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This is absolutely horrific, the poor mam of those twins. Lucy letby is an evil cunt. Just change ya plea bitch and spare the other parents having to go through giving evidence - except she’s probably getting off on listening to all this!!!!!!
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Lucy isn’t just stating that it’s a quiet shift. The issue with Lucy is she is saying that it’s ‘too quiet’ as if it’s too boring or slow for her. Her colleague even replies telling her not to complain so she read it that way too. Which given her recent ‘bad run’ that upset her so much is just bizarre and very suspicious.

A message sent from nursing colleague Jennifer Jones-Key to Lucy Letby at 10.34pm on August 2 says: "Hope work ok".

Letby replies: "...yeah it's fine, bit too Q word really."

The reply: "Don't complain as Wed and Thurs horrible lol! It will pick up again."
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The baby was screaming a horrendous cry - why didn’t Letby intervene? Why stand at the workstation doing nothing? To try and down play the mothers recollection of her baby crying is a disgrace.
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I have noticed that it's the people who are firmly in the guilty "camp" who can't tolerate any dissent who are upset.

I will tell the truth about these threads as you have:

A) people are only getting on because most people in the NG camp are being either super diplomatic so as not to ruffle feathers, or have buggered off.

B) Now is the absolute epitome of "you have had the audacity to highlight issues that some posters are feeling, therefore YOU are the problem. It can't possibly be us. See, everyone who agrees with me about that is...agreeing with me. And if I am a bitch to you, if you call me out on it, it will be you that's the problem, not me."

C) I can't even be arsed to explain the psychology behind those views but what I can say, with 100% certainty is that the pack mentality is alive and well here and DARVO isn't the good look they think it is.
I get what you’re saying, really I do. There are certain posters on here who are genuinely snipey (and imo a bit overly obsessed with this case to the point that they’re actually being rude to people), but at the end of the day it’s a gossip forum and they’re allowed to be like that as long as they’re not breaking any rules, which they’re not 🤷‍♀️.
We’ve had this discussion so many times about posters being rude and the only solution is to just scroll past any bitchy posts or just put them on ignore. This is just disrupting the thread now.
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Team unsure. Swaying ever so slightly towards guilty because there seems to be a lot of coincidences. Still keeping an open mind and baring in mind there's a long way to go. Really appreciate everyone's views and perspectives, it gives me a lot to think about.
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Anyone who fancies a bit of balance, if you don't need it, that's fine too.

Snippet below
Had care been given to the nationally recognised standards, the outcome could have been different in 97, or 48%, of the 202 cases assessed by the Panel, and the outcome could have been different in 45 of the 65 baby deaths, or 69% of these cases.
l The Panel has not been able to detect any discernible improvement in outcomes or suboptimal care, as evidenced by the cases assessed over the period from 2009 to 2020.
At first I discounted it as the statistics and length of time wasnt relevant enough, up until I came across that the neonatal unit had 16 deaths and 6 brain damaged children over the course of 9 months.

Other points of interest are failure to notice and escalate signs of deterioration adequately,
falsified/inadequately documented medical records to deflect blame from the trust and clinicians,
personal blame shifting and avoidance,
toxic work culture.
Failure in listening to parents health concerns,
minimising health concerns in both record form and to parents.
Staff saying things such as its gods will to parents after a death ect. All pretty grim tbh.

It has a lot of crossover to what prosecution are currently presenting, minus the killer nurse.
Also ties in with various defence cross examinations.

It Doesn't explain the insulin, and obviously it doesnt contain exact replications of cases in the trial, but hopefully I can drop this in without much offence to anyone, as its not intended, but i feel its relevant with the amount of related information available in the report.
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Sorry am I supposed to feel guilty now about my opinions, how often I post, how I post when I see exactly the same things back from other opinions, it’s just there’s less of them because less people here think that way 🤷🏻‍♀️ So do I have to hide instead? What’s the answer? Just crack on and post your feelings and expect responses. It’s up to you how often you post. Of course a range of opinions and thoughts from professionals are totally appreciated but you can also disagree with them or find the evidence you’re presented more compelling! Nobody has to agree with anything. It’s all ok. Nobody has been mean or disparaging here for weeks. There’s also lots of guilty posters that have largely dipped out - can think of two key ones! I don’t see what the problem is really except that we’re now all going down dangerous territory for all falling out again instead of discussing the case so far.
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Been lurking since the start (with a few breaks in between because mental health) so hi!
I am team unsure, I have a gut feeling she is guilty but I cannot completely accept it. I cant believe someone would train all those years to care for little babies and then kill them. My brain can’t comprehend it and I feel physically sick at the thought of her actually, purposefully murdering those babies.
I will see how the rest of the trial goes but I agree there are a lot of coincidences and it doesn’t look good for her.
This whole thing breaks my heart, it’s so fucking sad.
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I said not long ago after child D things will start looking worst and it’s already started .
child E was doing well he was being moved near home so that in itself is an amazing sign and they absoluwoukd not allow that if they thought he was poorly . Within two hours he died

just heartbreaking 💔
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Sorry if it’s been answered - In the UK, does someone have to plead not guilty in order to have a jury trial? I don’t know a great deal about the UK judicial system.

