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I'm getting real tired of her. Her content peaked years ago, and it shows when you compare it to the shit she puts out now.
Her channel is just 30+ minute videos of her showing off her I could not care any less Maddie.
And her Instagram is just ad after ad after ad.

She did what a lot of influencers do. Start from nothing, fall into the box of vegan minimalists to save money. And once she finally go enough traction and money, she completely lost herself in the process. She used to work so hard on content. You can tell just by watching her old vlogs and recipes videos and compare it to her videos today. She really seemed to have a dedication and drive for it all back then.
Now she literally does nothing and gets upset when she doesn't get what she wants. Check your privilege and blessings Maddie.

She went from working hard for it all, to expecting everything to fall into her lap because she's an "iNFlUeNcEr"

She's lost all relatability, is ungrateful and greedy. It's sad because I really enjoyed her content years ago, especially her vlogs (I watched their vlog channel all the time), recipe videos and minimalism series. I wanted to keep rooting for her but I just can't anymore.
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A little rant.....I started watching Maddie before she moved to Brighton. She seemed genuine and relatable... and I really enjoyed her content. I do remember her saying that she always wanted to be 'Youtuber' and I feel now really she just jumped onto the Sustainability/Minimalism movement and it's about making money rather than she started her channel out of passion like Immy aka Sustainably Vegan did. I always admire the ones that started their channel through passion while doing another job.
Maddie did live in one of her families holiday rentals too while she was building her YouTube channel so seems to have had privilege from the start. Although I think Maddie does care about Veganism / Sustainability etc to a degree, it's business to her and quite clearly she wants to make big money from it to fund her privileged lifestyle and now mini mansion. She works with questionable brands too. I mean it's fine if you want to move to a bigger house / buy more things etc but when you have built your following/audience up through Sustainability and Minimalism, it all seems a bit disingenuous. I don't think she is 100% transparent. I don't know what her channel is anymore!
Her new house does look absolutely beautiful and she seems to be pushing the Cornish Cottage Instagram profile more now, so no doubt the gifted items will start rolling in soon! She's running a business at the end of the day that's the sad reality of it.
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These influencers actively encourage people to be “obsessed” (whatever that means) with them as long as it means it puts money in the influencer’s pocket - whether that’s directly through book and merch sales or indirectly via views/follower count which leads to lucrative brand sponsorships & freebies.
The second it strays into any tentative questions or sharp observations it’s cries of trolls / bullying / be kind (to me!).

The YouTube comments above from Brunnah are spot on and well articulated and most importantly, fair enough for a fan/follower to express. These influencers want our money and attention to make them rich but then expect the same people to quietly fade away when the greed and hypocrisy becomes too blatant to ignore.

And if youre going to cry trolls and bullying over tattle then don’t snap embarrassing knee-jerk replies at perfectly polite and well observed comments on your own YouTube channel. Pick your battles hun
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She definitely reads here
That would explain why in her latest video she insisted on " composting is THE on most powerful thing you can do as an individual". Yeah right, I'm sure composting is completely offsetting all the over-consumerism she's been doing since the move ;)
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Not being Smug in my Georgian Home

If she has been reading here I think she's missed the main criticism. No one begrudges her the success she's had with Youtube (not that I've seen anyway). Good for her if she's making enough money to buy her dream home and employ three of them (even if I'll never understand what they do).

Whether she likes it or not, her recent behaviour doesn't fit in with the brand she's been selling her followers for years. The same followers who are the reason for her success at that. The same followers who will have been on their own minimalism or sustainability journey, who have bought her books, who have bought her merchandise and clicked the videos. So if you've quite literally sold me a t shirt about minimalism and sustainability and then you decide to go against those values then I'm afraid I'm going to raise my eyebrows. If you've told me how to live my most sustainable life then start buying brand new furniture and Apple products while you throw money at renovating a kitchen, that you've previously insisted is your dream kitchen, then I'm going to question it.

Also if you're not smug then just start calling it your house! Not Georgian home, Cornish country home, period property.... or maybe I'll start calling my house a '2 bed rental terrace' instead of my house.

