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It's really solidified it for me. Nail in the coffin, she's guilty and I hope she gets sentenced as such.
I was already camp guilty & I knew these later babies would just confirm it for me but I didn’t realise how powerful hearing from the mum would be. They were so so close to getting away 😔
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How can you complain the NICU is too quiet?! Sorry that is an absolutely odd thing to say
When I and other nurses I work with hand over to the next shift that things are "quiet" we have meant that everything is ticking along as it should be, with no unusual events or major incidents. So on a MH ward, noone tried to self harm, batter anyone with a pool cue, noone needed restraining, and the Dr actually turned up and did all we needed them to do before sodding off for the day. It's still busy, it's just that it's comparatively quiet because the shit hasn't hit the fan.

And then anyone who uses the Q word gets a rap on the knuckles for tempting fate cos it's sods law that on the next shift, everything will go to shit!

Edit: that's in MH though so obviously I can't say for other specialisms.

And obviously anyone who COMPLAINS about it being quiet wants their head testing!
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I’ve read the full wiki. More than once. I read the thread too, Twitter, the live court updates, I’ll search various things and read all that too. I’m still firmly in camp NG. Sorry, but for me it’s all absolute bullshit. I don’t explain much on here my thoughts etc as I’m not trying to sway anyone nor do I want 20 comments telling me I’m wrong (I may well be, time will tell). I appreciate and read each and every opinion and respect them but some do teeter on the verge of witch hunt in my eyes (not you, just in general some I’ve read). I think people are entitled to their view but some are becoming pushy now. Gonna be a long 5 months for the verdict and anything could happen, but for now, my feet are firmly tucked into my sleeping bag here at camp NG x
Aww please do say your thoughts. I can't speak for anyone else but I think it's interesting to hear from people with a different view. Otherwise this stops being a discussion thread and just becomes an agreeing thread. Which would be a bit pointless really, in my eyes anyway. I hope your feet are toastie in their sleeping bag, where they have every right to be ♥

Edit: Also, if LL is found NG, and people start backtracking about how they were never 100% on it, feel free to rip the absolute piss out of me. I have built LL up in my head to be a super guilty, slightly less than human, psychopathic lizard woman. Like a Komodo dragon with worse dress sense and less charm! So please, please feel free to take the piss ad infinitum as I will more than deserve it and will owe you a drink! ♥
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I got a notification that my last post was quoted, so I have read that and the posts since. Maybe I should explain what I mean a bit more about the one-sidedness just so it's clear.

Comments wanting a person who is currently believing NG to provide evidence as to their thoughts are unfair (at this point in time). The prosecution are presenting their case. How can those who may still think NG present evidence of it when the defence haven't started to provide their evidence yet? It's ok for people to feel unconvinced by the prosecution without being able to give a detailed explanation why. Even gut instinct should be enough at this point - unless posters are wanting threads to have higher standards than courts. Cases are for the prosecution to prove, after all, not for the defence to prove. There should, after all be a starting point of a presumption of innocence.

It's interesting that those with a medical or legal background are more likely to be the ones on the fence or erring towards not guilty. A comment towards one ex nurse that "hopefully" their opinion towards guilty would be crystallised when they heard further evidence, was obvious in its desire to ensure that person kept believing LL is guilty. That ISN'T respectful of that person's opinion, despite the ex nurse MORE than being able to justify their point, using facts.

People are also disputing WHAT the defence should have done in a certain situation, despite clarification by lawyers. There are lots of "well I think" comments when that happens, despite zero evidence to back those comments up, and facts presented by lawyers are overlooked because they don't fit the person's narrative. So it's hypocritical to want facts based conversation one way, to then ignore that when it suits.

So, while I think LL is absolutely guilty as hell, given I am not in charge of this or any thread, I would be wrong to try to tell people who think otherwise, what they are allowed to post, and that their posts must always stand up to factual scrutiny, when there have been piles of medical, nursing procedure and legal comments made by people who believe LL is guilty, that in no way amount to anything more than "I think" or are actually totally wrong. It's hypocrisy to accept this from one side yet condemn the other for doing it.

