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Sorry to interrupt - but I have been listening to Teefers latest vlog about why they are living in the Cotswolds- pros/ cons type of thing. SO MUCH SHADE is being thrown at Lidl. Teefers has been very slick with this. She asks Charlie a question, and then he just picks up the bait and just runs with the answer- whilst she sits there like Mr Burns from The Simpsons lapping it up with her tapping her fingers together in a pyramid shape. If like me, you have a bit of time being occupied by baking etc- it’s a great listen! Subjects range from ‘Why using a ride on mower is crap’, hidden costs of a ‘non new build’ the slating of new builds, and anything not in an AOB (Area of Outstanding Beauty) is so obvious. He even talks about the ‘non glamorous maintenance’ of properties such as getting guttering vacuumed regularly so you ‘don’t get leaks and stuff’ had me crying! I don’t believe Charlie is on this- but Teefers knows EXACTLY what she’s doing. Saying properties between 800k and 5 million just don’t appear on the market as there are private sales and deals is totally aimed at Lidl. Saying folk can ‘wait their whole lives’ for a forever home in the Cotswolds is hysterical. Talking about the rooms etc and the character of each room is blatantly because of the Oak matchstick installations that Lidl has done. Good work, Teefers. Lidl knows it’s a pop at her. She knows! I’m only 3/4 the way through and I can’t stop chuckling!😂
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Omg, it's Mr & Mrs Twat.
View attachment 2931068
She's wearing the Sassi Holford dress. That's what she went to Sassi Holford for, not for a wedding dress, as the clickbait vlog title suggested. Liar.

Her makeup looks awful. She looks awful. No filter on this photo. Thanks Getty Images. We can always count on you.
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Granny Millen strikes again. The black bag doesn't go with that dress, its too heavy with that particular dress and the dress looks ill fitting around the bust.
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The bag doesn’t match the whimsical dress but it makes a change from the Hermès that’s constantly glued to her hand.
Did she sale all her Lady Dior’s? They would’ve looked so much nicer with that dress.
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More pics later

You definitely deserve Tattler of the Year Award for the on-the-ground reporting on Teefer's and Lydsiepoo's threads ! 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 😚

Didn’t see a car because she and Carrie came with Milton Keynes taxi company. Would have thought she would hire something more regal 😂 more photos to follow later .

they were late getting in the taxi it was booked for 330

she said they have an hour an a half to fill up on alcohol on the way home
Carrie was definitely a babysitter and she carried SO much for Lydia . She even carried the shopping no wonder she’s called Carrie 😂
Re hair the highlights are a terrible harsh colour randomly placed the back looks awful in terms of colour. Carrie wear ginormous glasses !

Lydia pretty much chucked herself in the taxi and let out a groan I’d say is more typical of an old bloke when her backside hit the seat 😂
They were in high spirits , they dish out wine on the courses and it shows. Bet the taxi man is in for a headache with those in the back

wth is carries dress sense?! Like a kids tv presenter

her accent had totally slipped . She cannot main it
They also purchased tinned cocktails for on way back

she’s could of at least hired a decent e or s class merc and driver !
Lydia, when not posing, always has a sour expression on her face.
We've seen it in Ali's old vlogs.
But ever since Tattlers commented on her miserable demeanour in his vlogs, she's made the extra effort to appear happy-go-lucky and perky.
From the 1st pic showing her sulky face, it's all just an act. RBF is her normal mode.
The hair is so, so, SO bad!
And DRY !!!
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The (damp?) laundry hanging over doorways sent me 😂
How bougie.
I guess an outdoor clothes line does not fit the aesthetic.
But, hey, all the clothing items were cream and beige ... so, quiet luxury ? Everything balances out. Cream and beige. The earth is calm. Nature at ease.


And on camera, Wisteria Room (oh f*ck off) comes across very YELLOW. And dark. (Last photo above). This was during the day !!
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We get it Ali you are wearing a pinky ring. The way his little finger is positioned to show the ring. lol Give it up you fake pretentious twat. Such a wanker!


