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I need the Chester standard live reporters job! He only seems to do a couple of days a week
Honestly, the days he does do always seems to fall on a day my little one is at home and he’s not live reporting when she’s at nursery.

Very annoying as it means I don’t get to follow any live reporting 😂.
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He said she knew ‘what was being said about her’. I’m interested to hear what that was, were people really thinking she was a murderer before she was even arrested?
He said the note was “outpouring of a young woman when she learnt she was being accused of killing children, that she’d done her best to care for”
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Where I work if a baby dies even from expected causes and non expected causes i.e. extreme prematurity, genetic reasons and stillbirth a team of people from Governance and Safeguarding investigate. Meetings are held and discussion eventually takes place with the parents. This is quite a lengthy process. Everything is thorough and there is a duty of candour. If the Trust is found to have made mistakes etc it 's not brushed under the carpet and the parents are given the full facts. Sometimes the hospital makes mistakes but these are admitted and the hospital tries to change processes so that it doesn't happen again.
Exactly so they would have been doing what you have explained above for baby E at the time, when baby F became poorly then recovered, as it was only a day later. They must have somewhat brushed baby F’s near miss under the hypothetical carpet, otherwise we wouldn’t be here now.
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I’m disappointed in the lack of media coverage today. Stil
Can’t believe it’s not in the national news more.
Same but all rounds up today say the exact same so I really do think all we missed today was the unnamed nurse, I think it may be true that today was technical and procedural or surely there would have been someone live reporting. Seems they’re all there the big days so hopefully we’ll not miss too much, and if G had started at the beginning of week like it usually should, then today would have been tues which usually would be one of quieter reporting days. I think once she’s found G the media coverage is really going to go absolutely insane. With it being 6 month trial I think it’s getting a good bit of coverage already, but 6 months is a long time for journalists to be there every day tbf
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what i now cant understand now either is how shes not displaying emotion. as a pp has said like if you were innocent youd be so emotional about t and esp hearing from parents. the nmc wont look lightly on her so her career is over so trying to salage that by maintaining a neutral emotion wont work. its just very harrd to thin shes not caring and agan i wnt to know when she startd there...have they gone bK TO her emplyment or when she qualified to see her behaviors? if i was prosecuting i would be digging DEEP
I think they have looked already into where she’s previously done training. And it looks like operation Hummingbird is continuing the investigation into 2025, so I would hope that means they are looking intensely into everywhere LL has been

View attachment 1777216
Taken from the Wiki. I wonder if this is a different nurse because it’s a different recollection. The nurse on her break had no idea the baby was unwell until after her break and I can’t imagine three nurses would be sat around at the same time. There’s usually only 5 on night shift.
Yes the shift leader (that LL was supposed to be sat with) is different from the nurse that was the designated one for G that went on her hour long break. The shift leader is the one that says she was with LL when alarm sounded, but prosecution say that shift leader is mistaken and they can show this to be the case. The nurse that testified today is one that can’t be named, the shift leader has been named. And very good point it’s unlikely that 3 nurses would just be sat on breaks at the same time
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But then it doesn’t make sense as to why nothing was done at the time, it seems a really obvious conclusion to reach after the test. As I’ve said to another poster. This has to have been explained one way or another at the time
we know the hospital was pretty shit, the baby survived & it’s possible it was passed for some sort of investigation & didn’t have any movement for whatever reason. It was mentioned on a previous thread that this isn’t a usual test & there aren’t many insulin experts etc so it’s quite possible they weren’t aware what the results meant at the time they received them it wasn’t until this investigation started when further experts looked at them they realised hang on, that’s not right. The point it, we don’t know fully as the reporting is grey however, BOTH defence & prosecution agree this was synthetic insulin given to a baby that shouldn’t have got it. It’s the who is responsible that they’re disputing

edited to add - we also don’t know if they didn’t probe due to the loss the parents had already suffered. The baby survived & was able to go home. It’s possible unless they parents wanted further investigations that the hospital left it unfortunately. I don’t agree obv, it definitely should have been picked up & looked at at the time
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I bet her parents wish they could have anonymity, poor buggers 😌

If I was a professional who had worked beside her and I was called as a witness I would want to do so anonymously. Her actions will follow them around forevermore so I guess they're taking steps to reduce that.

