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She eats so much salty food and then is surprised that she wakes up with a raging thirst
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I just took a look and tbe farther down you go the worse it gets. Insulting members of the lgbt+ community, poc, asians, women, using the r and n word along with other slurs and much more. Hes basically insulted every minority and exposed himself as a huge bigot. Also when you click on the likes you can see that natasha likes a lot of the sexist stuff and said she related when Daniel compared women to a dishwasher. Shows how her bf must treat her and how women are generally treated in the mciver family. Theres also a decent amount of stuff about fighting with his mom, clearly the family isn't the perfect family that Lucille trys so hard to make us think. Tbe parent must be real pushovers letting him post this (and letting Laura date that creepy guy) or else they share the same views
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I'm sat here worrying about learning a new language and finding ways to move to Spain to be with my SO or her moving here in the future, but Lucille is worried over a three hour drive to a town in the same country, where either of them finding new jobs wouldn't be all that difficult. Having a significant other live a few hours away isn't that much to worry about in regards to the future when neither of you have kids or anything necessarily holding you back (other than an attachment to family who you could visit regularly)???
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As a side note I don’t think she should be replying when people ask if Laura has had the baby yet. Laura wants it kept private and for the dad not to know, it keeps him informed when Laura clearly wants nothing to do with him.
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I'm honestly starting to feel scared about Daniel. He just shared one of those videos an hour ago where it's disturbing and you have to click the see video to view. Someone in a park getting kicked and hurt I think. I think he finds this funny. I really felt scared the second video I just flicked through quickly to see what it was cause I did not want to see it. People messing with a gun and getting shot in the foot. This is really disturbing and terrifying to me. Does he think this is funny.? I can't believe it honestly. So he's also into sharing disturbing videos not just racist and disturbing posts. I think we have the right feeling about him.
I find it so scary what he's sharing and posting
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Such a sad life for all of them.
Lucille who only has ambition to work in retail and not push herself in life. Has a car but will only drive to work and taxi her sisters around. What a boring life it must be for her, the only excitement is seeing her boyfriend which she always seems to travel up to? She sits around making the most bring vlogs, constantly going over to Natasha and being treated like a slave, constantly Natasha being dropped off and picked up from appointments. She seems to be obsessed with Rosie, constantly filming her and always putting her in the vlogs. Is it just me who wonders where she gets all this money from to eat out at Costa all the time, afford to run her car, buy a new phone, new laptop and computer? Even when she didn’t have a job she was still splashing the cash.
Laura and Natasha seem like nasty little girls who just take advantage of Lucille. Making her pick them up and drop them off because they cannot he asked to get public transport or get a licence. The way they come across is disgusting. Natasha always seeming so up her own arse. Thinking her children are the best, cannot take a bit or parenting advice or criticisms I see... I don’t see why she should be offended about the autism thing because to me it’s very clear she has signs of it, I work with children who have autism so I should know. Rosie is not advanced, she could only barely walk half a year ago.
I’m at a loss for words on the mother, letting her 16 year old daughter date a 30 year old man with two children of his own. Disgusting that she could let this happen. I know Laura is the age of consent but she was under 18 which still made her a child, an adult dating a child? Yes that’s normal?! Allowing her to get knocked up and live at home with the baby, wow what life goals. As a mother how can you sit there and watch your children waste away, no ambition nothing. Just wanting children and living off the state. Must be so sad watching your children turning into robots and not doing anything productive. Funny how they always say they have no money to go on holiday but can waste a load of money on junk food/ ready meals and weekly costs Trips. The children are not educated with real life problems and just seem to have a sad future ahead of them. They are all still so young they should be going out with friends, holidays, enjoying themselves and finding who they are but none of them are interested.
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she is honestly just such a greedy girl.

also feel really bad for her dad - probably working stupid hours a week while they all slob away in the house and then having to go out to Tesco for eggs for them!!
She really ls. No way she is "hungry" all time the plate fuls of food she shovels away and she should honestly be embarrassed laughing that she troughs whole family bags of crap in one sitting.

