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VIP Member
I find it strange she Google searched the parents every single month . That’s not just being nosey that’s not right surely . Almost like she was stalking the families to see if any did posts about child’s death being suspicious.
Yeah I agree it doesn’t sit right with me. Wonder if she was looking to see if they were posting about the hospital failing their child. Odd for her to look up one set of parents on Christmas Day too. That seems almost like she was looking to see if they put anything up about their baby that should have been with them that Christmas.
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Girl In The Corner

Chatty Member
I would like to know if she fussed around the parents after the babies had suddenly become seriously ill or passed away.

Did she hop into action and a play kind of angelic nurse role with the families, helping them through their trauma and grief “we couldn’t of coped without you Lucy” kind of thing. Was she doing that and getting a kick out of the feeling she got from it possibly?

Or did she distance herself from them completely.
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She’s as guilty as sin. Throw the book at the evil psycho.
And you know this for definite? No. Nobody does. Yes it's looking like they've got some VERY strong evidence against her but until convicted, she's innocent until proven guilty. That's what this trial is for.
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Same as the Archie B case, thank you to all the HCPs sharing knowledge.

But, all we are hearing is the prosecution opening statements. What they INTEND to prove with evidence to back it up. Its not actually proven at this stage.

Next will be the defence opening and people will feel conned possibly.

Then we actually will get the trial underway with the prosecution going first but all witnesses can be tested on cross examination by the defence.

22 charges. Every one will have to go through the same process.

Then in reverse for the defence.

That is why it’s listed for 26 weeks. A huge amount to get through and it could still be delayed by illness or witness availability if an expert is required.

Apologies for the word vomit.
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How long was she a nurse for before all this happened? I wonder what made her wake up one day and commit these awful crimes.
I think police have looked into her past, and what they found is probably circumstantial evidence, and it will be brought up in court.

They dug up her back garden for a reason.
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I know we shouldn’t judge as innocent until proven guilty is the basis of our judicial system but I just cannot see how she can be innocent
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She’s coming across as very interfering. It sounds like she was constantly involving herself in the care of babies that had nothing to do with her and then not doing what was asked of her by senior staff. Did she think she knew best and thought of herself as superior?
When I worked at M&S there was someone like this miss perfect always interferin, turns out she was on the Rob loading up gift cards!
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Someone mentioned this Twitter account earlier, BBC correspondent. This is info I didn’t see in Sky news or the Leader

Paperwork should have been signed by two nurses but only Lucy. (An example maybe of how hospital failings compromised safeguarding) and also paperwork for other children, not just baby B.

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Ok, want to add my two pence worth as I’ve had a idea rattling in my head as to a motive. When something as awful as this happens we always question why. To look at she looks like she couldn’t possibly Kill babies.

I have worked in the nhs for 10 years, 5 in paeds. My Mum is a very experienced neonatal nurse and midwife. I also spent several weeks in neonatal icu with my own child.

I wonder if Lucy had/has a ‘god complex’. I heard of this before but can’t remember now where. So NOT ALL but it is common for a baby to need neonatal input due to the mothers behaviour in pregnancy (drinking, smoking, drugs) general neglect. My mum often talks about looking after these babies with so much love and then knowingly discharging them to unfit homes. Social services are involved that kind of thing. I saw it myself many times, families too busy outside smoking, coming in with all their friends showing them the baby without seemingly understanding the seriousness of the situation. Uneducated families unable to properly care for their new baby. Messy family lives, unfit living conditions, I am not being judgemental, it’s just what I and my mother have seen so much with our own eyes. So much more I could say but I’m hoping you get my gist to the sort of thing. Perhaps Lucy was a very Judgemental person?

did Lucy take it upon herself to ‘save’ these babies from a life she deemed unfit? Like a god complex. Researching them on Facebook to see if they were ‘good enough’? Overly attached to these babies and seeing it as her only way to stop them going to live those lives?
Hoping someone understands that waffle and no one takes offence. Just had to get it off my chest
I think you make a really interesting point here, I’ve wondered if the parents involved fit a certain profile and if this will be brought up in the trial. It’s circumstantial, but if all of them were say from a low socioeconomic background, then that’s another red flag against LL possibly? That’s not me saying your social class determines how good of a parent you are at all, but someone with a god complex might believe that to be true.
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Chatty Member
oh hi Toffee! 👋🏻 🌊 😂

I think it’s her response that makes it suspicious for me. She told police she couldn’t remember doing it. But said she accepted the evidence says she did, but couldn’t say why she would have done it. But if the deaths affected you in a way that made you want to check up on the families multiple times (Inc Xmas day!) how would you forget that?
Spot on!

All this debate on here about whether you would / wouldn’t nosey at people on Facebook (for the record I totally would, and have, looked up colleagues but then again I work with adults in an office I don’t have patients / clients I just like to see what Sandra who sits three desks aways husband Brian looks like!!!)

Anyway, that debate is not the point.

The point is, she searched them on Facebook. They seem to be able to prove that.

