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I’m of to contact 5 towns radio now!! Do they know anything about Mankey? I will let them know a bit about him now 😊
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I honestly don’t know what to say really, today has really got my back up. The lies that come out of his mouth is unreal and to let that woman say what she said is disgusting. DHB would not take the piss out of a person with Down syndrome what BS 😡😡😡😡

I’m fucking fuming
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Chocolate lolly

Chatty Member
I rarely go on tik tok now because im sick of seeing battles and begging. Tashas story broke my heart and i donated to Daryls live when he did the battles with her. But the more I see her on live with her terminally ill son awake her more interested in tiktok it's starting to come across a bit beggy. Last night she wrote in Daryls live the rapid response team was in because her sons heart was failing. Now why would you be in Daryls comments while your sons heart was failing why go on live and start battling after rapid response dealt with your son. Tom has definitely had an influence on her begging.
I totally agree about Tasha ive noticed it for weeks. 1 why does she want to go on weeky ranking? 2 how much money does she actually need ? Its beyond begging now. She's taking it all for gran
I felt sorry for DHB last night as Mankey was trying to make out to tash that he’s a very bad person and he told her not to speak to
DHB! I used to like tash and I did donate but now I’m wondering why she is constantly trying to get on these leaderboards when her son is terminal. I would not be on TikTok. She’s booked holidays etc but her little boy can’t even fly yet and they don’t know how long he has got left so how can they plan holidays? She gets benefits and DLA! It’s all wrong! People are greedy - she knew Daryl was going to put up a post today showing their messages so she has quickly put one up last night. It says on there how much was raised it don’t show if she’s taken any out the go fund me so that’s a lie as she says the other day she’s taken some money out! I can’t believe she does of too 😳 I’m sorry but I’d be spending every day with my child not on social media doing battles! Mankey was encouraging her not to
Go speak with DHB then he was telling his viewers DHB is a horrible man who sky’s and talks about people all day!
Totally agree how much money does she need !!!

I totally agree about Tasha ive noticed it for weeks. 1 why does she want to go on weeky ranking? 2 how much money does she actually need ? Its beyond begging now. She's taking it all for gran

Totally agree how much money does she need !!!
Her attitude is dreadful and she knew what she was doing when she went in manleys live last night... poking the fire and now shes been well and truly burnt. She also deleted a video she made about somone calling her beggy sue thats gone overnight.Dhb has been too soft with these beggers that he has helped financially.
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Number 20 on the board....Toms friend who is on a weight loss journey....only has 1300 a nice person, was the one who was concerned about the distressed lady in Toms live last night. See Mankey, when you engage with your viewers people gift you for being pleasant!!! In fact, if it stops YOU from getting up the board I will gift HER.....because I like her, and you're a twat!!
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Did anyone notice after the competition, the Mankey’s went out for 2 meals, on Weds they had a meal together and had 2 desserts each, on Thur the whole family went to the local Hungry Horse pub and all had slap up meals. Yet when ahopping on Weds with Lucy, Tom complained the bank account was low when Lucy wanted to get the baby new clothes
Guess what Tom. Babies and children grow faster than your ever expanding belly does. They need new clothes almost monthly
Seems his belly takes priority in that house
spot on there Mumz! And wait till they are teenagers… you will know how expensive they are! I use to love a designer label for myself, but since having kids that has changed. As my saying goes “I wear primarni so my kids can wear Armani” I wonder if Tom would do the same…
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Just seen the toolbox 🧰 video.

unfortunately there isn’t a box big enough for the biggest tool you own Tom,

which is YOU !! 🔨
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I am howling at all your comments, fortunately I missed mankey toms first Bath in a decade and I’m glad I did, he’s lucky he didn’t have to have the fire brigade cut him out of it, absolute hobbit couldn’t even squeeze in the Bath, what a state. And the bathroom looks as grim as him 🤢
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Last night while on live with Dunny, Dunny was telling Tom to own the fact he is making a living from TikTok and just ignore the hate
Tom said it doesn’t really bother him ( it does) and that after 10pm him and the mods don’t ban anyone, they banter it out (lie)
Tom’s telling us that as an overly large full grown man, he is so scared of the little old frail poodle that he has to call Lucy for help. Lol ok, then
If a dog had “proper gone for me” there’d be a lot more commotion than he made out! Why didn’t he shout Lucy there and then when it happened? Why didn’t he get up of his lazy arse and move the dog himself? Why didn’t he make any indication of it happening? Coz he just lies out his arse all the time
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Lol, this is hilarious, she's really not singing from the same hymn sheet as Scamley, she said she'd rather quality over quantity when it comes to followers & that idiot liar saying ummm, yes I agree.... Get outta here, you're constantly number watching
Exactly....she also said "it's better to donate a small amount to a few people than just donating to one....spread the help".

Maybe Tom could spread the help for Lucy instead of just spreading? Challenge for tomorrow Tom...get up first, give Jeremiah his breakfast, then get the kids up and take them to school, then get your lardship into the garden and start the spring prep....lots of leaves to sweep, pruning to be done and general tidying (bet there's plenty of dog shit to pick up too 🤮🤮). I know this because today I've been tidying my small garden....oh, and I've shifted 3 20kg bags of stones, dug out the unadopted access road at the back and laid the stones to stop puddles forming....go on, fresh air, exercise and a bit of weight loss 🤣🤣
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Wait until manley finds out about the latest charity fundraiser .im sure he will be quick to get involved .mel moons friend had a 9 month old baby left the baby in someones care whilst she was working or something and the baby died .the people who looked after the baby have been arresed for gbh with intent .a gofund has been made for the funeral and mels trying to help and trying to sort like a date or zoom call with creaters where creaters will get auctioned of .mels not made the gofund me its like family of the person thats made it
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Have you even seen the dog? It’s bloody small and skinny and walks around the kitchen looking for food. Also if it did “proper go for you” then should this dog be around children?
You are a big fat liar Tom and I hope the RSPCA do pay you a visit after that live recording. The dog needs feeding up for starters. You have pushed that dog away since you got your new one as you said they don’t get on. You are cruel to your kids and animals. All you care about is grabbing money of kids on TikTok
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I agree I liked tasha at first felt very sorry for her, still do awful thing what she's going threw, but getting involved with the manley family not a good idea as she does always seem to be going after leader board nd gifts 😕
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