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Welcome! Cannot tell you how much your post made me smile! :ROFLMAO:
Great info (such a help)
BTW ALL of our Lurkers will be onstage throughout! There are hundreds of eyes twinkling in the Christmas trees (kindly gifted by @Miscanthus - swipe up for link) in the Wood. ;)

Progress Report (Whilst I’m here...)

Have moved Little Miss Sky over to be with The Rescuers as I think its highly likely she was rescued❤
Apologies to @Chez01 if I lost your lovely Daxi Lulu for a short time (I got distracted by Lulu the Toy Poodle) ❤

Honey, Casper, Harvey, Freddy and Bruiser have been summoned to rehearsals and they are now on the list that I’ve made and am checking twice.🎄
Aww, Oops, that’s lovely, the boys are very much looking forward to the rehearsals, they will be wearing their best non-sponsored heritage racing green, sympathetic outfits. And I can’t wait for them to share their learnings with us when they come home.

Like many of you, I first discovered her ladyship a couple of years ago, and I used to think: wow, what a beautiful, hardworking, successful woman! As I continued watching her, I realised that even though I was impressed by her (perceived) lifestyle, I just couldn’t warm to her as a person. She just wasn’t likeable for me. You know, when you get that warm, comforting ,cozy feeling, when you are watching someone you actually like for their personality. Well, with her, I wasn’t getting that. After each video I was left feeling like something was off. I just couldn’t put my finger on what was bothering me. So I stopped watching her, there are other influenzas ou there that I actually enjoy watching.
Then she appeared on my radar again during lockdown, and I also found this group. I have been reading here ever since, because everything I thought about her is expressed here so well, by you guys. The pretence, the fakeness, the snobby behaviour! And I’m so glad that I’m not the only one feeling like this and not the only one who isn’t blinded by the fake world of Mrs Bucket. I am actually looking forward to seeing where this shitshow is heading, and with Flogmas coming, I think the threads will be busier than ever!
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BURN OUT?!?!? who the fuck is she kidding!? fuck off! Maybe go work in a hospital on the COVID-19 unit then come back and talk burn out!? You do FUCK ALL!

Look at her giving herself reasoning for getting a dog is that you had a look at your lifestyles and what you like to do???? walking? pfft. Yeah it's called copying, that's what you like to do Lydia.

Has anyone noticed that Lydia next to never looks at camera when she is talking?
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So Lydia received some TimTams, it's a shame she can't eat them since they contain gluten :rolleyes:
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Sounds like she’s chucking her lip balm in the hot chocolate! Such an appalling grasp of grammar!

That orangey lipstick makes me feel a bit ill 🤢 Anyone else?
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very clever 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

QUOTE="Angeoudemon, post: 3013405, member: 28333"]
As we're approaching the festive season the MG's (in a Lydiacentric world it would only be Millen that hold any type of gravitas, but for the sake of old Alistair, we'll be kind and include him aswell) are in a fabulous Christmas mood!

This year they will perform their very own rendition of Dickens' beloved classic, "A Christmas Carol".

Cast (thus far):

The ghost of Christmas past - The Lady of the Manor herself, Lydia Elise Millen - Gordon

She remembers her decadent and luxe childhood Christmases, she has never mentioned them until very recently, but they truly were brilliant!
A little palm tree is all she has left....oh what a sorrow indeed:

View attachment 324373

Tiny Tim - Alistair (Ali for short, teehee) Millen-Gordon

Ali already had enough freebie clothes that were perfect for the role, the costume department shouted out with glee!
All that had to be done, to really get that authentic ragamuffin feeling, was to roll around inside the raised coffin beds and tend to his daily shores in Lydia's garden 😉:

View attachment 324375

Ebenezer Scrooge - Dior et al who have the audacity not to pamper Lydia, what a disgrace! Humbug!!!!!

Auditions are still taking place, Lydia is a tough casting director so you better perform, let it all out through your chest people!

Aaaaw thank you! ❤❤❤

Here is MŰSLI! She is a happy, stubborn and clumsy Havanais-primadonna @Oops... :


A bit sleepy here:


This one describes her very accurately I think:

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They have this dog for so long now, and he is still crying the whole time when alone. So a normal person would guess that this "method" didn't work out and change something. But not those idiots.
They could've trained him in intervals that get longer with every try, for example.
He is possibly so calm and sleepy during the day because he is totally exhausted from the nights. Imagine the anxiety a just weaned little dog must feel in an, for him, unknown house. And he knows in the meantime when they leave him alone it will be for hours.
They just have no clue how to look after a puppy and refuse to except any suggestions. It is normal for a puppy to sleep up to 20 hours a day because they are growing and everything for them is exhausting. They keep waking him up claiming he wont sleep at night if he sleeps during the day but he will. He just needs a schedule like a baby. He is still far too young to be left on his own for more than about 10 minutes or however long it takes him to get all of the peanut butter out of the kong that they keep using as a distraction. That pup is going to have some severe separation anxiety when they go back to work. They are also walking him too much. In todays video you can see Boe's ears have started to stick out in a weird way, thats because he has started teething but I doubt Frow knows that.
You can already hear some slight contempt in her voice that Boe prefers Alex to her. Lydia's dog is going to end up preferring Ali as he will love on it constantly where as Lydia will only do that when she is vlogging, so about once a week.