Instead of just saying ‘yes I searched them on Facebook / I’m checking they are ok / I’m being nosey / I’m seeing how they’re getting on’
she’s denied doing it!
Edit - sorry she hasn’t denied it but she can’t explain why

That’s what I find very very odd.
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Thai may be a stupid question but why do they expect the trial to take so long ? They have been working on it behind the scenes for years
The number of victims - each case needs to be presented on its own merits. It's 7 murder trials and 10 attempted murder trials all at once.
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Just looking over the timelines of attempts, something is a bit odd with them. Clusters of activity then weeks sometimes months between the others.

Would be interesting to hear the reasons they suspect this is the case. Is it down to staffing levels? personal issues within her life tipping her over? Was it something about those babies/family that somehow made them a target? Was it just completely random and she had an opportunity?

So many questions.

Thing is with these kinds of trials my opinion will go back and forth until I hear all the evidence and explanations offered by the defence.
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This is what I can't understand, guilty or not the hopsital and the staff have failed so badly. It's hardly going to be something you could explain away as being a reaction to washing detergent is it? I can't wrap my head around how *she* may have done this but also how she *got away* with doing it for so long if she did.
I think incompetence was in abundance in the ward and I believe they almost closed the unit. 4 nurses were up for fitness to practice as there were others that did things too. Guilty or not, the hospital itself had huge failings that led to the events.
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VIP Member
I don’t get why people are so shocked about the Facebook searching. If you put stuff on social media then it’s available for anyone to vote unless you restrict who can view your posts. I think it’s only natural to be nosy but it’s a question not of whether she should have done it but when and why she did it.

The pertinent aspect will be the timing and level of interest her searches reveal.
Exactly. Theres a reason why teachers, etc usually use first and middle names on their fb so they can't be found by parents. I'd say the majority of people are extremely nosy. But like you say its the timings and nature of the searches are what's crucial here
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VIP Member
Yes you’re quite right, a lot of people don’t like being asked about relationships. Social intervention is intrusive and that’s why it’s a tough job. But if children are at risk of harm then we need to get to the bottom of why this is the case. A hidden relationship just gives loads of red flags 🚩
Definitely major red flags if someone is hiding a relationship from their social worker and they have at risk kids. The mothers of Baby P and Arthur Labinjo-Hughes both did this IIRC. They hid the relationships because their kids were already At Risk and both men had previous form for abuse. So, yeah, I think it would be quite smart of a diligent SW to check that on SM.
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Chatty Member
Yeah it's the mottled skin/rashes for me... if it is an unusual occurrence, what did they think it was? Numerous times?
This is what I can't understand, guilty or not the hopsital and the staff have failed so badly. It's hardly going to be something you could explain away as being a reaction to washing detergent is it? I can't wrap my head around how *she* may have done this but also how she *got away* with doing it for so long if she did.
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Does anyone remember the Essex lorry deaths? the driver was found guilty but prior to being convicted he had quite a following of support and he looked like a really nice guy and no one really thought he was capable and loads of people thought he was a scapegoat and that he had no involvement and people really felt sorry for him but he was involved all along. That absolutely makes me feel sick to my stomach that there is a possibility she could actually be guilty.
I know of that case very well being where I am from. And I know people who sat beside him in school classes and said 'he was a lovely lad'. I am a fair believer in we truly know no one only ourselves. People from school, or the workplace, while they can give a character reference, I don't believe its solid enough to say what someone is truly like. I take every one as I find them, but I wouldnt scream innocence just because I thought they were a nice person.
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To be honest I’d probably say it depends on the nature of the groups that would suggest anything strange or sinister.

This is just purely speculation and I may be wrong ..
I’m guessing the Facebook groups you’re in are very much information and educational based. Whereas the groups Letby was in could have been support pages made for parents and families or poorly babies, a bit of an online community where parents can share their stories and gain support and advice from others in a similar situation.

I think it’d be strange for Letby to join and read a type of “support” group rather than anything educational based. Especially if she is guilty.
I disagree.

How many times do you see on here or on Facebook an advice or support thread and someone chimes in with "I'm a nurse in this field" "I haven't experienced this myself but I work closely with people who do" or similar.

I was in a lot of dementia support groups when my dad was ill. A lot of it was celebrating the little wins, moaning about the NHS lack of compassion or understanding, tips for moving your loved one into care etc. And it was FULL of nurses who had no personal experience of dementia but were "the professionals" defending the NHS or giving "tips" that were clearly straight out of some handbook that anyone who lives with someone with dementia knows are bollocks.

It was very frustrating but a fact of life that some nurses have a bit of a hero complex and feel the need to almost continue their work on social media.
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For me this doesn't raise red flags, I've accidentally taken home a few handover sheets when tired after 12.5 hour shifts . I normally take it in when I'm next in and pop it in the confidential waste but I can see how someone can forget.
But I assume she kept it for a period of
Months or years? The deaths ended in 2016 & she was arrested in 2018. Keeping it that length of time is odd surely?
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