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I just think it’s vulgar that a baby died and her first thought was to search them on Facebook when she new they were still in hospital. There was no need to see how they were doing online and then it’s even more strange considering she was texting saying that she didn’t want to see the parents (Baby A).
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I'm reading todays evidence feeling like I'm reading the defence. All I'm hearing is (sadly) details about very poorly babies who have unfortunately deteriorated. The quote today from the Dr was 'she didn't know what baby to attend to first' - nothing about that says that they were stable and healthy and unexpected to have complications.
You’re constantly minimising babies dying. Babies that were expected to live.
Child A was breathing on his own in air. That is not very poorly.
Constantly saying ‘these babies were very poorly’ is in no way an adequate defence when, in the case of child A for example, any relative and reasonable assessment would not indicate this.
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Ah so it's confirmed that she made lots of Facebook searches, not just for the families of alleged victims.
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An absolute ghoul that's what she comes across as to me
I've said guilty from the start and I still think guilty.
I think she had an enormous sense of grandeur and was so arrogant hence why no defence in the looking up families etc

Dunno where people see this wide eyed bambi type I think she looks like a creepy bitch maybe hindsight but if I was bathing my dead baby and she came over to speak about the babies first bath I'd have scratched her eyes out
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I feel like we (those of us following the trial but not on the jury) can't make any accurate judgements at all. The information we are getting from the media is shoddy at best and is just leading to confusion and misinterpretation.
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I'm officially in the "do not know" camp. Won't change my vote until the next thread. I still think she's guilty based soley on there being no way anyone is that unlucky BUT could I in good conscious convict her based on what we know so far?? Nope.
They have convinced me she's an attention seeking weirdo with a lack of social skills, awareness and boundaries but that's about it!! 😂😂
Same with me , I don't think she's an angel but the prosecutions case seems a bit shoddy so far. I had a feeling as it took so long to charge her. There's a few that have been acquitted on similar cases. We aren't barristers and we have managed to poke holes , I wonder what the defence will do..
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Lucy didn’t want to be around Baby A and Bs parents but she took baby A to them when they passed so it’s contradictory.
I think she didn’t want to be on their radar if they started to point the finger and she didn’t want to be the nurse connected to baby B when they collapsed.
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Chatty Member
I’m reading here on and off.. plus keeping up to speed with what’s in the press..

so what caught my attention today, was the texts to Lucy, and the too and froing it seems,

I’m throwing it out, but I’m guessing she got a liking for being in the “eye of the storm”
Being part of the team that was involved with collapses, critically unwell, deteriorating babies ans death!
she sounds like she got a kick from being involved ..

I work in the NHS, like lots on here do I’m sure, and you do see some staff who join, and they get caught up with being involved with bigger incidents, talk about them, drag them on longer then needed..
Clearly vast majority get a grip of themselves .. but some ! Like this one.. get a liking for it!
rarely rarely do we get ones that create the problems tha lead to death!
like Having a Pyromaniac join the fire service !!!
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"It's the last time I do you a favour changing shifts! Haha"

Hours after Child A died.

But apparently very traumatised.

Just very weird.
All these messages she's sending... they all read as her trying to deflect blame and control the narrative from the very beginning. Nevermind the post it. These are so damning in my eyes.
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Active member
The Facebook searches are a funny one for me. Again, if this was the first ever neonatal death she had dealt with as a nurse then grief is a funny thing and maybe she got some comfort in looking up the parents and seeing their friends compassionate messages etc. But on the flip side, she could have been looking to see if anyone was saying anything about her practice (which you could conceivably worry about if you were either innocent or guilty). Not sure it adds anything at this stage until we hear more evidence
I also find the facebook searches strange. She says to a colleague that she doesn't want to look after baby B and she doesn't want to see the parents but then continuously searches them over a period of days on facebook?
Could mean a number of things but I find it very odd. One time, ok - bit weird but there you go - multiple times suggests she is definitely looking out for something.
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VIP Member
Also just had a thought…… surely they checked her google searches. If she was guilty surely she would of googled the right way to kill a baby, or any sinister search for that matter. Even Beverly allitt? Just something…. I bet they found nothing though, if they did they would of definitely pulled that out in the opening.
Of course not, she's a nurse - she'd already have known how to tamper with their meds.

If I wanted to kill someone, I wouldn't be so moronic as to Google how to do it. You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to do that.
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I think there's been about 5 different Lucy's been invented in this thread today.

The lack of info about the trial is showing as people are posting the same things and discussion over pages and pages little details with no context
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It seems to me LL was obsessed with her job , I really need to know about her shift patterns how much overtime did she pick up? This would really skew their statistics. If I was on the jury right now I could not condemn her to life in prison based on the evidence so far.
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I don’t find the messages incriminating at all. I think if you think she’s guilty you can look at them and see her trying to deflect/control the narrative. If you think she’s innocent or not sure, they could be viewed as pretty standard messages between colleagues.
The one where the other person asks if it seems weird the babies died in succession, she obviously had a suspicion something was going on… but if she suspected LL would she be saying that to her or would you tell someone else? Probably not possible but it would be useful to see what other nurses were messaging each other at that time to compare.
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Those full text conversations provide a bit of a different picture. Just shows the importance of detail and context. Is the prosecution cherry picking bits to support their case because they don’t have actual evidence?
It’s not the prosecution, it’s the media. They are cherry picking what they want to report. BBC will have still got the fuller versions from the prosecution today.

i don’t actually know if we are still in ‘agreed facts’ of the case.

I’m sure it’s a difficult job but I feel like Mark at Chester Standard has not done a great job today.
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VIP Member
She searched child A parents a lot . I know people say after a death they might search to see how parent is doing but Lucy literaly keeps searching the families sometimes all three families at once .

bizzare to me
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VIP Member
@MmmB777 just wanted to say you have my condolences on the whole being married to a tory front 😅
Lol! He’s not a Tory any more thank fuck for that 🤣 I you think I’m going to write so persuasively about my opinion on LL online and not convince him tories are shite. It’s not been a hard sell of late 🤣 x
To not derail- I’m camp guilty if you’ve not guessed 🤪 sorry didn’t know what else to say
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VIP Member
I'm reading todays evidence feeling like I'm reading the defence. All I'm hearing is (sadly) details about very poorly babies who have unfortunately deteriorated. The quote today from the Dr was 'she didn't know what baby to attend to first' - nothing about that says that they were stable and healthy and unexpected to have complications.
just because they were poorly doesn’t mean they can’t have been murdered/attempted to be murdered. Both can be true.
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VIP Member
Really?’s just not done. When you become a health professional, you take behave appropriately so what in gods earth would a nurse be stalking the parents of dead babies..screenshots of sympathy cards that the murderess sent to those grieving parents. They are a trophy..the FB searched gave her a thrill. Disgusting
Respectfully that's your opinion, it's not fact or proof.
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