I'm just waiting for the puppy haul now. No doubt it will involve a bunch of gifted barbour items, royal canin kibble, puppy pads, the wrong type of brush, inappropriate/dangerous toys, dog clothes/jackets/lead and collar that will be too big and a gifted Lords and Labradors crate set. Thank god the crate set my babies have is out of stock so she can't get the same. Or worse she wont crate train him!
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She’s not eating what she says she does. There’s no way. How can she be that small and eat what she says she does??
Did anyone catch the calorie burn daily goal for Ali? He was talking about closing the rings on his smart watch when he said he tries to burn 900 calories a day. They don't eat but maybe 1200 a day so WOW no wonder he looks so bad without photo editing. Why would he need to be so restrictive with his calories? I'm beginning to think that he also has an ED. Seems the only mammal in The Bungalow eating is Lumi and even then she has to supplement with mice now and again.

What in the world does this mean.....her many life realities?

My wife has just shared a story a memory of her many life realities, one of which so many sadly will be able to relate to. It may be the Louis Vuitton bag giveaway that grabs your attention but I hope you take a moment to read what she has to say.

He really is stupid.
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I've not watched the latest flog yet, but have caught up with all of your comments. I am so so sad that she is getting a dog. I know we'd already predicted this, but now that she's confirmed it, I am so angry. She is going to be the worst ever dog owner. The poor little thing will get just one walk (if it's lucky) a day and there is no way she'll have the patience to train it. It takes more than just it knowing his/her own name. Can you imagine her trying to toilet train it!! Ali and Cawwie will end up having to take care of it.
Also, was the not complaining just a few months ago about Lumi's vet bills? I've never had a dog, but isn't the cost of owning one, way more than that of a cat?
The saddest thing is, no matter how this dog gets treated, it will love Lydia and Ali. They don't deserve it.

My neighbours got a Clumber Spaniel during Lockdown 1 when they were working from home (breed characteristics = snores, drools, carries things around obsessively). Now they are back at work it's picked up by the 'doggy day care' van every day. They also have two house cats.🤢
So many people around where I live have bought dogs during lockdown. Did they think they were going to be wfh forever? The couple in the ground floor flat of the building I live in got a sweet little one called Shelby and they were taking her for daily walks for the first few weeks, but they seem to have gotten bored as she rarely gets a walk now (I'm still wfh and my desk is in the window, I'm not spying) I see her in their window jumping up all excited whenever I go out/come back :(
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Can’t believe she’s already getting the bloody dog! I knew it! Lots of vlogmas content coming up. Only Monday-Friday mind you! I dont know why but I got this very pissed off feeling as soon as she announced it 😶😶😶
Edit: ok in 7 weeks but still 😤😤😤
Not a big dog, must be short haired. New poll on what breed, though we all know it’s a dachschund. If she gets a double dapple I’m gonna flip out...
We seem to have a huge problem in the UK right now where owners dogs are being stolen, presumably for resale as Christmas presents. I hope if they're getting a dog it is from a reputable breeder and not a stolen dog or one from a puppy mill. In Norfolk, just in the past week, a family have had their Spaniel returned to them after being stolen six years ago. The poor girl was used, presumably by a puppy mill, she'd just had another litter 6 weeks previously, been left with internal injuries because of the constant breeding, then found dumped. This makes me so cross, getting a dog for Christmas anyhow.
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So Josie has been potentially caught out on the first day breaking the new covid tier rules as she is swanning around Bicester Village when she lives in a tier 3 area. It kind of makes me hope that Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire get put into different tiers so Lydia will finally have to admit to where she lives 😂
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@Oops, you're brilliant. And might I say thank you to all you fellow Tattlers for all the expert advice about getting and training pups. I've wanted one for a long time but don't want to get one during lockdown when we're all stuck at home. I also live alone and worry about what would happen when I start traveling again.

As for Vlogmas with Dumb and Dumber, I actually am dying to truly analyze the differences between Lydiot and her peers. I'm sure the first one put out by each will be the most telling before she can start copying everyone else's.

It's really going to highlight who puts in the work and who just skates by doing jack crap aka Lydiot. And the trailer for Vlogmas. clearly done by Ali. I bet the quality, length of each vlog will differ between Lydiot, Josie, Frow etc.

Also, I really am not on any other threads here. Do any other UK influencer's threads move as fast as Lydiot's?

