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For someone who doesn’t read books it’s a joke
I’m building huge bookcases - all of them oak
They’re solid and cumbersome - built oversize
And all will look heavy and dark on the eyes
I drink and I nap and I flick through some pages
Then place the spine covers in ten shades of beiges
And don‘t get me started on books coloured green
I’ve the largest collection the worlds ever seen
I tend to buy books by the foot or the yard
But reading the words held inside them is hard
If they’re old they can set me off coughing and wheezing
So the ones that I buy are aesthetically pleasing
But foxing and fading are never allowed
The books people send me for free make me proud
And I make such a fuss then I leave them to rot
On a shelf at the top where the dust gets forgot
I’ll have some books written - they’ll all be bespoke
But for someone who doesn’t read books - it’s a joke…
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What a narcissist, petulant little prima donna!

Yes, Ali gives me the shits, but the way she scolded him about blocking the light to show her bloody outfit, was uncalled for, she acted like a spoilt little brat! no one cares about the perfect light or not, it’s not important! Her attitude stinks. This was just a glimpse that was left in the vlog today, I can Just imagine how she speaks to Ali behind the scenes, and he just cops it and bows down to her, but he is enjoying what sugar mama gives him, so in his head it’s, nothing to see here. Fool!
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The scale of the bookcase in that room is laughable. She really has zero idea about interior design.
She's worked with professionals in the past, and spends half her time looking at country homes, so why doesn't she learn about size and scale and styling?

It's constantly buying new pieces with no idea of how to work them into her existing decor - or buying pieces that just don't work with the size of the rooms she has.
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New thread for Lidl and Aldi Millen. Not sure where the Gordon went!

The thread title is by @coconochanel and put forwards by @JulesWake :LOL:

Not one to break with tradition I am behind, so cannot recap, other than to say Lydia is still a cosplaying lunatic with bad hair.
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More about bees. Based on what Tattle Peeps are telling me I unfortunately think that he needs to destroy those two colonies and maybe even the new third colony. When you buy queens, you look for varieties that are known to be docile. We always buy European queens, and we try to buy from the same people. African bees have advanced further north, and they are known to be aggressive. He might have African bees or just an African queen or just a dysfunctional colony. The queen sets the tone for the colony. If she is agitated, then the colony will be agitated (like inside his house/if Lydiot is agitated then no one is happy). His bees always seemed pissed off (like his wife) and reminds me of how a hive of wasps acts when you get close. He has been stung through his suit several times. We have never been stung and I am allergic to bee stings, but then we don't mess with the bees like he does in his photos. We have never taken frames out and held them up in the air to look at them. Two times a year at the most do we open the hive. Of course, if we suspect a problem, we might open it up and take the honey earlier so we can give the colony a look over. Our bees go about their business even when we are close because they do not associate us with their hive being dismantled. Every time you open it up, they have to spend time resealing every crack with propolis. They are not real crazy about the string trimmer, but the mower doesn't faze them at all. Queens live about 3 to 6 years, while the worker and drone bees live from 4-6 weeks sometimes longer in the winter months. I find the winter months the most dangerous because you have no control and can't really help them until the weather warms. They consume a lot of honey during cold months because keeping warm uses a lot of energy. They keep warm by clustering, usually around the brood cells (eggs/larva), and take turns being on the outside of the cluster and then moving to the center. The oldest bees which are the ones coming to the end of their life cycle will gather up the fecal matter and take it outside the hive. They do this because if they die from the cold, it isn't as tragic for the colony. They also remove any bees that have died inside the hive. You will see dead bees on the snow during the winter and you can tell the difference between normal and excessive loss or if you see bees with damage to their bodies then you know you have a problem but again if it's winter you have to wait until spring. We lost about half of our colonies during the first polar vortex because they ran out of honey. Not only was it consistently around 15 F and below but also high winds all winter and we had a late spring. Then the next year we had another polar vortex and lost half the colonies again. We collected no honey in the summer before the second polar vortex because what bees we had left needed all their honey. You couldn't hardly buy bees around that time because of the mite problem and the die off due to cold temps. We always err on the side of leaving them more honey than taking too much. Ali makes out like bees are a time-consuming job. It's all in the prep work. They pretty much take care of themselves if you have the set up correct. If he has a woodpecker problem, then he should buy hives made of very dense thick plastic. Colony hydration takes minutes and the Gardener changes water by dumping the water out of the 4 bird/bee baths and refilling when he is watering plants and filling bird feeders in the morning. We also have a set up if we see a swarm. It is a black net bag with a zipper that you hang from a Shepard's hook you place some bee attractant/pheromone or if you can find the queen you place her inside it. The bees will fly right in. You have to be ready in advance of any possible problems. Sometimes things just happen but I believe that is not what happened to Ali. He had bad bees from the start, he wasn't prepared, he had a little knowledge, he had a flow hive which doesn't last and because it has moving parts it can break, and he needlessly messed with them. He needs to start over but do it right the second time or don't do it at all. Bees are smart. The world would have survived COVID better had we had more of a bee mentality. 🐝🐝🐝🐝
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In one hand she's got a bunch of ice in a napkin to depuff her face from all the alcohol and ultra processed foods that she keeps saying she wants to avoid, but keeps eating, and ate the day and night before. And in the other hand she's got a healthy smoothie, berries and coconut, she ordered for breakfast along with a variety of other juices, a green one, and healthy food she chose from the hotel menu, plus all her vitamin capsules she brought from home in a pill holder, to counteract all the crap she drank and ate from the day before.

