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“Old Lyd Millen had a farm, eey aye, eey aye, oh! And on that farm she had a My Husband, eey aye, eey aye, oh! With a ‘yes, Lyds’ here and a ‘yes, Lyds’ there, here a ‘yes’, there a ‘yes‘, husband-life is one big stress, Old Lyd Millen had a farm, eey aye, eey aye, oh!

And on this farm she had a Lumi, eey aye, eey aye, oh! With a droning ‘meowwww’ here and a droning ‘meowwww’ there, here a ‘meowwww’, there a ‘meowwww’, like her mother she’s a cow, Old Lyd Millen had a farm, eey aye, eey aye, oh!

And on this farm there was a Lynx, eey aye, eey aye, oh! With a shotgun here and a shotgun there, here a gun, there a gun, either that or he’s on the run, Old Lyd Millen had a farm, eey aye, eey aye, oh!

And on this farm there‘ll be a dog, eey aye, eey aye, oh! With a chew-chew here and a poo-poo there, here a chew, there a poo, Old Lyd Millen’s not a clue, Old Lyd Millen had a farm, eey aye, eey aye, ohhhhhhh!!!!“View attachment 328472
Is it really their goal to re-enact every cliched moment out of AbFab except completely void of any sort of humour or irony?

Also where are my faux wood beams for your low, new-build ceilings, Lydia? Please tell me that is still part of version 343 of the Millen Gordon New Build Country Estate? Is she not going to do them anymore? I was looking forward to a good laugh about that....
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Roo reaches his dwarf wall and begins to juggle with his tennis balls whilst, occasionally stopping to take a bite of the toast he has brought along for the journey. His sister Lulu marches gently and elegantly like the Little Princess she is. Egon bounds to a dwarf wall (just in case he doesn’t get one of the seven) eagerly. He looks frantically around for a human (he prefers them) until he spots his mummy in the audience and begins to jump up and down in glee. When all of the cats and dogs are assembled in the clearing there is a hush...then complete silence...
The orchestra strikes up with’Do You Hear The People Sing’ at full volume....

Marching on the spot - THEY SING

Come and join in our parade
This is for all our dads and mums
Look at our gleaming coats all shining
Free of dust and fleas and crumbs
Hear the pound of each brave heart
Listen to all our marching paws
Isn’t it great how our friendships start
When we all love claws?

Synchronicity and Fate both took a hand to bring us here
The chances of us meeting would be very slim I fear
Yet we are together - Let’s run hell for leather - And cheer...

Can you join in whilst we sing
All of us marching to our drum
Loving the joy that this may bring
To every well-met cyber chum
Breaking down each barricade
All of us really glad we stayed
Everyone on the same crusade
For this escapade

We furry ones help heal you if your ever feeling sick
And if you’re sad we feel you and we give your tears a lick
It’s simply our goal - Just to make you fell whole - With a trick...

Come and join in our parade
Marvel at all the things we do
Knowing you’ll never be dismayed
When there’s a fur ball next to you
Look at all of us today
Steadily marching to our drums
What joy when you get to play
With your cyber chums


copyright 2020
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Just wanted to send a big hug to @shiroyagisan and anyone else dealing with shit at the moment. Know that we’re in your corner and that you are special ❤

These threads full of witticisms and intelligent commentary have kept me sane this year during some dark periods of my own depression and anxiety. They’ve been a lovely reminder of all the good people that exist in the world too. For which I guess I have Lydia to thank? Feels weird crediting her for that 😅
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I could not agree more. The content simply is not there for vlogmas. It’s boring and meaningless. It lacks on every level. This is a very different Christmas and, as usual, she is tone deaf and it’s all about the numbers now. If there had been any mindfulness about the very deep concerns about the fallout of a pandemic and the obvious brexit concerns, the first thing she should have been doing is promotion of buying local and supporting small businesses. What is the point of decorating four Christmas trees with stuff from Amazon? It’s lame and it’s lazy. Even if she had prepared a little better, she could have researched interior designers who have posted instructional Christmas deco guides on yt and given a tutorial on how to emulate at home using arts and crafts and sustaining year after year. Or actually, got decorating tips from the interior designers that she does use, and share them.

Now THIS is the true meaning of Christmas. Thank you, @Oops. ❤❤
I was SO touched by your comment @Milking Keynes. ♥ It actually made me cry.
I am so grateful for the other lovely comments from forum members too. Thank you so much♥ It means a great deal.

