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Chatty Member
I get exactly what you are trying to highlight but the fact is that once a blood test shows a normal result all concern for the previous test result vanishes. I doubt anyone gave it much if any thought once the levels returned to normal until the investigation started.
Do we not see a similar case later though? And then the murder still continues without action being taken? ( I don’t think changing her shift pattern is appropriate action when you suspect murder either)
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I clicked “laugh” on this (the defence statement regarding the note) which seems an odd click but you get what I mean hopefully. I think that’s a reach of a statement from her isn’t it.
Depends on whether or not she's guilty. I mean she could have written the note in 2015 for a we know, but it seems she wrote it when she knew about the allegations. I know for some people, thinking the note was written sooner is significant.
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All I’m saying is the fact nothing was done at the time given they had the same information available could mean there’s another explanation we’ve not heard
But the fact baby was deliberately poisoned by artificial insulin is an agreed fact.

The defence aren't debating this.
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I think BM will have more to say about Baby F when he covers Baby L.
I agree I think he’s playing the long game, but I would have still expected him to have started to plant/sow little seeds with F, and then pick it up further with L

Yes I think so. I think he should have still made an effort separately. Baby L had contaminated dextrose so slightly different to the tpn confusion.
Yes that is also what I meant in above post, I thought he’d at least do some groundwork with F, rather than just leave it all to L, by L as well I think we’ll have heard far more compelling evidence about LL, so by then I think it would be even harder to believe there’s two poisoners rather than it all being LL. Think that’s why I’m surprised he’s leaving it atm
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Chatty Member
I think you’re underestimating how precise the care is for these babies. It’s not like your Nana being in hospital, getting her jug of water refilled every 6 hours, her mash and sweetcorn scraped in the bin if she only eats her fish fingers, and meds on the ward round twice a day. They are in intensive care, they are under constant watch (sadly this is sometimes LL), every single thing about their care is documented, their medication, their feeds, their oxygen, every time they’re handled, every single thing that goes in their bodies and comes out of their bodies is measured and documented. If they were typing notes as things happen they would never be off a screen.
My son was in nicu so I owe his life to the staff they were great in my experience interestingly I actually spent a week sleeping in the NICU in the family room with my partner so I can appreciate the measures that are taken but it’s well established that the care in this hospital was below par to say the least, over feeding imo has to be more likely than say accidental insulin over dose
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o wow. I’m not sure what this means if no other baby was receiving TPN bags that night, though it seems significant.
However, it still seems ‘off’ to me that she would have contaminated all the bags in the fridge. Not saying she wouldn’t, but what I can’t seem to ignore is if all bags were contaminated by letby prior to her leaving how come no other baby came into contact with these insulin contaminated bags in the following days ?
Or is it that these bags have a shelf life ? How long would they be stored for before they are thrown out ? Is it possible that Baby F was the only baby on the ward receiving TPN before they were disposed of? Anyone know if this is possible.
This is what I'm struggling with...are they implying she's contaminated all the bags??🤔
Maybe BM had no questions for the experts today as this is going to be part of the defence/LL not being there for second bag??
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Chatty Member
Because clearly the ward weren’t working to the highest standard it should’ve been. Just because they didn’t highlight it at the time, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. The ward can be shit and LL can be a murderer at the same time, they’re not exclusive to each other.
They’ve just sent off for a rare test though it doesn’t make sense they seem pretty vigilant in terms of finding the issue with child f. The ward wasn’t the greatest no, but they seem to have done the right thing initially by testing but then either ignored the fact there was obviously a murderer on the ward or they came up with another reason other than foul play
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I think they had been whispering for a while. The has been two cases of ‘Who told you!?’ already. Alarm bells were ringing yesterday when she was trying to guess who told the colleague about the recent baby.

