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I'm not familiar with how this site/thread works, but ... is there a chance we could compile a list of sorts, for tracking the brands we/Tattlers informed about Lydia and how their response was, as in:
- no response
- generic response
- no response/delete/block
- is there sth else to add?
In some of the previous page/thread a member put together how to approach brands/PR agencies with complaint about LEM, I find this so so helpful and a new approach to refresh, recollect and go into new "battle", for making the internet a tad better place without, at least, one psycho. And to free Ali and Porter.
I know this would be a lot of work though 😩

also, I just want to thank you all in here. I really enjoy the conversations, the witty remarks and observations and making everyone feel welcomed and understood. was not expecting this from a "gossip" site. you've just made my last month so much bearable and gave me new insight in my own mental health issues for which I had a "blind spot", much appreciated. love ❤
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I watched the vlog. I feel so bad for Porter. He's very afraid to even explore. He is basically banished into the ugly bare cold kitchen corner.

Ali is practically a slave with all that garden work... She doesn't really do any of the gardening.
Ali does all the heavy work that comes with gardening.
Ali cooks and serve Lydia dinner.
Ali fixed the lavender pot, even though she said she was going to fix it.
Ali does grocery runs.
Ali edits her reels (i am assuming)
Ali lights the fire
Ali plays with Lumi & Porter

So what does liedia do?
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You know what Lydia considers to be “absolutely dreamy” today, Tattlers ... a tweed lampshade!


A penny for your thoughts @Julia123?


EDIT: Is everything in The Northamptonshire Bungalow is going to be a lovely hue of mud? 🙄
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I don’t often watch Ali’s vlogs as he bores me to death. I actually don’t think he’s that bad of a dude, stupid and dull but not as hateful as the man he married. I can’t get over how different Lydia comes over in his vlogs compared to hers. She’s just horrid to him. In her vlogs she’s all lispy and the pathetic attempt at affection she tries to show him but in his there is nothing but contempt. Why he puts up with her I have no idea. She must have a big cock.
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Is it me or is Ali pretending that everything is hunky dory aslong as he keeps working the land like a fucking slave ... He couldn't fool me .. I got a real sad moment looking at him just trying to make the best of a shit situation and failing miserably ... and I am only 2 mins into his vlog?

I won't watch the bitch anymore as I actually detest everything about her recently so I won't grace her vlog with a view! Period! (But I will say one thing .. why the fuck does she have that fucking " shit under my nose" look on her everytime she has to cook .... wtf .. you lazy ass bastard it's a packet of salmon and packet fucking cream cheese .. you lazy ass bitch .. smile for fucking once!)

Poor poor Porter .... I just want to scoop him up and run away with him. That little scared face all the time ...Now don't get me wrong my dog has that look but she is a rescue so it is understandable but she jumps up and wags her tail like mad when I see her. She only has that look in the car love her as she is scared shitless but that is also undersatandable as not all dogs like cars but he is scared in the fucking house poor thing... A beautiful day outside and you can see when Ali says does he want to go outside he looks in the bitch's direction all the time as he is petrified to move incase it is wrong! I cannot stand seeing animals like this expecially babies! You should be ashamed of yourself you horrid bitch!

The friction burn on your hand Aldi .. come on .. too much wanking .. I am all for self love but that is just S&M darling :LOL:.

Ali clearly loves him alot ... that is the only saving grace for Porter. Not once does she bloody touch him .. I would be all over him smothering him with kisses always .. fuck the house reno and the pathetic shite .. that is genuine love and worth investing time and money into.. that little puppy is amazing #saveporter. (Fucking lucifer on the the hand! I will say no more!)

So you spend god knows how much on that shit dolls house and yet that bloody shed looks like it is about to fall down ... Priorities right there!

OOOHHH and now the bitching in the dolls house .. FFS he is talking sense to you but the usual Narc in you that fucking knows best had to show her claws and respond to him like a fucking bitch! This is EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE! Behind closed doors this is the REAL Lydia ... this is whom people have to collab with and this is the person to those who have to unfortunately know you! No wonder people fucking detest you! Horrid is not a word I can over-use with you! Blatent bitch! You don't know everything as is evident in every fuck up you make .. so shut that hole in your face sometimes and LISTEN to people. Christ if I was with you I would have beaten Kim Kardashian at the quickest divorce in history!

