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Do we know which dog breed she’s getting?
My guess is a similar one as these insta ladies:

View attachment 325565

She's getting a miniature Dachshund. 99.9% sure. She's already re-posted pictures of Dachsunds and if you notice on the comments in the vlog of people taking a guess, she's only liked the post saying it's a Dachshund. Plus, she would NEVER get a larger breed or a cross breed - too much effort for her, not pedigree and not 'cute' enough. She is just a copy cat, so will copy Josie, Frow and Sarah Ashcroft who have both got a mini dachshund in the last month. She can't miss out can she!

Mini Dachshund are clearly the trend at the minute and it pisses me off so much. They're hunting dogs, and although look cute, can be very hard work. They're needy, diggers, chasers (got help Lumi) have a VERY loud yap, prone to back issues and sadly, they are being bred in thousands by puppy mills who ship them out to 3rd party sellers who pretend to be family homes / first litter etc. People like Lydia don't do their research, just look online and pay a deposit. Mums are kept in horrific conditions and bred to death. Pups aren't health checked and often end up with severe health issues. Just so sad.

Sorry to waffle on about this all the time, but I've done so much work with dog charities and campaigns to stop puppy mills and these so called influencers boil my piss when they just get the latest trend dog for the gram, and make no effort to either adopt, or to research properly and inform their audience on how to buy a dog from a reputable breeder!!

Lydia is a spoilt little brat, stamping her feet with her want want want and this dog is the latest fad to fill the void of her empty life.
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Just a thought ... It's only in my head at the moment but it's something I have thought for a while now... maybe it's beacuse it's Xmas. I am 4 glasses of good vino down (Yes Lydia that means wine love)...and the Fiancee is in bed with Little Miss Sky as she is pooped after her directorial debut with the very strict @Oops........ but I can't help but wonder what life would be without influencers? I think in my own little old world brain .. that it would be AMAAAAAZING!
I remember old fashioned marketing ... I am only 41 but it feels like yesterday I used to love adverts in magazines and on the T.V.

When did the the world decide that fucktards that I can see on the street everyday would have such a grip on humanity and what we buy? Please tell me?

I studied hard ....I had 2 jobs because coming from an Italian family meant earning your keep (Lydia you are far from what I would call Italian with your work ethic!!) So I had to work If my dad was to even let me go to Uni ....I worked in my Dads bar and I worked in a restaurant each weekend having hardly anytime for myself but hey ho you do what you have to in life unless you beg!

But I always had such high esteem for people that got a degree and earned a career like myself ... I have done very well in life ..I live how I want to always, but I know others can't, my humanity kicks in and I donate etc whenever I can.

It is just so strange for me to have friends in marketing and they abhor bloggers ...they say they have ruined the career path for others and at this point looking at Lydia and Victorai etc I tend to agree,'s an art ... it's not a beg or a flog ...ppl really do want to promote brands in the correct way and it's sad that the world only wants fast fashion/ fast branding and fast culture..

We need to get back to the "REAL" deal ... the REAL work ethic .. the REAL person ... the REAL consumer!

I would love all of you to boycott all fake publicity and promotion of goods in life ...Please stand up and make a change for the good of humanity and for the good of this world!!!

Sermon over ... go in peace xxxx
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ACT 1.

SCENE 1. A Clearing in a Wood in Bedhamptonshire. Night.

As the curtain rises the lights come up slowly to reveal a frosty woodland scene. We are in a clearing surrounded by Christmas trees. Owls hoot and a full moon shines in a dark sky. Centre Rear of the Stage is an arched wooden bridge painted in the colours of the rainbow. Seven dwarf walls surround the clearing in a semi-circle. Stage left stands an old wooden sign with three arrows. The arrow pointing left says Rescue Centre. The arrow pointing right says Home. The arrow pointing upwards says Sleep. Suddenly beautiful white eye shape lights appear in the Christmas trees. They are the eyes of The Lurkers who have come to observe gently. The tallest Christmas tree stands SR and within it’s uppermost branches curled up comfortably is Marmalade; The Cat Who Sees Everything. She grins widely and nods wisely. Her beautiful gossamer wings sparkle and glitter and undulate in time to her nodding. In the centre of the clearing stands a large pile of opened cardboard boxes. Quietly at first and then more urgently we hear scrabbling and scratching. High- pitched whining and then barking causes Marmalade to look down in concern. Tentatively at first, two tiny puppies crawl out of a box. They shake themselves vigorously and and then begin to scamper around sniffing intently.

