Madison Sarah #2 bad witch energieeee, grinch face so scarieeee

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Whatever happened to her buying a house? She was looking around new builds and saying 'this will be mine' and then never moved out or bought anywhere lol
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Whatever happened to her buying a house? She was looking around new builds and saying 'this will be mine' and then never moved out or bought anywhere lol
Oh she said it’s still going ahead she’s going to rent it out 🤥
But the second this is all over she’s moving into the apartment block that Rach is in because she doesn’t have a mind of her own x
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Oh she said it’s still going ahead she’s going to rent it out 🤥
But the second this is all over she’s moving into the apartment block that Rach is in because she doesn’t have a mind of her own x
I don’t get why you would buy a new build house and then rent it out and live in a flat???? 🤔🤔🤔
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I feel like she’s trying to beat Han to it.
She’s been staying with her boyfriend in an apartment in Manchester and she’s been responding to questions of her staying there after lockdown and moving in with him. At first she said she would move back home but you can tell now she’s swaying more towards staying with him. So Han and Rach would both be in apartments in or around Manchester and Mads would be at home with her mum.
She’s trying to get in there so she isn’t left out!
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Omg nah I wouldn’t even be surprised if that was just the same email Mads got and she fell for it 😅
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I can not even imagine how much of a mess her face and bOdiEe will be by the time she’s 30. Also, her life. That will be a tit show too.
Just can’t comprehend all these young girls having so much filler pumped in to them.
I appreciate as we get older, some of us may decide to have a little work here and there to slow down the ageing process. I wouldn’t but have friends who have and they look great. But I can not understand when you’re late teens / early twenties feeling that it’s necessary? Especially to such an extreme that they totally transform their faces!
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ah mads is back to feeling herself she’s eyefucking herself again. Only takes a few reposts of her latest gram pics and it perks her bad witch energieeeee back up
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Since when is Mads such close friends with Arianna Ajtar and Holly Boon? She's been out like once with Holly Boon and even then it was a promotional event for doll beauty or something with Soph? she's on twitter saying all three are going to Mexico.
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Since when is Mads such close friends with Arianna Ajtar and Holly Boon? She's been out like once with Holly Boon and even then it was a promotional event for doll beauty or something with Soph? she's on twitter saying all three are going to Mexico.
it makes me laugh that arianna & holly have businesses behind them and mads just has her instagram filters 😂😂
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it makes me laugh that arianna & holly have businesses behind them and mads just has her instagram filters 😂😂
love this 😂😂 especially when she likes posts about successful business women and it's like yeah Mads but you don't have a business hun?
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Some of the best bits from thread one.....

how bad betch mads, you knowww THAT beitch you call to have a good time celebrated New Years/Christmas holidays.....


Tweeting for attention 🙄
Well you paid for that boydeeee you wanted hun, Well done 🙂

And you wished us a happy new year.
While your thread was in... the rave section 🤦‍♀️

Oh did I say savage, I meant embarrassment 😂

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Don't forget when she tried to gain sympathy by posting this on twitter and hoping people would come defending her but instead...
*cricket sounds*
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