Wow is she playing on this 'self isolation' thing. Babe, you're sat in a house all day, playing your Nintendo switch, with four other people. You're not a bloody hero.
Try living alone having your 40th on Easter Sunday (when u had a party and trip away booked) she loves being in the house doing nothing

ive commented thisbefore but tbh her parents' diet seems awful.too
It's appalling.

I can’t with her going on about not having an Easter egg and that who knows next time she’ll get chocolate. She’s had at least one Easter egg before Easter that we saw ( Laura said in the other vlog she’d had a few). Plus her dad went and got her one so she did get one in the end. She did that massive order from that app thingy and got an insane amount of chocolate, yet she’s still acting like she’s not had a single piece since lockdown started? She’s had more chocolate in a week than most people have in a month ffs, how can she seriously act like she’s hard done by?
She eats more chocolate in a day than I eat in 2 months. Seriously needs to get a grip.

And what's with 2 bacon rolls? Surely one is enough after two slices of bread and 2 eggs for breakfast! Then she's in the cupboard "treating herself" shortly after! Then nearly a whole bag of haribo then a huge plate of dinner Then a whole Easter egg. Sheer greed.
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Lucilles what I eat videos,
they seem a bit pointless now and overdone cause that's all she does.
This is the day of the drama the video she was filming when it all happened over daniel.
That guy commenting Mike5 "sexy deep voice" just creepy and gross.
You don't see a lot of them creepy weird comments on her channel cause she's smaller. Sounds like a perv.
Hardly a challenge is it shoveling her favourite meal deals down her greedy throat! Talk about overload!
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I'm glad she addressed and acknowledged it! While I don't think his opinions are a reflection of Lucille's at all, it's obviously discouraging to see such sexist, racist and islamophobic views. I can see why she'd feel anxious by the whole situation; it is a frustrating and helpless feeling when you're, by name and blood, linked to someone whose gross views are public enough to be seen by your subscribers. You can tell she's a worrier and someone who doesn't want to be perceived as a nasty person, so while I'm glad things were brought to her more immediate attention, I genuinely do not wish for this to cause harm to her mental health.
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This is my thought on the Daniel situation. His posts and views are vile. Is a 16/17 year old old enough to know better? Absolutely. Does that mean a 16/17 will know better? Of course not. If age was the only factor in the views people held, we wouldn’t have a lot of the problems we do have. Just because anecdotally we all know some kids that age who don’t hold these beliefs and are switched on to social issues, doesn’t change the mentality of teens like Daniel. All you have to do is have the misfortune to be sat on a bus with a group of teenage lads to hear some horrendous things. It’s that group mentality. Daniel most likely posts that kind of stuff because it’s what’s considered ‘cool’ and funny’ in his friend group and because it’s the kind of thing that gets likes. It doesn’t excuse it but let’s not pretend 16 year old lads as a whole aren’t like that. Hopefully most will grow out of it, I know most of the lads I went to school with aren’t walking around now 10 years later saying the kinds of things they did back then. But then fair enough some still are, and if Daniel is just a nasty, hateful person who deep down believes the things he posts then that is another matter entirely. And I do believe that could be the case, I’m not in any way excusing him, my point is just that unfortunately I think Daniel is the rule and not the exception when it comes to this kind of stuff and lads his age.

I don’t think his views have anything to do with Lucille and I do wish she had have just come out with a post saying ‘these are not my views and I don’t support them but I can’t change the attitude of anyone wont talk about him on my channel anymore’ or something like that. But it’s really pissed me off that she has tried to play the victim here and cried ‘hate’.

Throwing around world like bullying and hate just cheapen they meaning for those who actually receive it. And as has been said here, Lucille doesn’t speak much about her views or things going on in the news so naturally people are going to wonder.

Telling people who don’t correctly assume her position on everything to not watch her videos is the youtuber equivalent of a child saying ‘You guys are mean, I’m taking the ball and going home’

Can almost guarantee there will be a mention in a video about the ‘haters’ twisted of course. And how ‘people who watch my vlogs should know I’m not like that’. Actually no, you have to actually state your views and opinions for people to know them.