Whilst I’m here - just to let those of you with loved ones in our Panto know - that I am trying very had to mention each one of them at some stage before the Final Curtain. I mention this now so that you won’t feel disappointed if your furry one hasn’t been mentioned yet ♥ I am busy scribbling away and working on quite a few scenes simultaneously - such as;

Cat only scenes, Rainbow Bridge Angelic Choir Scene (sobbed for hours with that one!) Dog only Scenes. So please don’t worry, they’re all in there. Some of your furries have the same name so I am trying hard to make it clear which one is which and I really hope I don’t mess up with that. The tiniest detail matters where our loved one are concerned doesn’t it? I was so cross with myself for not spotting the auto-correct in scene 1 where Stannis enters on his watermelon. It corrected itself to Stan is, so his name wasn’t clear. I am so sorry about that @Icemaiden01.
We have over 50 animals now! Isn’t that wonderful? ♥ This is a true labour of love for me. I’m even thinking of including a hive full of bees, but remembering each name might just tip me over the edge. Can you imagine the spreadsheets necessary for that? If your loved one has already been mentioned it doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t be featured again. They are all on stage though whether specifically referred to or not ;) A lot more scenes to come so please bear with...x

edited to include more info x
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I saw the title of the vlog and I had a sick feeling it was about her getting a little puppers. I still haven't seen it because it's going to rile me up. Thanks to all of you who have watched it for the rest of us. You deserve a goddamn medal.

I'm so disgusted right now that this twat is getting a dog. We know it's not because she is passionate about them. We all know it's because she's so insecure she has to one up or at least pretend to be on the same level as her competitors. It's all for the gram and more views i.e. $.

That's what it all really boils down to with this bitch, doesn't it? Looks like the coffin veg beds were a perfect analogy of her love for gardening and a greenhouse. We haven't seen her show anything about her garden since the weather got cold. Ali is the one still showing it on his reels, vlogs and the only one working on finishing it.

However, the way even her sycophants reacted to her poor handling of Winston, I have a joyous feeling this pup is what will do the twit in. Much as I think Ali is as moronic as she is, I do find solace that he will care for the pup and give his all to caring for it.

After her handling of Lynx, Lumi and most recently, Winston, I shudder to think what this new dog will get subjected too. I hope it is a puppy with some serious sass though and pray it fucks her house up and chews up all her new pairs of Loubs. Cunt.
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Hello ladies and gents, I used to watch miss lie da ha quite frequently, however theirs only so much baby lisping anyone can take!!
I’m absolutely furious that she is getting a dachshund, what is it with this women, she gets whatever she wants, she’s the most self entitled brat I have ever come across.. I own 3 mini dachshunds lulu is 16, poppy is 7 and our rescue silvi is 5.. Let me tell you these lil beauty’s like to have company, they do not like being left on their own, and any dog breeder would ask how long are you out during the day.. I absolutely love my three lol girls, however they are extremely needy, they love to have company and again they don’t do well left on their own.. you have to be so careful with their back, they are prone to the dreaded IVDD, two of my girls have had spinal surgery, each one costing £4K. We have ramps for the girls so that they can get on and off the sofas... I know you read here, Lydia i beg you, please do not buy a dachshund, you will not cope with one, it will need so much of your time, and let’s face it, you even said yourself that you are exhausted from doing so little work!! Rant over
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Can't even see the thing you're meant to be selling 🤦‍♀️


That is one MFing ugly dress that she claims is "perfect for wearing around the house". I too love sitting in a polyester sack and elastane tights - the synthetics really allow me to marinate in my own sweat, filth, and fake tan.
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ACT 1.

SCENE 1. A Clearing in a Wood in Bedhamptonshire. Night.

