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My husband and I have separate accounts, not even a joint account for bills. He has some direct debits, I have others. But there's no "your money/my money" or "it's your turn to pay" mentality. It's never even been a thing we discussed, or an issue. It just works for us. It's never occurred to me it's odd to be honest.
I'd like to class us as a younger couple but not sure we qualify 😭🙈
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Wonder what her big worry was that she had to wake Shane up to talk to him about? Maybe her comment about the lady with cancer? Realisation her queen tattoo has morphed into a smOdge?
Peculiar to make a thing of if you’re not going to elaborate. But even more odd that she made out that she doesn’t often ever TALK to her husband in that manner. I must talk to my husband like that ever day. We’ll both have a winge about family, money, diy, you know, everything, because I guess that’s what you do when you’re married.

Also that hangover shame is less when she’s got drunk with her husband. Very odd. Does he make her feel bad for drinking with mates? Really weird that. Everyone gets that slight regret if you’ve got a bad head the following day. But I wouldn’t avoid going out with friends because of that. Just drink a bit less, call it a night at 11pm, stay of the Jägers and just have a few beers or ciders??
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The new StarbOcks by hers lOcks like it’s one mOnth from opening.

Must be exhausting to change your accent so moch. Pack it in Mik.
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Delia Smith

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Someone’s gone and commented that she always compares places to Vegas and NYC. She’s replied basically slating people who go to Blackpool. What a cow
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I looked the heart phone cover up on New Look - it's for the iphone 13 pro so, if Khila had iphone 14......why would she order a case for the 13? New Look don't make cases for the 14.......
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In the empties video with the beige background she looks so different! Cheekbones, lips and eyes…. Has she had work done or is it just more makeup than usual?
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Be honest guys, is there anyone else out there that DOESNT notice these so called weird pronunciations? Or is it just me ?? No hate to anyone lol just wondering. I just don’t hear anything untoward when she speaks?
I just don’t think he listens very much, does the classic mmmhmm, and a nod to her if she speaks to him on camera’
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Bit blurry but it's 8 mins 30 into her shopping vlog from earlier in the week. It's for ages 1 - 10 so Milo is on the very upper end of the age bracket - Isn't he 10? How pathetic he's still being babied like that too. When I was 10 I was preparing food/ cooking basic things for my family.

View attachment 1604783
Legend for finding it! I thought I snapped it in evidence and scrolled and couldn’t see it - and then went back through past months videos - like a loser - still not finding it! Thank you!

Has anyone ever seen a clip that wasnt Christmas Day where all four or three of them were at the dining table? We saw his dinner served up on that silver school dinner platter thing recently :rolleyes:
mph god even my kids school serve on colourful plastic sectiony plates - not prison trays! That shocked me! I read it then saw it and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. How vile. And maybe even worse was what she was feeding him - bread spaghetti and a kinder bueno??! Carbs carbs and err sugar and fat? Really healthy!

The hello fresh is only for her and Lee, even the meal prep lunches she does are only for the two of them. I doubt she cooks extra meals for Milo that have any nutritional value
This is exactly my issue with her - pure selfishness. All the special treats and nice meals are just for the two of them. And all we ever see is the kids eating crap (fed by her) or take aways. I mean it’s good to give a multi it maybe, but it does not replace a balanced healthy diet. And I know how picky and annoying kids can be - experience etc - but there is always something. And balanced means a plate has a bit of each. I’m sorry, spaghetti, bread and chocolate? I dread to think what drink was served with it, milkshake or some crap?!

And showing this off to the internet? She clearly doesn’t realise the difference between right and wrong in terms of her parenting. Maybe when her nails looks uneven with the placement of little holographic stars though.. that’s another matter right there!

I’m so torn because you have to give it to her that at least she is supplementing his nutrients but if she cared enough to make him proper meals and use that darn dining table she wet herself about for family meals he wouldnt need supplements. How will he cope with the walking and full on high school rota?
i know - I get what you say. That’s why I was hesitant to raise it. Totally. But parenting as you allude to is looking after and caring for your kids,

I mean would she water a plant with oil or hot chocolate? No, but the crap she feeds her family (well kids from what we see) is okay? It’s convenient- that’s the hard is it to boil some rice? To roast some veg, to blend some veg, to mix some veg into a sauce? It takes effort and time, and maybe a bit of money, but my god for your kids health? Small price to pay. Mine had chocolate for pudding - after some fruit fgs! I’m no saint - but I think about their food - their fuel! Treats aren’t the norm! They’re treats, just that!

Right , off my high horse! Sorry to moan! Want me dinner now! Spat Bol if anyones wondering!
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She bought a washing up bowl to do a foot bath with baking soda?! She honestly is stupid
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She is going to end up with bald patches if she carries on. The chemicals in dry shampoo are no joke!

If I was getting married again I would be buying decent shampoo decent body products and just nice things as its a special occasion. She would rather buy the cheapest tat so she gorge on Taco Bell.

I think come november she will hit rock bottom as she has built up this wedding for two years and I dont think she is going to look like a 21yr old fitness influencer in the desert in her wedding dress like she thinks she will
Nah but she’ll have the built up to Christmas to get excited for it and then it’ll be vegas and no kids so she’ll be fine, come February? Or March she’ll be really really low
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Tavi Huit

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I don't understamd why she is cheaping out on the renewal. Didn't she say in a video this is the wedding they dreamed of but did the other one on the cheap because of money issues then? Surely she is in a better financial position now so it would make sense to spend more on the dream wedding?

Also can't believe she wants to do her hair herself, she even said that hiring a hair styliest would be cheaper than buying the curling wand she wants. It would make sense to hire them, the way she curled her hair in her live has a lot to be desired. She needs to leave it to a professional!
Looks like someone has a Dyson airwrap on their scrounge wishlist. How long until she buys one and uses it twice?
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I bet she has a more stereotype student diet than you did too. I think you've got a point though, she'd be more suited to a student flat share than being a mother and wife.
tracksuits... ☑
Diet of processed food and takeaways... ☑
Hours spent gaming.... ☑
Trashy teen tv... ☑
Procrastination... ☑

Actually, i think today's students live more classy than that 😂
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Hate to admit this but I’ve noticed before that her boobs are actually quite perky even when not wearing a bra. But there’s no way she could have lost 22 pounds and her boobs look the same lol she’s probably lost half a stone max
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She won’t put a song like that over her actual renewal video!!! She’s too in love with this idea of the event but not the actual event
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She said she doesn’t want to speak about any of it to someone she knows…. To me that’s weird
That’s because the people in her real life would probably tell her she needs real professional help. Or maybe they already have and she hasn’t listened so now won’t talk to them about it as she didn’t listen and they probably don’t want to hear it anymore.
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emma sent her so much tat when they did a swap, i cant remember which one it was but mikhilas was way over the top and over budget in comparison
Ahh that's the interesting, the one I watched it was the other way round, mik sent emma flashing trainers, glow sticks and a can of hair spray, and emma sent mik home themed items and seemed to have spent way more.
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