Marmalade. Hello my dears. How lovely to see you. Can you tell me your names?

Puppy 1. What’s my name? I don’t know my name. I haven’t got a name. Oh no!

Puppy 2. What is a name? I don’t know what that is.

Marmalade. Then I will give you your names. You are Beggy and Grammy. There now you have names.

Both Puppies. Oh, Beggy and Grammy. Beggy and Grammy.

Puppy 1. Please may I be Beggy?

Puppy 2. No! I’m Beggy. You can be Grammy.

Puppy 1. I can be Grammy. I’m Grammy. I must remember that. Grammy, Grammy, Grammy. THat’s it. Granny. I’m Granny. Granny is my name.

Marmalade. No dear, you are Grammy. Lovely little Grammy.

Puppy 1. Yes, I’ve got it now, lovely little Grammy.

A sinister human figure creeps in SL. He wears black clothing from head to toe and wears a balaclava over his head. He carries a sack. He tip-toes stealthily towards Beggy and Grammy.

Marmalade. Watch out dear little ones, we have a Puppy Farmer in our midst!

Beggy and Grammy. Oh no! Where is the Puppy Farmer? Where is he?

Marmalade. He’s behind you!



Scene 2. Clearing in Woods. Next Day.

As the lights come back up the cardboard boxes have been cleared away. We hear distant marching which grows ever nearer and louder. Marmalade cranes her neck.

Marmalade. Oh my! It’s the Christmas Parade. Oh how I love a Christmas Parade.

Very softly the orchestra begins to play ‘Do You Hear The People Sing’ from Les Miserables As 54 fur babies march in. This is a wonderful spectacle. All of them happy and eager to shine and show what they can do. They joyously wave flags, turn somersaults, juggle and all in time to the music. When they see you in the audience they wave delightedly. The Angelic Choir all carry large banners with smily emojis with the words ‘Hello Mum‘ emblazoned across in large letters. They take their places on The Rainbow Bridge. All are almost delirious with delight. Little Lady Sky juggles with apples and skilfully takes a bite as they whizz round. She high-fives Mushi Umbrage with both paws as the apples fall to the floor and Mushi trips over them but recovers quickly. Charlie the Havanese runs through the parade with a sock in his mouth barking for someone to catch him. Stan is skilfully rolls in balanced on a large watermelon. He adeptly flicks prawns into his mouth from a fork. Honey drags her duvet behind her still marching in perfect time. Harvey carefully guides Casper the rag-doll cat to his place on a dwarf wall, whispering into his ear describing the merriment Casper cannot see. Some dogs roll over and many cats polish their claws on their chests as they march. Little Gem takes her place on a dwarf wall and gazes intently into the eyes of Rupert who has finally stopped charging around excitedly. He loves a party and this parade is right up his street. Rupert and Gem snuggle together happily.


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I am saving this to forward to companies that choose to use her for ADs etc.

What Lydia seems to not grasp is that these poor brainless sheep 🐑 that follow her, send her questions etc are her CUSTOMERS. Having worked in a client facing industry, either F2F or via various media formats, you cannot under any circumstances respond to them like this. Yes, the question might totally piss you off, but you put that to the side and answer professionally and calmly. The customer is KING 👑

Cannot understand why companies of any standing would want to utilise and pay for this 💩 from Lydia. She is a total loose cannon that reflects on them - It’s a statement about their business ethics and how THEY will be remembered.
It’s my theory that she’s getting noticeably bitchier and more passive aggressive to her commenters because she’s so paranoid it’s Tattlers she’s speaking to. She knows from reading here that we do sometimes comment on her Instagram and YouTube or send messages and she‘s not intelligent or astute enough to differentiate between genuinely well meant comments and what could be piss-taking sarcasm. I reckon her life is dominated by this paranoia, facilitated by constantly reading here and is the reason she never offers any gratitude to her followers or does giveaways etc.

