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Sorry if it's been discussed, I've dropped way behind on the thread!
Do we know which days the courts are on this week? And are we expecting them to start back with closing statements - is that the next step?
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If it was a youngish guy with blonde highlights, he told me he thinks she's guilty and he's there because he wants to join the police so he's seeing how a serious case works.

Any laughs from the police when the plumber was called as their only witness? They were having a laugh when I was in there.
When we got there the plumber was already giving evidence so not sure what their initial reaction was. The man next to me was fair but not sure if he had highlights. Maybe it wasn't FB James after all. He was wearing a black jacket and black trousers and white open neck shirt.
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Correct me if I’m wrong, but the witness experts aren’t “hired” by the defence/prosecution to fit their version of events are they? BNE didn’t write to Dr Evans and say “aye up pal, can you review these cases so it fits that this nurse Lucy Letby killed the babies?” They will have reviewed the evidence presented to them completely objectively and their findings will either support the defence or the prosecution. In this case, all the expert witnesses clearly supported prosecution because defence didn’t have any! If Dr Evans reviews supported the defence, he’d have been used as a defence expert witness wouldn’t he? Please tell me if I’ve got the wrong end of the stick here 🤣
Yeah you’re right. I think they’re there ‘for the court’ but you’d presume BNE would know what the experts are likely to say else why call them up and ask for their expertise. Like you said, BM obviously couldn’t find anyone to suggest otherwise.
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Have any of you ever successfully gotten over restless legs? I feel like sawing them ooooooooffffffffff!
Have you had your ferritin level checked. I had horrendous restless legs in pregnancy and it was due to low iron. Sorted quickly with replacement iron.
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It was a few pages back so I haven't quoted because I'm a lazy cow but the questions about the witnesses. What happens if a witness is wanted by both the pros and the defence? For example, this is a bit hypothetical, but if they wanted No Name for the pros because he was present at some incidents but old Liarby wanted him to give a character reference for the defence because they were such good friends 🥴 do the pros say no soz you'll have to find someone else, he's ours. Or does he automatically go to pros because of the info he can provide directly relating to the case, which would overpower a simple character reference? Like i say, hypothetical as I doubt he would be interested in giving a character ref anyway after what's come out, but just wondered how it works, who gets priority?!
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I’ve just been reading a post on fb, I think like others on here I do keep wondering why I even read them because they just make me mad and sad and kinda astounded 😳 anyway someone asked ‘What is it that would have been enough to tip you over into believing she’s guilty?…’
And so far there are 76 comments and so many people who are saying ng. Here is one of the replies after the OP said something along the lines of ‘how do u explain Dr J’s testimony and that of the parent who said their baby was screaming and had blood round the mouth’.
I just wondered what people’s thoughts are on this. how can people say/think this shiz? The poster goes on and on aswell…like what is wrong with people, I feel like they are literally blind to what is in front of them😩😩

“ I think the claims the prosecution are making are just outrageous. Walking onto shift and murdering a child within 3 minutes? Just no,.getting insulin and unravelling the tpn to inject into it, unnoticed, battering a baby to cause liver bruising. So many things that would not have gone unnoticed. I could go on.. Unbelievable to me.”

I thought old Dick Gill was crazy but these kind of posts are so unbelievably ridiculous🫣🫣
She also believes 20ml of actrapid would have had to be injected. And calls herself a diabetes nurse specialist 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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Thank you! :)

He did, but it was only one section of the court reporting -


Nicholas Johnson KC, for the prosecution, asks Mr Mansutti questions.
Mr Mansutti agrees that one of the problems for the flooding was adults 'putting things down sinks'.
One incident is somebody 'forcing a wipe towel down a sink'. Mr Mansutti accepts an incident did take place.
He says none of the incidents led to no hand washing facilities availability, and there is a system in place.
He says there has been 'sewage floods' in the neonatal unit. He says there was once incident, undated, not on a Datix form, where there was sewage on neonatal unit room 1.
He says he has knowledge of it because of "disgust", and work was done on moving sewage pipes away from the unit room in future, "so it couldn't happen again".
He says, for his recollection, it was a "one-off".
Mr Johnson says half the incidents listed did not take place in the neonatal unit. Mr Mansutti says there would not have been a direct effect on that unit for those days.
And this was honestly a witness for the defence?
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Ffs my 2yo picked today to decide she no longer naps so I missed all of the plumber ‘defence’! Is it just closing statements and deliberations to go?!
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No way I thought lifed off was a common phrase?!

I’m so sorry you’ve had that experience. These people can’t understand what they don’t know so don’t even waste your energy arguing with them, let them look like absolute twats in a few weeks when LL is LIFED OFF ❤❤❤
I haven’t been bothering for a while now, I’ve actually not read anything on there for a couple of weeks because I have such a short fuse when it comes to stupidity. Particularly willfull stupidity.

I’m only staying in the two I’m in (got booted from one) to see them crying when shes lifed off 😂😂😂 I’d honestly never heard another person use it tho no, even with my colourful selection of friends and associates. I’m gutted I’m not friends with more female criminals, if she was a man id be warning a fair few inmates exactly what she’s in for incase they haven’t seen the case and come across her as between me, my partner and my brother we know men in most prisons in England.
Richard Gill wants to be a knight in shining armour, he only seems to believe women are falsely convicted, probably a bit weird, probably has a search history absolutely full of porn, definitely not credible
My partner thinks he’s a pervert and probably a pedalo too. Same for the two james’. He’s not usually completely wrong (altho does jump the gun with the pedalo accusation, he’s never wrong about the perv part).

I was on Facebook a few months ago and those pedalo hunters caught someone who used to live near us and the guy goes “well, your new neighbours were aware” and my partners like “yeah that’s cause I went to my customer there who’s a total gossip and told her and she told everyone” 😂😂😂😂

He’s been banging the Phillip Schofield drum even longer than tattle too 😂 I remember when there were popular PS meme pages and I showed him one and he’s like “N*NCE” 😂😂😂
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I've took a break from my 2 sick kids and my sick self to quickly check in and what?

I'm not judging anyone's class or profession, but is that the only defence they have. It I was accused or murdering babies and was innocent, I would be asking all my colleagues, my friends, anyone that could give evidence, character statements.

I feel sorry for everyone that has had to sit in that court for over 8 months and listen to everything. Why she couldn't have just said guilty from the start and saved everyone the pain. But she never would, she couldn't resist the chance to relive it all again and see everyone in person.

I actually despise her.

Rant over, back to the ill city that is my house.
Feel better soon!
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Hope everyone is managing not too bad in the heat. I'm fatter than I want to be and ginger and to top it off developed mastitis between a feed at 11pm and 130am wtaf 😭 a week of antibiotics it will be for me. Fucking hate mastitis as well had it with my oldest and by fuck it was agony
I had that with my first so I remember how painful it was. I have very fair hair and skin and was told my colouring and red haired people who also have very light skin are more prone to this. Hope it's better soon.
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Clever law types: I've been thinking about what @F1Grid said about if LL told BM she did it and that's why he just went with Lorenzo. If a client told their lawyer they actually had committed the crime they were pleading NG to, what would the lawyer be expected to do? Would he have a legal obligation to tell the judge or what?
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