Seems so odd if that’s the case because then her lawyers have advised her to plead not guilty, which means they think she isn’t guilty… surely a better option would have been to enter a plea deal and admit guilt & remorse??
I wouldn't expect much of a plea deal when we are talking of 22 charges. LL has nothing to lose by taking it to trial...but alot to gain.
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Letby's note for 8pm at August 3 is written, written at 4.51am retrospectively, to say: "Mummy was present at start of shift attending to cares."

Why is an 8pm note being written retrospectively (after baby died) when nothing appears to have been happening at 8pm to delay writing notes? 🤔
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Totally awful so far today. Ben Myers starts off sympathetic to the parents, only then to suggest their accounts are inaccurate/false. As with every single witness he's done the same, it's like suggesting their facts are wrong is all he's got to go on

These poor parents are having to talk, in front of a Court and the press, about the hardest thing that's ever happened to them. Not impressed with BM at all, realise he's a defence lawyer but it's horrific. I know the parents would have been briefed on this but they did so well to give their accurate accounts and not give BM a piece of mind!
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'Child E was bathed by myself and photographs taken as requested, both were present during this. Consent obtained for [hair] and hand/footprints...'

But mum was really surprised when presented with the memory box as hasn’t been expecting it, so was consent actually obtained?
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I have just finished listening to The Mail podcast. Episode 5, baby C. I'm actually shaking, I think the podcast does a good job of being very matter of fact and gives a much better idea of what the jury are hearing than this thread and the "live" reporting.

I personally find it hard to keep up everyday as the reporting can be so disjointed and contradictory at times.

RIP these poor babies, so loved, so wanted and died so needlessly.

The poor staff had to have been traumatised by what was happening, we spoke yesterday about how we can and people generally do blame themselves when they have done nothing wrong. I feel the other staff in this hospital were probably beating themselves up every day thinking they were missing something or that maybe they were at fault somehow. Little did they realise they weren't just struggling with being under-resourced and under-staffed, they were fighting a losing battle with a serial killer too.

Staff had to have left the profession after this surley?
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Chatty Member
I actually think you are being really unfair saying posters ‘ripped apart’ Weeder on the rashes thing . I was one poster who went back to Weeder and what I thought was respectfully asking her more about it as a non-medic. I still wasn’t 100% satisfied with the response based on what I read from court but chose not to reply again because of concerns about accusations such as this. No disrespect to Weeder but am I meant to just take her opinion over what I’m hearing in court? You’ve said you don’t like the G camp trying to persuade others but then you are effectively telling the G camp should have more respect and take posters saying they work in certain fields as fact rather than opinion.

I understand if you get a lot of posters replying to you with an opposing opinion it might feel like being ripped apart or like piling on but it’s a discussion forum with a lot of posters, what exactly are we meant to do?
I couldn't be bothered to peruse it because so many people couldn't seem to see the difference in what was being described, nor did they wish to disagree with the prosecution. Witnesses, which I feel btw have been dire. I understand many like to argue how amazing they are, but clinically I'm cringing.. And I was pretty high up btw... I knew my stuff.

I do think G but not blindly. I think the prosecution have fucked it thus far and the medical staff are to blame for obfuscating the fact she killed them.

I do sometimes feel people are sneery which is why fella helps a bit.

One poster I refused to engage with for a bit.. It's better for me, but I do hear the tone that's so fucking frustrating creeping in a bit again.

It's ok though.. I'm silently judging them as much as they're sneering so 🤷‍♂️.

I think I studied the actual statistics, numbers, coincidences and timings and tried to undetstand from grass roots why the CPS bought the case and what steps have been taken, in light of other murders like this, to guarantee that type of evidence.

Honestly, the clinical stuff don't even seem to have the good grace to admit when something isn't right. It's fairly typical of SOME of my experience. They'll happily cover for each other.. Even that high up.

Anyway.. I'm waffling. Let's maybe try being a bit more compassionate with each other.

I for sure don't need the ignominy of being embroiled in a forum row.. It's so 1999🙄

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God this part where her colleague saw her standing in a darkened room by the door when the baby was pale and essentially unresponsive is terrifying! She appears to really be an angel of death 💔 heart breaks for these poor families and the little babies and the colleagues who thought they knew her!
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I worked on adult wards but when I used the Q word it was because everybody was asleep lol
however in a neonate ward you want it to be Q and relaxing and it’s a good sign everything’s going well

such a wierd thing for her to text .
No way were her colleagues not talking about her behind her back.
They must have been!
I honestly wonder what JJK must have thought when she received such a bizarre text.
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Chatty Member
Does this mean she searched other parents ?
I mean how many times did she search other families?
it proves nothing really because maybe that’s how she picked her victims in some sick twisted way
The other parents she searched for were not included in this court case, but whose to say she did not try to harm these babies too, but the police don’t have enough evidence to charge and hopefully these babies survived …
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I personally think the most likely reason is FDOA, she enjoyed the Adrenalin and attention of crash situations and deaths. She got enjoyment from hurting and killing also. She’s in her own words ‘evil’. She enjoyed the grief of the parents and families and enjoyed the attention it brought her and enjoyed the chase of outwitting people and getting away with it. I think she was out of control and knew there wasn’t any coming back from it hence what she wrote, the fact she kept things despite knowing people were suspicious. And I think she’s likely getting a thrill from the trial.
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