We have to remember, she knows that a large percentage of her followers are bought because she bought them! She knows that companies are dropping her left, right and centre. Add to that what seems to be an ever increasing number of new Tattlers to her threads and she must surely be suspicious as to whether anyone genuinely likes her. In a way, that makes me feel sorry for her but it’s very quickly outweighed by ‘you made your bed, you raging narc...!’ In short, her heckles are always raised because she never knows if she’s speaking directly to a Tattler. She can’t even get away with a temper tantrum at a pregnant hairdresser without us knowing about it! 🙊
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My name is Spineless Filler-Face
And yes...I’m a complete disgrace
Unlike the handsome knights of old
I simply do as I am told
I have no gumption and no bottle
My foot is always off the throttle
In gormless style I toil and blunder
Yet never steal my partner’s thunder
I lost my job - at her request
She told me simply getting dressed
Would earn more money from the Gram
And keep me home to push her pram
She didn’t want a man who worked
I acquiesced, gave up and shirked
I took her at her word and tried
To quell the nerves I felt inside
And started to perform each week
My mate’s thought I was one weak freak
The sump pumps and each huge raised bed
Filled all the space in my filled head
I spend my time arranging spoons
And stacking knits in various rooms
My sentence structure and my spelling
Are just as weak as my hard-selling
My diction‘s rough and needs correction
I really love my own reflection
Just like Narcissus I can stare
For weeks on end - I just don’t care
As time drags by and things grow bleaker
I waste away and grow much weaker
A shadow of my former self
I’ve now become a cowed house elf
I edit photos on my browsers
I’m not allowed to wear the trousers
I know I’m gaunt and looking skinny
I blame the strings on my wife’s pinny
I know she needs an intervention
Yet simply cannot pay attention
To all the trite and madcap schemes
Augmenting this new life of dreams
The puppy will be fine you know
I didn’t want it but I’ll go
Along with yet another sin
To gratify her every whim
I really don’t get all this fuss
She’ll throw me under any bus
The dog’s mail-ordered - double whammy
I’ll take the cash and call it Grammy...
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Roo reaches his dwarf wall and begins to juggle with his tennis balls whilst, occasionally stopping to take a bite of the toast he has brought along for the journey. His sister Lulu marches gently and elegantly like the Little Princess she is. Egon bounds to a dwarf wall (just in case he doesn’t get one of the seven) eagerly. He looks frantically around for a human (he prefers them) until he spots his mummy in the audience and begins to jump up and down in glee. When all of the cats and dogs are assembled in the clearing there is a hush...then complete silence...
The orchestra strikes up with’Do You Hear The People Sing’ at full volume....

Marching on the spot - THEY SING

Come and join in our parade
This is for all our dads and mums
Look at our gleaming coats all shining
Free of dust and fleas and crumbs
Hear the pound of each brave heart
Listen to all our marching paws
Isn’t it great how our friendships start
When we all love claws?

Synchronicity and Fate both took a hand to bring us here
The chances of us meeting would be very slim I fear
Yet we are together - Let’s run hell for leather - And cheer...

Can you join in whilst we sing
All of us marching to our drum
Loving the joy that this may bring
To every well-met cyber chum
Breaking down each barricade
All of us really glad we stayed
Everyone on the same crusade
For this escapade

We furry ones help heal you if your ever feeling sick
And if you’re sad we feel you and we give your tears a lick
It’s simply our goal - Just to make you fell whole - With a trick...

Come and join in our parade
Marvel at all the things we do
Knowing you’ll never be dismayed
When there’s a fur ball next to you
Look at all of us today
Steadily marching to our drums
What joy when you get to play
With your cyber chums


copyright 2020
@Oops this is absolutely wonderful! So much effort and love has been poured into this! It’s made me emotional! 💛🐾🐾 It’s such a lovely thing to do in these hard times and I’m sure we all appreciate it so very much.
It’s like a ray of sunshine.
Thanks so much 🥰🥰🥰it really was fantastic
Here’s a photo of Egon!! Thanks so much for including him Xxx


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To sum up Lydia's 2020, we've seen:

- Her growing 'sprootlings', only to get bored with gardening after finding out that it actually requires knowledge and labour.

- Renovating a modern, newbuild home and trying to brand it as a 'luxury' Cotswolds farmhouse despite us all knowing she could never afford the real deal.

