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VIP Member
Well basically I’m one of these people who loves murder documentaries and true crime, I saw this case on the news just before the start of the trial and I did a little search to see what details were available online and I stumbled upon tattle. So yeah I’m only here for this case, Although I haven’t really explored tattle so I don’t really know what else it has to offer lol
Oh I see, well welcome! To be honest it’s mainly influencer and celeb gossip threads on this site, but there have been quite a few good and active trial threads on here too lol.
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Baby G is a really hard read, whether you think G or NG this one is going to be so emotive. Just glad the parents haven’t been called this time

LL not the designated nurse AGAIN and supposed to be in a different room, sounds familiar already 😔
Can anyone with experience offer any explanation of the "designated nurse" thing? I'm finding it quite confusing. Is it the same as the "named nurse" system which used to operate? Because I recall being in hospital for 10 days and never even meeting my named nurse. I have family who nurse in ITU and they are generally one nurse to one bed, but obviously someone has to cover for breaks etc, but that's adults, so it's not really comparable. Plus why would someone be designated to care for babies which were in different rooms? Doesn't that make it much more complicated? You can't be in two places at the same time!
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Chatty Member
Seems to me she’s trying to make it appear that Baby G has a digestion and vomiting problem. That could be why she persists.
I don’t understand why you think she’d ‘get better’ at murder. She’s trying different MOs. She increased the insulin dose for the 2nd murder attempt.
Who says she always has to kill? She’s still getting the excitement and drama from severely harming them, possibly the sick satisfaction of causing permanent brain damage. Sick fuck.
I see a lot of “she loved the drama and being the hero” form ample people on here but I don’t think it’s consistent with SK, they know not to stand out, whether it’s for a good reason or not and drama doesn’t satisfy them like killing does as a general rule. This is why you normally see escalation, they need to do worse things in order to satisfy there urges. Interestingly this case is in reverse when you look at the charges. And serial killers don’t get less efficient it’s just not what happens. It’s like anything you play enough poker you’re going to get better at it,
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VIP Member
Is anyone watching the prison program on Channel 5? They are saying you don’t have evil on your forehead head and many of the Serial killers in there you had nothing to describe them physically other than looking ‘average’.
What’s the program called please?
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To people still saying it cats doubt and the nurse responsible could be still out there, like where are you thinking this from? This is a huge deeply researched and investigated case. It’s taken years and 3 arrests to get her charged. Probably a hundred statements and plenty of witnesses etc so it’s not like she was just on duty and the police have pinned it on Lucifer. I’m intrigued to hear the defence but people go to prison for a lot less than this case is so it genuinely baffles me that people still doubt the evidence reported. And for those thinking she’s just a scape goat for bad practice in the unit lol
Don’t make me laugh. As if that’s happening 😂
If i was to hazard a guess, i'd say you didnt work in health care 🙊
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The blood gases were taken after the vomiting, and after the baby’s O2 sats had dropped to 17%. 17%, it’s a wonder she’s still alive. A blood oxygen level this low is going to cause acidosis, and obviously worse, like severe brain damage.
It's not clear - hopefully it was in court - when that refers to. It says at one point "The blood sample for Child G is taken at 3.59am."
If so, that is prior to the severe desat at 17%. Also they were apparently shown the full blood gas record, which we don't get to see. Some of the clinical decisions seem questionable to me, such as the decision to extubate which was followed by that severe desaturation and then a reintubation, but maybe they are getting a clearer picture
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VIP Member
Is there a way to pin this post. I feel it needs to be wheeled out every now and then.

Yet some people say this note carries no weight whatsoever 🥴 An actual written admission. Probably the only time she’s come clean. Because she didn’t think anyone would come by it. So arrogant at not being caught. Oh but she has been caught. If innocent, she could have written, “I killed them” or “I accidentally killed them”. But no, it says on purpose.
If you place that much weight on one aspect of the note, then should you also place as much weight on the other elements of it? Or just cherry pick the bits that ‘fit’?
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VIP Member
So this seems to suggest the previous nurse fed baby, and care was transferred to LL following an ‘event’ - again this is really confusing reporting.
The event is supposed to have been caused by LL which resulted in the large vomit and bleeding, that’s the way it sounds from Twitter and CS?

