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It’s on the daily Mail

View attachment 2474123

Main page of the app too. You don’t even have to scroll far down to see it.

View attachment 2474135
WOW!!!! 🍿There she is, in black and white for everyone to see, the real Lydia. Am loving the choice of photos the DM has used, for a minute there I thought our @Miscanthus had helped them out, they re very similar to the photos used in her brilliant re-caps. 🤭 Elsie will positively hate them. :m
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I don't know. Her die hard followers are still defending her. Do you know if she genuinely said I was wrong, just once in her sheltered perfect life. I was wrong. I really didn't mean it in the context I said it. Which I don't think she actually did. However, she said it. She said that word. Just for once admit you made a complete fuck up. Apologies for causing offence. She is a narcissist however so everyone else is wrong. She will put out some sob story and brands Will continue to deal with her
No, no acknowledgement or apology. And this is the thing: As soon as the first few comments were made, all she had to do, was edit the Vlog immediately, and say gosh, sorry: made a mistake. But she didn’t… She removed the negative comments.

But then it’s snowballed, and there were too many negative comments to deal with, so she came up with that ridiculous ‘mongrel’ excuse. I’m sorry, but how thick do you have to be to think that will fly?

‘What can we say we meant? Mongoose… No, not good enough… Mongolian… no, not quite right, I know: mongrel! Perfect’.
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As a horse owner I cannot stress enough no one wears those boots. I think they were left in 1999. I can’t understand why she doesn’t ride in something nicer… oh wait she can’t ride.
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Even if she genuinely believes that's what the word means (unlikely) surely she could do some light googling and realise the word she has "mistakenly" used is a terrible slur. But no she thinks she's above it and we're in the wrong 🤔
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This is what Lydia's influencer life has sunk to.

She is the big fish in a very small pond of micro influencers. I didn't recognise any of the other attendees.

Standing awkwardly by herself with her dirty greasy hair and oversized vintage - ooh la la - earrings, albeit holding a £5000 Hermezzzzzzz bag, talking to no one but her camp, neckerchief-wearing husband or the event co-ordinator.
Whilst Tamara / Caro / Xenia / Bryanboy / Amelia / Vic / Leonie et al are all in Paris for Paris Fashion week or a Dior event (Amelia) Her Travesty is sitting at a wedding event in Hampshire.
Lovely. Not really.

*insert evil laugh here*

Lil Fella must be spending an arm and a leg on those mini eggs.


Another media outlet has reported on M-Gate

View attachment 2474339
Front page on their website too
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Milking Keynes

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Guys who even thinks it’s a stunt? Book coming out, needs more publicity?
Even for someone as thirsty as her - she never would have chosen the route of being offensive in this way and most certainly not with her posh Evergreen hardback dropping - it’s not the way she would like to be seen - this is just Lydia tripping up Lydia - the mask slipped for a nanosecond but her true self will always beat the mask, unfortunately for her. Give it up, Lyds, really.
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I wonder if it’s worth getting in touch with a disability charity to make a comment about why it’s so unacceptable. It seems people are taking the “you can’t say anything these days” “stop being so sensitive and getting offended at everything” tack.

That’s really not the issue here and if they had two brain cells to rub together they would see that too. Using a derogatory slur against disabled people is abhorrent. It is not people get offended. It IS offensive. Words like this are harmful and we are better off as a society dropping them completely from our vocabulary. Even if you did mean mixed breed dog (which, Lydia, you didn’t.. and no one knows that better than you).
Yeah, if you hurt someone, you don’t get to tell them that you didn’t.
View attachment 2476345
As a dog owner myself this really angered me. Allowing Berkeley to play with a tiny bell is incredibly irresponsible. It’s small enough for him to swallow it, possibly choke, it could get stuck in his throat/stomach/intestine and could cause all sorts of damage, esp it being metal. Supervision is pointless, as dogs swallow up stuff before you can utter the words ‘leave it’.

Unbelievable a dog charity work with her and this isn’t the ‘aren’t I a loving person’ distraction from Slurgate that she thinks it is.
During vlogmas last year, people told her in comments not to give Christmas ornaments to her dogs to play with. She doesn’t care. If something happens to the dog, she’ll just collect sympathy and views when she gets a new one. I’m beyond cynical about this POS now.
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Que a speech in a future vlog of Lydia saying “sorry that YOU took offence to a word and that YOU didn’t understand what I meant”. As always, it will be all the viewers fault, not hers.
We already know she’s not very bright. I doubt she really knew what the word meant (because she is an uneducated, classless fool) and had to google it. She lucked out that it just so happened to mention that it is used (by absolutely NOBODY) to mean mongrel dog and just ignored every single other piece of information saying how offensive it is.

Ugh. She is dreadful.
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I’ve messaged Susan Caplan and they have removed their comment on Lydia’s latest insta post.
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I wonder if it’s worth getting in touch with a disability charity to make a comment about why it’s so unacceptable. It seems people are taking the “you can’t say anything these days” “stop being so sensitive and getting offended at everything” tack.

That’s really not the issue here and if they had two brain cells to rub together they would see that too. Using a derogatory slur against disabled people is abhorrent. It is not people get offended. It IS offensive. Words like this are harmful and we are better off as a society dropping them completely from our vocabulary. Even if you did mean mixed breed dog (which, Lydia, you didn’t.. and no one knows that better than you).
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She’s a piece of trash 🤮 because she’s a narcissist she will NEVER apologise, it’s incomprehensible to her. All these mistakes and no apologies proves her narcissism
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