The rest was pure shite ...but I have really seen another level on the Bitch of Eastwick tonight ... my Lord .. what an effing nightmare!
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So I had a look at the Frow, inthefrow or whatever her name is, not a fan of her but... Lydiot must be dying of jealousy. First of all over a million subscribers and lot’s of reels that are actually quite good. Not sure what it is about the frow but they are just vibrant and interesting. She appears quite natural in them, I think she just really enjoys making them. Lydiot on the other hand... absolute disaster. Boring same reels all the time. Also... I think her and Aldi are not getting on at all as his reels are far more better than hers. He is not a professional standard but definitely creativity is there! Hers are soooo boring is unreal. She is soo not creative which makes me think that everything that is a bit on her insta was made by.... Ali. Her Insta recently is awful.
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Ali, wear a red t-shirt in your next vlog if you need help and need to be saved 🤫

Oh, and please, when escaping, take Porter with you!!!
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Aylin K

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I also checked out Frow's insta and youtube and wow. This is who Lydia is copying. It's like Single White Female! Even down to the little sausage dog. But everything about Frow is just better - you can tell she's being authentic to who she is. I do think Lydia is pretty but she should lean in to her strong features. I actually think she would look amazing with super short hair, especially with the power blazers she used to wear. And she would stand out from the crowd as the only influencer who doesn't have long beachy waves!

Also, I can't believe I ever believed Lydia that her only surgery was her breast implants. Gurl. Come on now.
How about the time she was parading around the bungalow in her wedding dresses nearly two years after her wedding and no where close to her anniversary, because Victoria was getting married and doing a lot of wedding dress content 🙈
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What is the point of this? Why repost someone’s home, and then say it’s not to your taste. If anyone dares tell you the bungalow isn’t to their taste they’re blocked.
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Wow he really likes to leave in the parts where she is a complete bitch to him!!! Why do I get the feeling that they left poor Porter in the freezing cold kitchen & went down stairs to snuggle with the cat. My heartbreaks when I see little Porter.
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Ali on the top step of the high ladder cleaning the windows without his wife supporting the ladder. OMG. Flawless marriage, my ass. That was scary to watch. Kudos to him for cleaning the windows and all the other endless chores he got up to. He worked his ass off, only to have her lemon sucking face snarling at him as she prepped his measly lunch. I agree with @Stefano, she DGAF when it's Ali's vlog being filmed. She undermines everyone.

Porter still looks abnormally withdrawn. So sad to see him all alone in the kitchen, then they decamp for the downstairs to snuggle with Lumi and he's left in the cold, unheated kitchen. At least I clocked a few tail wags when Ali was playing with him. Although take note, Lydia wasn't in the room. When she was present earlier, that poor puppy was frozen in his dank corner of the kitchen.

Ali forcefully telling Porter to SIT DOWN then walking off and leaving him sat like that simply because Lumi was around enraged me. They coddle Lumi to a degree that is ridiculous. I understand in the early days the importance of ensuring the new puppy didn't bother Lumi in case Lumi scratched his eyes out, but it's been months now and Porter isn't allowed to be a dog at all. Lumi needs to adapt to living with Porter. Period.

Anyone else notice the turd on the kitchen floor when Ali was throwing the ball for Porter? Go Porter!! LOL

Lydia fanging when Ali practically begs her to stop filling the greenhouse that will shortly need emptying is true Lydia. What does she care? She won't be emptying it. It's just like her insistence in moving all the flooring to behind the greenhouse, without a thought to the workmen that will now have double the heavy work in returning the heavy slabs to the front in order to be laid.

What a difference between Ali's video and Lydia's video, both filmed, in essence, over the same span of time. Lydia acting all sunshiney goober in hers, yet being a glaring glumcunt in Ali's. The Millen-Gordon's are not aspirational at all. They're not "the dream". They're the cautionary tale, "the nightmare".

