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Chatty Member
Maisie wtf! Nando’s in KL!! Get down Changkat and all the food places on the streets that run off from there . Or jump on a flight to Penang and go to Georgetown. Home of the Asia food courts. For the love of chips, get out of Nando’s!!! And to think she had a dig at Gran Canaria🤣🤣🤣
She is completely and utterly out of her depth , you can tell from the terrible tik toks she has done
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I think she's regretting it, but I don't think she'll ever admit it. She cannot ever accept she might have got something wrong. This is a prime example; she's blaming TikTok for her views being low, because in her head it can't possibly be because her "content" is as dry as old toast.

If she says "we shouldn't have done this trip," she's as good as admitting that everyone was right when they said they should be looking at making themselves more attractive to mortgage lenders. Save some money, spend sensibly, stop wasting time and money on shit for views. She can't even admit that nobody wants to give her a mortgage, because that would mean admitting that she's reckless with her money.

I will never understand why she thinks dragging a toddler around the globe to eat pasta is more important than securing a roof over her child's head.
Totally agree. I think the first clue to her admitting defeat in a subtle way is when she posted about how this trip has made her want to go home and get a mortgage and settle down. I don’t think she’s properly planned any of this trip, she’s done it sort of on a whim and tbh it just hasn’t worked out. It’s a shame as it could’ve been such an epic trip!
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Wonder if Maisie ever stopped to consider the reason her skins so bad is because she’s letting herself get skin burnt to fuck every single day and clearly is not using spf.
Also if you use a cleansing balm every day at home why did you think you’d magically be alright in a country where you’re gonna be producing excess oils because of the heat?! The mind boggles
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Chatty Member
Now she’s saying they haven’t used arm bands because she doesn’t want Elsie to get any false expectations about floating in the water and going into deep water alone… she’s not even 2 yet!! Elsie has no clue whether she can or can’t float anyway, she doesn’t even know what an armband is 🙈 does Maisie think Elsie’s like hmm I’ve never worn armbands so I better not go into deep water alone, this woman is DENSE
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Active member
Her dancing in the car to ‘I like to move it move it’ I’m honestly screaming 😂😂😂😂😂
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VIP Member
Can't believe she went to another soft play with her 🤣 honestly they could have just done a holiday in the UK and saved a lot of money cos she's moaning about the heat as well 😅 such a waste of an oppurtunity over there
But just think of the stories Elsie will have to tell when she's older...😒
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VIP Member
she reckons square neck vests suit her body shape best! cant imagine how bad other styles look then
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VIP Member
I know I've mentioned them before but The Hutchinson Family have a new video where they kind of break down their yearly travel spend. They "budget" travelled for their first 6 months as a family of 5 and spent around 15k.

It still astounds me that Maisie spent 17k for 3 months in Australia and only went to the beach, shopping malls and ate Acai bowls
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God her content really is shit isn’t it
Tell me please why she’s gone to SE Asia to eat cheese toasties and pasta bolognese and chips and get her hair cut ?
I don’t mind other creator content showing things like getting your hair or nails done or doing your laundry but that’s because they are either living in these places or are away for really extended periods of time……not 6 weeks ffs.
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Its clear the child is just a bit of a hinderance for her but her whole selling point is how having a baby young hasn't impacted her life 😂
How many more weeks is she away as it doesn't seem like she has actually done much travelling.. just stayed in one place so far 🤷🏻‍♀️
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VIP Member
Her tiktok should be thriving whilst suitcasing 🤣 look at The Hutchinson Family, but then they actually immerse themselves in the culture, show their children the world and not just 7/11s and beaches
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I don’t get what the result was of not having the visa, she explained that so poorly. One minute Charlie couldn’t get through the next he was and that was the end 🫣 also someone commented that maybe the baby carrier is too small for Elsie and she needs a toddler carrier, Maisie obviously just jumped on the defensive and said it’s fine and it wasn’t on properly in those clips, surprise surprise 🙄
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Well whats betting the house buying goes on hold yet again and she does actually go to Japan seen as Kyra May (or however you spell it 😂) is there now and she seems to copy everything Kyra does.. but not very well haha
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Also don’t forget - had a meltdown because her toddler was being a typical toddler on holiday and ruined her day
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Chatty Member
I was thinking this, like has she ever stopped to think that maybe the content she’s putting out isn’t that great? Her content since being away has been worse than when she’s in the UK. It’s boring, they’re not doing anything you’d do when you go to Thailand
Exactly it’s so boring! It’s just the same thing all day everyday, she hyped this trip up so much aswell 😅 Also she is so immature, threatening to not post now until they’re home because she’s in a strop
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