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VIP Member
So she’s checking here and has let what we’re saying affect her, but she made multiple videos about someone I know saying the most god awful things (despite having never met her) encouraged all her followers to attack this woman in the comments, which they did and then refused to delete the videos despite being begged to? She’s been off work since November because of it, she’s been suicidal and afraid to leave the house. I’m tempted to send her this thread so she can write her own message to the bully that is Melissa Byrne.
Why did Mel say awful things about your friend? It sounds horrible for your friend!


VIP Member
I just cannot believe she is encouraging her step child to get involved in her online drama. It's all such a game to Mel. Encouraging her step child to get involved in her conflict is so wrong. It's not how well adjusted adults behave at all.

Children learn how to manage conflict by observing how adults handle disagreements. Thank goodness her stepchildren have their own mothers to guide them through conflict as Mel is utterly toxic in conflict situations.


I suspect she will be one of those Tik tokkers who just randomly stops posting one day and never goes back to it, it doesn’t seem like this is sustainable or long term


VIP Member
Mel's labels on herself, she says she is/has...

Intrusive thoughts
Paedophilia Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Fear of being sick / Emetophobia
Abuse victim
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Fear of being alone /Autophobia
Narcissistic mother
Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Mental breakdown
Is drawn to negativity
A Victim
Fear of illness /Hypochondria
Panic attacks
Estranged from family
Sexually abused
Emotionally abused
Fear of death / Thanatophobia
Trauma bonding
Health Anxiety
People pleaser
Irrational fear of cows / Bovinophobia
Severe anxiety
Low self worth
Narcissistic abuse
Regular meltdowns
Childhood trauma
Chronic oversharer
Fear of flying / Aerophobia



Chatty Member
What on earth is that last bit about 🤢 hope to god that’s not Mel trying to defend herself cus if it is then she defo has tendencies similiar to her brother saying stuff like that!
Sorry what is this and where is it from? There is no name or anything how do you know she said it?


VIP Member
Me too, it’s so disgusting. Fair enough if the mum or one of the mums (because there’s four kids to two mums) isn’t easy to get along with. But keep that shit off the internet, vent to your husband, friends or a therapist ffs. Mel might not like the mums but their kids certainly do! The loyalty bond from child to parent is incredibly strong. Those kids love their mothers, end of. No child will be happy or comfortable with someone (no matter how much they like that person) slagging off their mum or putting their mums business online for 30k people to foam at the mouth over.

It’s abhorrent behaviour and just goes to show her distinct lack of emotional intelligence, I find her to present as quite a self absorbed person. So I am unsurprised at this behaviour.

And to be honest as someone who’s silently watched her since October, some of the stuff she came out with was mind boggling. Just described behaviour where she consistently overstepped in every way with not a boundary to be seen. If I was one of the kids mums I’d be pissed off too and I’d certainly have something to say about it. And if my ex got with a woman who openly said she has these rages linked to her mental health where she harms herself or the house I’d definitely stop contact until I’d gotten to the bottom of it. Yes she says she doesn’t do that when the kids are there (supposedly) but how was the mum/s supposed to know that?
Did she say that she harms herself and her home? 😳
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VIP Member
This stinks of “I’ve just ended my live and fell out with my husband who thinks I’m obsessed with tattle”.
does she not understand that she’s giving us conversation topics as well as directing people to her page?! at this point I just think she’s liking the attention.

Also she doesn’t even have any trolls in her comments, she’s referring to us, so just don’t look!! The people telling her what we are saying are no better than us
Her message is hilarious! So it's our fault she overstepped the line re her trauma "drama" & it's our fault she's run out of ideas to remain relevant 🤣
The reality is it's her complete lack of boundaries that has got her in the position she is in.
Her lack of emotional intelligence means she automatically goes into victim blaming mode.
What an absolute drama queen!
Obviously it's our fault she has no purpose in her life other than to focus on her past trauma by obsessively talking about it constantly 🤣


Active member
She said herself they knew each other from 15 on her live because he was her nans gardener, I said 40 because I was unsure on age but knew it was over 30 haha
Yeah that is a bit weird but he’s defo not 50 now, I thought there was 10 years ish between them but not exactly sure.


VIP Member
She’d look really nice in a wrap dress or a nice a line midi skirt with a vest tucked in.
The crop tops and high waisted jean combo just doesn’t do her any favours, she dresses like my 13 yo!
Mel dresses and acts like a 13 yr old, and when I've seen her lives, most of the people in the live seem very young, very emotional and many are seeking advice from Mel! 🫣😳


VIP Member
I think the validation that she gets on TikTok is probably intoxicating for her which anyone who has experienced emotional neglect will understand, but she is betraying others to keep her content going. I also maintain that she isn’t a narcissist but she doesn’t have the level of self awareness to consider other points of view and gets defensive because she feels like she is being attacked.
I was kinda glad that her employer found out about her doing lives whilst she is supposed to be working. She still makes TikToks though. She seems to be overpaid and underworked and probably earns twice my salary!
Has she ever mentioned what her job role is? I can't bring myself to scroll through her content to find out.


