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Just found this 🤣🤣🤣 20k booksales??? 😂😂😂

She mentioned she will be 34 by the time she has baby no.2 and Thomas wants more but she doesn't but could be 40 and pregnant.

anyway, will her age affect how well the birth goes?like she wants these natural no medicine births but with having to look after young children while pregnant and then have the child surely she will need to resort to the fact that medical interventions are normal? From what I've gathered she doesn't view births in medical settings normal?
I'm not qualified in any shape or form but just some thoughts On age and birth and our dramatic queen mel.
After the age of 35 your classed as high risk as your at a higher risk of having certain complications which is why personally I wouldn't have anymore after 35. I know a few women that have had babies in their mid 30s though


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This one is very weird. I know the green emoji is her “thing” and followers use it but a lot of these accounts overuse/spam the same combo of emojis. Uncanny.
I think as is evident with her dwindling views and genuine engagement she is scrambling to gain traction. Gotta keep that supply active. The baby will be out on display (on display without that stupid green heart on his eyes) for views. She will then probably lean in to the whole people are bullying my baby angle without any actual evidence other than “DMs”. It’s all soooo predictable.
I’m not saying this guys fake👀 which is why I didn’t put an ID but most of his comments are so OTT that it’s hard not to assume otherwise. He just jumped out at me while reading her comments , he does have a YT channel with 13subs but what’s on there you could create very easily yourself and it’s not even the type of channel content would draw him to any of Melanies work ... I just thought he came across as odd 🤨
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There was never any talk of a vacuum that I recall, it just shows how fake her original version was when she went a deleted the violence posts they're all gone even posts relating to the birth in reply to peoples comments I was sure she said they had to cut her because the head was so big ?
Yes @monga you are correct.
I did see a comment on her preference being the vacuum BUT SHE NEVER ONCE STATED IT FAILED.

So what were the medical professionals supposed to do?Her plan B failed, She was totally against a c section, clearly exhausted.

She consented to the forceps so why create a narrative of being forced into them when she said herself she agreed after the vacuum failed... in the video. It's obvious the professionals went through every option and forceps was the LAST option.

I'm confused in the Insta comment she states forceps was used due to exhaustion

In the video she says forceps were used because vacuum failed.

Also big lol at her stating her care had changed when her time was up 😂


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She's going private the only reason she didn't this time is because they're saving for a house and people were telling her there wasn't much difference in the care she'd receive she was even told she couldn't have a doula
yeah... if she goes private that’s MORE medical intervention in terms that she’s guaranteed a consultant in the room and a private room after. In terms of care there’s no difference whatsoever.

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The first thing I was told when I went to register at the birth unit/hospital where I am hoping to give birth (any day now :p) was that they encourage me to have an idea about what I would like to happen in an ideal case, and that they will do what they can to keep my preferences in mind, but that sometimes baby goes into distress, or the mother is in danger, and that they cannot guarantee that they will be able to talk me through all the options under such circumstances. I can't believe nobody ever told Mel that during all her antenatal visits (or that common sense would have told her as much?)? It seems to be such a no brainer - things needed to happen fast for baby's sake and hers; no time to explain all the ins and outs (sorry) of forceps vs vacuum vs c section.
Tbf they probably did tell her ,but she's so set on doing it her way to coincide with all the crap she reads/watches online and that's she seemed to lose sight of the fact this is reality ,not some fictional scene where the woman appears with her perfect bundle of joy looking like Audrey Hepburn without a hair out of place and all her bits intact ready for the gym the next day...If Only..

Surely she wouldn't qualify for a home birth now? MLU is so strict I can't imagine the rules and regulations for home births would allow for Melanie to qualify?

No she wouldn't ,,,but would that matter to her ?

Did she contact a doula to help validate her story?
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Don’t know where to even start with yesterday’s stories but if she REALLY wanted to encourage breastfeeding (which is fucking hard) then she could share any of the amazing Irish IBCLC’s on Instagram for an informative, helpful view. But she has no interest in being helpful, she just wants to show off and shame others.