Is Ali at a golf club or swingers club?

It's the way he’s dressed with the open splayed shirt and cream cringey trousers and the wanky sand shoes, it threw me. Don’t ask me why, he's giving me swingers party vibes.

I know he said he is at a golf club, but that could be a cover to throw everyone off the scent. You never know! 😂

Okay...I'll get my coat.
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I would have thought it would be very Evergreen to dry her clothes outside.
My teenagers always look at me like I'm mad when I bring washing in from drying outside. I sniff it & rave about how fresh it smells. The English Country grandmother is missing out on a treat.
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VIP Member
Omg, it's Mr & Mrs Twat.

She's wearing the Sassi Holford dress. That's what she went to Sassi Holford for, not for a wedding dress, as the clickbait vlog title suggested. Liar.

Her makeup looks awful. Bit heavy on the lip liner. No filter on this photo. Thanks Getty Images. We can always count on you for capturing the real her.


The black bag doesn't go with the dress, it looks too heavy with that particular dress.
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We’ve had this debate before about the size of the place. Lydia claims the bunga is 6,500sq ft. Absolute bollocks.
Google a 6,500sq ft house and look at some of the images, they’re twice the size of the bunga.

It’s just so embarrassing she keeps mentioning the alleged square footage instead of just saying ‘our basement renovation’. In fact she’s referring to it as ‘lower ground floor’ as it sounds ‘posher’ than basement.

I can just see hyancinth now…::: ‘oh you’re doing work on your basement Mrs Bucket?’

‘it’s Bouquet, and yes, we are carrying out bespoke design alternations on our 2,500sq ft lower ground floor’.

Lydia is the biggest twat on the internet.
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Has anyone read her interview in hip and healthy? It’s hilarious and typical Lidl.
Why does she never slip up when the mask slips…
Yes just reading it and its a load of shit so worth a read tattlers (y) . My fav part was when she describes her bungalow as a 'three storey cottage' fuck right off love its a red brick modern bungalow!
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Chatty Member
'It's unlearning the habit of saying sorry for who you are & replacing apologies with acceptance'
That one did it for me^
Lyd, you're deluded. You can't grow, learn & become a better individual if you refuse to take accountability for the pain you've caused other people. Stop justifying your foul fuckups & admit you're an asshole.
(pardon the swearing, typically I refrain, but have to make an exception for Lydia).
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Reading Lydia's old Tattle threads ... found this :


I would assume this is part of the problem of the basement flooding.

@Hunevoque2 your post from nearly 5 years ago says it all !!!
The indoor pool part 😂

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This is just a blatant beg. She posts about how lovely something is or if people could ‘recommend’ something and then the company get in touch and give it her for free. Honestly, it’s sickening and this has been her M.O for years. It why she never appreciates anything or spends money on things that’s are essential. She gets it for free!!
I wouldn’t mind so much if she was someone that did loads of giveaways or was generous but but she is the tightest, meanest person on the internet.
Remember when Amelia moved into her new place and had de Gournay wallpaper in several rooms. Full rooms, not just a wall.
And very quickly thereafter, Lydia contacted de Gournay for a freebie.
The company declined.

🤭 😂 🤭 😂

In the words of Lydia herself "Heeheeeeeeeee"

Someone from de Gournay actually came onto Tattle and spilled the beans.
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OMG horrific, he looks rank. Alistair Bond the twat

Her make up and bag are so wrong it is funny. Who wants to bet she has old black shoes on!!!

Perhaps she should have kept the Bulgari/Dior/Choo bags - much better!
Bag's wrong, makeup's wrong and the hair is the worst of them all.

She is so bloody clueless.

Her hair actually looks greasy and just dirty.

Like she couldn't be bothered to wash it or style it.
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Ngl, the sad, mournful music made me laugh. 🤭


Que laughter ???? 🤔

Hey AUTHOR, do you mean CUE laughter ?????????

