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Nelly's mum

VIP Member
Is there any evidence of a break in/intruder/abduction then?
It's fair to say that MM either left the apartment or someone took her.
Her parents were selfishly enjoying their meal and a glass of vino at that time - I can't imagine that MM died and then the parents went for a meal, anything is possible I suppose but I'm not buying that.
It is known that CB was in the area at the time.
I'm not sure why anyone would need to break in, the door wasn't locked.
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Yes, but actual evidence is needed to support the dogs alert, same as actual evidence is needed to support a sighting. Otherwise you have people facing charges and a lot of jail time because they were convicted due to very flimsy unsubstantiated testimony.
Take eye witness testimony for example, it is notoriously unreliable. You cannot prosecute someone because a dog alerts, this is not evidence, you need actual evidence, eg DNA, to back it up. Without that you have nothing - a dog that barked or sat down, whatever.
Yes, I wasn't making a contrary point, just answering the initial question. Indeed without evidence to back up the alert, there is no particular credit to allow to this process. I believe a blood stain or drop was found under a tile but the match was inconclusive or only partial with Madeleine's DNA. I don't think the dog argument lends too much stock to the "parents cover-up" theory.
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Maybe they gave her something stronger, like Nytol or even Stillnocht. Or maybe she just walked off. It is a sad mystery.
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Is there anyone on this thread here, who thinks to have solved the case, and has a firm conviction of what happened?

Also, did we get final results of the diggings around that lake last summer?
I have my own theory (and that's all it can ever be: a theory) but I don't know the legalities of posting it, so I'm going to keep that in the drafts.

I am glad they are finally admitting she is dead.

My memory has lapsed on a lot of the details so I think I will refresh it with a couple of documentaries and podcasts.
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Is there not an ebook? I’d never get the time or energy to lug around a huge tome like that. Someone chopped it into three sections for easier reading.
hi don't think there is at present, although maybe one in the future The Brick as it is being called, by the author he wants certain people to feel the weight of it in their hands, its maybe a tactical move re how it has to be ordered at the moment,
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VIP Member
They could have used whatever the supermarket offered them. I don’t understand that question.
yes they could have used cleaning products readily available from a supermarket, in that situation would you want to risk being seen buying bottles of bleach etc when there's a chance of you being captured on CCTV, having medical knowledge you would know how to improvise and look for possible sources of cleaning stuff in the close vicinity
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There’s a new book out in Portugal written by a man who claims (from what I can work out) to know where M is buried and recorded footage of the parents coming and going - I haven’t read the book so please correct me if I’m wrong - that’s what I have surmised from what has been said online. This is not Gonçalo Amaral’s book - it is a different person and only came out last month. But my question about that is how can she be ‘buried’ anywhere? Even if she died a day or days before the 3rd May (which, if she did die accidentally, I suspect would have been the case), how would tourists dig a bloody great hole large enough to bury a child? Where would you even get a spade from? In dry conditions with rock hard earth and nobody seeing you?
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Having now watched the james bogart videos and seen how the timeline has been manipulated by the mccanns im with the portugese police theory that the smith siting is accurate
But wasn’t there that guy, who was identified being the father from the Smith sighting carrying his sleeping daughter?
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they have maybe been silenced threatened etc etc. the Government were involved and we don't know what the true nature of the involvement was,
Yeah true - have they given many interviews over the years?
Surely it would be a possibility that they could slip and reveal something they shouldn't
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How can that be - MM was at the children's club on the day she disappeared so she couldn't have accidentally died days earlier and her parents hid the evidence
It was said a blonde child same age etc was there but it could have been any child from the group and the staff were made to think it was her. Yes she was signed in but no proof it was actually her.
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yes strange the daughter's pyjama's had been held on to, even stranger the world wide appeals made for this man to come forward from years before, I think Redwood knows Tanner's sighting was pure fabrication and this was his way of discounting it by fabricating it himself!
I also think Tannerman was a red herring
I think if any authority, either UK or Portugal wanted to crack this case, they need to start with the Tapas 7 - getting full recorded interviews.

