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Only fans must not be going great for her so far if she has to do 50% off sale already. I really do think this is a step in the wrong direction for her as she does seem so unsure of herself still. She’s only young and still figuring her life out so it can’t be a great move to post such personal stuff like that and ask people to pay for those pictures in exchange. It all seems like a messy road to me and unfortunately I feel like that kind of thing can’t end well. I do hope she has some good people around her guiding her in a better direction.
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I just think only fans will defo have a negative impact into all the hard work she has put it into the last 5 years on Instagram. She often does ads for so sue me and them kinda brands I doubt it worth losing those deals. It’s a lot easier to lose everything then build it back up again . Poor girl x
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Chatty Member
im so disappointed... i actually liked lucy. then again she failed her leaving cert and didn't get into college so I guess only fans is just an easy money maker for her
Hhmm that's a bit unfair to make that comment about the LC. She has been doing courses and has worked from a young age. Like by 19 she has won 2 gossie awards, was doing makeup and had that palet with inglot.
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Chatty Member
True!! To be fair to Lucy though thats only a new thing, and she's gotten nominated for plenty of gossies in the past! Christ above I actually hate the fact there's an award for greatest influencer!! Greatest pain in the hole trying to convince people to buy shite would be a better title 🤣
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Like I can’t understand, even if I was tired, if I went over to a beautiful city to see my ‘bestie’, of course I’d drag myself out of bed at 3pm to go for a walk/tour, Atleast make an effort. Like she probably wasn’t even drinking, why is she all day everyday in the bed. Surely you’d get bed sores 😂 can’t be good for the mental head to be stuck in your bed all day. Unlike us poor joe’s who have 9-5 jobs, we don’t have that privilege
I completely agree, fair play to Lucy shes gone out and managed to make friends for herself in just a week and shes making an effort to immerse herself in the culture. I really thought having Niamh over would kinda delay her from doing that, as Niamh clearly doesnt want to socialise. I really think Barcelona could have a great impact on Lucy tbh, and I admire her for that.
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We can only hope
There is no way Tadhg Fleming would do a podcast with her when she does OF. He has a very young following and is all about family and fun. It would be disastrous for him to associate himself with her. At least you'd hope.
Her videos are full of shite but I'd rather watch 50 of her videos talking about needing to buy a duvet than any of Kneevos shite and sharing screenshots from her OFs content. I think if Lucy makes friend's and builds a good support group in Barcelona she will do well. I think its very invasive for Niamh to impose when she's not even a week there and still finding her way around the place and making contacts.
On one of Lucy's videos she said it was a surprise or something to that effect where Niamh text saying "I'm coming over". I'd be fuming.
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latest tweet
If she overdosed while in Barcelona that was a really shitty move from Lucy to not support her. OK they haven't been friends for long but no decent human would go off sight seeing and drinking with friends when their guest is recovering in hospital. I actually feel sorry for Niamh and how alone she must have felt over there. I'm also surprised her family didn't intervente and beg her to come home instead of allowing her to jet off to get more surgeries when she is clearly still very vulnerable.
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Chatty Member
I think the concern is that she comes across as unsure of herself, her direction, her future. She also admits that her mental health is up and down and I don't know if this was the right step for her just yet.
I hope she has thought this through and isn't just jumping on the bandwagon with regrets about it later in life. And I hope it won't affect her mental health.
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Well-known member
Looks like Spanish school is being tossed to the side for art college.. such a pity she really can’t see anything through.. it was only last week she was getting paid to promote the school.. she’s loosing all credibility
I'm sorry but art college takes a lot of dedication, at her current state I can't see her seeing anything through. She should stick to Spanish school especially since she is living in Spain ffs! She's a mess
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She literally can’t stick to anything!

I think as a young girl that’s completely fine, but she starts so many things, goes on about them on stories, and then never mentions it again (Slimming World, sewing, her job). She needs a manager or something because it can’t be good for her image.

Again, this is totally normal for a girl her age but it’s the fact that she uses her platform to go on about something as if it’s the most important thing in the world, then drops it. I feel bad for her, she needs someone to either nudge her in a direction or restrict what new thing she is fascinated with from going on her stories etc until she has stuck with it for a while.
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Active member
Why not though? It’s perfectly legal over there.. it’s not like her followers are going to run out and look for a dealer to give them a bag of weed 🤣🤣
If I smoke a cigarette or have a drink I don’t text all my friends to brag about it, they’re both legal here too. So why make such a big deal out of it to all her followers?🤦🏽‍♀️
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VIP Member
Lucy’s officially doing nude videos on OF
I find this really sad. Nothing to do with being a sex prude but she's so young and seemed so successful with her make up stuff a few years ago. I know she's technically a consenting adult but that doesn't make all of her decisions legit. Your brain isn't even fully developed until you're 25. I look back on some of the dodgy decisions I made at her age, and while they weren't as extreme as this, I definitely wouldn't be making them now that I'm older. I hope she doesn't regret all of this in a few years time.
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VIP Member
I don't like to comment on someone's mental health and I do think Lucy is quite sensitive but I have to agree with you. The up and down moods do seem consistent with bi polar.

Look, we have all done stupid shite when we were her age , myself included and Input myself in some stupid dangerous situations but the difference is my stupidity wasn't on social media for all to see. She needs to either post this to private stories that only friends can see or not post at all. Her insta is her income.

I actually like Lucy but I think she is just a little lost and hasn't quite figured out who is or who she wants to be . I think maybe taking a break from posting such personal things would do her the world of good and give her a chance to figure some stuff out
Totally agree I feel she just rushes head first into things and doesn't think it through and then a few weeks in changes her mind alot. I feel her parents just let her off to do what she wants for fear of upsetting her. I had a lot of freedom when I was younger but no way would my parents have let me go travelling at such a young age I'm talking like to hawaii at 15 or 16. They prob think it's too late now to reign her in I don't think she was given many boundaries when she was younger and could do whatever she wanted and it hasn't given her the maturity to make proper choices in life or think things through when it went tits up in Ireland at least her family were near. I worry for her abroad if something goes wrong she won't have that support system. I feel her parents should have talked her and urged her to spend another year at home until she was well into her recovery. I think Lucy is running from her problems. Lots of girls from small towns have done that off to the USA or Australia but their problems still followed them and they ended up coming home a lot worse mentally
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