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VIP Member
I do understand that people want full details to make sense of it. But unless we get extra info In podcast on Monday about this particular bit, I think we are just going to have to accept we aren’t going to get any more concrete info on it.

And as it hasn’t been deemed relevant, or to have had any impact/different outcome by either the prosecution or defence. I really don’t think we should get wrapped up in the smaller details of whether there were two bags or not. I think it’s going to derail again if we let it.

If it meant anything of significance I could fully understand a big discussion around it, but I think it’s just going to over complicate things. If there was a 2nd bag contaminated then it would be kept in fridge next to insulin, so probably very easy enough to contaminate, we know no other baby on unit was getting tpn at this time, so we know if this is the case LL would still know for sure that it would be F only that would receive contaminated bag.

I don’t think they know for sure though as we don’t know tpn was deffo changed, just that it should have been. But either way I really don’t think it’s worth a massive going round in circles discussion as even BM has not brought any issue up with it, and you can bet your bottom dollar he would have done if he thought it made any difference. Hopefully we’ll get more in podcast to clarify, but I really don’t think we should get caught up in the 2nd bag or not discussion, that is just my opinion though just to disclaimer it
I get you...but maybe he is going to use this in his defence ...and though Baby F was only one needing it at that time...that surely could have changed at any point, as in another baby requiring it unexpectedly?
I still think she's guilty BTW, but I think this will be part if his defence....unless we've missed something in the reporting?

The second bag thing confuses me because if she wasn’t there she could potentially be innocent.
Yep....that's how i see it at the moment🤔🤔
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Well-known member
Was that article not just mixed up cause originally there was 8 murder charges
I’m not sure. I copied the entire article but was not sure if was ok to post. Then I lost it - long day. I am not familiar with English publications so not sure it was correct. I will look for it again.
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Chatty Member
How did the baby vomit so much, and still have the entire 45ml feed aspirated via NG if she wasn’t attacked in the form of overfeeding? Where did the blood come from when the consultant said it wouldn’t be expected to be found where it was? How did all the air get in G’s abdomen & intestines on her X-ray, with enough excess air that 100ml of it was aspirated 4 hours later? How are we explaining away all of this if it wasn’t an attack?
Overfeeding hardly points to deliberate harm imo
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Chatty Member
So do you think she made this same mistake 3 times? There are 3 attempted murder charges for this baby. All overfeeding and air.
I only know what I don’t think happened, i don’t think she tried to kill this child with milk, I’m not sure why it would have to be her mistake either. It’s clearly a poor quality hospital, there’s many examples of terrible practice already, I don’t think using the same seemingly inefficient method 3 times when you’ve killed babies before and know what you’re doing makes sense. By all means try the method but once it failed surely on the 2nd and 3rd time you’d expect her to use her tried and trusted method no?
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VIP Member
Yes and in one of her further police interviews LL even conceded herself that there could only be one of two possibilities happened with the initial incident of baby G:

View attachment 1774259
Would they be able to know if the baby wasn’t digesting her feeds? And what things would cause this? Is this something that the nurses would be aware of & could identify or not? Could this be plausible?
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It's another tough one because this is less clear-cut than the insulin. More milk came out than went in, so clearly SOMETHING happened, but I don't know how you can refute the possibility that the previous nurse just overfed. All we really know for sure is that the baby kept having issues when Lucy was around, which is quite vague.

I believe she's guilty of F and some of the others, and every new 'bizarre coincidence' that pops up strengthens that opinion, but I don't know if I could reasonably vote guilty on G in particular.
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Couldn’t agree more, well said. The more we hear the more obsessed with the parents (especially the mums) she seems. I know many of us on here really want to know the psychology behind why she may have done this (jealousy/sadism/psychopath/couldn’t see anyone else happy), or whatever it may be. But even if we hear the psychology behind it, it will still never make sense to, us as we don’t think the same way SK do (at least hope not😱)

But there has to be an element of all those traits in her I think, she’s shown examples of most of them in evidence we’ve heard so far, and I think there’s still much worse to come. Sadistic, cruel, obsessed, jealous, monster, cold, calculating. I see all of those in her. She’s going to be UK’s most prolific serial killer I’m sure of it 😩
Worse than Shipman? :oops:
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