I think it’s strange that they haven’t followed up yesterdays reporting with a live report today. It’s quite likely to be the bulk of Baby Gs history.
Yea I think Faith posted that she’d seen on FB someone had said today was mostly technical and procedural stuff, so that’s why no live reporting. I hope that’s the case and we aren’t missing too many important pieces today. But Liz did tweet to say she’s there today, so at least we should get something later that will tell us what exactly has gone today

And I’m sure when the monitor thing happens with G it involves Dr Jayaram, and he was deffo starting to get very suss of her, wonder who the other consultants getting suss were?
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She would probably have been able to predict they’d change the bag at some point. It would have been a process of elimination to work out what was causing the low blood sugar and at some point you’d probably change the TPN to rule out that being the cause.
They didn't change the bag due to the low blood sugar, they changed it because the line had tissued. There's no way you can predict that.
We've also heard evidence that there was no order to how the bags were stored so not like she could choose the 'next one'. Also if pharmacy came to do a stock check they'd all end up in a different position to when she left anyway.
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Can’t actually believe the amount of Facebook not guilty campers there are wow 😯 got to exit the groups me it’s shocking!!
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Also is it too late to ask what a tpn bag even is 😂 something something nutrients?
No of course it’s not too late, ask all you want!
Basically it’s nutrients given through IV (directly into the vein), usually used when a patient is not able to take food / fluids by mouth.
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I don’t remember is definitely less suspicious than “no comment” in my head anyway,

I think re her not remembering the fb searches, it’s a tough one because it sounds like she did a lot of searches for children not involved as well, she can’t be expected to remember every detail and reason why she made each search, I think G/NG she’d end up in knots if she started answering questions about them, I’d imagine she wouldn’t be able to justify every search from memory without getting muddled up, she might remember searching x y z but not others and I’d say that could be used against her aswell. so I think that part has to have been advised, I think there must be enough searches for the defence to be confident that they can plausibly say “I don’t remember” and it not raise too many eyebrows
It sounds as if she was using Facebook a lot, she even sent a message about a patient to one of the doctors using the facebook messenger feature. It's something I can't really get my head around, tbh - I have a facebook account, but only so I can keep track of a couple of companies I use, I don't have any personal or family information on there but that's partly on account of a very persistent stalker who would have hoovered up any info I posted. Is it normal to look up people you barely know? I know some people are never off it, and it sounds to me like LL didn't have much of a social life
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I think it’ll be clearer shortly or at least in the round ups. But from what I’ve read, the prosecution are alleging it was LL that caused the vomit and bleeding, and then subsequently and ironically the care is passed to her for rest of night @avabella
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This is what I'm struggling with...are they implying she's contaminated all the bags??🤔
Maybe BM had no questions for the experts today as this is going to be part of the defence/LL not being there for second bag??
The second bag thing confuses me because if she wasn’t there she could potentially be innocent.
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Just playing catch up but this is the bit I can't get my head around. The TPN was supposed to run for another 40hr, why would she contaminate the stock bag? And if she did was it just 1, and that happened to be the one they used or was it all of them and lots of babies had insulin? I know he was the only baby on TPN that night but they seem to be used frequently otherwise they wouldn't need so many in stock, I'm sure there's been a few babies in this case on TPN at various points.
I don't know, but we all do know, even the defence have conceded on this, that the first bag, which was hung by Letby, was deliberately contaminated.

I don't know what to make of the second bag yet. The info we are getting isn't clear, but I hope it is clear to the jury and I hope it becomes clearer to us down the line.
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Very annoying they don’t seem to be reporting the text conversations today, only that texts where sent. They tell us a lot and would be good to know what was said.
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Pharmacist was on stand, went through how the tpn is made up with the chart etc, and said there’s no way insulin would EVER be put in tpn. Was on live reporting yesterday and the round ups last night, there were few posts on here last night about it but they’re probably on the last few pages of last thread cos this new one started today
Thanks, I’ll check it out!
If BMs strategy is to go down the route of someone poisoned the babies but it wasn’t letby, will he start pointing fingers at the pharmacy when the defense get their turn? Is he allowed to do that?
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