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Well-known member
Tonight’s vlog is just shocking absolutely shocking
I had a feeling it would anger me - but it is worse than I thought
She really is an arrogant selfish materialistic Cow

10 minutes devoted to the charity hike - clearly something Carrie wanted to do & Lydia jumped on the band wagon as she hadn’t researched the event. Maybe if she realised that snacks and food is provided they wouldn’t have had lunch at the pub
She is trying to be cute with her charity top & number - obscuring part of the codes means the cameras cannot identify the walker
It was a hot day and she left her hair down - her neck must have been soaked in sweat - she hasn’t a clue - all image
Clearly she has never done a race for life event before as her first reaction was competitive - not realising people ahead of them & not wanting to be last when actually they are all timed starts 😳
She just doesn’t get this type of event and the sacrifices some people make to take part

I’m so so mad - the hike was for their benefit not Macmillan Cancer

Selfish Madam on a freebie with Fairmont & annoyed because she wishes she was there for longer 🤬

Two drunken wasters who can’t even decide what to have from a 2 page breakfast menu 🤯

The crap about wanting to set the table for breakfast - she can’t set a table with cutlery never mind a proper place setting
She has just dumped the bread on the brown packaging on the table. She really was dragged up not brought up - or is just very very lazy
Not impressed with her ‘shop’ - it wouldn't feed a couple of insects

Ali clearly has the hump with her - and rightly so

Can she lower herself any more from the level she is now on?

She is going to drive me to drink!!!!!!!!
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What's that I can smell..... Dog 💩 sniff
Cow 💩 sniff
Bull 💩..... Yep that's it
#Shopbought 😏
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Sleeping next to this... ngl, I'd also move to the guest room

Chauffeur-driven to a charity event. Drinks alcohol whilst walking saud charity event. Stops for a looooong lunch break - alcohol-laden, of course. Does not wear the charity T-shirt. Just moan moan moan. Air-conditioned Uber to a 5 star hotel thereafter. Her self-absorption, ignorance and entitlement is shocking.


So much discussion - it went on and on and on - over a breakfast you're not gonna eat.
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You really have to pity someone who thinks owning a 'fleet' (?) of gas guzzling cars and being so tiny companies don't even make clothes that she can wear is the total currency of her life.
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... I can't believe she said she doesn't feel comfortable naming the charity she's hiking for. Lydia, we all remember you saying that you refuse to name brands that don't pay you for it. Guess charities have to sponsor you to get a shout-out. Disgusting.
She sure did make this walk for the cancer charity alllll about herself and all she’s done so far is pick up a backpack. In this vlog and in the posts. Listen to how she talks about this and then buried the link. She’s raised $30 of her $2,000 goal. SHAME on her.

She doesn’t even say in the vlog or posts what the charity is for and encourage people to donate and learn more. There is more talk about the dogs nighttime piss than about this charity.

Seems like she’s throwing shade at Victoria for making huge public donations and raising awareness of charities over the holidays. Evidently madam wasn’t put on this earth to even talk about charity and states that as some sort of fact. She completely missed the point of the hike… it’s to RAISE AWARENESS of the actual charity for those who didn’t know about it AND raise money for the ACTUAL cause. She doesn’t have to disclose her donation but why not talk about it? Selfish!!!

This after what seemed like an eternity rambling about herself and acupuncture and how she’s single handedly saving lives by talking about her self care was just 😳



Also want to predict… if she does raise a lot of money through this link… guarantee you she brags about it. This disproving her whole line of crap about not mentioning charity to make seem like she’s a good person.
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The lack of hygiene whilst cooking is 🤮🤮🤮
The trug on the butcher block - the trug from the greenhouse and then sitting on the dirt
The phone on the butcher block
Uses phone, does not wash hands thereafter
Picks up Lumi and places Lumi on the counter to eat her food ... DOES NOT WASH HANDS
Not sure if she washed the veggies
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Chatty Member
I went on a snoop, Lydia left the number plates of her cars in her latest vlog. The Defender has no valid MOT certificate. It expired on the 4th July. Maybe this is why we are not seeing it on the road. Odd how she had it all cleaned but nowhere for it to go! LOL!
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... I can't believe she said she doesn't feel comfortable naming the charity she's hiking for. Lydia, we all remember you saying that you refuse to name brands that don't pay you for it. Guess charities have to sponsor you to get a shout-out. Disgusting.
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New here - couldn’t help but post..
Never known anyone who regularly goes on 30k ‘wine walks’ as claimed on tik tok, to be so unprepared for a 26k hike…
surely as it’s less than the ‘usual’ walks claimed the long walk would be a breeze, you’d know what footwear to have and would pack appropriate snacks :sneaky:
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Birkin On The Boat...