Come off ‘maternity leave’ 😂😂 to post on here cos I really had to!
Watched her story last night and good god! Couldn’t help but feel like she was bragging about how good her postpartum body is! I had my baby last Thursday and am amazed by how my body is but wouldn’t go about plastering it all over social media as there are so many women who struggle with their body image after pregnancy.. was a massive turn off for me and am now considering unfollowing her on insta.
Also I am annoyed with all the breastfeeding posts too, as a new mum struggling to get my baby to latch properly after a traumatic birth it feels like a slap in the face! Anyway that’s enough out of me 😳🙄
Huge congrats on your baby! The first weeks of breastfeeding are so hard and nobody really talks about how tough it is after a traumatic birth. I got some good latch tips from
@nicola_lactationconsultant on Instagram. My baby wouldn’t latch on one side due to forceps.
Anyway sorry for derailing the thread!

Back to Melanie, I’m going to have to unfollow soon, she’s just getting worse and worse every day.
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Okay I haven't posted before but I am super interested in this shadow puppet thing like if this theory is real it's absolutely CRAZY like would someone even do this??? Does anybody have any more evidence?
this sounds like Mel trying to figure out her tells on sock puppet accounts so she can change them 😂😂

This thread has gone into weird territory,
Stop questioning new members to try and find out if they’re Mel or why they’re here 😂 it’s really off putting for new users, stop moderating other users posts, hit report and let staff deal with it so we don’t argue with each other.

Oh, and good morning 😬
guilty as charged 😈
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Yeah she has her private Facebook set to public- you can see photos and stuff from like 2009 onwards. I think we mentioned the "friend trolling" thing in the previous thread. Bit ironic given that she made a fake GG to troll and ship herself with other Youtubers.

(poor Jack Howard)
Such odd behaviour! I can get to other youtubers accounts through hers like and you can’t see their pages at all bar their profile photos. Loads of them don’t even have their full names up. It’s like she’s dying for people to see it, so weird

That’s why I found that post gas I saw people on here saying she does the exact same things to herself 😂 someone lock her up
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Did anyone notice how she has changed her stance on being Pro Choice from “my body my choice” to “I can’t imagine a kid not being wanted by their parents that’s why I am more pro choice now”.. ?
I don’t think for a second Melanie is pro-choice. I bet she is judgmental of people making that choice in real life.
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I am good friends with his ex wife who actually doesn't speak about Melanie, but his ex wife and he had a travel vlogging channel and collabed a few times with Melanie when they were all friends. Hope that's enough to figure it out!
I don't know any other Irish youtubers except for Melanie, so I'm clueless about what you're talking about. Maybe someone else will know. It'd be easier if you just wrote a name haha. 😂
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1.3 litres, that's a massive blood loss. Wouldn't you need a blood transfusion for this? ( Please correct me if I'm wrong).
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Her dad had a heart attack a few years back and some weird vegan channel did a video on it and basically said Melanie should encourage her dad to not eat meat to avoid future heart attacks and making out as if it was her fault. I mean look, eating overly processed frozen food "made" by Ms. Melanie cannot be good for your health but I am sure there were other things that caused his heart attack.

I love how Melanie thinks Covid is bullshit when she knows her father is in the vulnerable category: smoker, drinker, has had a heart attack and is older. Ridiculous

It is also interesting that Melanie claims to have all these health issues like IBS, PCOS, Orthorexia and all that which make her vulnerable - yet she doesn't care for covid. Her kid hasn't been vacinnated yet, she tried to say that breastfeeding made up for his lack of vacinnation. Her kid is vulerable yet lets her sister travel to see her and touch her baby and possibly get the baby ill. idiot.

Her stupidity makes me mad.
Did she mention she’s anti-vaccine? I won’t be surprised if she did say that 🙄
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who said her ob was Irish? 😂😂 Serious question because I’m in the system, what’s with people thinking because they think their Doc is an arsehole that automatically makes them a bad doc? “Treat people how they want” and that person knows what about clinical practice?? I’m sure I’ve been called all the cunts in the world behind my back. Genuinely couldn’t give a shit because I’ve kept my patients alive and I’ve treated them to the best of my ability. Why does them liking me or not matter?
Maybe his name was Sèamus :ROFLMAO: this is the comment
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hes about a month-ish old now isn’t he? Unless he was a premie, babies can usually hold their head for a few seconds by now 🤷🏻‍♀️

@Dearreader i don’t blame you switching off 🙄
Yeah he's nearly a month old but according to the app he was a week ahead of time.I think he's getting fussy so she thinks he's having a growth spurt or something.
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