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VIP Member
I wonder if anyone will be lucky enough to get a yellow sticker pumpkin cake. We’ve got a dozen Halloween Krispy Kremes for today 🎃, this cake consumption needs to calm down when they r back to school tomorrow !


VIP Member
Saw this tonight, the ones behind were all on a yellow sticker too. Has anyone tried them? I’m not even sure how it’s heated up. I presume not to be eaten straight from the chiller? 🤢

I have to admire the carb on carb sandwich though.
The instructions for heating would have been on the back of the packet? Probably like the other heated sandwiches they do, open the packet and stick in the oven for 12-15 mins.


VIP Member
Maybe we should have a thread for this app?

I've never used it and probably never will for m&s as veggie, but fascinated to see what people get!
I’m intrigued full stop! I wonder how many people actually use it and think it’s worthwhile


VIP Member
They are made with the best ever Mac cheese. If you could find the sourdough bread instore , you could buy a pack of each and get a whole family’s worth for the price of two toasties. Just a thought! I saw them on a yellow sticker but I didn’t give into temptation but thankyou for the recommendation. I can vouch for the best ever MC. It’s lush
Omg I love the best ever Mac and cheese!! It’s soooo good! Never even thought about that, I will defo make them myself 🤤🤤 thank you for the tip!!! 😍


VIP Member
My husband did his M & S yellow ticket shop tonight and I got quite excited when he brought a Spiced Pumpkin cake out of the bag but he said - no it was full price :( but I am fed up with you talking about it so I bought one. The cake could have been better, a bit light, could have been more like Jamaican ginger cake but the topping was brilliant. I could have cut the cake in half length ways.
How big is it? I’m sensing it’s not very big? Do I need to buy a few 😂


VIP Member
You guys very nearly convinced me to get the burger spring rolls when I was there last night, but then I saw they were £5.50. Maybe if there were yellow sticker, but not full price!
I bought them in the 3 for £10 deal. I loved them but wouldn’t pay £5.50 for a pack.


VIP Member
Shelf in my store said £1.37 but scanned at 68p!!

Yay! I'm happy for you! I got two and feel like I'm fully saturated on cake.

In store I overheard two staff members talking and they were saying people were going to start panic buying again. One also said there was only one custard item on the shelf!

The only muffins i've seen have been the single ones in pink boxes that are either lemon or blueberry.


VIP Member
I'm having the same issues at the moment. Struggling to order as half of what I want is not even in stock.
I've ended up booking a slot with Asda. We have all got covid so not like I can even pop out for the stuff that's missing. 😩
Let me know how you get on with ASDA , we have had Tesco and Sainsbury’s in the past and they were always ok , but their range online is quite poor IMO , lots of cuts of meat etc hard to get !


VIP Member
Did you pay Ocado a monthly fee? They used to do free delivery over £75 now they charge. They used to have slots for £1 (at night) now they are £2. Waitrose now charge £3 for all deliveries. It used to be free over £60, then they dropped it down to free over £40. I’ve got a lot of short dated items from Waitrose especially with bread loaves. Luckily I have a freezer but it’s not huge and I don’t think bread is good for more than a month in a freezer. Twice I’ve had frozen items put in with refrigerated items which means they’ve defrosted by the time they get to me. Waitrose have also stopped doing any bags.
I had a Waitrose delivery Saturday, have been having one weekly since about March time ( or whenever I could get one) . This week is the first in ages where I have had subs and not great ones at that. They were all returned. On the plus side I have a 23rd December delivery for being a ‘loyal‘ customer. I spend a big amount each week as well as I add my parents shopping on too. Don’t find it any more expensive than other supermarkets and their own branded items are pretty good too. The sub thing always baffles me, does the system offer pan alternative or is left down to the shopper/picker.


VIP Member
Is the party food back does anyone know? Going tomorrow evening and hoping it is 😂 also hoping for those duck mince pies!