4. Leave your lawn alone
(Unless you want to get a gardener when you move to your Georgian Home.)

5. Become a minimalist

21. Secondhand first
(Unless you want new furniture or a new Apple Mac for your cornish country home)
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So I'm guessing her 'brand' these days is being an ally of any greenwashing company that is willing to pay her enough to ensure a constant supply of faux-antique brass fittings and fixtures. Had she even bothered to do some research she would have discovered that Mutti is one several companies linked to exploitation (and death) of workers in southern Italy. No thanks. Also, the bee-house thing is another greenwashing scam. I know a lot of people do it, but unless you can be sure the tin cans are BPA lining free (most are not) then it's not actually very beneficial to native bee populations. Plus the metal is not an insulator so the bees are subject to temperature fluctuations which they hate. Far better to make a frame out of old (unpainted / untreated) timber scraps, and clean cardboard. Gee, you'd think that someone doing renovations on her Georgian-Cottage-Country-Farmhouse-Manor-Princess-Palace would have an abundance of such things lying around to make use of....nope, once again, it just demonstrates that every thing she does is motivated by money. She's become exactly like all those influencer fakes who are massive consumers but then shriek about how amazingly sustainable they are because they have a bamboo straw in a dinky wee case ..oh and here's my discount code.
(Not that I have anything against reusable straws etc, but most of us don't act like we deserve a medal for using them!)
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Random but she strikes me as the kind of person who you can clearly tell is not listening and just waiting for others to stop talking to be able to talk and shift the conversation towards herself lol. Everytime she had a video with Alex I thought she always seemed impatient for her turn to speak.
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Long time reader first time poster (!) I find it interesting she refers to this as trolling - I actually looked up the definition of what it is (back to year 7 assemblies haha) and the intent should be to annoy someone. I think this is not here to try to annoy maddie but to allow space for fair criticism and discussion - which is never allowed in her own space - only praise and anything less than that deleted. I don’t resent her her success but I do think she has a warped perspective on her privilege and on working hard etc. Everyone works hard but not everyone can buy a £550,000 house and then spend tens of thousands of pounds more on doing it up (assuming a whole house of large wooden double glazed sash windows is gonna cost £10k-£20k). I think the strangest thing is that she still talks about minimalism and ethical/sustainable lifestyle but it’s clearly not a priority for her anymore - I think if she just addressed it and said ‘look my perspective has changed a bit, going so extreme on minimalism and sustainability is hard/a challenge for my mental health, I have prioritised writing to my MP and choosing a green energy supplier for my home and making easy day to day choices but I worry a lot less about it now’ I wouldn’t resent that. It’s that it feels like she is just pretending to be something she isn’t.
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I am sick of the YouTuber attitude that any question or valid discussion about them equates to hate, obsession, etc.
What they want is an echo chamber and sheep that buy their ebooks.
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Maddy was one of the first vegan youtubers i started following, and I still like her food videos for the most part, but after watching some of her vlogs I started wondering whether I was the only one put off by her constant moany attitude towards EVERYTHING. And then I found you guys! lol.

The new house was kind of the last straw for me, I just sat there through the first couple of vlogs about it wondering "does she even hear herself?" She's so pretentious and obnoxiously privileged.

One of the last videos I saw all the way through was a grocery haul, and while I don't think there's anything wrong with splurging at the grocery store if you can afford to, there was just this tone deafness to the way she condescendingly informed us that she and Alex "don't need to worry about a budget" so we shouldn't complain about her impulse buying or going to the expensive natural food shop instead of Aldi or wherever.

Also I bought her latest ecookbook, because she kept mentioning it over and over, and I'm suggestible, but none of the recipes were all that great or original. Tofu scramble, baked oatmeal, dal...these are all vegan basics you could find 9000 recipes for on google. For free.

Thank you for letting me interrupt.
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Ah yes a midweek pick me up of watching someone swanning around their new house spending money like its going out of fashion. Does anyone actually pour a glass of wine to watch a vlog of someone gardening or doing a budget food shop!? I just watch on double speed while I'm doing the washing up.
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I feel like Mads just takes on any sponsorship. She’s so money hungry
is this not the same thing as when influencers talk to H&M about their exploitation of workers and damage to the envvironment? "I've spoken to them and they told me they're working really hard at improving!"

Of course they're going to say that???
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Completely agree with all the critiques of Madeleine and so glad there’s finally a thread about her. I have seen her name mentioned in other threads as an influencer who is actually down to earth/works hard/modest etc and I couldn’t disagree more.

For so long she has repeated the cycle of going offline for her mental health and then only posting videos when she has a lucrative sponsorship. She has been a shill for a long time and it is a lot more obvious now she has watered down her values on minimalism and sustainability.

Madeleine clearly has high functioning anxiety and almost seems manic in the recent house videos, wanting to make changes immediately and reminding herself out loud to be patient. But it seems really cyclical in that she’ll crash soon once the novelty of her house wears off and she will crash again.
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It all starts going downhill when the start to get sponsorships from big brands, happens with every single "influencer". They start to see the money rolling in for basically fuck all work and it's all too easy.

If I hear one more influencer say "So I've been using [insert product name] for a few months now, and I absolutely LOVE it", like we're all supposed to believe they didn't just get sent it last week..
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I have a feeling that house is going to be on the market again within a year. It just seems like it's going to be a huge money pit and it's never going to be perfect enough for Madeleine. I bet they spend a total fortune on it before they realise it though.
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I don't know if I want to follow her anymore. Her USP was minimalism, sustainability and veganism. Without that she's another smug, insufferable rich white girl 🙄 place your bets, how long before that aga is used for a nice roast lamb LOL
I don’t blame you, I’m starting to feel very let down by her now. I will stick with her for a bit but if this shit carries on then I’m off. She needs to chill, I moved into my house in November and I’ve only just finished painting and decorating and I’m about to start on the garden - all by myself. Not everything has to happen straight away, just enjoy your big fuck off house for a bit Madeleine.
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Precisely! I've never been the kind of person who would comment about someone on their platform - I would never dream of sending them a comment or an email critiquing them. I don't find it kind, life's too short and it's never that deep.

Indirect criticism on platforms like this is a place for people to have a rant without directly hurting the influencer - we don't want to hurt their feelings, but we want to have a rant and critique about someone. If an influencer leaves their platform to hunt for criticism, that's on them.

Trolls and haters aren't considerate about hurting people's feelings so they just send them negativity directly. If you go out hunting criticism and negativity about yourself, you can't accuse the people of hating or trolling - at that point, you're trolling yourself.
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