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Thanks for this. I think it’s highly, highly suspicious that she has these sorts of docs and presumably the paper towel too as I doubt the hospital kept that after transferring the details into proper records. Who keeps a paper towel that long 😑 if it’s in a pocket then surely she’s washed something fairly soon after and found it. I’m sorry but she’s kept it for over a year hasn’t she? And she’s just moved and is unpacking. So presumably nothing much has a place and there’s no mountain of shit draw that’s piled up over years yet. Bag, pocket..wherever, I just cannot see a reason for these being in her home for all that time and in a new house that she’s literally sorting out at the very time. If she has given no reason for having these things and purely said they’re not souvenirs, I’m sorry I just don’t see how it’s normal whatsoever.
Baby M is another baby that’s completely as well as can be and has had a 25 minute resus 🙈 lifeless and at the brink of death.
Jesus it was under the bed. Nope. Sorry no way in hell that’s not suspicious.
Absolutely not normal.

She seems such a boring know it all basic psycho that you can picture her cleaning and tidying every weekend I doubt she kept this by mistake
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Definitely (yet another) red flag for me. I was assuming a copy of the report for some reason, but we understand it to be the only one that existed? I wonder did she take it as soon as it was generated/printed out - or does it have like staple marks at the top which indicates it has been deliberately removed from the patient’s file. Either way, it’s yet another example of something being in her house that shouldn’t be there. Oh, and just so happens to be for a patient that has been a victim of foul play at the hands of..someone.

At this point I’d also be keen to know what else was found in her house. And the bag. But really, the bag could be empty apart from this report and I’d still find it shady AF.

There’s some crap under my bed but I can tell you there’s nothing work related under there that holds sensitive information. Do people choose under a bed to store paperwork? She had a whole house to herself. Again, I’d be keen to know the state of her house. To be a hospital killer you know how to cover your tracks and hide stuff..what better place than under your own bed. Ain’t nobody going to be looking under someone’s bed.

It does scream trophy to me. Bet she sat in bed with her laptop on her lap and gazed at these items as she searched the various parents on Facebook 😒

And she kept a hospital paper towel for two years too?

Did they ever reveal where they found the post-it note btw? I killed them on purpose. I’ll go ice cold if that was in this same bag.
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An unrequited love situation? A failed or doomed relationship?
Somethings gone on. Something that’s irked her years later.
It certainly feels possible but I just don’t have her down as forming anything like a romantic relationship. Doesn’t mean she didn’t try and it was unsuccessful though. We know from her pre arrest note that she’s already written off marriage and kids, perhaps this chap was who she fantasised about having normal life with knowing she was likely incapable of that.
Something also makes me think it’s just manipulation of the highest order. Oh look what has this nasty man done to the poor crying lady to make her react this way 🙄
I think it will have gone down like a lead balloon with the jury who have just had to hear atrocious evidence, particularly baby I. They can see the parents who I imagine are tortured by all this, we’ve heard they’ve been upset. And here’s Letby throwing theatrics. Pathetic. I didn’t think I could hate her more but here we are 😅
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Just as an observation, if you thought Lucy Letby was guilty the whole way through until now, that’s completely normal!

I’ve spent much of my life covering court cases and barristers are there because they are very good at putting together convincing arguments. It’s very natural to be swayed by both the prosecution and the defence. I wouldn’t pay too much attention until the summing up when you can look back over things more clearly.
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WELL WELL WELL LUCIFER. You having problems holding in the tears for doc? Did he not kiss you under the stars? Evil bint.

crying over an ex colleague and not over the horrific details and statements from the other colleagues and doctors and parents of those tiny babies.

I imagine the dock warden told her to STFU AND SIT DOWN
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That picture combined with the bragging mentioned in Child I's opening statement is sickening.

