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I don't think it's the dress that makes the whole thing look tacky! It's the sunglasses and veil. But in the end it's not exactly their proper wedding, so I suppose the outfit is irrelevant..
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I love the amount of comments on this article branding her a liar and how she likely stalked Bradley Cooper like she did Jamie but got pied😂

My god I'm really not a fan of her , I can't believe out of all the girlfriends he's has Jamie has chose to settle down with her
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Ollie and Gareth have announced they’re having twins. Looks like they ditched their last surrogate and have decided to rent someone else’s womb instead as the last one was in America and the new one lives in the UK.
Not a diss to anyone who has a nanny or couldn’t have their own kids or anything…

But a lot of these rich celebs seem to get a surrogate, have a nanny, a night nanny, send the kids to boarding school, send them to family in the holidays…like what’s the actual point of having kids at this point? Is it literally just having someone to pass your riches onto? Or an accessory?

I know G&O can’t biologically have kids obviously and I think most people would subcontract some of the crap parts of child rearing if possible, but what’s the point when you aren’t really doing any of it yourself?

Thinking of James and Maeva also with this…
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On an entirely separate note, Joel speaking to Inga was so uncomfortable. Inga seemed totally heartbroken and I wish Robbie gave her a cuddle and jump in and defend her and say he rings her for advice too.

Inga seems to speak with truth, makes generous apologies when she realizes she's wrong and seems quite sweet and supportive.

The way Robbie speaks to Inga in the preview is disgusting and passive aggressive and I hope she never goes back. He should have defended her when Joel started on her.
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ugh gross misogynistic twat alert. so miles has posted a vid where this bloke is saying that its not men who bring the shit to relationships.its the problems woman have with abuse and horrible ex's.they have bad experiences and truma etc from past boyfriends and this they bring to the relationship they have now and its their fault they ruin it, no the blokes shes seeing now. its her job not to bring those past ones to now.
fuck off miles did you just watch the same video.
yeh it’s not exactly an empathetic take is it? But then it’s exactly on brand for Misogynist Miles.

didn’t he post something along the lines of men doing more work in bed as well? Like who are you kidding Miles, I can’t see him being good in bed AT ALL. Would be too busy preening and looking at himself and you just know he’s selfish AF
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Carrying on with the Inga discussion Miles also seems to have a problem with her too, I'm sure he's made some bitchy comments.

I honestly can't stand the guy he was loving seeing the downfall of Charlie when Yaz told the new girl (mind blank , can't remember her name) what he said, not that I think Charlie isn't in the wrong either
Yep Miles treated her abhorrently. She first came into the show because she knew both him and Julius and they were like two excited puppies. However Julius took against her because she clearly didn’t want to get with him and then once Miles had shagged her, her mere presence annoyed him and he suddenly hated her. So that was her entrance to the show- not a friend around her.
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God, that was one weird fiasco, wasn't it? I thought she was still with Andy at that point? She disappeared for the night and wasn't answering her phone to him. Turned out she'd taken a taxi out of London to sleep with Niall, and then laughed in Andy's face when he confronted and finally got the truth out of her, before bursting into tears.

That scene where Andy's sat in a bar with the girl he lent Louise's jumper to is one of the most memorable MiC moments😅I can't find a clip on YouTube, but Louise basically steamrolled up to the girl and shoved her out of her seat before declaring "I'll have my jumper back, you bitch" (or words to that effect).
"Can I have my jumper back?! And get out of my fucking seat!" I watched that episode yesterday LOOOOL

She was actually moving MAD! Going AWOL, sleeping with randoms and bare face lying to Andy's face about it, when confronted *face palm*

Sam's milk teeth have been entertaining me no end! His glow up has been somewhat, remarkable!
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VIP Member
Ollie and Gareth have announced they’re having twins. Looks like they ditched their last surrogate and have decided to rent someone else’s womb instead as the last one was in America and the new one lives in the UK.
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If it is true, then what really irks me is their constant lovey-dovey posting on Instagram. Just goes to show that it can all be smoke and mirrors!
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Everybody on this shit show is a toxic arsehole. The nerve of Maeva bringing up that awkward conversation about Rez. She has absolutely no filter. I don’t know how James doesn’t cringe inside out.
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"Can I have my jumper back?! And get out of my fucking seat!" I watched that episode yesterday LOOOOL

She was actually moving MAD! Going AWOL, sleeping with randoms and bare face lying to Andy's face about it, when confronted *face palm*

Sam's milk teeth have been entertaining me no end! His glow up has been somewhat, remarkable!
Poor Andy! He really got a rough deal with that one. And Spencer constantly looming over him, reminding him that he could get Louise to sleep with him any time he wanted.

I think the true, unsung hero of those episodes were Stevie's priceless facial expressions, which flitted between perplexed and trying desperately not to piss himself laughing whenever Andy revealed a new bombshell about Louise and her dodgy behaviour.

And Sam's real teeth😂Forgot all about those 🤣I remember there were some hilarious comments about them on Twitter years ago, and one about them looking like goalposts.
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Ngl, I howled at Charlie's slamdown of "Temps". "I think you're obsessed with Miles...Enjoy living in his shadow"🤣
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You’d think that Inga had gone into all their houses on Xmas morning and pissed all over the presents the way they treat her. She’s been given an extremely hard time since day 1 and I don’t understand why
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I’m gonna play devils advocate and say it’s slightly refreshing Ruby’s has gone for someone who’s clearly not from a wealthy family / typical Chelsea boy
Nah its what these rich girls do. Its a type of rebellion if you will. I had a friend at uni who was from a very wealthy family and she LOVED to slum it with chavvy drug dealers. Just a challenge I suppose lol
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I thought the ep was really boring and unnatural, no one really gels together and you can tell they aren't friends away from the show. The new guys just seem dull and awkward
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There’s something so slimey about Miles. The way he went to comfort Yas after her breakup and then they started laughing about how they were secretly dating? Holding hands and staying round each other’s houses - all while lying to their friends about it? Wtf was that about. You just know he was delighted to hear she’d broken up with Guy so he could swoop in.

I don’t know when this series was filmed but she went on Miles’ podcast in early Feb and said she was with Guy then so I assumed they were still together now? Maybe not.

It felt nice to see Liv and Tristan. All the cast now so is so…BTEC.
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