- Globy failure - this was just so out of touch and really is a testament to her terrible business mind that she prides herself on.

- Her daily incessant self-care/staying in bed because one person gave her constructive criticism for something stupid she did.

- Winston gate - adopting and then unadopting and then seemingly throwing all ethical concerns out the window to buy a purebred dog from a puppy farm

- Her verbally abusing pregnant hairdressers who actually work for a living without complaining every hour like she does and leaving her with the most hilarious red hair as karma.

- Followers increase at such an astronomically impossible rate that they are so obviously bought.

Aaaaaand yet, she's still not cancelled?
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LOL this photo, the two bottles in the wine cooler, because they aren't in focus makes it look as if he has two short legs which he's got spreadeagled. Little black trousers with gold boots. I can't unsee it now!

Let's look behind the bar...
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Found this lovely picture of Millen with her poor new dog in her finest Karen Millen sweatshop swag (sob I’m so sad she is allowed to get a dog all for shallow reasons to show off and brag).


Sidenote: I actually think cruella is a compliment for liediot she would love to be that skinny and glamourous
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If you’re going to do vlogmas at least do it properly (I already know Lydia is reading this somewhere like “you do you lovely and I’ll do me x”). The point of vlogmas is vlogging everyday of December up until Christmas. Not starting your vlogs 10 days early and missing out on weekend uploads. I don’t even mind her starting early and missing days out but I think it’s crazy the way she acts like she’s being stretched thin with work when she doesn’t even edit or upload her own vlogs and she has a team of people to do that for her. Majority of youtubers I watch do vlogmas all by themselves with no help or complaining at all. And it isn’t like her content is riveting stuff or clever editing. She just picks up her camera, screams “gOooOod Morrrning everyone” (which already takes up 4 mins of footage), says she’s going to redo a room for the 38th time, shows us her latest “game changer” skincare products and goes to bed at 4pm.

“Ali’s preparing dinner because he has been working all day and it’s meant that… I’ve had to be doing housekeeping stuff whilst he’s been working … so I’m having a bit of me time” surely if your husband has been working all day you would want to let him unwind and have some “him time” and prepare dinner as part of your housekeeping bits. I just think the dynamics in their household must be so unfair and one-sided.
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Long time viewer, first time poster.

As someone who works in wine, and has spent a lot of money studying hard to get a qualification so that my job can be backed up with training and hard work, it really ticks me off that’s she’s just swanning into the world whilst knowing absolutely nothing. People depend years getting to a point where they feel they can professional recommend wine. On the one hand, having more people my age (20-30s) getting into wine is amazing! On the other, how dare you undermine people working at minimum wage to build years of expertise by pretending to be an expert when you clearly are in it for the lifestyle and not a love for the culture and history of wine.

I also feel sorry for the people who believe her and end up buying cases of shit wine. We shouldn’t be supporting Virgin anyway with Brason and his tax-avoidance!

Angry wine professional rant over 😂 Any questions anyone has about this topic with Lydia, feel free to reply!
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Anyone listened to her on the podcast she just posted on stories? “The key is planning interiors so you don’t keep re-doing rooms”. 🤯
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Elle Belle

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Prob new considering the doll house tiny candles that she should have returned. And can we talk about the candles stuck in pots? 🧐
View attachment 329543
'...and a good lip balm throw in some hot chocolate...' Grammar is important. It can be the difference between 'helping your Uncle Jack off a horse' and 'helping your uncle jack off a horse'.

Lydia, you do realise self-care is going to fix your stupidity right?

@Oops... You're such a babe. 😘 I bet your play will make a lot of people smile.
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Please one of you Tattlers stop me before I explode.....

Run down in 3..2..1..