I hope that clears it up. It's not intended to have a go at any one person. It's simply that if I can see this as a person who thinks LL is guilty, how must those who aren't yet convinced feel? Or does noone care that lots of those on the fence or currently not guilty, seem to have stopped posting? 😔

I don’t think there are any lawyers on this thread are there? Or do you mean in court?

I mean no disrespect to anyone but if any posters say they work in certain industries like medical or legal, I still read their posts as opinion and not as fact as it’s an anonymous forum and we can’t verify who anyone is or what experience/qualifications they have. I’m interested in people’s opinions and take on things but ultimately I’m going to lean towards medical experts in court as more factual than medical/legal posters in a forum.

There can be just as much bias on the NG side of the fence as the G side too. Nobody here is fully impartial and I dislike the insinuation that those posters with legal or medical backgrounds have some sort of moral or intellectual high ground.
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I know some find it hard to believe she’s capable of it but maybe I’m just cynical about the world, I don’t have a hard time believing anyone is capable of these things. There are evil sadistic people among us, they don’t all look or act how we expect them to.

I wish I wasn’t as cynical but sadly I am.
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So she’s saying the ward was quiet even when 21% down on staff, surely then the ward couldn’t have been running too badly? If they’re stood around texting complaining it’s too quiet 😲
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What reasonable, innocent explanation is there for this baby nearly leaving the hospital to bleeding to sudden collapse to dead in the space of what, 2 hours?
I feel like at this point Lucy had just completely lost the run of herself. She had no control over her compulsions any more.
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Chatty Member
This is so sad:

She had been expected to give birth in Liverpool Women's Hospital, but due to capacity reasons she was taken to the Countess of Chester Hospital.
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This thread is a bit of a shitshow, no wonder some people cba to post anymore.

Folk had the same thoughts about the Savanna/Frankie thread but this one is just as bad imo. And theres still a looooong way to go. Good luck with that. 👍🏻

I’ve been reading along and refraining from posting because the conversation is just going round in circles. Which is a pity really as there have been some really informative and insightful posts in amongst the fighting.
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I totally agree with people regarding witnesses, that just because a witness states X,Y,Z it doesn't make it necessarily true.

But I would like to throw out there; we don't actually have much reason to doubt them based on what we've heard so far. To me if I'm suggesting a medical professional is purposefully lying, or that multiple medical professionals have gotten something majorly wrong, I should have some logic behind that conclusion. And I just don't feel like "sometimes people get things wrong" is a good rebuttal to a medical professional providing their peer reviewed findings in court. If the defence has an expert willing to contradict the previous ones though, then I'm all ears.

Obligatory disclaimer as always: I acknowledge we're not the jury and we don't need to fully justify our opinions. People are allowed to have gut feelings and knee jerk reactions and that's fine.
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I’m just catching up with the live reporting and I’m behind on the thread but she sounds almost avoidant when asked if she will be back to work for Baby As debrief saying “She will be looking to get back in time for that.”

It’s also concerning that she says work is too quiet. Isn’t that the ideal situation on a neonatal ward? You would think quiet was good as it meant happy stable babies.
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I just can’t get my head round why no PM was done. I don’t blame the parents at all because they took the advice from the hospital, even the coroner said it wasn’t needed. I know this was a premature baby but he had unexplained bleeding. The doctor said 13mls and never seen that much before in a tiny baby - 25% of blood volume . Do poorly babies sometimes just bleed with no known cause? Or would it just be presumed to be something?
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I’m finding the medical experts pretty compelling again. Defence cross examination is just not giving me any cause for reasonable doubt as the other issues they raise, like blockage in the bowel, are explained away. It helps there are X-rays as it’s more tangible than just notes and memories.

