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apologies my post related to the one Monga posted

At the moment you can only purchase The Sudden Impulse by Bernt Stellander direct from Portugal from the following sites Wook and Bertrand the publisher is Modocromia, you can purchase the English edition, by clicking a certain box the websites are in Portuguese so had to use google translate to make sure I was ordering it right, my copy came yesterday, Bernt Stellander theory includes analysing the Mccann's and the Tapas statements made to the Police along with the Nannies and other witness statements, from this analyse he came to his conclusion as the Portuguese Police re the wee girl, although the events happened on the 2nd on May 2007,
statement analyse plays a crucial element in his finding's and from studying it and Kates alleged dream along with other actions said and done by them his theory potentially has found where the little girl is potentially buried, he goes further by seemingly setting up wildlife camera's and has seemingly got footage of certain people and not in running gear! and friends (not any of the Tapas) he say's the captures weren't one off events either and took him around 7 years seemingly he has set up websites ready to post what these wild life camera's captured but first of all he is hoping that certain people will do the right thing and unburden themselves to the authorities............. its interesting to note the has been NADA written about this new book in the British Press we have ask ourselves WHY It seems the British Media are only printing favourable McCann articles
Is there not an ebook? I’d never get the time or energy to lug around a huge tome like that. Someone chopped it into three sections for easier reading.
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To be honest I don't think the Author's primary motive is to make money, he is already a self made man! the book is 800 pages long its a brick! why? he wants certain people to feel the weight of it! as for the Police maybe he has been in contact with them, his book took over 7 years for him to research, Operation Grange certainly know of it, as a retired British Police Officer made sure they were aware of the book's existence, the first half of the book deals with statement analyst he is the first person ever to dissect in great detail all their statements made by them and their friends and others found in the case files and TV appearances etc, the second part is his investigation he didn't just stake out one or two nights here and there it was huge and over a long time period, the new friends bit is extremely interesting
Im sure we will get to know more when he uploads many photographs and maybe video's he says he has on the website he has prepared
Such a shame that a detailed examination of all the statements etc wasn't done back when memories were fresh. I read Amaral's book with interest but found it lacking in this detail. A lot was his gut feeling, no doubt complicated by cultural differences eg he describes Gerry breaking down screaming and crying for help as strange, when it's probably the most understandable/likeable thing he's done! But yes, the reason we all still have that feeling of something being amiss here is because of all the little discrepancies which added together may reveal a bigger picture.
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Their visit to Clement Freud’s house after the disappearance is another oddity.
Not only was he a known p-phile (ie it was widely ‘known’ although I believe it wasn’t confirmed until after his death), Clement being sympathetic to the McCanns gave them a direct line to the Murdoch empire via Rebekah Brooks.

Brooks was close friends with Matthew Freud, son of Clement Freud (and therefore great-grandson of Sigmund and nephew of Lucien). When Matthew fell in love with Elisabeth Murdoch, Rupert's daughter, Brooks became a go-between in the on/off early relationship. Brooks was a special guest at Elisabeth's bridal shower and attended the very small private wedding at which Rupert Murdoch gave his daughter away. And Brooks attended Clement’s funeral. It can’t be overstated how powerful these networks were at the time.

Kate and Gerry claimed to not have known Clement prior to him reaching out after the disappearance. One of Clement’s victims, Vicky Hayes, said "He was a private man, not the type to suddenly befriend a couple who had intense media attention. It really jarred me, it left me feeling very uneasy. He had a home in Praia da Luz, but why invite them and cook for them?"

yip! I always found it strange that the first mention ever of Clement Freud was in Kate Mccann's book Madeleine which was written and published a good few years after Madeleine vanished! ..... incidentally the villa in which he stayed in while in PDL was close to the Rocha Negra the steep hill the Couple used to climb while out jogging, Brook's was the person who campaigned for Operation Grange to be started! seemingly Gordon Brown's Wife is a friend of Elizabeth Murdoch, just to add Elizabeth Murdoch and Matthew Freud are now divorced( I read on a forum this morning there was seemingly a Matthew Freud included in Epstein's black book or in the flight logs)
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I don't think I will ever be able to settle on a theory, because nothing adds up at all.
The abduction story, the links to the German guy, the potential links to Maxwell, the cadaver dogs, the fridge, the hire car, the tennis, the neighbour reports, the phone call to the prime minister ... I just don't understand and hope in my lifetime we get answers for this poor little girl x
Maxwell who?