She was asked about the October 13 incident and challenged the nurse's account, adding: "Maybe I spotted something that [the nurse] wasn't able to spot", as she was "more experienced".
More experience doesn't give you laser vision.
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I'm finding it difficult to keep up day to day. Live feeds are getting harder to find (for me at least). I think this thread will explode when the verdicts are in.
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But you don’t need to be a pathologist to have independent knowledge of medicine? It’s not about what was found on post mortem, it’s about why they ended up unwell whilst alive and a pathologist isn’t going to be familiar with patterns of observations or how insulin should/shouldn’t be prepared on a ward. All paediatric trainees cover neonatal medicine and although it tends to branch off to a separate entity after they’ve qualified, they are both overseen by the same postgrad exams (and the RCPCH). It would be better to have an expert in neonatal medicine absolutely but having two expert witnesses allow a fair trial as well.
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To be the murder in this case she can’t be that reactive though, if she’s done this she’s really good at hiding how she feels, barely left a trace and it’s still very much up in the air imo whether we’ve even had foul play proven. She’s the evil mastermind behind all that but doesn’t have what it takes hold her emotions, in this instance. I think to have done this she’d have to be a little more emotionally controlled than this personally
I’m not really sure what you mean. It is rather concerning to behave like that over another docs name but no emotion towards hearing in detail what has happened to those babies.
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There’s sticking together though and there’s a large scale conspiracy between 3 huge organisations (police, nhs and cps) involving hundreds of individuals, and 22 serious charges of murder and attempted murder. Each of the three is so understaffed and underfunded they can barely communicate internally, let alone organise a cover up between them. There’s reasons why I think the evidence might not hold up in some cases, but having worked for two of the three organisations, I just cannot fathom a coverup of this scale* is possible.

*not to say coverups haven’t happened before, but on this scale the chances are vanishingly remote
Agree and I think if there has been some “nothing to see here” mentality.. it was from whoever rejected the consultant’s concerns and told them/him not to make a fuss 🙈 there will undoubtedly be questions asked about all of that at a later date but there is ultimately only one person here that decided to use her responsibility and duty in such a vile way and cause so much harm.
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Chatty Member
It's worth reminding yourself of Baby I's opening. She was the one that convinced me most in opening statements.

Her XR had massive amounts of air in her stomach and intestines. She seems to have had a post mortem where her intestines were blown up like a balloon because of how much air was inside them. Lots of air was suctioned out of her stomach during resuscitation. Nurse looking after her coming back to LL stood over the bed not helping as she gasped for breath once every 20 seconds - LL bragging in the police interview that she was 'able to spot something the other nurse wasn't able to spot' because she was 'more experienced'. The NG and ET tubes pulled back preventing air in her digestive system being able to come out. LL observing the post mortem bath, packing the clothes, and sending a sympathy card to the parents - which she kept a picture of.

BM's response is that Baby I died of NEC - which the coroner disagreed with, and she showed no evidence of.

It's unusual to send a sympathy card from nurse to patient and I think she said it was the only one she ever sent but then to take a photo of the sympathy card and to keep on her phone is definitely very strange.
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It’s been a live coverage day. Plenty to discuss 🤷🏻‍♀️
Anyone medically minded, especially in the insulin department that can expand on things 🤞🏻
This time it is a standard bag and therefore totally rules out pharmaceutical error which I personally feel is ruled out with previous baby anyway but further so here I guess? I don’t see how this could be two separate people, either by chance that two people committed a catastrophic 4 fold mistake and didn’t notify people or two separate people other than Letby with intent to harm. Reading the wiki again to remind myself of these twins, poor baby M has been left brain damaged. It is another occasion she has administered something as signed by her, other nurse is proven to than be at the computer and baby then has a huge arrest, 6 doses of Adrenalin, just about to give up and then baby is rapidly recovered and I believe bottle feeding not that long after! It really reminds me of Bev A cases where similar huge event and then the kids (that were lucky enough to survive) were sat up and playing not long afterwards.
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Would this be clear to the jury? Or those in court? If so maybe the next podcast will clear things up.

I think she cried because she knows the writing is on the wall at this point, she could also be frustrated because the person who is testifying might have been someone she put a lot of effort in to win them over... and clearly that didn't work.
I think the Jury get to hear his actual name and should hopefully make a lot more sense to them than us. We arent getting as much reporting now either so having to just piece together info.

I personally think she comes across attention seeking, so you could defo be right that she was desperate for his approval. Same reason why i think she loved the poor lucy texts because she liked everyone telling her how awful it was but she’d done so well
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Yeah there's been a massive drop in coverage, and since this is one of the biggest murder trials of this generation, you'd expect more effort to go into it. The reporters have to petition for the job, and if this is G their writing will be used for decades when people comment on the case so it would definitely be in their interest career wise to show up.

