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VIP Member Marcus and Michelle mcmanus one & the same person? never see them in the same room together, do you.........🤔🤔🤔😛
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Newsflash we have a live without Marcus's bodyguard i repeat louisa is not on his live a live i can enjoy
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I’m mad at him for pissing off his new friend already. It will be ages now before he’s invited anywhere else. Selfish.
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I love it when people make cameos here, this thread has got to be the best for that on here too?
Has to be 😂😂 we've had friends, potential ex step brothers, alleged nurses, former college mates. Have I missed anyone?
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The clue’s in the name you giant wobbling buffoon, high functioning, yes you might have struggles in the workplace but you can still fucking try like the rest of us, funnily enough if I knew a sponger as vile as you YES I would be saying get a fucking job. Why don’t you say it like it is, you‘re a fat lazy cunt who would rather sponge off the system and your thick deluded beauts than make any attempt to help yourself. As for the OCD I’ve never heard anything funnier in my life, if he has OCD then I’m Beyoncé.

He has really fucking riled me
Well said! Never a truer word spoken apple! 👏👏 I know a guy he has downs syndrome lovely guy anyway hes a manager of a cafe! Theres no excuses for marcus its just pure laziness he wont volunteer either because theres no money in it for him and he's not a good person to think of others you'd at least take up a hobby that dosent require validation or attention hes just a massive waste of space
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That ain’t very generous of you hun. How is that going to feed us. We will waste away. Where is the mayo and the ginormous cake?

(I do envy his ability to eat a whole cake, and the rest, with minimal repercussions. I would be crying and rolling on the floor with self loathing after a slice 😭)
I used to eat whole gateaux like he did and I’d never go above 8 stone (I’m 5’11 so that is tiny for me) now I ate a bar of chocolate last week and I still can’t fit in my leggings 😂 fuck turning 30 - but also imagine the size of him once he goes past 30 😯😯😯😯
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Is he finally being driven away by the men in white coats?
Or has Sam kidnapped him to try to get his £12?
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Here I was about to go off the live coz he's a boring bastard and next thing KP appears in all her plastic glory . Well that's took the talk of us trolls , he's gonna wank himself silly over this.
When she asked did he see a therapist "em..Well..em yeah well I see the autism team" you could literally see the cogs in his brain working to come up with a lie on the spot.
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His family are fucking strange with his mum nasty texting him then going to meetings with him and the sister 🤯
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