As the curtain rises the lights come up slowly to reveal a frosty woodland scene. We are in a clearing surrounded by Christmas trees. Owls hoot and a full moon shines in a dark sky. Centre Rear of the Stage is an arched wooden bridge painted in the colours of the rainbow. Seven dwarf walls surround the clearing in a semi-circle. Stage left stands an old wooden sign with three arrows. The arrow pointing left says Rescue Centre. The arrow pointing right says Home. The arrow pointing upwards says Sleep. Suddenly beautiful white eye shape lights appear in the Christmas trees. They are the eyes of The Lurkers who have come to observe gently. The tallest Christmas tree stands SR and within it’s uppermost branches curled up comfortably is Marmalade; The Cat Who Sees Everything. She grins widely and nods wisely. Her beautiful gossamer wings sparkle and glitter and undulate in time to her nodding. In the centre of the clearing stands a large pile of opened cardboard boxes. Quietly at first and then more urgently we hear scrabbling and scratching. High- pitched whining and then barking causes Marmalade to look down in concern. Tentatively at first, two tiny puppies crawl out of a box. They shake themselves vigorously and and then begin to scamper around sniffing intently.

Marmalade. Hello my dears. How lovely to see you. Can you tell me your names?

Puppy 1. What’s my name? I don’t know my name. I haven’t got a name. Oh no!

Puppy 2. What is a name? I don’t know what that is.

Marmalade. Then I will give you your names. You are Beggy and Grammy. There now you have names.

Both Puppies. Oh, Beggy and Grammy. Beggy and Grammy.

Puppy 1. Please may I be Beggy?

Puppy 2. No! I’m Beggy. You can be Grammy.

Puppy 1. I can be Grammy. I’m Grammy. I must remember that. Grammy, Grammy, Grammy. THat’s it. Granny. I’m Granny. Granny is my name.

Marmalade. No dear, you are Grammy. Lovely little Grammy.

Puppy 1. Yes, I’ve got it now, lovely little Grammy.

A sinister human figure creeps in SL. He wears black clothing from head to toe and wears a balaclava over his head. He carries a sack. He tip-toes stealthily towards Beggy and Grammy.

Marmalade. Watch out dear little ones, we have a Puppy Farmer in our midst!

Beggy and Grammy. Oh no! Where is the Puppy Farmer? Where is he?

Marmalade. He’s behind you!



Scene 2. Clearing in Woods. Next Day.

As the lights come back up the cardboard boxes have been cleared away. We hear distant marching which grows ever nearer and louder. Marmalade cranes her neck.

Marmalade. Oh my! It’s the Christmas Parade. Oh how I love a Christmas Parade.

Very softly the orchestra begins to play ‘Do You Hear The People Sing’ from Les Miserables As 54 fur babies march in. This is a wonderful spectacle. All of them happy and eager to shine and show what they can do. They joyously wave flags, turn somersaults, juggle and all in time to the music. When they see you in the audience they wave delightedly. The Angelic Choir all carry large banners with smily emojis with the words ‘Hello Mum‘ emblazoned across in large letters. They take their places on The Rainbow Bridge. All are almost delirious with delight. Little Lady Sky juggles with apples and skilfully takes a bite as they whizz round. She high-fives Mushi Umbrage with both paws as the apples fall to the floor and Mushi trips over them but recovers quickly. Charlie the Havanese runs through the parade with a sock in his mouth barking for someone to catch him. Stan is skilfully rolls in balanced on a large watermelon. He adeptly flicks prawns into his mouth from a fork. Honey drags her duvet behind her still marching in perfect time. Harvey carefully guides Casper the rag-doll cat to his place on a dwarf wall, whispering into his ear describing the merriment Casper cannot see. Some dogs roll over and many cats polish their claws on their chests as they march. Little Gem takes her place on a dwarf wall and gazes intently into the eyes of Rupert who has finally stopped charging around excitedly. He loves a party and this parade is right up his street. Rupert and Gem snuggle together happily.


Copyright 2020
Awwww.... Charlie says thanks for the love! Charlie the Havanese runs through the parade with a sock in his mouth barking for someone to catch him.

I'll see if I can catch a good shot of him running with a sock sometime... in the mean-time this is a cute one :)
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Can't wait until she takes the dog for a walk and it ruins her clothes. We took our dogs to the park this morning, strangely I didn't wear a fedora and tweed outfit from Holland Cooper, black leggings, hiking boots and a puffer, just like everyone else!

