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Lola Faith

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Only she could look at a video of herself holding her cardigan because it was windy, and make a post relating to being confused about wanting children. She is really disgusting, so many people try for so long for babies, or can't have babies, and she doesn't even know if she can, yet she's used that footage to make that post! 100% copying Victorias recent vlog and she knows something like that will get tons of views and new subscribers to her Tiktok, I'm sure she will make a Youtube short of it and possibly a reel!

She knows what she is doing and it is not genuine at all!
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I don't get the hate for Victoria. She is undeniably professional and has stayed true to herself. I love how brave she is in her fashion choices. I haven't an opinion on her marriage, haven't watched her enough. I've yet to see her be a cow to anyone on film.

Overall, she puts in enough effort that it's evident she researches products and gives a shit. I also love that her house isn't a clone of other influencers. I don't care for everything she's done with it, but at least there is personality evident. She hasn't changed her body and face in any extreme ways.

And she's genuinely nice to Boe!!
Exactly! Vic is now planning for the upcoming Fashion Weeks..while Lydia spends minutes of her vlog attacking whoever told her she does not have long covid. Spot the difference!
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The reason everything looks "Autumnal" is because of the scorched grass and surroundings due to the heat wave. So it is basically dead grass :ROFLMAO:
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More charms for the jewellery collection - inspired by the Bunga’d Up diet of dreams

View attachment 1542793
You guys are on 🔥 this am!!!! Hahaha

Caught up this am…. She sure as 💩 takes ownership of the bees and honey after zero involvement (besides making fun of Ali and trying to force him to hide the hives and paint them sage). Why can’t she let him have this ONE thing? He did it by himself, caught the bees and everything.

Brace yourself for her posts with jars and labels and blah blah blah me me me

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Hello Tattlers! First time poster on the Lidl threads, I have been reading for months and finally decided to skip ahead, I just couldn't do it any longer.

I've never been a fan of her but she did help me discover Tattle. I think the Lydia caught my attention pre-bunga, I watched a few of her videos in a row and my naive self wondered how is she financing all of her fashion. I then remember watching a video filmed in her old house where she discussed her uni years and how she used to "save" so I thought she must come from some money but called bull on most of the statements of the video.

I've watched the odd video here and there since and noticed the post-bunga craze.
Someone needs to tell Ali he looks like the boy in the stripped pyjamas in this new style. Not only is the style wrong for him but most of the clothes are not fitted properly, what's the point of having 5000 pieces of clothing if they're all god awful?

I've seen someone mentioned Lydia went through Invisalign. Does anyone know when this was? I notice 0 difference in her teeth, asking as someone who is going through Invisalign at the moment and after 1 year in there is already a massive difference (but my problems were quite extensive).

Invisalign only works if you put it in your mouth...obviously somebody failed to tell Lidl!
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Because she is so controlling (think how Ali couldn't show any rooms until Lydia showed them), it stands out even harder that she stole Ali's thunder with the honey harvest. This is his endeavor and accomplishment. She scoffed at him, eyerolled his earnestness during the bee schooling he underwent, and then swoops in and shows the resulting harvest on her channel first.

Sitting down and going point, by miserably long drawn out point, over what she is doing to get herself, her wardrobe, her house fragrance, candles, her house, etc. etc. switched for Autumn is the biggest show yet of how little she has going on. Soz Lydia, you've been left behind by your peers in a MAJOR way.

Admits she didn't know who Dobby was. She's not a Harry Potter fan. Said she googled when someone said Berkeley looked like Dobby. Then proceeds to call Dobby a gargoyle. He was a house elf, you idiot. Like Ali is. If she'd actually read anything about the character she'd know that.

Her willful ignorance over even the most mundane things is staggering. She waxes on authoritatively about colours, fashion and decor, yet there is no substance at all. No amount of pointy toed flats and long feminine dresses undoes her ill-mannered roots. Perhaps this trope of silliness was celebrated in times past, but these days knowledge and manners is a true currency. It's the one thing that comes close to leveling the field in class, IMO.

