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what’s going on this afternoon!? This is a shambles. Has Dec got sympathy pains?! Or is he really going round to look after Mase with Five Guys?! Is there something in the Surrey water, we are all illl at the same time!

I’m going back to bed.
He heard mason and Nathan were en route to Dubai and wanted in
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Oh god yeah if I had a shot for every time the word love was used I’d be dead
This one was the worst, it’s like what a middle aged woman says to her husband when he tries it on…

“Hmm...not tonight, love,”

‘I’ve got a headache’ 🤣
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Controversial opinion- I think Shake Shack is better than Five Guys

I also think Nandos is really overrated so I could never be with a footballer they’re all obsessed with the place 🙄
I’ve never had a Shake Shack, feel like I’m missing out now :ROFLMAO: I don’t get the Nando’s hype though, although I expect that is partly to to with being vegetarian😅
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Chatty Member
Why does the sat nav have an American accent? 🤣🤣 No ick here just to clarify, just shocked at how young he looked. Would still bang you Mase.
He does look so young....but i still would...
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we all feel for you hun x

I promise that isn’t me 🤣

Morning all! Let’s hope for a better day today - maybe Mase and Dec could get together and make some tiktoks or something, they’ve got nothing else to do!
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Here's a couple little snippets of the Christmas Tree fic.

Context: The first one is actually before they decorate the tree, he's just been going on about it... and the second one is when they're putting the star on the top (she's on his shoulders)

“Are you not helping?” he asked as he leant over the arm of the sofa, his head hovering over yours.

“You’ve paid more attention to that bloody tree than me” you pouted as you looked up at him, before returning to your phone.

“Ohhhhh, so that’s why you’re being moody?” he teased, rolling his eyes.

He walked around the sofa so he could lie with you, his legs slotting between yours as he propped himself up on his elbow with his other hand sliding under the throw to find your waist.

“You just wanted attention?” he teased again, removing your phone from your hand, and throwing it onto the carpet, his face almost touching yours as he rested his chin on your chest.

“I haven’t had any and that tree has had too much for my liking” you complained, your fingers flicking the tip of his nose.

“What kind of attention do you want?” he asked as the fingers on your waist began to lightly stroke up and down your skin, a good start you thought.

“What’s on offer?” you asked as you bit your lip, his lips ghosting yours.

“What do you want?” his eyebrow raising as his head tilted to the side.

“Well, I don’t know what the available options are yet” your fingers threading through the back of his hair.

“Do you want a kiss?” he whispered, his eyes flickering down to your mouth.

“Mhmm” you hummed, as he was already pressing his lips on yours.

“Do you want… more than a kiss? He breathed between more slow kisses.

“Mhmm” you hummed again.

“Do you want… to decorate the tree?” he smirked, pulling away from your lips slightly so he could see your reaction.

You didn’t say anything, you just raised an eyebrow, and as he let out a chuckle under his breath his lips fell onto your neck.


It took you a few attempts to get the star to sit straight, Mason huffing and puffing under you as you kept saying you still weren’t done.

“Bloody hell baby come on” he moaned, squeezing his hand on your thigh.

“This is karma for choosing such a big tree” you chuckled as you wiggled the star once more, “I thought you like being between my legs?”

“Hurry up” he snorted, squeezing your leg again.

“Ok I’m done” you grinned as you had finally got it perfect waiting for him to let you down, but frantically gripping onto his hair again as he started moving towards the stars, “Where are you going?”.

He didn’t reply, just reached his hands up to you so you would intertwine your fingers with his, steadying you both as he walked up the stairs.

“Mason what are you doing?” you shrieked, unable to do anything but hold on to the sides of his face with your thighs and hold his hands as tight as possible.

“I’m taking you to bed” he gloated as he reached the top of the stairs, “You can’t parade around with no pants on and expect me not to take advantage”.

“Oh” you grinned with a surprised tone in your voice, biting your lip when you felt a flutter in your stomach as he turned towards his bedroom.

“Especially with my name on your back, I don’t know how I’ve managed to last this long” he added, crouching down at the foot of his bed so your feet could stand on the mattress, his hands helping you hop over his head.

You fell onto your knees, Mason grabbing your ankles so you wouldn’t turn around, tucking his hand under the waistband of his joggers.

“Took you long enough” you sneered, looking back over your shoulder to see him freeing his already hard dick from his joggers.

“Good things come to those who wait princess” he growled; his eyes already darker than usual as he looked back at you.

“I’m tired of waiting” you sneered again, knowing you were pushing your luck as you parted your knees, back arching as you lowered your chest to the bed.

“Stop. Fucking. Talking. Back.” he growled, striking a sharp slap on your ass with the last word, causing you to bite onto your lip to hide a cry, “And get rid of this” he added, pulling the material of your underwear and letting it snap back onto your skin.
You’re too good girl! Can’t wait to read them!
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I’ll start the new thread before work, should be on a couple more pages by then hopefully!

Got a great poll idea 😇😇😇😇

Thread title I don’t know if we can use the word vagina but if i tweak it …

We want him inside of us, but not like that ?
Surely you can! The teens are normalising vaginas remember! 🤣

Morning 💙

so I had a dream!! Which is huge for me because I don’t dream/haven’t dreamt for so long as I don’t sleep well and I just have a million things that run through my mind. I’m always very Envious of everyone’s dreams!

anyway, I had a dream. It wasn’t as good as I would’ve liked, but a dreams a dream! So, we were all there. We were in the queue to get in to wyld, and NPB popped her head up out of the bins and said she could get us in. So we all got in & then we bumped in to tony at the bar who was getting the shots in. OI OI BIG T!!

mason came out of the toilet and said his teeth were hurting and he wanted to leave. Big T said he couldn’t leave yet because the FBC had just got there. Mason said we could all leave, so all of us and tony and mason got in to Debbie’s Ford Focus (lol at all of us getting in one car, how realistic) and went back to masons house. Mason said we could all sit by the lake in his garden, so we all sat by the lake And NPB appeared and started serving us all drinks. Then mason said did we want to go swimming, so we all got in the lake and little nath was a lifeguard. Mason kept pretending to be a shark. We all talked about how lovely NPB was (😩) and Mason said he couldn’t get rid of her and she just kept turning up.

That’s a great dream! Mase and Big T! 😍 Laughing so much at NPB popping up out of the bin 🤣
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I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before!!

Yeah I’m sure she’s got some numbers in her phone. I’ll have to try bring him up in conversation but I’m not due to go again until April 😔😔
I’ve been as well she lasered off my crappy microblading that I had done elsewhere 😂
Might get them redone just to try and get another chance of us having an in route but also I hate having to give up sunbeds during healing 😂😭
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Less emails, more socks.
Seen as thought the camp has been a shit show, just show us them all naked. Or some footage from previous camps we haven’t seen.
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