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Miss Trunchbull

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And the new study will be all tweed, green and .....just like Josies Chazzers.....even down to the desk chair. This woman is crazed.
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I have a feeling they’ll have a puppy for couple of months and then will rehome him after realising what a hard work pups are, saying Lumi wasn’t happy.
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Something about the first day of her vlogmas makes me sad 🤔 I can’t explain why, but I feel like I just watched two sad people with no real affection to each other, act like they love how they celebrate Christmas and had a good time putting up a strange amount of trees... while in reality there was no real happiness at all shown in this video
I don’t think that they actually know what family traditions are, they both come from broken families and Christmas time was probably all just compensation and throwing money all over the place just to show who was the best parent. That is why there is no love, it all about the money. That whole vlog with Tiffany, louboutin, hampers, luxury hot chocolate… was enough to put anyone of and disgust those who are going through hard times. Christmas isn’t just grabbing, taking, stuffing as much as you can get into your home, it more about doing that little thing for someone who needs it. I am a great « consumer » maybe compensating , but at Christmas I do that little thing for someone .

Remember no fuss was made about reaching 900k, well on the charity page it states, Event :reaching 900K on 17 November !!!
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Ok, I am three glasses deep in wine, very unhappy in my relationship and feeling emotional, I had to say something to Ali. Hopefully he sees the msg before LIDL reads here and deletes it and blocks me...😪😪🥴🥴
If he reads it but doesn’t block me instantly, I’ll know he read it first. If it’s read for a while but not deleted then suddenly I’m blocked, I’ll know it’s madam. HELP ME, I’ve gone insane 😶
oh deary you’re far too kind. I wouldn’t give him the time of day, any attention these sort of people get boosts their ego even more.

He’s with Lydia for a reason, and she married him for a reason. I’m sure they share everything. Thinking of you and hope you find a way forward with your relationship either together or separate. Breaks ups can be the absolute worst and mess with your head. Take care xxx
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Last night on Channel 4 in the UK there was a programme on about the truth about Amazon, in it, there was mention of Jamie Genevieve and how she had put a vlog up on her channel, and it was only when it was about 14 minutes in did the people watching it realise it was an advert for Amazon. I do think people are now getting wiser to their tactics, or even being educated in what's going on. I can only hope that legislation follows and more of these Influencers are brought to task for their underhanded tactics. They already make a fortune on the adverts, but they have to be greedy and have the commission too, putting many shop staff out of jobs as they direct people to where products can be bought online. One of our large department store chains, Debenhams, looks set to close if a buyer can't be found. Thousands of people will lose their jobs, and I see a direct correlation between people losing jobs in bricks and mortar stores with the rise of the Influencer and them encouraging people to buy online because if you don't buy online they can't get their cut of the action. Would be so easy if that code they give could be given in a store, and the commission tracked back that way so at least the stores were in with a fighting chance.
This was one of our biggest complaints when working on counters. Brands would set us ridiculous targets for new products but then they would have an influencer launch it online with a discount code for the brand website. Obviously people will shop where it is cheaper so not only did we lose commission but we would get a right bollocking for not making the launch successful. I very embarrassingly cried at work once because of this. I was 19 and fresh out of college and training, it was my first counter job. I spent ages doing make up for a mother and daughter, talking them through the products, teaching them application methods etc. Just as I was finishing the mums makeup the daughter tells her mum that an influencer (I think Tanya Burr) had a GWP if you used her code on the website. Both mum and daughter left without buying anything from me, I was devastated that I had lost a large sale and a couple of hours of my time, terrified my manager was going to have a go at me.

What are the chances it's a new wedding band?
I did think will this partnership with Tiffany lead to a bigger, more expensive engagement ring.
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Another poll idea - Lydia's TWO (soon to be THREE) assistants do not:
  1. Proof read Lydia's posts. 🤷‍♀️
  2. Do anything else but blow smoke up Lydia's ass. 🌬
  3. Get free shit from greedy Lydia. 🎁
  4. Lend Lydia's overpriced cups to ANYONE anymore. :coffee:
  5. Have an opinion. 🤔
  6. Get paid enough for having to deal with Lydia. 💰
  7. All of the above. 👀
Sadly I could keep going and going ...
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Just had a thought before bedtime 😪 Usually she’d keep something secret or tease her idiot followers with little nuggets of info to keep them guessing and waiting on the edge of their seat but this time she’s straight up said she’s getting a dog even though it’s 7 weeks away. Very unusual. Methinks she will use that as the reason for her hitting the magic million so quickly, everyone is waiting for the dog to arrive so it’s “driving up engagement” and et voila! She’s hit the million... 🤢
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And as if by magic I think I may have found my dog. He’s a 4 month old beagle called Toby. He’s being rehomed (already!!!) because the family don’t have enough time for him. We are going to visit him tomorrow. I’ve been searching for 6 months to find the right dog for our family. As soon as I saw his photo I knew he was the one. I felt the way way about Felix our cat when I saw him at the shelter.