She brought her Birkin on his boat
The colour left his cheeks
A sardine jumped inside the bag
And stunk for several weeks

She brought her Birkin on his boat
Her husband primly pouted
His primness really got Nick’s goat
Man Overboard! Was shouted

I think he’s thick said Fairmont Nick
I’ve pushed him in the Lake
Now let’s both stroke the Birkin
Its a massive risk to take

The Birkin on its cushion sat
Its leather stiffly toasting
It had had enough of constant fuss
And sick of all the boasting

I’m just a cheap old copy mate
My plastics really melting
I’m battered and I’m bruised with use
I cannot take this belting

Nick! Please help me and set me free
Please throw me overboard
Nick took his chance for sweet romance
And Lydia was floored

He threw the Birkin in the Lake
It didn’t wait or dally
It splashed until it found it’s love
And then swam home - with Ali...
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Just watching the vlog. We know that they didn’t walk the last part - they were driven. How funny that they pretended they walked it all.

I bet Macmillian wants to black list them as they just filmed themselves drinking alcohol throughout the walk. Stopped for a three hour pub lunch with more wine. Swigged more wine out of her water bottle.
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* Ali can't pronounce "Loire", but his excuse is he doesn't speak French. Ali can't pronounce many English words either.
I have been laughing for 5 minutes now🤣🤣🤣 Ah, damn, the recap was very entertaining - considering watching the next vlogs from these two...sometimes I miss their level of absolute dumbassery in my life😅

@Hunevoque2 - appreciate you not forgetting about me😘 I'm alright! Just wasn't in the mood to watch her twattiness so couldn't hold a meaningful...or more so meaningless conversation🤣 And I see that @Miscanthus is mentioning me and distracting me from my prepared speech - so I completely forgot what else I've been meaning to say🤣
I've been enjoying Moscow's 18 degrees the last couple of days, while the whole Europe was suffering through the Australian weather @MissMidnight undoubtedly brought on us. And, while the thought is welcomed, no more of that, dear!! We'll be alright with our Arctic, thank you🥰💙❄😋🌸

Was recently in London and now back home for a month - this time with boys😍 They've close to force feeding me, cause I've lost too much weight with the stress. My butt does not even sound the same, when being smacked - absolutely tragic😈🤣 But overall things are fine, as much as they can be given the circumstances.

Ah, I've remembered! Was meaning to say, that despite my lack of energy when it comes to watching those two, was missing you wonderful ladies and gentlemen😘

Dear @Oops... - my phone took a very nice swim recently and wasn't feeling well after, so, I'm afraid, no special photos for you this time😔 Terribly sorry and hope you'll enjoy the double rainbow from another day, a couple of beautiful sunsets and specially for @Stefano - Boss Bitch😇💙



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Alas !!! There was a tragedy whilst they were away at Montreux. One of her pots fell off the window sill and broke. She doesn't know how it happened. It could have been because of "weight", the Waitrose cucumber hadn't attached itself properly. Luckily she has 2 spare. She doesn't know what she's going to do if she breaks another one.
Guys, I am not making this up. She said this. A pot broke and it is a tragedy.
Sadly, she had to harvest the cucumber. :rolleyes:
But don't worry peeps. She has lots to do.
She is a moron. So soooooo slappable.

And the guy who va-lets the cars is there va-letting the cars 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Omg she actually said va-lets and va-letting 😂😂😂😂

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becky bloomwood

VIP Member
Lidl and Aldi are on holiday. “Look at all the boats Lidl, may I go for a sail with Nick please?” “Yes, but don’t wet your pants, you know what you’re like when you get excited. We’re eating dinner on the Terrace this evening remember.” Aldi is wearing his new slandals and runs off to play with Nick, Lydia stomps to their room to look in the mirror.

Nick is a good sailor, he shows little Aldi the throttle and let’s Aldi drive the boat, see Aldi at the wheel. Nick tells Aldi all about the controls, Nick is very clever. Nick has brought a picnic but little Aldi has a sore lip and has to be careful eating, see Aldi chew his food slowly.

Aldi sees dolphins, “look, Nick, look at the fishes, what are they?” Nick tells Aldi they’re dolphins and they’re a very intelligent species. Little Aldi isn’t quite sure what Nick means but he’s too polite to ask.

when the get back to the jetty Aldi is impressed by how far Nick can jump, see Nick jump off the boat, clever Nick, he helps Aldi who only has little legs and can’t jump as far.

Later at dinner Lidl asks Aldi how his boat trip went. Aldi jumps up and down in his seat excitedly. Careful Aldi you know what happens when you get excited.

“It was wonderful, Nick showed me his throttle and let me have a hold of his knobs. I had to suck his nuts because they were too hard but Nick didn’t mind, he’s very flexible too he can lift his legs really high and that’s good when you’re on a boat. Lidl, I can’t eat these dolfinya potatoes, they’re too intelligent, do they have pasta here?

Do you know what is feels like to be hit by a flying cucumber? Aldi does, run Aldi, run.
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