And CUE the next storm and another basement flood.
SORT OUT THE PROBLEM before you decorate.
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Surely she s not charging her subbies to go to a book signing. 🤑 She would bleed them dry given half a chance. 🤑🤑🤑

Because Mr Boo Font has been neglecting travelling he hasn t spent much time at home with his bees, he says his bees left their hive so he has re-homed them in another. He spoke about too many queens in the hive. All sounds very odd to me but I know nothing about bees. I believe his first hive contained angry bees, which he never did anything to alleviate. Could this be why the bees jumped ship? Would love to hear your views on this @MichiganGal. 🐝
One minute he is pestering his bees so he can take a photo of himself, all dressed up in a tight-fitting beekeeper outfit, and then the next minute he hasn't the time to deal with them. I didn't watch the video because I can't deal with him at all. If I was forced to watch Ali or Lydiot, I would watch Lydiot. He rubs me wrong. OK, on to the bees. First off, I have 20 physical hives located on 3 acres, in groups of 5 hives. Because I live in an area that can experience -20 F to 100 F, I need to locate them where they are protected from the north and westerly winds. Each setup sits on top of a pedestal constructed of 2 concrete blocks high, so they are ergonomically conducive when gathering honey. The hive consist of the deepest (tallest) box/super), then we have a queen excluder that keeps the queen from going into the boxes above. The queen excluder has openings just slightly smaller than the queen which keeps her from laying eggs in the other boxes but allows the remaining bees to freely pass through. On top of the excluder are 2 mediums boxes, and on top of that is a 4-inch-high box with a few holes the size of a quarter and covered with a screen for ventilation. Ventilation is important so that they do not overheat. As the hottest air raises, it flows out the holes and cooler air is pulled in through the entry opening. Once the daytime temps are in the 50s F, we put rubber plugs in the ventilation holes. Then once the temps are in the 30s F we place a block of wood in the opening to decrease the opening to half it size to keep in the heat. We take honey from only the top box so that they have plenty of food to carry them through Oct-April when there are no flowers to gather nectar. Out of the 20 hives setups there are usually 3 or 4 empty, usually 1 empty hive in each group of 5 hives and this is done on purpose. When we feel that a colony is getting too big (we usually can tell this at honey time) we will divide the hive to prevent swarming. Swarming happens when the queen decides the to leave, usually when there is crowding. She takes a portion of the bees with her and leaves. The remaining bees know she has left because they can't smell her. They will then feed what is called Royal Honey to one or more of the old queen's fertilized eggs. The Royal Honey turns the fertilized eggs into queens. Usually, the first queen to hatch eats the remaining larval to eliminate any further queens from hatching and also to gain the added nutrients. If by chance another queen hatches, they fight it out and the strongest one survives. Sometimes the queen is killed by the colony because she is old and no longer fertile and they know this because they can smell that she is laying unfertilized eggs. They kill the queen by what is called queen balling. They gather around her in a ball formation and hold her still so she can't use her wings to fan herself, and she overheats and dies. They then remove her from the colony and proceed with making a new queen. When we divide a colony, we can do it two ways. We can order a new queen which comes in a little plastic or wood cage along with several support bees (I can't remember if they are drones or worker bees). We put the new queen in the bottom box along with the empty frames then we put on the roof. One or two days later we remove a top box from another colony taking roughly 1/3 of the bees from that colony. We don't have to worry about the queen because she is relegated to the bottom box because of the queen excluder. Now the new queen and her buddies are in the bottom box in a cage that has an opening that they eat through to get out along with some honey, so they don't get peckish. Before we add the bees and the box from the established colony, we add a queen excluder and then cover it with some newspaper. We do this so that the relocated bees have to chew through the newspaper to get to the queen and her buddies that the relocated bees think are intruders. By the time they chew through the paper they will have become accustomed to her scent and since they can no longer smell the queen from the established colony, which is from a different group of 5 hives, they can then go about their business of gathering nectar and making honey. This is another reason why we have groups of hives rather than all 20 in one spot. Or you can also just relocate an old queen from an establish colony along with 1/3 of the bees and the remaining bees will set about making a new queen via fertilized eggs fed with Royal Honey. We prefer to buy queens because there is less disruption to the colony caused by dismantling the hive and looking for the queen. So, after all this, I have no idea what Ali was talking about. The colony will take care of itself if there happens to be too many queens. Beekeeping practices are slightly different in different locales, but the differences are usually due to the climate. My guess is he had a swarm because his colony got too big, he had a woodpecker problem (strange), he had angry bees, and he would rather go lean against a wall, or pout and look at himself, or put Baum de Rose on his lips, or sit in his dressing polishing rather than enjoying his bees. He probably also found out that his flow hive is a joke, so he came up with a cock and bull story so that he no longer has to deal with them. Instead, they will let everyone assume they still have some bees and just go and buy Cotswold honey and then rebottle it and stick their Millen Gordon sticker on it. There is more to raising bees than buying a hive setup and gathering honey. You have to first plant enough high nectar plants before you even get 1 bee. You have to place them in the correct location for sun in the winter and shade in the summer, you have to position the opening away from the prevailing winds, and you have to provide hydration in the form of clean water (we use shallow concrete bird baths with a large natural sponge to land on). If you don't provide clean water, they will drink out of puddles where you have no idea what's in the puddle water. You also need to medicate them for mites and provide extra food (we feed them honey instead of sugar water) if the weather is slow to warm up and delaying blossoms or if it is unseasonally warm in the fall when they can still be active but there are no flowers from which to gather nectar. Ali is not a big thinker, and his heart is not in it, despite loving to parade around the hives and having his photo taken with his bees.
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What on earth was all this crap she was trying to stuff into her bag? Not exactly screaming high end luxury shopping, more like jumble sale chic 😳
the stripey bag was full of day to day crap 😂 it had Lydia’s essentials in and Carrie had her boots in there, they looked like Fairfax favor , could she be the same size as Lydia and Lydia has got her a free pair?? The boots were dirty after a wet day … I saw a black padded long coat stuffed in there which I think is carries . The shopping basket at daylesford is dark grey and plain it was held behind the stripey bag , Lydia is putting a sourdough white loaf in (not seeded!) .

