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My experience of doctors (GPs anyway) is that they can be dangerously arrogant and out-of-date. Michael Moseley was willing to challenge the orthodoxy, and his approach to preventative medicine and self-help through healthy eating and a variety of exercises and practices was genuinely helpful to so many.
He seemed to be a genuine person (as much as you can tell these things from seeing someone on TV). He was also heavily invested in the science behind the dieting and many other areas he researched. I don't think it's true to say he didn't know or understand nutrition (I know your post doesn't say that). Providing accurate, accessible information seems to have been extremely important to him. I don't get the impression he was money driven, just passionate.

He also wrote his books with his wife who was a practicing GP amongst other professionals.

I didn't realise that he was a producer at the BBC and had predominantly worked in TV rather than having had a career as a Doctor though. I've found reading about his life journey really interesting (the Mail had a particularly well written obituary type article- which was a surprise).
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I don't know anything about the reliability of this news source but if true this is so heart-breakingly sad. So close to civilization when he collapsed/ perhaps fell from higher. Article reports he was spotted when journalists were reviewing their drone footage.

The photos are very distressing so view with caution.

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How am I feeling so sad over a man I didn’t even know. The story just got hold of me and I’ve been waiting on good news ever since. It’s how close he was that’s annoying me. Why wasn’t he found sooner even if he was already dead when he was first reported missing
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Ni Idea

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I had a mild case of heatstroke a few years ago and can't believe how horrible I felt and how quickly. It's just horribly upsetting to think of how he died.

I'm type 2 diabetic, and off most of my medication thanks to Dr Mosley's advice. And finally GP's are seeing the light with low carb diets. I have most of his books and just feel so incredibly sad - it's most odd when someone has a big impact on your life even though you've never met them. I hope his family are now left quietly alone by the media with their grief.
I'm healthy and very careful with both heat and hydration, but I've unfortunately had heatstroke twice, the first time was by far the worst. On both occasions, I had been sick with some kind of stomach virus thing and recovered, but that was enough to cause it a few days later because it leaves your electrolytes outlet of whack and you don't notice because you feel better. Be aware of this, everyone! The second time it happened, I realised what was wrong much sooner and took action, so it wasn't as bad.

I genuinely thought I was going to die the first time, my flatmate called the ambulance service for advice because I was gibbering away about god knows what. The weird thing was, I had accepted death. I "knew" I was going to die, so since then I've kind of had a degree of insight into how people get to this stage in life... That's why I don't think Michael suffered in this sense.
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So there we have it, he died of natural causes. Sad to think that he was already dead by the time his wife reported him missing. 🥲 Poor, poor man to have died in such tragic circumstances. An awful tragedy to highlight the dangers of heatstroke.
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Chatty Member
If those photos are genuine, it looks like he was actually on the path very near the marina, and just collapsed rather than fell from a height. The weird thing about the location is how he wasn’t spotted sooner.
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Another day done and it seems no news. The longer it goes on the less chance he will be found alive. I really thought today might bring some positive news, his family must be in bits.
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I’ve walked on that island on a hot day and it’s quite believable that he’s fallen between some rocks and gotten stuck. it’s so easy to trip, slide and fall on the scree, and breaking a bone is likely. If he’s injured then it’s the heat which will be a problem. Poor guy, bad decision to go alone.
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I hope he fainted from heat or something and was unconscious and slipped away, or banged his head and knew very little about it. I just hope he didn't suffer. It's very surreal.
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I don’t think things like this are so avoidable at all unless you never take any risks and wrap everybody up in cotton wool, everything has risks. Obviously this didn’t end well but it’s not totally unreasonable to walk back to your accommodation and both myself and Mr Giraffe have done so many times, would never think to dictate to a grown adult what they can do. Until the full post mortem is completed (and we may not see that) it can’t be said exactly what happened and we’ll never know the thought pattern that made him take that route but it could be as simple as just getting lost which could happen anywhere.
I think there's risk and there's risks. A 67 year old, walking in Greece in the middle of the day where temperatures are approaching 40 degrees and you're unsure of your route is a MASSIVE risk.

Edit: also taking no phone with you
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It’s not a terrible idea…but it’s also described as ‘windy’, so even if his umbrella or hat are found, he still could be some distance away from it.

