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VIP Member
If your own husband is rolling his eyes at you...maybe, just maybe it's time to take a good look at yourself.
He couldn't be aware of all the other shit she does online by the way he came across in the vid ? she's such a hidden person and he seems oblivious to her dark side ,,she has him fooled.
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Check her twitter. She explains why. She’s so bitter.
Bitter for what ? maybe she's afraid to let go of the apron strings and venture out into the big wide world ,she's always got that room to fall back on if things don't work out ..
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The Devils Arse

VIP Member
My head is spinning with all of this info. I can't take it all in!!

Where have covidboreds posts gone? Did they (melanie) delete them after being called out?

Fab work from you all!
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I guess I just hold the view that abuse IS personal, and unless there's any evidence (e.g. screenshots) that she's been deceitful, like we have with Melanie, then I'm always going to at least try to defend the survivor.

I'll ignore the Jessica things from now on, or report them if necessary, but if yous aren't keen to keep mentioning this then let's draw a line under it now.
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VIP Member
Jesus. Just buy baby clothes washing powder and put all your clothes on together on a delicate wash. Who has time to hand wash everything? Between her always on stories and him hand washing Milos clothes, they defo have more time in the day than I do 😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️ “giving me time to heal” babe you had some stiches! I had a c-section and still had to walk 20 mins up and back to the hospital every day for two weeks to see my son until he was discharged. And guess what? It helped me heal quicker! Jesus wept.
Maybe she doesn't know you can wash baby clothes in the washing machine wouldn't surprise me 😂
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I don't think she sees her baby as a person though - which is why she's already planning the next one.
It's just something to make her life more "enviable" or closer to her idea of what a traditional wife should have, on some level.

Just a bit of armchair psychology, though.
It’s sad really she’s not savouring him like she should
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a driven and passionate First Officer working for Aer Lingus. I am also studying part-time for a BBs.(Hons) in Aviation Management at IT Carlow. Previously I received my BSc. in Pilot Studies from IT Carlow along with an ATPL from Flight Training Europe. Through my diverse working history I have attained leadership and people skills and I will continue to work towards my goal of becoming an Airline Captain at Aer Lingus.

he’s still studying part time? (2020-2024)
And paying his student loan, and paying for discounted follicles 😐
well his head is in the clouds so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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All this shows to me is how truly selfish she is. We’re trying to get pregnant (everyone send positive thoughts) and when/if I get pregnant that baby is going to be the most important thing in the world. Melanie’s using this argument to justify her whinging about the hospital and doctor. She wants to be put first above even the health of her baby who’s about to be born? I personally think that’s such a disgusting attitude and not what being a mother is about. Surely you don’t give a shit what the doctors need to do as long as you’re baby is born healthy. That is exactly what happened and she’s very much not grasped that.

(I’m pro choice, I’m obviously not putting out this view as everything is simply black and white. Let’s not get into a debate about this. I just think what Melanie’s saying is so wrong when she’s using it in relation to her own birth.)
Everything crossed for you x,,,yes it was an eye opener for me, but I don’t know if it’s an individual thing or not I certainly feel like you in that the child is a person after a certain stage weather they’ve been born or not.Once they’re moving about inside it makes for how much a person they are ( maybe that’s just me)I'd certainly be doing everything I could to get them here safely...I thought this was interesting too..Those first couple of lines
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because I’m active on this thread I try not to moderate it too much, if another staff member did some of these conversations (and ones in the past) would have been shot down straight away and removed for “attempting to moderate”
Maybe I’ve been wrong in doing that, most of us get on well here and don’t try to twist a comment into a narrative that gives them something to argue about.

so I will leave this by saying, if you’re a fan of Mel/Jessica/Captain Baldie/Milo/Emma Duffy,
Just ignore the thread, if someone says mel is fake Bi for views - thats their opinion,
If someone says her trauma is fake - opinion.
nobody should be scared to post here.
back to Melanie 😂
Hell yes ! it's a trash thread after all we can't please everyone at the end of the day and nothing is personal to anyone only the influencers ..There'd be more than eye rolls if they were on some of my usual threads but it like minded people on there and we do and say what we want without offence taken .I thought that's what these threads were about ?but I give credit where it's due too ,I'm not ashamed to say. it's not like we're tearing people apart for nothing only going on what we're seeing.If Melanie does something positive then that deserves credit too:) (I'm not moderating on the last bit :p)
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Chatty Member
Sorry but she was always saying she would move her dad in when they bought so why not rent one big place on three incomes which would mean a fair bit of saving towards buying a house.

She's not renting because it's not the makings of a successful influencer who makes 6 figures. ( in her eyes)

And she won't buy herself because how dare she have to front the cheque when the only place senor baldy is flying is to the shops to stock up on waffles.
I think it’s what most people would do but I think she’d hate that for the reasons you’ve just mentioned. Her next big move has to be into her dream mansion!!
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Can I just say.... I love your posts and am so glad you joined. I also want to apologise about butting heads, that time. We are all on the same page here.

I wasn't sticking up for plank from ed edd and Eddie that time. 😂

Yep I noticed that too, she was obv lurking and seen @Chinesewhispers post 🤣
She sure was ,it wasn't too long after Chinese posted was it 😂
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I've been trying (and failing!) to keep up with Melanie's thread, which has been very active since her birth! So just wondering, since I apparently missed this, how you all know her son's name when she said she's kept it offline?
hey, welcome! We don’t actually. One of the supposed sock puppet accounts is called Milo on Instagram so it was just adopted here.
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Iconic Member
Yeah she put something up the other night I saw it,it was your earlier post about it made it jump out when she posted it.
totally missed that, but I suppose she cares about repeal the seal as much as she cares about repeal the 8th 😐
She’s all over the covid restrictions because it effects officer baldie.
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Ah thank you, sorry, in my setting and trust we have to ask before every VE, but that might have been the case with Melanie that she signed and agreed!
She might not have signed one and in that case yes, he should have asked every time. It’s wrong of me to assume she did. I didn’t watch her video and by the sounds of it she didn’t like her dr anyway. I don’t think any labour minus calm, pool and whale sounds would have been good enough for her.
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He was in the gym that my husband and myself use,nice bloke, always had a nice manner and would chat with us if we had time until mad melanie came along,it seemed like he was under the thumb very quickly,she just oozes negativity and thinks she is better than everyone else..we all just laughed at her, she's an idiot with not an ounce of cop on.
That's sad to hear... What gym do they go To?

Sorry for the Q's but we've had some special guests on the thread 👀

What way is she negative?

Also are you not worried they could narrow who you are down from your posts?
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