1: Who the F does a tree in heels ... I loved doing my very stylish and (No millen you cant buy it as I had it bespoke made out of wrought Iron) Tree in my Pygiamas .... The whole Xmas vibe is to be relaxed and intouch with humanity .... a thing you have not yet grasped that certain special moments in life need to be appreciated and not "instagram worthy".
2: That smile is haunting ...even moreso in slo-mo ...I will be sending you the bill for the Priory!
3: Not even 1.5 minutes in and we have an AD .. FFS
4: The LV trunk isnt moving and we all know why ... because its more Boogie to include a XMAS tree with a LV trunk in the same pic ... lets not lie not you silly moo moo ...(Vomit emojie)
5: It's not a dwarf wall .. it's a fucking low wall you complete "eff up" of a human being... I know it sounds cute for us imbeciles but unfortunately we have more brain cells than you would credit us with!
6: You did say something very true and Ali are hot on "traditions" yes begging all year is a massive tradition ... Xmas not so much or being nice .. or being anything really that doesn't have a dollar sign attached to it!
7: Ali likes to leave you to do the trees as he can't be arsed with you whinging about it not being asthetically pleasing for the gram ... Cawwie is as addicted to wine as you so really its a win win for you my Ladyship!
8: You are lacking content so you have to include Cawwies trees too in order to fill up airtime. Just saying it as it is with my chest babes! mwahhh
9: You changed the name of the Animal site as you "lost" one and so its not fitting anymore ... so just like the discarded boxes from DHL and amazon .. Lynx goes in the pile .. all but forgotten ....Couldn't you just put Lumi, Lynx and (name of new dog on the instapage? ...Too difficult ? or not pleasing enough...hmmmm?
10: "That fake laugh needs to go" are not happy to be a new Mummy .. you are happy you can buy loads of expensive shit and show it off and use the dog as the reason for it are as "see through" as Donald trump as just as frightening!
11: You have a shoot with KM ... Boohoo whatever ...I would make sure I have protective cream or underwear on because that shit is radioactive!
12: You are right ... you have shown us nothing and nor will you show us anything moving forward. I am not impressed with a re-re done study / nor an Alitex Greenhouse that won't be used/ nor a Porch that didn't need doing in the first place .. so really we are at square 1 again ...Enlighten me please!
13: Open boxes again ... wreaths .. really have bored the shit out of me .....even the delivery guy is probably bored of you!
14: "I let my LUXURY Jo Malone candles burn out" and OHHHHHH .... you saviour you re-used them for a cheap shit candle to go in your number 5 blooms arrangements ...You need a prize babes!
15: " Mulled wine is our tradition" .. I don't think you know what a tradition is love! You have never done a Vlogmas with Mulled Wine .. LIAR!
16: ......AND WE MOVE TO ANOTHER ORGASM OVER A BOX ... JESUS CAN YOU JUST STOP! ......No 5 blooms ...another load of dead flowers for your Gram....cheers I can't breathe ...
17: "It feels like the evening coz it's miserable.. not that I am miserable"...hmmm Yes .. yes you are darling!
18: (Tiffany bags in the kitchen) : Scene: Lydia saying that she is different to other Vloggers as she doesn't hide her emotion ....Yes you don't because you love anything Luxe that is gifted and begged for. You have a hole where your heart should be darling are nothing to aspire to, and I for one would be wholly heartbroken if I was one of your parents to see you like this in public .. My father would have given me a Royal slap around the face and would tell me to "Wake up"!. And you sincerely don't love Tiffany as you can't afford it without begging and you certainly did them no favours adding "Cheapy" rings to theirs. And ofcourse you won't show us what you got as its more content for Vlogmas ... silly me thinking you were genuine!
19: Hot chocolate freebie coming in 3...2..1 But obvs they sent Lydia 2 bags of her fave ...(Cawwie wasn't emailing them constantly for this was she as otherwise how would they know which one you like????????????)
20: Give up trying to speak Italian .. you grate on me eveytime you do it!
21: You make your own pesto but its SHITE!
22: Can I let you in on a secret (No you don't have to pay me lovely Lyds)...the crap in that hamper is mass produced Shite from Italy .. we send it to knobs like you in the hope that you think it's all Lux etc but really it's the crap we don't buy or use ... so your poor English Idea of having Luxury Italian goods in your pantry is laughable!
23: Their storage solutions only have 1 lid as you need to "buy" the others .. a notion very alien to you 2 I know! (it is NOT stackable love .. that's why it wobbles you twat!)
24: You taking the piss out of someones Indian accent is not funny at all... you can't speak Italian or even English if I am correct people in galss houses shouldn't throw stones you utter racist prick!
25: "Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh... over fields we go bitching all the way" APT FOR YOUR WIFE ...
26: Nobody needs 4 x Christmas trees .. the height of Kitsch ... the hight of entitlement is immense with you two isn't it!
27: "Waaaay .. Christmas in a room we never use" Oh you are just inviting me to want to slap you arn't you!

