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I agree with you completely but just don't think it's worth it. She's upset more than she's happy and speaking for me personally, I just don't see that the benefits of what the page gives her outweigh the negativity surrounding it and what it does to her health. Of course someone else (like Lucy) might think differently and it's worth it. I just couldn't do it and do think she's a strong girl.
100% agree. Its not worth it at all.
Bottom line here with Lucy is she should not be on a public social media platform!
She can do whatever she likes but not when she’s in the public eye like when is she going to realise this.! Honestly I do think she is a really nice girl but her social media actually goes through me and makes me dislike her so much, does anyone else feel like that? I’ve met her so many times and she’s so so lovely and absolutely not who she portrays online and that’s what bugs me.

whoever is saying above that what happened in secondary school is irrelevant now and it shouldn’t be talked about, but she had an online presence when she was as young as 13 so she knew people would be speaking about her in the actions she done, that’s the issue here.
If this same thing was being spoken about for Rosie Connolly or Ellie Kelly I think people would have different views, why? Because Lucy plays the MH card very well
I said it. We will have to disagree on that one. If I was judged on the person I was before reaching 18 I would hate it. Its weird holding onto grudges from secondary school. Totally understand what you are saying about RC and EK but I still wouldn't support their secondary school history representing the women they are today 😂 you do realise how much the brain matures during those years? Irrelevant argument to be honest. Judge her for what you see, not what some jealous young one has to say. I dont agree with any thing she has done lately, very irresponsible. Ringing her mother in the middle of the night etc pissed drunk. I wont however, focus on her childhood. Maybe again its my age but Its strange.
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She must read Tattle because she said she sold the 100 cheaper subscriptions and had to do it again which is why we see 92 or whatever and not that she only sold 8. Maybe what she said is the case but I do think its a bit weird that she felt the need to justify it on the live with Ross the other day
I'm sorry I love Lucy etc but what the hell is she speaking about an explicit over 18s website with a 15 year old for? 😭😭😭
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VIP Member
Getting a dog is just a step too far how is the poor dog going to get up and down those stairs? Imagine having to carry it up and down everytime the dog needs to go to the toilet!! And she has a very active social life you can't be leaving a dog that long alone
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I completely agree, fair play to Lucy shes gone out and managed to make friends for herself in just a week and shes making an effort to immerse herself in the culture. I really thought having Niamh over would kinda delay her from doing that, as Niamh clearly doesnt want to socialise. I really think Barcelona could have a great impact on Lucy tbh, and I admire her for that.
That’s true, like what was the point of Niamh going over then? Surely she could have stayed in her own bed in turkey if that’s all she wanted to do. Seems like a burden to Lucy now just hanging around the house , god forbid she’d get fresh air
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Chatty Member
She’s on TikTok now playing would you rather with Abby on a live
By the sounds of it, they had an extremely toxic relationship 😬 love how she's giving out about noone asking questions, the only question people want to know is what happened with Kneevo and she won't answer that 😂
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Oh raging I missed the lives they sounded crazy! Was she buying drugs? She’s extremely erratic lately. She’s up and down so much. All her moods are so extreme. It definitely looks like she’s on something more than drink 🤔
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She’s definitely pissed, she’s slurring at one point. We’ve all been there but girl, record your promo stories when you’ve sobered up 😬
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Well-known member
Anyone else think this isn’t a good move for Lucy.. moving to a new country on her own, she doesn’t seem to know many there, she won’t be getting a job outside of her apartment to mix/meet people, seems very isolating for a young somewhat vulnerable young girl!
I agree but it’s not too far off her life at home either. The grid picture she just posted is too staged looking for me like the straight back and pout lips, something extremely unrelatable about it. However I do wish her the best of luck moving country can be very scary and daunting so I do hope she will be okay. Who knows this could be the eye opener she needs!
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Chatty Member
Realistically how many people is she going to actually influence to go over to Barcelona and learn Spanish 🙄
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One thing I just can’t make sense of is why did they bother going through the trouble? Like if Lucy was going to cover for her from the beginning would it not have been so much easier for Lucy to not even mention anything about Kneevo coming over and for Kneevo to pretend she’s in Turkey even if she wasn’t .. that’s what’s not adding up for me like why did they bother🤔
It was said here when niamh was going to Spain that something would happen and they would fall out, the only thing I’m thinking is they didn’t want to prove the tattlers right so they let on all was fine 🤣 would you be bothered keeping up the pretence.. it just shows how immature they both are!
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Was kneevo really in hospital thou?
I’m questioning that too because from what I can remember every other time she’s been in hospital it was plastered all over her social media. Unless she went in for something she didn’t want people to know about which is why she kept it on the DL. Someone mentioned drugs before, I’m not speculating or making accusations but if she hypothetically took something and ended up in hospital over it that’s definitely not something she’d plaster on her Instagram
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Chatty Member
Same!!! I don't think Kneevo or Miriam are good people for her to be involved with. They seem to generate drama in everything they do and live by "any publicity is good publicity". Can't imagine that'd be good for Lucy's health either.
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New member
She looks even uncomfortable doing them or something
Maybe she’s just branching out and trying new things. Must be hard to break the mold of the young 16 year old mua she once was, people change she’s just having a Miley Cyrus moment and that’s okay too, she can’t stay sweet and innocent forever
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Just seen a video she put on tiktok there of her trying to get random strangers to high five her. Does she not realise we’re in a pandemic and it’s probably not wise to touch random people’s hands, or that they might not want to touch yours? 🤔 especially since only yesterday she found out she tested negative
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Chatty Member
What is Lucy doing for money? She has done very few ads since she moved to Barcelona and I just don't understand how she is living 🙈
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