Also I know that the newspapers can't comment on G/NG but they can absolutely report in a bias way. A headline calling her an alleged baby killer and focusing on her smiling while bathing a dead baby is bias, its emotive and its going to gain interest in their writing. Meanwhile if another focuses on how awful the care was in the ward, with minimal info about the allegations then that's also bias. They're both only sharing facts and preface everything but they definitely report they way they want for clicks or reactions 🤷‍♀️
This is the prosecutions case though, we keep being told on here that of course it’s going to make us think she’s guilty as we’ve not heard defence yet so it follows the media reports are going to be the same. The hospital and witnesses are not the ones on trial so apart from the odd article, most will be focussed on Letby.

Honestly I don’t think many people are following it that closely anymore and if the articles are not getting enough ‘clicks’ then it won’t justify multiple outlets having their own journalist in court full time for six months, many just use the PA article. Look how fast we got through these threads in the first couple of weeks compared to now. It’s a complex case with quite intricate evidence to follow and try to understand and a lot of it is quite similar for each baby so I think the general public (no disrespect to the victims) just won’t really be that interested now unless there is anything really significant (like a smoking gun type evidence) or when a verdict is reached.

It’s frustrating for those of us wanting to follow closely to not have reliable daily live reporting but we are still getting daily articles from the usual outlets. Not sure what else we can expect from the media tbh.
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It’s all about her. The note was allllll about her. Honestly the dramatics of that. Trying to leave?? Is she for real?
An unrequited love situation? A failed or doomed relationship?
Somethings gone on. Something that’s irked her years later.
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Respectfully, and I do intend to stay away because I follow this thread, but once bitten, the reason no one comments here against the general flow is because it's not particularly welcome. That's fine in itself and I'm not really wanting to join in generally, but I don't think it's because everyone now feels the evidence is presented and signed and sealed.

I really don't wanna start shit and didn't intend to comment and probably won't again, but I don't think it's quiet here because it's clear she's guilty. It's gone quiet because people can't be arsed with the aggro.

Peace. This isn't a shit stir, it's just there's no dissenting voices and that is a bit weird in a discussion forum

Anyway I'm going back to NB and the Markles
I know you don't intend to come back and here's me quoting you lol 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. For what it's worth I am staying in the unsure camp until end of the trial.
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That sick old man who was the electrician raping and touching corpses in the hospital morgue also looked up a load of his own victims on Facebook afterwards too. I think it’s a modern day occurrence - an added feature for these sickos to use and form part of their fixations.
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It's worth reminding yourself of Baby I's opening. She was the one that convinced me most in opening statements.

Her XR had massive amounts of air in her stomach and intestines. She seems to have had a post mortem where her intestines were blown up like a balloon because of how much air was inside them. Lots of air was suctioned out of her stomach during resuscitation. Nurse looking after her coming back to LL stood over the bed not helping as she gasped for breath once every 20 seconds - LL bragging in the police interview that she was 'able to spot something the other nurse wasn't able to spot' because she was 'more experienced'. The NG and ET tubes pulled back preventing air in her digestive system being able to come out. LL observing the post mortem bath, packing the clothes, and sending a sympathy card to the parents - which she kept a picture of.

BM's response is that Baby I died of NEC - which the coroner disagreed with, and she showed no evidence of.

Yep. And then look through the wiki, back at all the similarities and indeed forward too. The air by babies spines. The baby is blown up like a balloon. The feed time and what was aspirated do not add up. I’m sorry but the baby was looking around the room, mum could sit her up, she was smiling and having bottle feeds. You have to at least accept to go from that to dying of “extreme prematurity” after so long doing well, is at best an incredibly unlikely and unusual trajectory. Again. This is another baby that was going to live.
I don’t believe for a second this baby wasn’t harmed intentionally.


It's unusual to send a sympathy card from nurse to patient and I think she said it was the only one she ever sent but then to take a photo of the sympathy card and to keep on her phone is definitely very strange.
Yes I’ve heard people say perhaps she sent it to someone to check wording but presumably they’d have a record of that if she had ever sent it. Trophy. Same as the paperwork.
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