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“Bank transfer please.” The biggest beggar we know replies with”The audacity.’ 🤭😂 The audacity that he would even reply with that! 🙄

I’ve been quiet on this thread for a while now beauts and I hope you’re all well.💋 Marcus is still a fucking cunt and I still hate him…pass it on! 🤬


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“Bigger things going on” this from the one who didn’t even realise why there was a bank holiday yesterday. He properly lives in his own bubble
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Is he still claiming to be gormless homeless and living in tax payers funded homeless accommodation? Yet he posts about him staying at Sid’s the snide when she’s off getting foreign cock and when they go out boozing and floozing together? How can he be classed as homeless when Sid has a spare bedroom and they are the bestest of fwends? That room could be given to someone who really needs it and not just be given to a spoilt man child cunt who has thrown some MMMM’s this year (we’re eagerly awaiting the next MMMM). I assume when you’re homeless it is because you can’t afford to put a roof over your head which I may add is a fucking tragedy and a crying shame in this day and age especially in the UK. Yet greedy cunt can afford to eat out at least a couple of times a day? He makes me so fucking angry and he just laughs and plays the fucking system like a fiddle! What an absolute cunt you are Marcus! You want a boyfriend 🤢 you’re a waste of a huge amount of fucking space, an oxygen grief thief and you’re not boyfriend material beaut! You’re a sad, woe is me, pitiful cunt who will go absolutely no where in life. You class yourself as a ‘public figure’ nobody and I repeat nobody would want to be you. Bye, see ya, I literally beg that in my lifetime I wouldn’t want to be ya. 👋🏻 CUNT!
Do you want to join my Marcus rave thread beaut? I'm starting one

Absolutely. I hope the DWP start an investigation into this fat, mouthbreathing, waste of fucking oxygen and kick him out of that homeless hostel and let somebody stay there who is in dire need of shelter. As for all the eating out and takeaways he shovels down his throat week in week out, I hope he permanently has the shits. He's taking the piss. 😡
You too

Who the fuck is this fat ugly cunt?!
I'll tag you in the rave thread beaut
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I’m furious I missed the KP live. Went for a quiet meal with friends and it escalated. I crawled in at 7am. Send help and the communal beauts I’m done in 😂😂😂😂
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UTI ladies, I also have cervix issues and it is small and difficult to get - wonder if it’s all linked?
Anyway, where has the flume been all day - has he been on tik tok? Has he smashed up his phone?
And meeee 🙋‍♀️
Daily nitrofurantoin for me 😊
Sex triggers them no end. Ive had the same partner for 8 years and ive had the same issue with every bf so i cant even blame a stinky winky.
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We are all merging into the same person. Has anyone else got kidney problems? I'm waiting for an ultrasound on my kidney pretty sure I've got scarring on my right kidney. For years I've been getting rushed to hospital struggling to breathe (not in an asthma attack kind of way) and been told I have all the signs of a nasty UTI/kidney infection but all tests come back clear of infection but I do always have blood and protein in my urine samples and blood tests have confimed I dont have outright kidney disease. Bubble baths and bath bombs are out the question as is caffeine. Even to hair remove my lady bits I have to keep my knickers on and the front bit all shoved inside me to avoid any contact with the cream or I'll be in hospital.
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Just realised he gets coke with no ice so when he’s slurping up the clear remnants he’s drinking backwash not ice water 🤢🤢🤢
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Stripper Vicar

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Answer me this you fat twat if you have such loving family why did they leave you to eat your maccies alone in your bedsit? Go sit on a bog brush you waste of space
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I send all of my love to you, it is torture. Sometimes I film myself checking locks etc just so that if I get to work and I feel the panic coming on, then I have the evidence there to try and shut my brain up. I get it 100%. We do whatever we have to do to get through the day.
I truly applaud anyone that fights these battles every day. We are so strong, even on the days when we don't feel it.
I do the filming thing too. I’ve never been diagnosed with OCD but I notice a lot of the traits fit me. I take a photo of my son on our way to nursery every morning and a photo of the car park while I’m walking out because intrusive thoughts tell me I haven’t dropped him off and I don’t know where he is. (Obviously I know I have but it helps having proof. I’m aware that sounds nuts😥)
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Another Sid 182 sorry Blink 182 song Miss You 🥀

Where are youuuu
Sid I'm so sorry
I can't afford to eat anything tonight
I need some money like always
This sick strange darkness
Andys haunting me hes haunting me tonight
Hes haunting me tonight
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Sorry if it's been said haven't caught up yet as been in work BUT did he really just refer to an orgasm as orgy the fucking inexperienced little fuck shit
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The stoner beauts, do ye have jobs? How do you cope? Years ago I used to smoke in the evening and once I had a joint it was an effort for me to even go to the toilet, couldn’t function on it at all 😂😂
Yes beaut I work 35 hours a week! I also take pure THC oil have done since my cancer diagnosis (I’m all clear now) so my tolerance is pretty high now

Shrieking at him saying he can’t wear a coat probably because he’s outgrown his array of bin bags and can’t afford a new one 🙄😂
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I can't watch videos of him eating. For one, he shovels it down like a fat pig, chams and eats with his mouth open. And for two.... the tooth! How does it stay in?? One of these days it'll appear sticking out the top of a Big Mac, and I bet he'd still post it on his IG because he'd think it's funny. Cunt.
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