VIP Member
PTSD is a new one.

I suffered with PTSD (after a very traumatic event) and it was fucking debilitating, the last thing I’d be doing is fucking TikTok’s. I couldn’t even leave my own house at one point.

She’s really spiralling and very up and down, she says she’s the best she’s ever been and I’m honestly not convinced. She’s obsessed with her family, it’s getting a bit scary and people are pointing that out in the comments and she’s deleting them.
And just to add to the grandmas money, you got money from it. You stayed in the house for a year, so why not be a big girl and save the money whilst you were there?
39k being blown is very easy to do (it’s not even a lot of money) if you’re buying a summer house and buying posh getaways for family members and their partners.
Just be grateful and move the fuck on. If it was all for show, then why did you go?

narcs are obsessed with money according to Mel, who’s the one who’s obsessed here?
Mel is rewriting her history to cause her mother as much upset as possible and to get as much sympathy for herself as she can. She is a trained actress reinacting her past to cause as much damage to her family as she possibly can. It's definitely gone way too far. Mel won't ever stop unless she is forced to stop. She seems not to understand how harassment works.


VIP Member
So she’s checking here and has let what we’re saying affect her, but she made multiple videos about someone I know saying the most god awful things (despite having never met her) encouraged all her followers to attack this woman in the comments, which they did and then refused to delete the videos despite being begged to? She’s been off work since November because of it, she’s been suicidal and afraid to leave the house. I’m tempted to send her this thread so she can write her own message to the bully that is Melissa Byrne.
Which platform are these videos on?


VIP Member
**Trigger Warning **

In her latest video, all in one sentence Mel says

"my brother sexually abused me when I was 9 years old and he is now a convicted paedophile"

That sentence, which she's said MANY times before is clearly designed to imply she was raped as a child and is a real insult to the many children who were raped as children.

I am qualified to speak about abused children as I've seen too many at work & i was sexually abused as a child. I am ABSOLUTELY SICK of Mel trying desperately to get a bigger tiktok following by repeatedly implying her childhood was far worse than what she says it was to get a following, and then earning money from that following.

Many abused children were raped in their home for years, regularly beaten, underfed, removed from their homes, placed in care and or foster care, constantly shouted and sworn at instead of spoken to, disciplined physically, burnt with cigarettes, given alcohol to make them sleep, regularly shaken and thrown by adults, had years of veneral diseases as children, made to sleep in dirty flea ridden beds, made to wear unhygienic clothing and underwear, left scared, hungry and thirsty home alone when under age most nights. Some were passed around like rag dolls, some had to have reconstructive surgery to repair where small children were raped. I could go on...

Mel needs to get some perspective, ok she alleges her childhood wasn't the best. Thank god it wasn't like many other children's! She never even acknowledges that many of her followers will have suffered far worse than she did as she is a stuck record repeating her childhood over and over to many people who think she got off lightly! When people do ask her for help she has no idea what to say each time they ask. She's pathetic absolutely pathetic. She cannot even signpost people to places as she's criticised them all in her woe is Mel rants.

Mels page is all about Mel wallowing and being miserable in public, whilst alluding to certain things that didn't happen to her and repeating over and over the things that did, all said to get paid and profit from and I think that's disgusting. 🤬
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VIP Member
I understand that this triggers you and enrages you, but Mel was neglected and abused regardless of whether it wasn’t as bad as cases that you have seen. We can disapprove of her making money from her vulnerable followers and her being fucking annoying without dismissing what actually happened to her.
She tells us every single day what happened to her so we are all aware of her childhood.

My disgust with her behaviour is not saying crappy things didn't happen to her or anyone else. It's dramatising and implying what didn't happen that I take issue with. Telling people multiple times a day she's estranged from her family, she was sexually abused and her brother is a paedophile is implying she was raped every single day. I'd have so much more sympathy for her if she was just honest and didn't imply for money.

It is very wrong to imply it was something else, something that happened to many of her followers that she implies happened to her when it didn't. She's done that and does that to get followers and more money and that's what's very wrong.

Implying she was raped when she wasn't has nothing to do with her mother being a bad mother. Mel is mixing everything together to get more views, and more money which is so wrong.
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VIP Member
If she had been raped yes I agree things may have been very different in every respect, however I find it abhorrent that she wished as a child she had been raped. Nobody should be wishing they were raped as a child.

Her bipolar esque posts swing from the above subject to oversharing her sex life. Its all so messed up. Tiktok however is not the place to work out her SA feelings like she is doing imo.