Some of their reactions in the stand are telling. The way the turn away from her, wasn't one behind a screen? How very distressing for them all.

She's destroyed families, careers, trusting friendships and so much more. Yet day after day she sits there with her gormless, nonchalant face.

No wonder her ex colleagues don't want to look at her.
See if people were giving evidence about me that could put me away for my whole entire life with a massive target permanently attached to me I'd expect us to be visible to each other when they are giving said evidence?

Don't get me wrong I do think she is G on some of these counts so obviously should never see outside a prison wall ever again but some of the precedents that are being set in this trial are really worrying to me.
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True, but it feels like there must have been a precedent set for that type of messaging to occur, does that make sense?
Yeah, I'd message my friends from work about work, but I wouldn't message someone I had no rapport with and wouldn't usually speak to. Sounds like it was the norm, well it clearly was if they messaged each other about whether or not they'd given meds or feeds 🤦‍♀️
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I can’t answer your question as such, as I don’t know for sure, but there was a poster yesterday that suggested LL used the breast milk of the baby she was designated that evening, so that no one would notice the extra milk missing, and that’s why she sent a txt about breast milk to her colleague early on in her shift. I find that theory very credible as we’ve seen lots of examples of LL being very cunning and probably meticulously planning her attacks. So I would imagine she would have been quick at administering a syringe of milk, you’d only need a small amount and the mum spoke yesterday about how you have to administer it very slowly when feeding, so I imagine LL just gave it very quickly, hence how violent the vomiting was and how quickly G became unwell. Someone else can confirm/correct this that would know for sure though

ETA I see the posters above have also answered this already with very similar thought process🤦🏼‍♀️
That was me. I think they included that part for a reason - (the designated baby milk text)
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I totally get that LL is the one on trial for this, and some of her actions have been mighty questionable - BUT - so have the others participating in that behaviour! So it's not just a one way street, that's what I just don't get about this case. Of course it's highly unprofessional to message a Dr about a patient on FB - but why didn't the Dr report this? Lots of things just feel 'off' about this case.
Yeah it would be interesting to know if the message was one of many along the same topic lines and is only significant because it relates to child N and/or specific incident, or if it’s a total one off and is significant for that reason too.

Similarly the on her phone at work a lot, unquestionably yes but from some of the accounts of her interacting with the nurses who took over children’s care, it sounds like she wasn’t the only one doing it.
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View attachment 1773734
I’m assuming they last two months unless they are bespoke bags. She could have known the stock bag would be used at some point and contaminated it once she knew there was a baby having small amounts of insulin. She is all over other babies interfering with their care so maybe she poisoned it when she found out a baby needed a small dose.
Thanks for clearing that up candyland! I didn’t think they would last that long. I guess time will tell how she did it.
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I know they were both defending people accused of murder but Ben proper gives me Cough Goddard vibes.
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Fml right everyone get your fingers crossed and hope that ben myers can be arsed to turn up
to court today so we can hear some new information at least
Was there an accident on the roads near by the other day did I read? Imagine the stress of being one of the big players in this case and having to phone to say you can’t make it 🙈
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Im watching the catching a killer docu series on channel
4 - thank you for whoever has recommended this! I’ve watched a few on channel 5. Is there any others people recommend?

if lucifer is found G I’ve no doubt this case will be turned into a docu series.
killer at the crime scene - chan 5
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It’s hard to see how they could have taken that stance given we’ve got 4 deaths in the 60 days leading to this incident, surely when they knew about the results somethings got to click in your head
Yes, I would think so. Generally speaking, they should have reviewed every case where the child died or where there was a serious event, so I am really concerned by the fact that they seem to have shrugged and gone on their merry way, and that the insulin cases only came under consideration after the police got involved
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