Don’t get me wrong I don’t think she shares the views of Daniel, I do think she is a good person but I don’t think she knows her arse from her elbow when it comes to actually understanding any of these issues.

TL;DR I’m pissed she’s trying to play the victim.
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Please, for the love of God, can someone teach her how to make engaging content? I feel like the very 101 of being a YouTuber is gesticulating and engaging your body and whatever else in order to make the content interesting even when it's just you talking to a camera. I say it all the time but she is just too rigid in her own body to be in front of a camera.
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She's not your everyday family person. She's completely obsessed. Half the time when she talks of her family, she sounds like she's in love honestly. She shows more excitement talking about her family members than she ever does Michael. I think her first love will always be family and Michael and any future spouses just have to live with that. I really think it's hard for her to show real excitement for anyone else other than family. Looking forward to this q&a cause it sounds like it be interesting with all our different questions. Depends on what she picks. Ya it's going to be tight in her house with the baby.

Her what I got for my birthday. All excited talking about what her family got her and at the last minute "my boyfriend got me these flowers" wasn't very excited. The difference between the two.
It really is obsession. I'm an only child and I adore my friend's children.. as a "surrogate Auntie " but not to the point of obsession. It's almost creepy with her.
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I didn’t like the comments she left to someone who said the bag she was advertising was too expensive for her followers and it wasn’t something she would normally buy. She got all defensive and said all her followers should be happy for her . Then did an Instagram story about how awful the comment was. When it really wasn’t . I don’t like how she shows her grandad lying in his hospital bed with no top on.

Oh the other annoying thing is the way Lucille goes on about how poor her parents are. Literally talks about it every vlog about how her Mum is a stay at home Mum . Well why doesn’t she get a bloody job then. Unless there is some medical reason which there doesn’t seem to be . The youngest is 15 no reason she can’t work .
They’re definitely not poor. I’m not saying they have money to throw around but as someone else said they have a lot of takeaways and trips to costa and the cinema so they can’t be struggling that much!

I do remember her saying her mum has some health problems but she didn’t say what they were but I think that’s why she doesn’t work.

Also does anyone else think her older sister comes across as really rude and defensive all the time??
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Since she deleted the comments at least its been brought to everyone's attention especially hers. She knows that people know. Well done everyone. Deleting comments only makes her look bad and she knows there's a problem. She's going to be acting furious around Daniel 😂 He is weird. I've seen natasha liking and agreeing a lot of stuff Daniel posts. They're all a bit strange in their own way. That's why they're so fun to talk about. I like lucille's mum and no problem with her dad. We don't see him too much. The whole situation with Laura and her ex and her getting pregnant and doing nothing doesn't say anything good about them either. Maybe honestly they have no problem with what happened. Given Daniels views and seeming the others agreeing and maybe all thinking is in this old world view

I wouldn't pay all the money in the world to be Daniel right now. Hide under your bed Daniel. At least something might be done now about it. Some serious shit is going to go down. Maybe for once her channel will be entertaining 🤣

If he and lucille end up fighting he might say something like "it's you and your bloody youtube lucille, they wouldn't know me or could find me, if it wasn't for you" 😂
It might go back and forth between them something like that.
If her dad finds out all this trouble being caused he might blame lucille too. It's Daniels Facebook but he's only known cause of lucille. Her dad has asked her not to film sometimes, and sometimes she is with her dad and says she won't film because he doesn't like it.
So I think he'd be really annoyed with all this trouble cause of lucille's channel.
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Chatty Member
She even films in Laura’s room still? Like we don’t need to see your workout in someone else’s private space,
Sure she’s fine with you being in there but respect that’s HER and her babies space? She doesn’t film in her brothers room, or her parents, so why is Laura the exception?

maybe it’s different in their family but I was always taught that someone’s room isn’t your space
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has anyone seen her lastest instagram post about the first thing she is doing after lockdown? going to see her family 👀 what about her boyfriend, no mention of him, wonder why
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Strange how she has BARELY mentioned him since lockdown started in the UK. Surely you would talk about him once, especially if you are vlogging every day
Never even a ‘im going to FaceTime Michael now’ or whatever, it’s not like she normally keeps their relationship private
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