I really hope her ladyship knows what she’s letting herself in for. Faffing about with Bolly part time really isn’t going to be the same as being fully responsible.
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good luck puppy, with lumi around, chances are you’ll be a memory tree soon enough.. 😕
I hate this new trend, a dog isn’t an ugly Chanel shopping bag you silly, silly bint.
at least we know Ali will look after it,
Lydia will probably just dress it up for Instagram content.
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Whatever happened to ' Lydia's Annual Picnic ' ??? She managed to do it for ... 2 or 3 (?) years ... This was in 2016 and these ladies no longer follow Lydiot. Further proof that our narc cannot maintain a friendship.

View attachment 324318View attachment 324319View attachment 324320
And remember how they made another family move where they were having their picnic, before Ali, Lydia and friends arrived there, because the location they were in was where Ali and Lydia wanted to be as it was more photogenic.

I didn't recognise her at all!

The eating disorder in me is very envious of her weight loss. You're right, she looks a bit gaunt now and has big circles under her eyes (maybe from working under Lidl, maybe something else as well) but my goddamn ED wants me to be an actual skeleton and saw that as aspirational.
I used to be so impressed by Lidl, her home gym, and the food she used to show in her "healthy morning routine" videos - in fact, that's how I came across her. It's only through watching a lot more videos that I realised she doesn't keep up with any of those things - she's full of gluten, cheese, and her 90cal hot chocolates (for now). I can't even remember the last time she used her home gym, I know she'd post it all over Insta and shove it in all her vlogs if she did. How unbelievably wasteful after what those mirrors and machines must have cost.
Big love to you @shiroyagisan I would imagine you have more integrity in your little finger than Lydia has in her whole body. Please do not compare yourself to her, or feel you have to be what she is. I wouldn't wish her life on my enemy to be honest, as it seems the most miserable and obsessed existence.
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It used to be a play room, then Lidl and Aldi turned it into a dining room that was never used (maybe because you have no friends???) and now it's be a study. IN HER OWN WORDS, "It's just somewhere for me to sit if I need to" even though it'll mainly be Ali's office? WHY DO YOU HAVE A WHOLE NOTHER OFFICE DOWNSTAIRS, WHAT IS IT USED FOR

Screenshot 2020-11-26 at 17.24.27.png
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Their 'family' instagram has been updated to say: New pup arriving early Jan
😭 the poor dog and poor Lumi

Edit: she also answered my question on finding a puppy so quickly
She’s full of shit, like everyone who knows about responsible breeding, it take years sometimes to find the right puppy and breeder. This is a 5 min fad, in all the years Iv watched her she’s never ONCE mentioned about dogs, it’s always been cats and how much of a cat person she is.
She’s pissing me right off! Just another fad for her
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It takes between 2-3 years of being on a waiting list to get a dog from a reputable breeder in the UK. How did Lydia confirm a dog so quickly? Puppy farming in England is a huge, huge problem. This is really worrying. ADOPT DON'T SHOP!
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Everyone, stop what you are doing. lidls has made an important announcement. She has finally found something she likes, new glasses for the kitchen. We can all stop worrying about this now 🤣
OMFG, her pea size brain is shrinking. Who cares about new kitchen glassware. There are way more important things going on in the world. 🤬🤬


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He's such a jackass.
Seriously, I cannot stand a vain man, and he is the height of vanity. So off-putting. 🤮🤮🤮🤮

Still has the blank, dead expression in his eyes.
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Lydia Millen #49 - Flogmas wont do, a mention of Globy is long overdue...nothing is new, it's all déjà vu. Lydiot, you silly moomoo.

Edited because I pulled a Lydia and added punctuation in the wrong spot... 🤦‍♀️
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23: Their storage solutions only have 1 lid as you need to "buy" the others .. a notion very alien to you 2 I know! (it is NOT stackable love .. that's why it wobbles you twat!)
For her understanding: you were sent four containers, you have to buy the lids yourself. Just like your independent kit without an actual tanning product, which you have to buy separately.
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I can’t wait for the vlog she puts out to celebrate ‘reaching 1million’ and she gets blazed, worse than Globy gate and worse than hair dresser gate, for buying fake followers. It would be the biggest car crash ever.

The Bots now have creepy bios. I guess they’re true Millen-Gordon fans as they’re also haunted by smart thoughts! The irony of that last bio though 😂
These must be ‘premium’ bots that you have to pay a little extra for. As someone has had to spend time creating the profiles. They are still fake followers though. I’m swear she must be breaking the law if she makes money off the back of having followers. It’s like a newspaper giving false readership stats to advertisers.
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