I sincerely shudder to think of what Nicky Lazou when through with Lydia Elise Millen that night.
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She says she hasnt styled the KM clothes because she is going to do that on IG. Let me guess what you are going to style them with..........:unsure::unsure::unsure:could it be a HERMES BELT AND BAG?
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I was watching Josie's greenhouse "glow-up" vlog yesterday, and she is seen scrubbing, shovelling, raking, doing the actual physical work involved with gardening and growing vegetables. I just thought "Lydia would never." I'm not here to defend Josie, but I do commend her on her sensible approach to veggie growing and not spending too much money on it before figuring out if the hobby will stick. I do remember seeing her working a lot and hard on her raised beds when they first moved in, weeding and upturning the soil, wherehas Lydia only seems to stick seeds on pots and wait for them to grow. I do wonder if Lydia feels any sense of ridicule watching that and knowing how much she spent for something that might or might not work.

ALL the hard work is done by Ali, which is why this will be a big waste of money. He is doing it now because there's nothing else to do, no places to go, but when normal life resumes he won't have time or two shits to give about broad beans. And we all know little miss weak wrists won't be caught dead with a shovel or a rake.
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In Ali's vlog he's talking about cleaning the large kitchen windows (bore). Anyway it goes like this:

Ali " The rest have this white, dusty film, which needs to be addressed, so that's my task for today"
Lydia "Which I've been moaning about for months haven't I"
Ali *ignores* - LOL

Bloody hell woman he is literally about to get up there and clean it don't be so ungrateful. If you were moaning about it so much why not do it yourself? It's not like Ali has a huge height advantage. She's the closest thing to Veruca Salt I know.
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For anyone who can’t see, some more receipts from Lidl’s Q&A last night. Some v interesting answers...

A debate about as declaration. Very interesting. Wonder who was on the other end of the phone call.

And “karate chop” pillows? Has anyone ever seen Lidl do this or is she just copying Mrs Hinch now?

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"I'm a psychologist"

When this person is a certified psychologist and watches Lydia and sees no problems with her... they should better change their job. That's the type of psych, where couples go, because of their problems, and one of them is a narc, and the psych takes the side of the narc, because they can't see the obvious manipulation going.
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She been talking to her friends about her anxiety. What friends? . Your anxiety is totally SELF INFLICTED BECAUSE YOU BULLIED NICKY. SO F.......ING DEAL WITH THE FALLOUT.
she's a sad mole cos her tiles not going down - makes her heart hurt WOW FIRST WORLD PROBLEM LYDIA YOU BLOODY MUPPET !!!!!!
Saw the Jim Lawrence boxes & zapped the bitch off. Vile selfish fake excuse of a human being. Also talking at 500mph must be the Prozac.
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Found it!
This will be my outfit. All of it! The fur, the chain, the way too long shirt, the duck lips! Everything!
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The amount of time you have spent on producing all of this on the Wiki page is laudable...Truly 🙏
Also massive thanks to our @shiroyagisan too for the endless compilations 🙏
and @Habsy123 of course 🙏

It doesn‘t go unnoticed...
Thank you but I can't take much credit. Also honourable mention to @Julia123 who provided loads of the video info....I just formatted/typed it in. As you know I have a weak stomach and a sensitive trigger point when it comes to Lidl's vlogs!

This! I haven’t seen an “older” picture from her in some time until a rattler posted an old video thumbnail from her on here. I don’t have the time and energy right now to put a new and an old pic side by side, but even without seeing them right in front me or next to each other, it is clear that her face changed drastically
Posting this because.........I can!
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I had Porter in my mind this evening. Poor little baby taken away from his mummy and siblings as early as possible, only to be kept alone in an empty cold kitchen 😢
I can’t believe she said she wanted a dog for so long and now neglects him so much. How is she not absolutely obsessed with him, have him with her all the time and smother him with kisses? My boy is by my side absolutely all the time, I only make an exception if I need to sit on the toilet. He loves watching me doing my make up, he sleeps next to me when I work, he sits by my leg when I cook. I talk to him like to a child constantly, so he stays engaged.
How is Lydiot ok leaving baby Porter on his own all day and only take him out for couple of walks a day. This dog is only going to have psychological issues in the future for not being socialised. Why won’t she take him to a puppy day care twice a week, so he can play with other dogs, socialise and be trained at the same time? He’s so absolutely sad and lifeless.
I really hope she rehomes him sooner rather than later. He obviously was just another whim of the moment to keep up with the trend ☹💔
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