I've been around old money. Their manners are impeccable usually. They're admittedly quite casual. After all, their crises are not the same as for every day people. For example, an unexpected large appliance breaking down can mean the difference between being in debt for ages or not for many people. There is an undeniable ease that comes from never having to worry about money. (I realize health concerns affect everyone, rich or poor, but you get my point I hope.) I've also met people born in abject poverty, having grown up with dirt floors, etc. who had impeccable manners and enough curiosity for life that they continually sought out knowledge and thusly elevated themselves out of their origins. In the end, it would be hard to tell them apart unless the one from abject poverty told you their story. That is what Lydia misses. Layering on labels and driving luxury cars falls flat when her brain is empty by choice and she has zero manners and no grasp of basic etiquette.

Lydia is a constant bulldozer trying to appear upper class, yet misses the simplest of things. She has not evolved one bit. Week in and week out she brags about how much she's grown and evolved, yet she is still the same shitpuffin in galaxy leggings and Lita booties at heart, easily slipping into vulgarity and open avarice. Cackling away and bullying those she deems beneath her, which seems to be every single person around her.
I completely agree with you. And compliments to you on how articulate and well written the above was explaining how confusing and perplexing watching Lydia and Ali can be.

I always found it strange how they try to emulate an image where both are working in some intellectual profession or of an academic background (with deep opinion and thought).
Like how they decorate their offices like an old-school banker, dress quite formally as though they go into an office/desk work environment. But yet neither have the academics or technical background where those dressed rooms or clothing have function for it, nor seem to have the friends/social events in that area which necessitate it.
They largely do normal everyday things at home (which I’m not against, and relish the simplicity of existing at home). They are almost just projecting an image which they think have social importance or grandeur, and showing they are a shadow of it, not knowing why or the true purpose and meaning of those interiors/dress.

It must be a sad and less meaningful life when you are projecting an image of yourself you really don’t know, or what you authentically are.
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all the posts about The Queen this evening. Now she really is the English Country Grandmother, you prat. See the difference yet?
I mean I’m not even English and I’m disgusted by her posts. She’s got a ton of photos of the queen that she’s posted with her logo and that fit her asssssssthetic. Give me a break. She never ever talked about her or posted. Show the Queen some real respect. She was more than the owner of a green car and dogs.

Here’s one example. I think there are like 10

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Imagine getting old and looking back on your life and you realise you’ve just lived a pretentious life putting on all the fakeness. Life is so short and you only get one go - what a waste!! They are both living HUGE FAT LIES! HUGE!!!
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Lola Faith

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I can't believe she got invited to a cleau de poop event - I bet Victoria was asked first and couldn't make it, as she is I think an ambassador for them because Lydia hasn't worked with them in ages and has been buying their lipsticks!

Ali looks absolutely ridiculous - is he man from th 1970's, polo team captain, or just total twat? And of course she's got a white dress on!

Event was yesterday so guess Ali will post stories mid week!
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Loving the Stan laurel music very apt. :ROFLMAO:
Is the wee one trolling us after @Miscanthus said Ali reminds her of Stan Laurel ....

Confirms the lil guy reads TL.

Ali, eat a banana to confirm you are being held hostage or need help to get away from Lyds. :cool:

I am liking the longer trousers though .... Well done m'boy.
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It's more clickbait.

Every time Victoria talks about her decision to be childfree she has massive engagement. Lydia has zero interest in world events, the cultural significance of the places she gets to visit for free, literature, art, etc. Yet she is an absolute scholar when it comes to obsessively watching her peers, tracking the result of their content. Anything they do that gets spikes of engagement, Lydia copies.
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If Ali did channel Prince Charles it would be a massive improvement. Prince Charles is always impeccably tailored, and his trousers are NEVER too short. I think Ali was meaning the other fella with Prince Charles, the one with the double breasted situation in that photo. But note, the buttons are in a far more sympathetic arrangement vs Ali's very try-hard attempt to be a man that rubs shoulders with Royalty.

FWIW, I find double breasted jackets dated. Even Prince Charles has turned away from them of late. Poor Ali, infected with Lydia's lackofstyleitis, he is chronically a couple of decades late in his new purchases.
He truly is clueless about dressing. Those cheap, wrinkly, too short slacks do not go with that Ship Captain's blazer....and don't get me started on those stupid shoes he opted for. However, it is clear he is able to put in some serious lifts in there to boost his tiny stature.

