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SO many very mentally ill people (& PD) go under the radar. As some very knowledgeable people above have mentioned ^^ it is not ‘one size fits all’. Just as someone with depression might never sleep, someone else suffering with it might sleep all the time (probably a terrible analogy, lol) I think anyone with any direct experience with PD (family, friend, themselves) will know this.

Her notes are just SO odd for me. Did she write those after she was arrested & charged, or just after she was moved to clerical duties?

Mildly unrelated – Mass shooters (US, duh) often keep journals or notes for whatever reason, both the Columbine kids kept them and it really helped give some form of diagnosis.
Do you reckon she has more notes?
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How can you complain the NICU is too quiet?! Sorry that is an absolutely odd thing to say
What used to happen when units lie ICU or NICU is quiet the staff are sent out to cover staff shortages in the hospital on the wards etc which staff hate so they’d always prefer a busy unit
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I might be wrong but for one of the other babies didn’t the doctor at the time say the line was too high? But then when giving evidence he said now he has experience and after looking at the X-rays he says there was no issue with the placement? Surely this contradicts that as this witness is saying you can’t just base it on X-rays and have to look at the baby in front of you. And when that doctor was looking at the baby they thought it was too high?
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Thank you ❤ it’s refreshing to read others are happy to sway and change their minds further down the line evidence dependent, I know I am. I feel like I have a good sense of people so I trust my current judgement but also, I’ve never been in her presence so can I trust my own judgement here 🤷🏻‍♀️

Oh thank you! Consider this my RSVP to your invite… I’ll bounce over now, sounds up my street! See you there 🤣 x

Here you go xx
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Would she be able to stand up in court and acknowledge that she did search for them? She’s had years to play this over in her head and nothing but time to think up valid reasons for the searches and everything else that paints a picture of guilt. You could quite easily have a mind blank while under arrest and think up an answer later. I know I would be playing over every occurrences to try and piece things together.
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Charles Cullen seems to have functioned OK, apart from murdering and harming people of course.
Edit: and Dr Shipman.
Charles Cullen made several suicide attempts and had an admission to a psychiatric hospital. I'm not sure either of those have a diagnosis of any personality disorder? Can't find anything to say they did.
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Honestly I can’t stand use the ignore button. Even if I think someone’s a dick and don’t want to engage with them, I’m a nosy bitch and need to know what they’re on about 🤣 I can understand why people don’t use it.
Yeah, I get it. I can be the same but it is basically what the mods will suggest and it might be useful to some people.
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You can probably see where I get my typos, rambling and swearing from 🤣 don’t know if it’s useful or not and I feel like I might delete but here goes.
Totally agree with all that. There will be stuff in hindsight but people can just dismiss it as them being weird. Until it's looked at through the lense of their later behaviour. I honestly think if LL has done this, her wiring is absolutely fucked.

Edit: and please don't delete it. It's so interesting. Thank God LL has been caught now. If she has done this, she's pretty young for it to come to light. And if she does have a PD it will only have got worse without treatment then god knows how many could have suffered. Sounds like she was becoming more out of control with it already. Poor babies.

Also edited to add: surely it depends on the level of impairment of functioning, risk, and whether needs can be met in a prison as to whether someone stays in clink or ends up in MH hospital? Bev Allit was no further risk due to her FD in prison, because there was noone she could act out her disorder on. But if her own MH was shot due to other aspects of her disorders, then off to MH hospital she trots.
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I’m not gonna even pretend to be knowledgable in this area but don’t personality disorders generally come with a lot of instability, ie issues with forming relationships with others, emotional difficulties, substance abuse, sexual promiscuity, self harm etc.
obviously we’ve seen no psychiatric reports yet but from the way others have described her, it doesn’t seem that she was particularly volatile.
No, she seems very controlled and in control to me.
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I was literally just clarifying the time line for the note, I’ve said nothing to do with my interpretation of it. I think the prosecution did make a pretty big deal about it though, it was there bombshell reveal towards end of opening
I know, I wasn't questioning you - I was just replying under the timeline.
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Sorry for the lack of paragraphs! I write on here extremely quickly and cringe at my mistakes but don’t have the time to think too much about all that side of things. I’ll try but can’t promise anything 😬 just when I thought I couldn’t feel any more unwelcome here 😅 🤣

I am assuming the placement and volume of air and the fact it’s the same in a few babies in the case are significant.
Yes, agree, it's significant I believe because of line placement. Not because of that's where air sits when you get injected with it.
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Been lurking since the start (with a few breaks in between because mental health) so hi!
I am team unsure, I have a gut feeling she is guilty but I cannot completely accept it. I cant believe someone would train all those years to care for little babies and then kill them. My brain can’t comprehend it and I feel physically sick at the thought of her actually, purposefully murdering those babies.
I will see how the rest of the trial goes but I agree there are a lot of coincidences and it doesn’t look good for her.
This whole thing breaks my heart, it’s so fucking sad.
I agree. I do think she's guilty but I don't think she went into nursing with cruel intentions.
It's utterly heartbreaking 💔
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Tiny me rail.
When my mum died in her bed at a nursing home she had to have a post-mortem. Not because it was suspicious as such but because it was sudden and she was alone.
Maybe because this poor babies death was attended by physicians a pm wasn’t necessary?
Was there any indication in the (falsified) nursing notes that the baby had been bleeding from the mouth? How did the Dr know that 13mls of blood had been lost?
Not making excuses. Just wondering.
I'm going off to look at it again but I read that in the K word document some babies didn't get sent to PM or the coroner because of the criteria on expected deaths. I'll try and see if I can find it.
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Well I thought the cat story was about the note being found before her arrest and how just because she wrote some mad shit on it doesn't necessarily mean anything cause we would all have moments where we would potentially blame ourselves even if it didn't make sense that we did it!

BUT I could have totally got it wrong too!!
No I think you and OP talking about note. But the OP quoted my post on police interviews and her forgetting stuff which is why I assumed we were talking about that, not the note. Guess that’s why the cat thing made zero sense to me🤣
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Perhaps she was writing down what the accusations from the hospital were. There seems to be a bit of reflection there too, with the questioning how it had got to this point. I could imagine an innocent person doing that. It's utterly impossible to read tone so I feel I need to disregard it right now. In isolation I don't think it's helpful, or an admission.
Also how I feel!!
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