Gislaine Maxwell?
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Chatty Member
I dont know how they live with it either. I would be tormented every second of my life. It’s also surprising they stayed together. The stats show most couples who loose a child (even by accident/natural causes) split up within 5 years and this was on another level altogether.
That also says something to me as I had thought the same thing that perhaps they stayed together to show a united front?
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They did used to have something in it that made kids drowsy but I'm sure it was pre Madeleine disappearing.
I’m really late to this but it was Medised. My eldest was born in 2007, I never used it but have friends who did for their same-age children in infant and toddlerhood. It was definitely available in 2007.

At some point it was reclassified to be for over 2’s instead of from 3 months, and then again for over 6.
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The obsession with the Mc Canns being guilty of Madelines death is baffling to me.

Surely the timeline doesn't fit? The theory would be that they drugged her, killed her (or she died accidently), got rid of her body without a trace in a foreign country where they have no connections and do not know the area and then went to dinner, without anyone noticing any odd behaviour!?
You’re operating on the idea that that all was happening on the same day. It could not have done.
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Nelly's mum

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I’d trust a dog over a human. They have no reason to lie. If a bomb detection dog said there was a bomb somewhere I think I’d trust their nose.
I’d be interested to see statistics of failing to detect a body vs rates of falsely claiming a body when none
I'd trust Cat Warren, the dogs trainer,when she says the dogs aren't perfect. The dogs can make mistakes, that's why you need evidence to back up their alert.
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I understood it was a larger suite in a hotel? I guess because there are frequent mentions of the McCann’s refusal of “the hotel’s babysitting service” and Kate McCann mentioned recently(ish) her shock at reading the “hotel staff’s note”. Sorry if I’m mixing the facts up!

Was the accommodation definitely self-catering then?
it could be used on a self catering basis, although I'm sure the MacCanns and their friend's were on a half or full board basis,
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Even more of a reason to be sceptical that there would be this pact of silence if they all knew what had happened if they weren’t even that good friends. I’m not saying the parents are not some how involved or more at fault (I still do not buy that they murdered their child). But I can never be convinced by a theory that the group covered up the crime / accident together. Someone would have confessed.
If this pact of silence is actually a documented thing, how can the police, Portuguese or British not be suspicious of this..? It’s got red flags written all over it. Either that or the police are playing the long game….
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maybe there is a possibility they were all drugging the children and an accident occurred?, maybe on the 3rd of May there was a change of routine because what ever happened took place day(s) previously?, maybe the sighting of the little girl being carried by a man seen by the Smith Family was staged using one of the other children to make it look like it happened on the 3rd?, one of the little girls belonging one of the other couple's resembled Maddie, what ever happened all the couple's and the Webster Women had a pact of silence and seemingly they refused to stage a reconstruction of their timeline that they wrote on the back of one of Madeleines activity books! P.S Ive been to Praia da Luz, its a gorgeous Algarve village, I've seen the apartment, the tapas bar, the pool area, etc the one thing that struck me was how narrow the streets were, if someone walked by you on the other side of the road it would be extremely hard not to notice them. at the time of all this happened there was a lot of famous people pledging their help to the Maccann's, one person we didn't here of pledging supports was the likes of Cliff Richard who was known to live close to area and had seemingly previously been to the Baptista Supermarket to promote his wine, This Supermarket is extremely close to the Ocean Club basically close to the perimeter wall and has an outdoor area coffee shop, just wondering if the likes of Richards and Freud were known to each other and buddies?

Now what could they possibly use to clean the apartment? chlorine designed for swimming pools?
They could have used whatever the supermarket offered them. I don’t understand that question.
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Fledgling Psycho

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I'm just putting this here as a marker. But listened to a few videos lately saying they believe she will be found and this has all been done to bring in chips for children. I'm not saying I believe that but just in case I'm putting it here.
I think chips in children did take off in America following the incident. I do remember that rumour at the time.
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Gerry McCann was and is a Catholic. Freemasonry does not admit Catholics.
There’s Catholic lodges, Pope JP II was a Freemason, its the Catholic Church ban it not the actual lodges.
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The fact that always sticks with me is that the local priest said he was deceived by the McCanns.
What did he mean by that?
We know he gave Kate the key to the local church so she could come and go as she pleased.
What did they do for the priest to say that?
Father Pacheo first had contact with the MacCann's on the 5th of May at 7pm, the meeting is where he offered them spiritual comfort, it was a John Geraghty a resident of the parish who suggested to the Priest that the McCann's should be given a key so that they could pray without the media being there ;)😉, someone from the church passed the key onto John Geraghty who then asked for or more than likely my opinion persuaded Father Pascheo to allow it. ........Ive always found it odd that we never heard much about Geraghty and all his involvement in the events that took place in PDL in end of April May 2007. makes you wonder if he managed to secure them with keys to another apartment ?
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