It’s looking really bad now. It would be a miracle now if he’s found alive. With only 10 searchers out a time and limit hours due to the heat, if he’s somewhere that’s not visible they have very little chance of finding him. On this terrain they could walk right past him and if he’s in a crevice they won’t see. They can’t have movement and visibility to cross of sections as completely clear.

If they tried to have more people searching that’s technically difficult. They need a second team at base at all times to act as a contact point and be ready to rescue the rescuers if they call for help or go out of contact. They can’t let anyone who isn’t fully trained help as it’s too much risk, and they can’t drastically increase their numbers, even if the family wanted to pay for the staff…because they’d have to be brought in by boat/helicopter from various places, be fully managed safety by an expanded ground team and all these extra staff would need accommodation on an island that doesn’t have any large hotels…and most of its air bnbs will already be occupied during tourist season.

If they did find Dr Mosley alive, he’s clearly going to be in a near death state and possibly also gravely injured…they then have to get him off the mountain and transferred to a hospital capable of treating him…which could also be a process that is time-consuming.

Most people can survive up to 3 days without water, 5 days in unusual cases and 7 if you are being very positive for an extremely unusual case. In intense heat it can be less than 24 hours. From the description of the rescue mission it sounds like it’s fairly high risk for the staff involved, it’s not something they are going to continue with once they decide chance of life is at zero, however they may carry on for ‘show’ for longer than normal because they don’t want media criticism.

The water and drone searches they could continue for several weeks with a small scale crew in hope for a body recovery.

This island is my idea of a nightmare for a holiday. It’s all steep hills and difficult accessibility, with very little medical facilities and no airport. Even things that generally easy to manage such as breaking an ankle or getting covid in this place could end up as a massive ordeal or deadly. If you’re on medication and lose it, maybe you can’t get it replaced, if a phone mast goes down that could be the whole place cut off.
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Ally Pally

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Love ya @Ally Pally, but I have to say the DM are featuring this heavily because he was a current columnist for them, and he had been writing for them since 2011.
Ah I'd forgotten about that, they featured a lot of his eating plans.
Any death is sad but there is always something that hits me when someone dies on holiday. The thought that his wife will have to fly home without him just breaks my heart.
Happened to a friend of ours her Husband collapsed and died from sepsis whilst on a cruise, he'd put off seeing his GP thinking he'd feel better once he was in holiday. Awful, absolutely awful 😐
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Well quite. She couldn't have stopped him. Someone else made a similar comment about his wife "letting" him go off without his phone as if you can have that control over someone else. That's the attitude I was referring to. This idea that his wife could have stopped him/not let him do something.
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He may not even have been lost. He may have just made the decision to walk intentionally to the marina, have drink/lunch there and then walk back again in time to meet the others for the 4pm water taxi or get the bus. It might just be that he didn’t know it was a treacherous path or how long it was, he may have expected a similar walk to the earlier coast path if no-one had specially warned him it wasn’t a well used and safe route. It seems he was known for enjoying walking generally, he had an umbrella and possibly plenty of water in his backpack, the most likely scenario is that he just didn’t anticipate the danger.
I think he had a sudden cardiac event, possibly brought on by the heat. I think people can be unaware (because it's a scary thought) that it is possible to die extremely suddenly - to literally drop dead - meaning to die and *then* fall. I think this is what happened here. I don't think he suffered. He may have had a moment of pain and/or nausea but I suspect it all happened very suddenly, so suddenly he would not even have put his hands out to break his fall.
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The phone issue isn't a problem I think. My husband is the same age as him, still a working medical professional, and most times when he leaves the house and I want to phone him, his mobile rings in the next room. Annoys me no end.
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RIP Dr Mosley. My dad had an awful 'funny turn ' with heat in Scarborough of all places. He was of an age where he needs the loo a lot so restricted his fluids 😬. Anyone who knows Scarborough there is a steepish climb to the station and he collapsed. It was such a shock. Hot sun and age are a bad mix.
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I find it really strange one very flawed study said IM wasn't for everyone and so many people jumped on that to say this guy was dangerous.

Like people were desperate to discredit IM fasting and him.
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BBC and sky news are now reporting it too. Pedi looks like a very small town/village and the cctv is from 2pm which fits with the timings of him walking back. I think it is him, it would be quite a coincidence if it wasn’t as everything matches the other photo from that day really well.
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This is what is making me so sad, at how close he was!! He must have died instantly which is what we all hope, for a less cruel death. Bless him!
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