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VIP Member
I thought they'd sleep trained aspen and she was now sleeping through every night! So why is she now keeping them up all night and they're both feeling 100 years old?

It's almost as if the sleep training didn't work...
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By fuck she's rattled this morning 🤣 what an utter cunt she is. That poor baby was literally dumped mid rant to let her finish. Absolutely beggars belief! 🤪😱

She'd rather finish her shite talk rant than tend to her screaming child. I shouldn't be shocked but I am!

Trouble is the kids will turn out exactly like her as it's all they've been shown.
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She didnt have two pennies to rub together when she met her husband Aparantly!. She was a playboy bunny, Apparently they met at the mansion, says a lot about the kind of man he is. she did a q & a a few days ago, someone asked her if she had slept with the old boy, Heffner and she said eurrgg no or something like that, wish I had grabbed the screenshot now.
She goes on about her business, never gives out all the fees, I asked her once and she sent me a link, the link was to sign up, she never gave real details, you had to sign up and may around £150 for that pleasure. I think others on this thread said there is also a monthly fee of around £30 quid on top of the sign up. She makes her money from naieve people who really are taken in out of her. She is a real life Robin Hood, she robs from the poor to fill her rich pockets. Her house thats for sale is easily found on line, I wonder how many fake viewers she will get lol.
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Ah I get it now the best friend of his bit on the side sent the DM. I can’t believe Shak has found two women to sleep with him really. If he didn’t have the attractive bank account no one would touch him.
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She was doing more “training” last night !
just seems like she just likes showing off about where Shak has paid for them to go !
looks Like her scheme is called
Just googled them and makes for some interesting reading !!
“””Anyone can join, pay their fee and do a few hours of reading at home. They watch a little video, get given a website and call themselves independent travel agents.”””
It’s bonkers. And I bet, they all have, Mum boss in their insta burb 😭. The only one actually bossing it and making an income, is Rachel selling this snake oil shite.
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VIP Member
"holiday haul, holiday haul, holiday haul".... "stuff, stuff, stuff"....... Well I see the travel journalist is communicating well again. 🙄
Shes certainly been splashing the cash despite lecturing everyone to collect memories not things.

‘we’re going what we do best! Travelling’ Well it’s easy to travel well when you can fly first or business class and stay in luxury accommodation and have an accompanying nanny to look after the kids. She’s so full of shit!
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I'm sure the house will sell eventually, to someone with no taste but loads of money. It's horrible though. On a busy road, soulless, huge rooms with not enough furniture, too many tiled floors, rooms that serve no purpose, neighbours very close.
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Just had a nosy and they bought the house for £2.5m and are trying to sell for £4.5m (I do think it’s overpriced though) so in theory that’s £2m made that’s nothing to do with his job. If they’ve been selling at similar profit margins for 20 years they’ll have made a fortune just from property
They did a big renovation and stamp duty etc would take the profit down a bit. And yes it’s over priced a bit. I know the area. Plus a lot of people will be put off by the interior. That weird club foyer with the white sofas is horrific.
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VIP Member
She is such an attention seeking twat she knows this will be talked about!! That’s why she is doing it!! Weirdo!!!!! Anyone with half a brain would “story” from the kitchen or living room....not to draw attention to the failing marriage!!! But no she is either re doing her bedroom and that is the “project” or her and shak are really having issues
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Sorry but every time I come onto tattle and see a notification for this thread I can’t get that lip biting and singing Chicago out my head. She thought she was so sexy Lollll
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Chatty Member
I just don't understand why? With all the money and lifestyle she has, why would you want to show all that on Instagram?
I think she probably does get nasty messages because she basically just shows off and people like to try and take her down a peg or two.
But she really comes across as a bit unstable. Why do these people feel the need to plaster everything over social media, I just don't get it???
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VIP Member
Why is she obsessed with making out Jasmine is older than she is. She is 8. She’s not 9 till june so why are you making out she’s a teenager ? All this face mask malarky because that’s what teenagers do shiz
I thought the exact same thing myself. Before long we'll have the 2 of them pouting and finger sucking and preening into the camera. Her daughter will be a mini her!
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Chatty Member
If you notice in the background to her videos shak is always the one asking polite, interested questions of the taxi driver/ hotel staff/ tour guide etc. He seems like a really nice bloke and clearly adores the children
He does come across as a great dad. She seems quite needy when she is around him. Like she is craving affection.
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Chatty Member
Wonder if we will see Aspen.... :unsure: or is reality not good for the gram?

Didn't someone ask earlier about their flat in Dubai, well apparently rented! She so reads here!
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How come she usually shows everything, but now she’s saying Aspen has chicken pox and they can’t fly we haven’t seen her for days?!
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Did anyone notice the other day how she said she had to isolate... presuming someone in her household has Covid!!!
Funny though because Shak never stopped going into work!! (The whole household has to isolate bimbo)
I’m sick of her flouting the rules...but coming on to Instagram to have a dig at brits not following the rules.
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