She's a walking contradiction. She is forever going on with all her endless talk about following a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle spiel, and then every other day her mask slips and guard drops and does the opposite! I’m all for indulging now and again and not being so strict and restrictive but she makes it her whole mantra when she's not scoffing take outs or downing a drink. In one breath "ooooh look at me, I'm drinking my ashwagandha drink and taking a bucket load of vitamins and adding a bunch of flowers to my pasta, then it's let loose like a savage. Which is it?!
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Thanks for the new thread @muffintop13 (y) Quick recap if anyone missed anything...

She had an interview with Hip and Healthy magazine (nope never heard of it either) where she claimed her modern red brick bungalow was a Three-storey cottage hence the title of this thread! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Lydia is still having rants and boring us to death about how she has changed and telling us 'gardening isn't about getting it right' aka trying to make excuse as to why every plant/flower in the greenhouse is dead and in mid May her veg beds are STILL empty *clue you don't look after anything and only potter in the greenhouse for content!

She went to the Baftas with lil prat aka Mr Millen Gordon and as usual got her outfit wrong- bag wrong for the dress, hair wrong, makeup too heavy etc etc

They had a flood in the basement but never mind that it ruined all the flooring (hahaha🤪) as it was being ripped up anyway for the reno work thats being done down there.

Lil prat went on a cruise and a golfing holiday and came back angry bees, no not Lydia and Cawwie but his colony of bees.
Why have they put the new oak bookcase in the lounge when they haven't even repainted the walls yet 🤦‍♀️
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Is Ali not the biggest plonker going round. And the way he slaps the bottle with the napkin :ROFLMAO: he has no idea! Ugh! he drunk straight from the Champagne bottle, real classy, Ali! Lydia's fake over the top laughter. 🤦‍♀️ All the fakery, it's all too much.

Bloody Hell! Her face!


I think she’s gonna need more than that ginormous ice compress to depuff that alcohol hung-over puffy face. She looks frightful!
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Putting flowers on top of the pesto pasta, all done for aesthetics for the gram. I guarantee she would have removed them after she took the picture and would have put a shit load of grated cheese on top.

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She's going on about the Prince's Trust awards on IG and how PASSIONATE she is about the charity and their work.


Bitch, please. :rolleyes:

When has this muppet talked about the Trust except to show herself at an awards ceremony as if she actually rubs shoulders with the Royal Family.

She only claims she cares to show off her being invited to any event.

We know it's not coz she truly gives a damn about charity and kindness to others.

What an inauthentic cow.
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These two idiots are going to wake up in 20 years and realise they wasted their best years dressing up like old people. I was going to say middle aged people, but people in their 50s don’t dress like this. They are both young and have good figures… why not make the most of them! Dress your age!
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Love how she says 'our' joiner why, does he only work for you two muppets? 🤣
As Lydia is still copying Josie and Leonora lets have a quick compare of how things are going....

Josie's wisteria is blooming and looking gorgeous on her Cotswold mansion-Lydia's Wisteria hasn't even begun to bloom to cover her ugly red brick bung.
Josie and Leonora's gardens are looking stunning with beautiful flowers everywhere-Lydia's garden looks an absolute state with wild flowers growing here there and everywhere and the lawn yellow and with dark green tuffs.
Josie's vegetable beds are full of produce and her greenhouse full of seedlings-Lydia's veg beds are all but empty and the greenhouse is full of dead seedlings.
Josie and Leonora are always cooking up something in the kitchen-Lydia hasn't even used her chavy roasting tin yet!
Josie has been showing off the gorgeous old beams and features in her mansion and Leonora has been to her holiday home in Mallorca- Lydia has been showing us the flood in the basement.
🤭 🤭 🤭 🤭 🤭
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