She seems to be wearing a new bag as well!
I wonder if she used her 'curby pins' in the holes of her hat ... hmmm :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

Ali and Lydiot busy at their weekend jobs helping out the farmers of Northampton (neè Buckinghamshire) ... but not the neighbour farmer who shot Affiliate Lynx and burnt him.
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OMG I've just read yours. It's hilar babe. 😂 Your inner bitch may even be bigger than mine. 😉 Keep doing them. And anyone else who can cope with watching Vlogmas on the daily. 😘 x
The Bitch in moi ...(Lydia don't try darling it's too hard .. it's French!).... she comes out only on special occasions for you @Elle Belle .... but I can't anymore .. not with this bish .....I just ordered a Range rover ... shock horror .. but it's a Velar guys .. don't hate me pls .. no blogger has one thank fuck ... paid for .. by my sponsorship for hemerroid cream ... was really hard and I suffered alot of chaffing .. but I got a fucking car for free ...YAY ME!!! All jokes aside .. paid for in full ... no adsense... no begging ... satisfaction 100%.... can you say that Lyds??? mmm no... that will always make you less than me babes (Said with my chest and my cock out!)
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Anyone with some basic decency would have reflected upon oneself why among all the ppl online, she's the one that stood up the most with 48 damning threads each over 50 pages. No one is perfect but when you have that many poor reviews, clearly there is something wrong with you as a person or should I say the persona you put up online. Compared with someone like Fleur de force who only has 2 threads and in those 2 threads you do read some nice feedback, one must be incredibly dim to think that there's nothing wrong with you and people who commented are all haters/trolls. So what if you end up with 1 million subscribers, deep in your heart, you know that a significant number are purchased bots and not reflecting the truth. You can beg for as many freebies as possible and copy all the trends of others but overall you are not authentic but simply a PROUD DELUDED FRAUD. 🤣
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Course she is getting a dog......Lydia is a spoilt child who niggles until she gets what she wants. I despise everything about her and I mean everything. I've never felt such a dislike for someone I don't know. I can see the whole way through her
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So cute!!! What breed is Muffin, if I may ask?

Műsli is also called "M", "M-Bear", "Umbridge" and "Brahumph" (don't ask me why, we are kind of crazy and very silly in this family)😂😂😂😂. She has the same personality as Blair Waldorf haha, we are all her servants 😂😂😂😅❤.
Muffin is a short-haired domestic tabby and such a handsome bugger ! We rescued his mum as a kitten off the street, she had a set of (2) kittens Muffin and Milkshake, before we had her fixed. No designer cats (hint hint Lydia) and our cats and dog rule our home.
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Something about the first day of her vlogmas makes me sad 🤔 I can’t explain why, but I feel like I just watched two sad people with no real affection to each other, act like they love how they celebrate Christmas and had a good time putting up a strange amount of trees... while in reality there was no real happiness at all shown in this video
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Going to IG stories, I've seen so many Black Friday codes advertised by influencers except Lydia. If she was 'too busy' -insert big lol here :rolleyes: - or lazy / forgot to upload codes, why did her 2 assistants not do so ? WHAT do her 2 numpty assistants do if not to fill in the blanks when she is unable to do so ??? Her subscribers obviously mean nothing to her.
I honestly have no idea what her two “assistants” do all day, but I have a fairly good idea what they do not do.

1.They do not proof read anything that Lydia deigns to write. EVER.
Whether it be a simple Instagram caption for a paid partnership or a rambling blog post, it gets uploaded with spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors galore for all of her adoring bots followers to fawn over.
Correcting Lydia is a cardinal sin. End of.

2. They do not ask Lydia any questions when and as they arise ... it’s much too inconvenient for her.
Hence the reason Lydia will now be using Ali’s office the study for business matters.
She doesn’t care to venture downstairs to the basement too often lest those pesky “assistants” bombard her with questions all day long, thus interrupting her eight hour self-care routine.
If they dare to bother Lydia outside of the specific times she herself has allotted them, she becomes overwrought, develops a headache, and needs to take to her bed at 4:30pm and remain there for the next three days.

So you see, there’s not much the two “assistants” can actually do, UNLESS it’s begging brands for free merchandise on Lydia’s behalf. That they can do until the bloody cows come home!

Oh, and Cawwie is permitted to batch cook meals for the Millen-Morons, but that’s only because she’s Lydia’s bestest friend in the whole wide world. However, Cawwie needs to remember she is absolutely never to touch the ice cold water in the refrigerator (Lydia simply can’t tolerate drinking room temperature water - she’s a delicate little flower, after all) while cooking said meals. That would be considered rude.

I think that pretty much covers it!
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