Seem to recall that none of them were ever formally interviewed. Which is strange seeing as it was their friends child who went missing. You'd think they'd be desperate to help. But I suppose as they were all meant to be sharing the child supervision (hence the unlocked door that I can't get past) that they all bear a responsibility for what happened to Maddie

My memory is a bit shaky (I'm getting old) but didn't one of dad's go missing for a fair while and claim that his kid had been sick and he needed to get clean sheets.

Firstly, was it confirmed he got clean sheets??? And secondly didn't this make this mob think - jings anything could happen to these kids, left alone in holiday apartments whilst their mums and dads were having a gay old time???

I've always been of the opinion that Maddy wandered out of the apartment, distressed, looking for her parents and whatever happened, happened then. I think the McCanns, respectable Drs suddenly realised how insane their behaviour had been and they've spent years trying to cover up their selfishness.

However, I'm not that great a judge of character so it's entirety possible that she was killed in the room. And also that she was snatched from the room (again, unlocked door that I'll never get past)

Do I hope that maddie was snatched by a childless couple desperate for a child and that's she's been brought up in loving environment, yes. Do I think that happened, no.

But I really hope that her story has a conclusion.
Was he the same dad that was the last person to see Madeleine on his 9.30pm check? only then to admit he never actually went into the McCanns apartment and just assumed all ok as it was quiet. Which would make Gerrys visit at 9pm the last sighting of her (when he thought how beautiful she looked).
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They never explained why they didn't use the babysitting service offered by the apartments. It seems strange they used the kid's holiday club but then left them unattended at night.
That Panorama programme underplayed the fact she was left alone.
I feel sad for Madeleine and the twins but not for Kate and Gerry.
A lot wasn’t explained and yes feel for the kids. I’ve said before I don’t believe at all she was left alone nor were the other kids. An adult took it in turn each night to care for all the kids in one apartment.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
maybe her showing emotion and looking devastated in the first few days was more about fear of being found out?, is there not something about the first 48 hours being critical for evidence in the like of murder cases?
Honestly, Ive always felt personally that the those early days were just pure grief.
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I’m sorry but beyond the crappy conversation the lady overhead how odd is it that this Dave fellow was bathing other people’s children on this other holiday and this was a normal routine. Why were the child’s parents not bathing their own children? Even if nothing inappropriate in it. Bathing your children is an intimate and routine part of the day. Why wasn’t he focused on bathing his own children. I cannot get my head around this. Either this woman’s statement was inaccurate and trying to paint Dave in a suspicious light or it’s accurate and he is highly suspect. I wouldn’t even bath my sisters children whilst staying with them. They would get too excited for the fun of someone else bathing them before bed. It’s disruptive of a bedtime routine. This was the 00s not the 80s too. Pedophiles in plain sight was a known fear. Even a longtime family friend you’d have to have very good reason to let them bath your children I think.
Yeah, this statement also lead my thoughts in a certain direction, when I first read it. Also the one clip of Gerry at the airport bus in Portugal after their arrival. Someone from the group recorded the bunch with a camera. Gerry is asked something like „Are you happy to be on holiday now?“ and Gerry answers „I’m not here for fun, I’m here for business.“ Don’t know where I found this clip, if it was on YouTube or some side related to the case.
Btw, is that side with the police statements trustworthy? Can we be sure the statements are not fake? Never before heard of such statements being published that way.
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Nelly's mum

VIP Member
If she did walk out of the apartment and met the wrong person why did the parents not look for her and why in interviews/written material was Kate McCann able to have a full nights sleep within a matter of days?
Who knows 🤷‍♀️. But it is not evidence of anything - I get that people hate the parents cos they're neglectful and arrogant, me too - but sleeping and not searching, even if this is true, is not evidence of anything.
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