You wasted 20 mins of my life for that SHITE! Really?
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It's finally time for xmas with the MG's!
Here comes a little golden nugget of wisdom from our own Lidl, to set the stage for what is to come:

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Alright guys !

What are your predictions for Lydiots vlogmas?

Mine are:

1. An insanely expensive and elaborate gift wrapping tutorial where she hand wraps each gift in sage linen cloth and finishes it with a sprig of rosemary - that Ali grew and cut from the garden.

2. Christmas cooking that she gives a fancy name and thinks is really impressive but is just a basic pasta bake or something

3. Taking a week of 'personal time' off the internet because 'this time of year is so stressful' and filming more than one video a week is too much for a woman that has no real job, knowledge, skills or work ethic.

4. An incredibly elaborate video timelapse of her decorating the Christmas tree only at the very end to promote a brand we all know she doesn't use

Let me know what your predictions are!
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Remember when Lydia said a few months ago, that she was finally working with a brand who at one point, told her she 'wasn't right for the brand' but now want to work with her? Remember that smug, terribly unprofessional tweet that went along the lines of 'when a brand who once dismissed you, claiming you didn't fit their brand, now wants to work with you - how the tables have turned' ? It was quickly deleted (prob by Carrie) but I wonder if that brand was Karen Millen?

Going back 5 years she used to always try and beg from them, but was never a brand ambassador. I wish I knew for sure as I'm sure they'd love to see that ill-timed tweet!
If it was Karen Millen, then who Karen Millen is today is very different to who they were years ago. So she is saying that the previous owner felt her look didn't fit their brand, whereas now that brand is owned by Boohoo, who also owns Nasty Gal, Pretty Little Thing, etc. she suddenly does fit their demographic, go figure! They are a totally different company, different ethics, moral compass, everything. It's a bit like saying you were trying to get work with Harrods Food Hall, but then it was turned into a Tesco Express and now they want to work with you. I cannot believe just how dim she must be. It must be like crickets in her head.
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Yep - like all those zzzzzzz list celebs in Dubai right now - for “work” purposes.

And they’re not cleaning espadrilles either.
You’ll have to forgive me for forgetting the filthy espadrilles @Milking Keynes.
I’m working my sixth consecutive 12 hour night duty and am finally on my tea break (it’s 3:00am here in Australia).
We’re down one nurse on the ward, so it’s been super busy tonight.
And with patients daring to press their call buttons because they are in dire need of pain relief ... so inconvenient. It’s like they expect me to actually BE a nurse or something!
However I’m sure Madam’s “work” is a lot more high pressured than mine. I only have to save lives and what not, so it’s not like people are literally depending on me to be good at what I do.
The poor poppet must be utterly exhausted after spending an hour or so standing in a stairwell and smiling for the camera - bless her cashmere socks!
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“Old Lyd Millen had a farm, eey aye, eey aye, oh! And on that farm she had a My Husband, eey aye, eey aye, oh! With a ‘yes, Lyds’ here and a ‘yes, Lyds’ there, here a ‘yes’, there a ‘yes‘, husband-life is one big stress, Old Lyd Millen had a farm, eey aye, eey aye, oh!

And on this farm she had a Lumi, eey aye, eey aye, oh! With a droning ‘meowwww’ here and a droning ‘meowwww’ there, here a ‘meowwww’, there a ‘meowwww’, like her mother she’s a cow, Old Lyd Millen had a farm, eey aye, eey aye, oh!

And on this farm there was a Lynx, eey aye, eey aye, oh! With a shotgun here and a shotgun there, here a gun, there a gun, either that or he’s on the run, Old Lyd Millen had a farm, eey aye, eey aye, oh!

And on this farm there‘ll be a dog, eey aye, eey aye, oh! With a chew-chew here and a poo-poo there, here a chew, there a poo, Old Lyd Millen’s not a clue, Old Lyd Millen had a farm, eey aye, eey aye, ohhhhhhh!!!!“
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