Lydiot and him are clowns now when it comes to dressing and the mind blowing part is they actually think they are fashionable and worthy of influencing others!! Well, I suppose they are when it comes to showing others what NOT to wear.

She looks so moronic ensuring the dumb bag is in every shot. She looks so pretentious and just plain dumb. You can see how forced and fake her laugh is in every pic with the other ladies.

Note to self: will never be buying Cle De Poop again.

I will not buy any brand that continues to work with this muppet.

What Aldi is faced with 🤢
What he's imagining...... View attachment 1535532View attachment 1535533
Jesus....the size of her head compared to the rest of her!!

Goes to an event and posts tons of photos of herself and her fake Hermes vs. the brand or the charity. She just shows one photo of a lip gloss and even then talks of how she has planted the seed for a colour because said brand is clueless and needs her help.

Same thing at Wimbledon. Showed nothing from Elizabeth Arden or at the other event where she was supposed to feature the coffee brand.

She did nothing and does nothing too advertise these brands, yet these stupid brands keep inviting her.

What a fucking narcissist.

It is interesting though that all the recent events she has been invited to, none of her once equal peers are there. Her peers are excelling and she is at events now with only very small, unknown influencers. Speaks volumes right there.

It seems like she is a last minute seat filler because the more famous influencers like Vic etc. can't attend.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen!
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Disclaimer: I’m on page 36 of the thread so not sure if this has been posted already but I couldn’t contain my rage.

On a day like this, can she not ONCE not make it all about HER?! She doesn’t miss a single opportunity to display her fake wealth & status, including the Pretender.
Your sad efforts to position yourself as upper class are reeking of desperation, Lyds. Read the room. Show some respect. You will never be royalty, ever. Not even close, no matter how hard you try. Classy is when you know when to shut up, when you can be tactful and decent, polite and respectful, when you don’t need to show off to prove something, belittle others.

The only people who don’t see through it are your sycophants lacking tact and intelligence just as much as you.

We see what you’re doing there.


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Milking Keynes

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Oh jezus really? I cannot handle another interiors hot mess vlog . WHY is she putting what looks like an old man painting there... off center!?

I have to watch it later... but didn't they JUST paint that room because of the candle smoke marks on the ceiling? LIke when she went "double mint" in her closet? And now are going back in with a dark color... making it even less neutral for a buyer. Stupid is as Stupid does... and at least Ken makes money off them!
Yes - these are the chosen sample colours for the little fella’s dressing room. They are literally turning their house into an avocado.


Maybe Aldi’s shed will look like this

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She might start with not having it made in China.
Then sorting the VAT out.
Then sorting the postage costs out.
Then sorting out how to deal with returns and refunds effectively.
Then sorting out the correct ISO details before quoting the wrong ones. For this she would have to become ISO accredited.
Then sort out effective ‘warehousing’ and ‘our staff awaiting the privilege of dispatch’).
Then sorting out what to do when it all gets too much and you close all communication off whilst you go to bed.
Then visiting the factory where it’s made and filming that journey.
Then choosing a sustainable product.
Then researching the market first to make sure other people are looking for botanical jewellery (might start with that one).
Then making sure quality control is controlled.

On average the process should take circa two years in which time you can ensure you have a good product to sell with all bases covered. In the present climate it might not even be wise to consider it. She knows best.

Funnily enough - I was thinking the same thing recently and the Tattle thread Jack Monroe seems to have about 380 threads! I didn’t even know who that was but apparently she is a non-binary cookery writer who seems to have been homeless for a while and wrote some books on cooking on a shoestring.
Wish I could cook on a shoestring it would save me having to clean the wretched cooker so often with all the burnt stuff. 🙄

A very quick search reveals that veggie lovers got there first!

Showing the carrot pendant as the aubergine pendant was NSFW! View attachment 1542611View attachment 1542612View attachment 1542613
We were both writing at the same time 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️


How doth the slothy little veg
Detatch itself from hand and hedge
And then become a line to sell
A bolted iceberg packed so well
A carrot hanging from a hook
All merged for one new cookery book
I love this notion - by the heck
A kitchen garden from the neck…
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