I feel we get through over 50 pages in a matter of just a few days now. If so, proves how much material filled with stupidity, arrogance, smugness and ridiculousness she provides us on a daily basis.

Or we're on here more because of the pandemic/lockdown?
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Why don’t they just kick out Ali’s stuff in to the spider shed? Then he can still be around to do all the slave work around the house and mix the pasta with mayonnaise but won’t take up any space with his things. Lydia needs all the rooms for herself! A completely normal marriage...
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So it's been like what, three vlogs since she first mentioned how she's ALWAYS wanted a dog, to her announcing she's actually getting a dog? Just wow.
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Ok so I think I have watched all of her vlogmas 1 but it's hard to tell because I fell asleep. Wasn't that the most boring pile of horse pooh ever.
So just to compare with Victorias (because I do like Victoria) I had a quick whiz through hers too and found it far far more interesting, she is having rolling giveaways, when Vic talks to her audience she actually sounds like she cares and she is doing something for her followers.
Lydiot is all about me me me.

First thing with Lydiot that bugged me, cheesy, it's all just soo cheesy and sadly when compared with Victorias sooo amateurish, I know I shouldn't compare as its like apples and oranges comparing dullards with quite intelligent folk but sorry I just cant help it. ;-)
Secondly - what was soo special about the sky, was it a bit pinky purple, wow, never seen that before, show is the graveyard (aka garden beds), would rather see that.
Thirdly - start in your pjs, that certainly adds an air of professionalism, well done for looking like crap right off the bat.
Fourthly- do we really need to hear about where your going to put the trees, just put the trees, clearly filling air time with waffle.
Fifthly - is anyone as excited about a pile of red bricks as I am NOT. Really you dont need to lift the covering, I can imagine a pile of red bricks, dont care about the colour either, boring, clearly filling air time with waffle BUT I am sooo glad now I know about half walls and wet and dry red bricks. I suppose she has to do all this talk about the process because she got this porch for nothing or heavily discounted.
Sixthly - she didnt even wait for the delivery man to leave before she started opening boxes, greedy cow.
Seventhly - now this is where she really annoyed me, how in the hell does she not know where all those arrangements are going??? If she is such a fabulous home decorator person how come she cant work out where to put a fecking candle.
Eighthly - Number 5s branding its just soo fabulous, I was expecting to at any moment hear something about he branding of the Globy fiasco, nope all silent there, no mention of Globy as a xmas gift, or anything about giveaways of Globy for Xmas, it just doesnt exist anymore does it. Brainless twat.
Ninethly - ok so is it just me or is that dress just horrible, clearly I am behind in the fashion stakes, and I am very old but even I wouldn't wear that.
Tenthly - AND finally we really get to just horrible shit - BAGS from Tiffanys, not one little sweet discreet little box BUT bags full of boxes. Could this just be any more OTT and gross. Then it goes on to a hamper of food sent to her, why is someone sending her food??? Is she supposed to be recommending this food, is she supposed to eat it then tell us how yummy it is?? I just don't get it. Bags and bags of chocolate drink, just soo much free food being sent to her and storage containers, she doesnt even know what to do with all this stuff.

Where was the Xmas music as the trees were going up? Enough from me, you get the gist, vlogmass from a greedy, selfish, selfcentered, narcissist.
PS, I bet she was pissed when she watched Victorias xmas vlog with all the cute doggie content.

She is a whippet cross desert dog (I live in the Middle East!)

View attachment 331580
Oh. rdm1990 your doggie caught my eye, I have lived in UAE, Qatar, Oman and Saudi Arabia, just wondering if you are in any of those places??
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Long time lurker. Lydia is like any other blogger/youtuber/influencer. Eventually they completely run out of content. The content becomes more about them which is where things quickly go downhill. Unpleasant personality traits are displayed. The "shelf life" of an influencer has become very short. I always wonder where these clowns see themselves in 10 years. Unemployed and devoid of any real friendships i guess. Its tragic. Rant over.
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Wow! British sarcasm hahahah no Lydia, it’s you being a bitch!
Lydiot's reply really pissed me off! Could she be any ruder to one of her followers? I can just imagine how bad the person who asked this question felt after reading Lydiot's answer. Hopefully, Lydiot advertising her true personality like this was a wake-up call to a lot of followers. Also, good thing Lydiot has enough money to just pay someone to "have time to devote to the dog" because Lydiot sure doesn't. The new dog is there for aesthetics only and for her to have another advertising-income avenue. I give it a week before she's complaining about the puppy waking her up at 4 am, messing on the floor, upsetting Lumi (poor Lumi). I feel bad for all the sad lonely dogs in the shelters that would have loved to have a real home, but they're just not good enough for miss Josie wanna-be. And yes Lydiot, you have proven many, many times that you are not able to navigate life as an adult, that's why you get questions like this.
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