear a bra if you dont want to, and shaming another woman for not wearing one just perpetuates the idea from men that women should wear bras. I dont wear a bra to work either, however I would wear a thick top. If someone said something to me at work or at university for not wearing a bra I would bring it up to HR as sexual harassment. A boss or fellow employee should not comment on a woman's breasts in the workplace, even to say they are being shown too much or the natural shape is offensive and that they should dress differently. To me its like in the 60s when people shamed women for wearing pants and not skirts or dresses. Fashion evolves, it is 2021 women are not being made to wear things that men dont have to anymore. Its actually quite freeing to become comfortable with the natural shape of your body and not feel the societal pressure to hide your body from the world in order to be professional.
I am interested in the cultural difference because no one would be fired here for not wearing a bra, as i said if a comment like this was made it would be brought to HR and the person who commented would be flagged for sexual harassment, the employee would be fine.
I agree you wouldnt go to work wearing a thin top but a bra is not necessary in this day and age. Maybe its just a cultural thing as Canada is quite progressive and liberal

This comment wasnt meant to be hateful, but i am just surprised we are in 2021 and we are still saying women need to wear bras to be taken seriously at work, things have changed. Even alcoholism. If you admit to many companies that you are an alcoholic they will not fire you because it is now seen as a medical issue. Things are changing, for the better if you ask me!

No one is saying woman aren’t allowed to not wear bra🤣, loads of woman don’t wear bra’s, you do you, as I said, however as I said, if you are going to be wearing something tight to your skin and see through, you could at least wear something under it ( doesn’t need to be a bra 🙃) but no one else wants to be walking around seeing your nipples, you might aswell walk around topless, no one’s shaming woman either🤣🤣, in my own opinion you could at least wear something under your tight see through top, just saying my own opinion like everyone else🥰

I did think it was something to do with MND or that, but I’m not sure since she was doing a shoot thing, last time it was the hair bow’s so something like that again maybe.

Where is Jake😂, like I know she doesn’t speak about him as much anymore, but usually in her stories ect he’s always hanging around or she’ll say something about him, but you’ve not seen him going to her mums or that recently, I know he had his exams, but if he’s out partying you’d think misha maybe would’ve spent time with him before that
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I don’t know what the heck she was but I do have to admit, she looked very pretty
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That’s such a shame for them. What are the chances. I presume no other E&E jewellery was lost?
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Selling the lake house was probably because they haven’t had much business because of the pandemic, it was maybe her dads dream and her mum isn’t interested in carrying that on? (maybe she needs the money from the sale?-I can’t see her mum doing a 9-5 job) or maybe it’s because they had terrible reviews and no-one actually wants to stay there lol.
Where are these reviews lmao I wanna see
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Y’all have two let me know if the whole workout if she filmed and posted is actually good and her form is good because from what I saw on the stories... it’s very focused on her untoned ass and her form is meh
The deadlift she showed had me cringing so much with her form, I'm surprised she hasn't been injured yet with how she half heartedly does these exercises
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