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I think Prof Arthur’s evidence has been incredibly strong, and this is why Dewi Fella said he’d rather defer that particular bit to the radiologist. I think he was excellent at disagreeing with BM theory on bowel blockage as he states clearly there was no medical sign of this, and more importantly it would have been found during PM and it definitely wasn’t. I also think Dr Bohin has been fantastic this morning, she’s acknowledged all the problems within the hospital, acknowledged that D should have been given antibiotics sooner etc BUT has then gone on to explain why they alone could not be responsible for the sudden and unexpected collapses. I think she’s a very strong witness for prosecution, certainly for D anyway. I think the pathologist will be just confirming what Prof Arthur’s, has already said on the defence’s theory of blockage in C being cause of death, there was no sign of this in PM
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Um 😶 ..

Letby's note: 'both parents present during the resus. Fully updated by nursing and medical team throughout. Parents wished for [Child E] to be baptised....

'Child E was bathed by myself and photographs taken as requested, both were present during this. Consent obtained for [hair] and hand/footprints...'

was consent obtained 🤔 the mother in the evidence earlier seemed surprised by the memory box she received! Any one else notice this? Or have I got it wrong ?

The mum adds they were given a "memory box" by Lucy Letby which "totally surprised" her and included a memory card, a lock of his hair, a teddy, hand/footprints.

The mum said she was "so overcome with emotion" by that, as she had no other memories for Child E.

Another teddy was provided, and the teddies were swapped, so Child F had Child E's teddy bear, and vice versa.

Lucy Letby also presented a picture of Child F, having 'rolled over and cuddled the [Child E] bear', which she said was 'so amazing' so she had taken a picture to give to them.
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So my cat got hit by a car (we think) but earlier on that day I had to clean her paws cause neighbour had painted their window sils & my nosy dickhead cat had walked on it, after she was cleaned up she sulked & went out to play nothing wrong with her. The little bugger returned home later limping. I second guessed myself & was thinking fuck was me cleaning her paws the cause of said limp? I didn’t protest I DID this, it was a fleeting thought & confirmed by the vet my mani/pedi skills on the cat were not the cause.

What I’m getting at is sure there was a moment where I thought oh man have I fucked up even if I had good intentions?

Perhaps if we find out more about her mental health/personality it may help more? Is it called catastrophising? It’s been years since CBT 😂 I know my example is way different but similar thought process. I dunno im chatting shit now. FYI - the cat is fine now apart from being a fluffy meowing shit bag.
You've just reminded me of a patient I once had to assess! Their family member had died, and they were so distraught that the called us over to see her. She was convinced that she had killed the family member, she wanted us to call the police. Her ramblings weren't far off what LL's note said, she hadn't slept the 2 weeks her family member had been in hospital and prior to that had been a full time carer. She recalled one specific incident which she used to explain herself. Turns out they were a bit of a worrier, an anxious person which doesn't necessarily lead to a diagnosis of anxiety. Anxious people can often seek lots of validation and support too.
I'm sure some people will think it's irrelevant but it shows that innocent people can admit to murder 🤷‍♀️
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He knows Lucy’s notes are incriminating against the mum’s testimony due to time discrepancies so he’s trying to insist the timing was at 10pm instead of 9pm. If the jury believe the mum then they will know Lucy must have lied and falsified her records.

But I don’t think the mum would be mistaken over what she saw when she first went down there, being sent back to ward, ringing her husband, waiting, going back down and seeing resuscitation etc. and the phone records just back up her sequence of events.
They’d have to believe the mother did not attend a scheduled feed too. Did that mother sound like she would have gone an hour late? She sounded completely besotted 💔 she should have had that happiness 💔
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I'm in the unsure camp and I'm staying there until the defence have their turn. Right now this is the prosecutions case so if she didn't appear guilty whilt they were presenting their case, we'd all be wondering how it got this far.
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