they went and got another basket in the end.

she shopped the wines, tinned cocktails, juice bar , bakery, (isn’t Lydia supposed to be gluten free? Sourdough isn’t gluten free?) , the tea isle .

they ignored the deli with salads , the meat and fish counters. I would have thought it’s a good opportunity to get some organic pre made healthy salads , fish and grass fed organic meats …. Obviously I’m wrong !!
She’s min 1 hr 30 from daylesford
Lydia also wore the boots from the minute she arrived to me minute she left.

any country girl knows to take wellies in a decent boot bag and change so you don’t dirty up the inside of wherever you have lunch /go to loo.

the girl who resembled Josie walked in with her welly boots in a le chameau bag .

Even Carrie had the idea to change footwear , albeit she doesn’t seem to own a boot bag!

Lydia didn’t have that thought or care whether she covered the taxi in mud either
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Lola Faith

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When a magazine writes this:

Beyond her profound connection with nature, Lydia navigates the digital landscape with a mindful equilibrium—a journey that she openly acknowledges has required time and inner work to refine. Prioritising offline activities for mental rejuvenation, she leads by example, fostering a life brimming with peace and purpose through honest self-reflection and intentional lifestyle changes. Lydia’s journey serves as an inspiring beacon, empowering others to embrace authenticity and cultivate lives filled with joy and meaning.

I cannot read any more!!!!

Nothing on the Hip & Healthy website tells you how many suscribers or readers they have. There is literally no data!!!
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